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20110���� <br />the St�tE Disbursement Uriit in cases in whic�z Court-ordered su�port <br />is d.eliri�uent in an amount equal to the supFort due and payable for <br />a one-month period of time, Defendan� shall be subject to income <br />withholding and may be required to appear in Court on a date to be <br />determined by the Court and show cause why such payment was not <br />made. In the event that the Defendant fails to �ay and appear as <br />ordered, a warrant shail be issu�d �or Defendant's arrest. <br />6. If either party in the futur� has health insurar�ce <br />coverage fer the minor children availa�ie through his or her <br />employment, he or she shall pro�ide such health insurance coverage <br />for th� minor children and keep it in full force and effect. The <br />Plaintiff shall pay the first $480.00 per year per child of all <br />non-reimbursed reasonable and necessary children's hea.lth care <br />cost.s. All non-reimbursed chi.l�ren's health care ccsts over <br />$480. 00 per year shall be paid 40 o by Flair.ti�f and 60 o by the <br />Defendant. <br />7. Each party sha�l pay their own debts after the ��ate of <br />separat�on, that �ate being Qctober, 20C9. <br />8. That the real estate located at 412 S. Nubia, Cairo, <br />Nebraska, and leqally described as follows: <br />Cairo Ma��field Villa�e, Thir_d Addition, Lot Six (6) and <br />S28' Lat Five (5}, Block Two ;2), Cairo, County, <br />Nebraska, <br />is quieted in the Plaintiff, subject to the encumbranc,e �hereon at <br />Pa�hway Bank, Cairo, Nebraska, which Plaintiff shall pay and shall <br />hold the Defendant harm�ess thereon. <br />9. Plaintiff shall pay her own attorney fees an� c�urt costs. <br />10. Neither party shall receive alimony from the other party. <br />11. P11 payments of child support made pursuant to this <br />Decree o� Dissclution shall be made to the Child Suppart Central <br />Operations Office at P. 0. Box 8264�, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. All <br />� <br />� <br />