. �I�' ,' .;1 'w. �'r1t:'S r� '�a:l�.'1� ���>_y�if t�':Yf� �Q��' � ��f:'{,d' 'ti .. . --} � �r}��w�tiLL�+Yj:����)�v. �• _.
<br /> �11,` . � ,.{�� � /�1?:�tSr!-. ...r •eL Y!+C "
<br /> ��•-w ':wKr "`. .. . . . _:.+ ---____--_--
<br /> � i} .. . ..1.�ra�:..�.�.,.+i�.u .' . .
<br /> . .. ��.t •.�� .
<br /> � �__
<br /> ' ...- . . ..- J�i'{�
<br /> .�.. . . '_._ ,....._.__.
<br /> �. ' '''__-- . .
<br /> "'.W..._ ...__' —'—_
<br /> �•-.�...._�_:.__.�"'-_' ,.
<br /> �r9!_.v:•teieui__'
<br /> �!!._-_
<br /> � � . , . ��'�" � � Baroyin►m�y aurs woh �ddauR nnd ninsqt�.�s provid�d in p�nq�ph 1B, by cawlnp th� �atlon or p►oaNdinp to b� --
<br /> diWr�c�d wUh�n�Ynp tfwt h L�nd�r'a pood faUh dstwminadon.pr�dud�s forlMWn of lh�Bortow�r'�Int�nst In th�PropKty a
<br /> otA�►nwt�rW knpaan�nt o1 th�Wn otNt�d by Ihls Soaurtty M�lrummt or L�ndu'a securfly intarnt. Bartow�r�hdl�Iso b� �
<br /> , � � a ° In d�fwk N Borrow�r� duiinp th��wn applloaWn proaas, Oa� m�twi�Yy f�s�a In�ccurab tniortnaqon a sUt�mnts to L�ndK N _.__.��
<br /> � . (ot hiwd to provid� L�ndK wNh�ny nwt�lal In1omMUon1 N aonn�otion with lh� lan �vidmad by ih�Not�� N�eiudlnp. bul 1
<br /> '��:�;:; . `��;'-`�.,�i. not Nmibd to. np�unt�tlon� ooncKnhp Hortoww's oocup�nay of th� Prop�ty u � prindp�t r�sld�nw. II 1hU S�a�rfly
<br /> " ,. _ .:. InsAum�nt Is an• IMwhuld, 8orrow�r shaq comp.y wqti dl Ih�provl�lons o1 th�la��. 11 8arow�r�cquira fM tiW to th� M
<br /> • � �. , , Prop�rty.Ih�IM��hotd�nd lh�le�tld��hdl not mwy�unta�L�ndr�pr�to th�ma�K in w�tinp. �,Q,
<br /> „ ., ' 7. Prd�otlon af L�nd�r'� Riphb In th�Prop�rt�l.It BarowK hils to pwfam th�aov�nt��nd�pn�tn�nts �!
<br /> ° .. conWn�d in thb 9rewity Mstrum�nt, a then H�Ip�l procwdkip Ihet nwiy slpnManliy�M�at L�d�r's dphu In th�Propwiy �
<br /> _ . � � � (�uoh as�proa�dinp in bmlwptay,Prob�t��la condanmdon or foA�itun a lo�nlaao kws w►aputptlons)� than Landw rtwy
<br /> . . , e :��.�,-_ .__.-. _,_
<br /> ' do�nd p�y fa wh�t�v�le n�eary to prot�ct IM v�iw of Ih�P►op�ty md Und�r'�riphts b ih�Propwy. L�nd�r'� �atlons N
<br /> 1 a ., may halud�P�Y�� NY � s�aund by■ Il�n whloh lu�s pdotily ovx thii S�oudly Insbument. �PP�Y In court, WY�4
<br /> . �wson�bN�ttomeyi' 1�md enbrNtp on ih� Properry to m�k�ap�ks.Aqhouph Und�r m�y Wn�cUon undK thls puaq+iWh
<br /> v ' � 7,L�ndx do�s not h�vs to do so. • -
<br /> My �mounts dlsburnd by Lenda undK pvaynph 7 sh�4 b�aoms �ddiGon�l dsbt of BoROwer t�cursd by this
<br /> 0 9�cwfty U�trummt. Unies�Barower �nd Lendo► �p►ea to other iwms ot p�ymwit, thae unounts �h�ll bwr Int�rat fram �'=''" �
<br /> , . ih� d�te of dbiwrs«nrtt�1 ths Not�mU�nd �haN b�p�y�bl�, wlth int�nat, upon notic�hom L�nd�r to Ba►aw�r r�qu�ilnq =`��'=-_°° _ --_-- .
