. f• : . �[�ti• �' i 1Yi ry� � �c
<br /> •' rve I� � �cY :"�'��" S '��. �� M;:: ' - . I ��.e,.......'__tkL�l>,�'.1
<br /> 'f ,.f i'f'•. - .-. »I S•t{
<br /> ��'Ir'�.. .VM".R1trc•�«+T: .,..-.__-_•_•°__._ --_ �,__ --.
<br /> ' '{+': -.54� �4'�.-c'-�+rtTfT-"'<�-.r.wiM/w/1 ... ._.. _
<br /> ii,.r� •.e_-�'d'Rt=�k3+�4:. . _
<br /> . ., � ._�,_--.
<br /> . �-u:_..... _.-----..___.--_•--- _ - - —B":.W' �...-.__..
<br /> tr-�..:� . :;,.. o��: � ' � 17.Transhr af th�P�op��iy or a B�nNiold I�r�d In 8orrow�r. it.�«my p�n o1 u�. Prop.ny ar
<br /> f.,. .: �• u , �ny Intr�t N R b�ok!a h�nslwr�d(a fl� b�nNlawl iniw�st In Borraw�r It sold 0�hY1fIM��d Nd BOROWM Is nW� n�tunl
<br /> � ��„ � . .. p�non)wNhaut lmdw'�prior wrbt�n oonwnt� L�neMr may.d R�optlon�nquln k�n�t�p�ym�nt In IuN of�1�uma Nound by
<br /> thls S�auUy Instrummt.How�v�r,Ihb opUon �hY nW M�►dWd by L�nd�►M a�U prohbllW by I�IJ I�w�s ol th� �
<br /> " ,�. .� ,�". d�01 thl� Bw�Mty Insbum�nt.
<br /> . • ' s fl L�nd�axKaua Ihl�optlon, Lmdw �hal ph� Bortow�r notla of�aal�nHon. Th� notk� �hrl provid� a pKiod ol �
<br /> � " not laa th�t 30 drys Irom ih�dd�Ih�notlo�N d�W�nd a nnil�d wqhin which Borrow�r mud p�y �N wms s�ow�d by �
<br /> � .,� . thls 8�ourNy qi�punwN. If Borroww hfls to pny lh�N tum� prbr to Ih� �+tpirdbn oi ihl� pM1od. L�nd�r m1�y Imiok� �t1Y �
<br /> ,�.��=:1s�•�; �� ronMdle�P�rmHbd by thb S�owity In�Uumwit wNhoul tuAh�r noUa a dw�rnd on Bortowa,
<br /> - - '� 18. 8orrow�r's Rlpht ta RdnN�t�.n eamewer nMete a.rt.w►oondNion., earow.r.h�N n.w �h. �qM to h�v. °� , -,_ _._..�,_.,�_---__
<br /> ' ° „ i �nforc�nNnt o} Ihls 8�ourfty In�Wm�nt dlsoontinu�d�t�ny tMw pdot to Ih� MrIM►oi: (�) 6 d�y�(a�uoh othw pwlod��
<br /> , . �ppAeable f�w mry sp�oly la nkaUt«mnt) bdon s�N o1 th� Propwty purawnt lo my pow�► ol � aonWn�d In thi� �
<br /> � 8�owity InstNm�nl; a(b) mtry of�Judpmant mforolnp thls S�aurNy Matrum�nt. Thow condiUon��n tlud BortowK I�1 p�ys
<br />�"";: � , � L�nd�r d wms whbh ihm would b�du�undK thls S�ourMy Imhum�nt�nd th� Not� �s N no�oeN�ratbn h�d oaam�d; (b)
<br /> ' aurei �ny dd�uN o1�ny other aov�nud or ��rMnNnts: (a) p�yn al �qHnsa hcumd In �nlordnp thl� S�airfry In�trument,
<br /> Inaludinp, but not Wnited to,rMaon�bl��Uomsyr'fMS; md (d)Wcee suah�dlon a L�d�m�y rM�on�bly rMuk�to usun
<br /> ' . , th�t th�Wn oT ihi�SQCUrily Insdum�nt L�nd�r'�dphls in ihs Propuly�nd Bortow�r's obWp�Uon to p�y iha wrm s�cwed -----
<br /> by this 3�ewity In�trument sh�p condnue unehu�q�d. Upon nbstat�mnt by Borroww. thls 8�eurNy Insfn�nmt �nd th� _
<br /> � obAp�Uont s�cund h�►eby ihdl��ruln fuqy Nfeedve�s q no �ca�l�nUon Iwd ooart�d. Howw�t, thfs�ipht to ninsLU ahaA
<br /> ' � not�ppy In the as�of�ccderatbn under parwy�ph 17.