<br /> ., P�l�ent.
<br /> 8. Mort�p� Insuranc�. If Lendar requked mortyays inauranee �s�conditlon of m�kinq the loan secur�d by this
<br /> -' . Seeurity Imtrummt.Borrowr sh�A pny the premiums requked ta m�inuln tha moAy�pe Inaurance In eifect.H,fa�ny re�aon,the
<br /> .. •: ., ' mort9ays inaumoe cover�p� roquked by Lendsr Npass w ce�nea to be In sifect, Bortow�r ahtll p�y the premlums roqu{nd to —
<br /> � ,.;,,; obUY�coverape�ub�UntWy equNalenl to lhs moRp�qe Inaurnnao pra+rbusly in etted, �t� coet eubstuiUsly equNaNnt to the
<br /> e °rMI„�,� .'"" cost to Borroww o1 the mortp�ps Insuraoce praviouay In ellect, hom�n�hamete morlp�pe Insuror �pproved by Und�r. H -�
<br /> • . aubat�nUeNy equNslenl rnorty�ye inaunncs aovenge is not�vdlaWa, 8ortow�►ah�N p�y to Lender e�ch month a�um qwl to � _
<br /> �i,. ' ° onat�+�.:Rh of ih�yeuly mort�ye ineuru�ce premlum being pald by BoROwer when th�Inwnnce cover�ge lapeed a ce�s�d to — _�
<br /> " • bo In elfeal. Under wAI �cept, uss�nd rM�k�thase p�ymmts aa a loas resen� in Aeu of moK e Intu►�nce. Loes re�erve ��1" ""
<br /> 9�0 �'�:�'-::�:
<br /> �, " p�ymmta m�y na longer be requked,at ih�opUon ol Lendsr,fl mortgage inaururo�covenye Qn the amount and kr th�p�riod -
<br /> • thd Lendw�aquUes) provid�d by�n Innxer approved by Lend�► �galn beaomes av�Nable and le obtafned. BoROwer ahal p�y �L'� '' � �=_
<br /> , , the premluma rpuired to m�totain mortp�qs Insuru�c�In elleot, or to provlds �lose raservs,untU the nquk�m�nt for mo�tyaqe �._�..__._. =
<br /> inwrance anda in accordimcs with�ny written ayreanent belvreen 8orrower and Londe�or�ppNable law. y-••�_
<br /> ° 9. In�p�etlon.Lender or fts�yent rtNy m�ke n�son�bts�nMa upon�nd Inep�otione o11he PropeAy. L�nda�hall pNe �—=-- ;�.
<br /> Borrower notia�t ihe time of a prlor to�n Insp�cdon ap�eiylnq rw�onabl�causs for ths Inspoction. ----
<br /> 10. COIId�mn�t1011. Th�pracaeds o1�ny awud or clalm Iw d�m�pss, dkect or coneequentl�l,In conneatlon wRh�ny , :•��• ..�,�
<br /> • ° •� � condMnrudon a other tddnp of any put of th�Properry, or tor com�yano�In Ilw ol condwmadan, �r�h�nby�sslqnsd�nd -
<br /> ° shdl ba pYd to L�ndK.