<br /> , ° � 18. Sw of Nd�; Chsnp� of I.o�n S�rvlc�r. Ths Nat� or a a pwtW Interat in th� Not� (top�th�► wNh
<br /> ' thla S�aKly Instrument)may be�old on�a moro Umss wRhout prlo►noUae to Bor►ow�r. A s�l�rtwy resuh in a nh�ny� b th� —
<br /> ,�:;;,�:;.. � ��� enUly (known ae ths "Loan Servica') th�t oolleds monthy p�ym�nts dus undr th�Nob u+d thl� 8�curNy Imtrument. There
<br /> �,_..._ —
<br /> •. alao m�y bs one or mon ch�npea of the Loan Senicer unroletod ta a sala of the Noto.It thare is a ch�npe ot the (.oan -- �
<br /> • Savk�r, Bortower wIN ba qiven wiitlen noUce of th�r.hange In aocordma�with p�nynph 14 �bovs �nd appAo�bM{�w. The r�r�
<br /> noUce wW sUt+ihe n�me�nd �ddreas of ths nwu lwn Servicer and th��ddnss to whbh p�ymenis thould b�n�d�• Th� �ri�:
<br /> . �e�.----
<br /> .. nodee wW dao conWn�ny other InlomwUon reqWred by appNcaba la�w. �ry.,::�:
<br /> , ,:��.�: 20. Huardous 8ubst�nc��. Borrower ah�N not cauee or pKmlt the p�asance, ue�, deposd, stway�, a relsu�of -
<br /> � any Hwrdous 3ubat�nces an ar In the Property. Borrower ahd not do, nor�Ilow�nyone etae to do, �nylhinp �flecUnp the �M--�� _
<br /> , . `, , Ropaiy th�t la in vIol�Qon of�ny EnvkonmenGl Uw. The pnesdinq two santenees th�N not�ppy to Ihe prssmas, usa,
<br /> � ., or stony� on th� Propsrty o1 smdl qu�nUUes M Haardous 3ubst�nea�th�t ue yanaaUy r�oopnized to b��ppropri�te to
<br /> nom�l raildmtW uaea�nd to nwinten�ncs oi th�Propaly.
<br /> ' � � �' BorrowR sh�N prompty giw Und�►writt�n notioe oi any InveeQpwQon, aldm, demmd, lawwR a othr radon 6y�ny -
<br /> . � govanmwd�l or requlatory egency or privtls pahy InvoNinp the Properly and�ny H�zardous 3ubetu�c�w EnvkonmenW I.�w ot T
<br /> ' whlch BoROwer h�a actu�l knowl�dy�. It BorrowK k�ma,or le notiHed by �ny qovsmment�l w rapul�tory oulhorriy, th�t any �"�"�••►��^"� - __ _�
<br /> -^" � ramoval a other rNnediaUon ot�ny iiwrdou�3ubaiw�ce �6eaiinp Propertr ia r��x:ec�y. Dortaww sh�tl prsmptly Lska�It - - -- -;
<br /> , � neaasuy remedal+�ctlons M�ccord�nce with EnvironmenWl L+iw. �r,�yg����i
<br /> � � '�` As ueed In thi�puayraph 20, 'Hwrdoua SubaUncea'�ra Ihoae�ubat�nces deflned �s toxla or hazaMou�aubsqnds by �;.��. -
<br /> ' . Envkonm�nt�l Law �nd tha foNowiny aubst�ncea: yasoline, kerosene, other Ilamm�bla ar toxie petrol�um producta, toxlo �
<br /> pesUcldes�nd Mrbicldea,volNNe soNenta,mata�ls eoni�Uninq �ebeatoe or lormald�hyde, �nd adlo�ctNs rtMterWa. Aa ueed In �.^. ., � - �'
<br /> puapraph 20, "Envkonmentd law' me�ns bd�tl law� and I�ws of tha jwiadlatlon wh�ra th� P►opary Is looatal th�t ra{�to to V��,� . ,
<br /> hakh,afetyr or�►vkonm�nUl prot�ctlon. ' ';��
<br /> � . ..,e .*
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. BoROwer and Lender turthw covwwnt ond oqrea+�a lollowa: � � ' ' _
<br /> 21.Aocoloratton; Ram�dlao. Londar �hall �Ive notica to Bw�owor prlor to accdorNlon � . _�;,...�
<br /> followlnp Borrowa�'s br�ach of my covanant or a�raomont In thh S�curity Indrum�nt (but not '-,.