<br /> ' In th� ewnt M a toql t�kinp of tha Propaiy, ihe proa�eds ehaA be applled to the suma s�cured by this SewrUy �^
<br /> . _--� --= Insuument,whtlher or noi ii,.n due, wiih �ny exceos pald io 8orrovra. !e !he aert!of a pertle!takinQ M the Prop«ty �n '��..:��-
<br /> � • �f� wh�h ths(ak ms�ket vdue of the PropeHy Imn�edlately batore tha tekinp la equal to or qrenter thon the unount of Ihe �uma � � � � .,
<br /> '' � aecwed by thla 3ecuity Instrument Immedl�lely beforo ihe t�kk�g, unleas 8orrower�nd Lendx othMwla� �qne In writlnq, ffi� ,,,,.w ry�,:n�-
<br /> euma secured by thla Seaaily Inst►ument ahsll be reduced by ihe amount of the proceeda mulUpNed by the IoUowlnp hactlon: ±°�' >.•,. -'��,�+
<br /> �c . . �..:3i�1ty`Ao,+,'.�l11�
<br /> � (�)ths toW amount of the aums secured N►xnedlately beforo lhe l�klnp, dNided 6y (b) Ihe hU m�rkat vdua ol the Property ,�,i..
<br /> Immedi�tely bsfore th�t�ldny. My bal�nae ehall b� pud to BoROwer. In tht event ol a partlal t�Wnp of th� Prope�ty in whlah ,. ._.
<br /> the tak mrket valuo ot lh� PropeAy Immedletey before !he hkinp Is less ih�n the unount o1 tha auma eseur�d irnmedlately _,' -
<br /> belore Ih� takY�p, unleat BoROwer and Lender otherwias �yrea In writiny a unle�a applle�ble I�w otheiwise provld�s, tha � +'; J
<br /> proceeda ehAll be �ppNed to the sums secured by thl�SecurBy Inetniment whether or not the aums ue then due. � °�
<br /> � It ihe Property la ab�ndoned by Borrower, or If, afte►nottce by Lender to BoROwer th�t the condemna offaa to make an 7
<br /> �wud or aetde• d�Yn la damapea. Borroww fells to reapond to Lender wNhin 30 dsya aRar ths d�te the noUae Is qH�n,
<br /> Lender Is authodzad to coYect end �ppy ihe proceedn, �t Ha oppon, athw to ra�toraUon a rep�l► ot th� PropeHy a to j , _ -
<br /> • th�suma aocured by Ihla SscurNy Mstrument,whelher or not thon due. � ` r__�
<br /> Unleas Ltnde► and Bortower othe�wlae �grea In w�itlnp, any eppUcaUon of proceeds to principsl ah�ll not extend w ° '-
<br /> i posipone ihe due data of the monihly paymeMs reierted to In peregraphs 1 and 2 a chenye the amount of such paymenta. i '��z -_=--___
<br /> , � ` -,=��
<br /> 1 1. Borrowar N o t Ro l o a s o d; F o r b a a r a n a o B y l.ondor Not a Watvor. Exienslon ot the wne tor peyment or � :,�.�:
<br /> modiflcation of amatitaitlon o1 ihe suma secured by ihis Security InsUument granted by Lander to any succeaaa In intereat -'
<br /> of Bortowe► aha� �ot oper�te to release the IisbHlty ol lhe aiginal Bonower or 8ortower'a succesaors In Intereet. Laide►ahdl ; ,,
<br /> not be roquired t4 commence proceedinga �yainet any auccesaor in interest ar rafuse to exlend ilme tar p�yment or othawlae �
<br /> madHy �mortiLtbn ol the suma secured by this 3ecurily Inatrument by re�eon of any derrwnd m�de by the orlqlnv
<br /> � Bortowe►or Bor►ower'a sueceaaoro in Interest. My faibearance by Lendar In exercialny my ripht or remedy nhall not b� � �,, ,.��_
<br /> waNar o1 or preciude th�exerdae of eny right or remedy. � '"''x"'
<br /> 12. Sueeasaor��nd Asaigns Bound; Joint and Sovoral Liabllity; Ca�i�non. 'rne covenenta .nd :
<br /> , ayrecmentt of ihiss Securiry InaWment ehNl bind end benefit ihe aucceaaors and asslpna ot Lender�nd Borrower,eub�ect to ihe � •
<br /> provialons of paraqroph 17. Bortower'a coven�nta and agreements ahall be Joint and aeveral. My Bortower who co•signa lhis
<br /> , 9eewiy Inatrum�nt but daes not execute 1he Note: (�)is co•signing thia Security InaWment ony to matgage,g�t and tonvey
<br /> th�t Bortowe►'e intereat in the Property undor the terms of lhia Secwily Instrument; (b)Ia not peraonally obNgeted to pay ihe
<br /> sums aecured by ihla 3eauity I�strumenl: snd(c)agrees thot Lender and any other Bortower mny agree to extend,rnodity.