<br /> , prlor to aacd�ration und�r p�r�pr�ph 17 unhss�pplic�bl� law provid�a oth�rwis�). Tha natic� k -:j�;,� ='
<br /> � sh�ll sp�aHy: (�) th�d�uk; (b)th� �ctlon r�qulr�d to au�o t1w d�fault; (c) •dat�� not loss than � .>r;�;r
<br /> 30 days trom tho dat� tha notica t� qtvm to Borrowar. by which tho dohult muat b� curod; and _ __;
<br /> . (d) thtt hllura to curo tho daioult on or bofor�tha dato apocifiad In tho ootic� m�y ro�ult In � "���
<br /> �;�;; �ccabr�tion oi tha �ums socurad by thb S�curity Instrumont and oab of th� Prop�rty. Th� natic� . •�~,'� �
<br /> sh�ll furth�r Intorm 8or�owar of th�riyht to ��InstWo dtor�ccNaratlon and th� ripht to brinp a
<br /> court �ation to ass�rt th� nonwxl�bnc� of a d�tault or any oth�r dofanu of Borrow�r to � ' . - -
<br /> accol�r�tlon�nd salo. If tho dofault Is not cured on or boior�th� d�to spociflod in th� notic�. �� ,�'�• ' .-- .._..
<br /> L�nd�r at its optlon may �oquiro Immodiato paymont In full of all sums socund by thia SocurHy __���'".-�--
<br /> Instrum�nt without furttw� d�msnd md mry invoko tho pow�r of sal� �nd �ny oth�r rom�di�s �' , .`� ,�`° '
<br /> ,� �—� °
<br /> p�rmitt�d !ry �ppllc�blo law. l.ondo�ah�ll bo entklod to collact all oxpo�s�s Incurrad In punuinp �
<br /> •� � th� nmodlos prcvidad in this paayr�ph 21� includlnp� but not Iimitad to. r�asonabl� �ttorn�ys' � ,
<br /> � fo�s and cods of titla ovidonco. :`' •: '
<br /> : � It tho powor of sal� f� Invoked. T�ustoo sh�ll racord a notico of dohult in oach couety in ,
<br /> � which any pa�t of tha Proporty is Ixatad and �hall matl copios of auch notica in tho manner '� •
<br /> prasc�ib�d by applicabls law to Borrowar �nd to tho o4har porsons prascribod by epplicablo law.
<br /> ARar tho timo raqufrad by applicablo law. Trust� ahall giva pub8c notica of sala to tho po�ons
<br /> and in tlw mannar proscribad by applicabla law.Trustoe, wftl�out domand on Bor�owor. shall aoll
<br /> th� Proparty at public auction to tho highoat blddor at tlw tfmo and placa and undor th� ta►ms
<br /> d�sign�t�d {n th• notfco of s�l� i� on� or mora parcals and in any ordor Truatoo dotorminos.
<br /> Tvustaa may postpono sslo of all or�ny parcol of tha Proporty by public announcvmont at tha
<br /> tim� and plac� of any pr�viously schodulod wlo. L.�nd�r or ita dosiqn�o may purcha�tho
<br /> I Proporty at any salo.
<br /> � Upon racolpt of paymont of tha prica bid. Trustea shall dolivor to tho purchaser Trustao's
<br /> ' QY�Q CO n iiw r i i n� i�:iiiis ii� i`in riu�iii G vi�.,. o O:: v0 C:w� w:0 '�:IrO.^.�� �� _
<br /> �� 9 �� �. Y
<br /> tha truth of tho statoma�ts mad� thar�in. Trustoe shall appiy tho procoods of tha salo in tha
<br /> following ordor: (�) to all costs and vxponsos of oxorc{sing tho powor of salo, and tha salo,
<br /> Mcludiny th� paym�nt of tho Tru�t�o'�foas actwlly incurrod, not to oxcoad rhren
<br /> % of tha p�lncipal amount of tha noto at
<br /> th� tim�of tlw docfa�atlon of dof�ult, and ro�sonabla attomay's fooa as po►mittod by law; (b)
<br /> to all sums socund by this S�curity Inst�umoM; and (c) any oxcass to th� peraon o�
<br /> p�rsons 1�9ally �ntklod to It.
<br /> � c
<br /> , Ftlt6.LM0(�ONt� �•i�••• •r 5 �•_,i._ �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> + �. ��� ,
<br />