<br /> ' forbear or rtwke any�ecommadatlona with reyard to tha terms of this 3acudy Instrument or 1ha Note without that Barrowor's
<br /> con�eM.
<br /> 13. Loan Chargo�. It lhe loan secured by thls 3ecu�iry Inshument la suaect to � law whlch eets maMimum loan .
<br /> charyes,ond that I�w is finalty Interpreted so ihet the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be coAected In conneetion
<br /> wflh the loan axceed ihe permitted Ilmits,Ihen: (e) eny such loan charge shsll be reduaed by the amaunt neceasary to reduce
<br /> the cherge to the permmed Ilmlt: and (b) any sums already caWected Irom Borrower whlch exceeded pemdtted kmNs wlll
<br /> be retunded to Borrower.Lender mey choose to make this retund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note ar by
<br /> maWng a direct peyment to Borrower. If a relund reduces prkicipal, the reducpon wW be iraated as a pattl�l prepaymant
<br /> wNhout eny prepaymmt charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. NOtICet.Any notice to BoROwer provlded lor In thfs Securlly Inshument ahall be given by delivaring it or by maWng tt
<br /> by fkat class mail unlesa applicable law requlres use ol anolhe►method. The notice shrU be directed to the Property Address
<br /> _ r..� �..w. �-_. .,._u ...
<br /> ' or any other �AAress tlOROWM G@31911Y1es Oy nOliCe 10 lenuc�. w�r i��ui.e iv i.ei�u'oi o,i�n.`.� y�.a.. ..� .�+. ...�.... .
<br /> , Lendei e address ateted hereln or any olher eddress Lender deslgnetes by nodce to Bortower. My noUce provlded for In
<br /> thls Securlry�nstrument shell be deemed to have been given lo Borrower or Lender when glven as provlded In thls paragraph.
<br /> 15. CiovarninA I.aw; SYVY�pblllty.Thfs Secunty InsUument shdl be goremed by ledenl yw �nd the I�w al the
<br /> �u�isdlctlon In which the Propeily Is located. In the e�•ent thet any provlslon or clause of this Securily Instrument a the
<br /> Nota conlYcts wlth �ppNcable law, such confllct sh�A not eHecl other provlslona al lhla Security Instrument or Ihe Nole whlch
<br /> can be qlv�1 ellect without th� conNcting provlslon. To thls end the provlsions ol Ihis 3ecurfty Inshument and the Note o►e
<br /> ' dedeed to be aevenble.
<br /> � I 18.BOROwN�s COpy. Bortower aheH be g�ven one conlo�med copy of the Note and ot th�a Secur:ty Inatrumenl.
<br /> F1318.LM0 1�0/911 Cagr.1.+f 5 �� a,�..f�L�
<br /> 1
<br /> � '�!N 1 l ti�
<br />