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<br /> ' � ,••tr,,. .� • � TOOEIHER VViTH �M th� improvwnnts now a h�Mibr �net�d on th� properly,�nd dl e�srnents��PPurt�xunca,�nd =-_--
<br /> .�... .
<br /> } �- �^n � Nc1urM now ar h�Rw�p�rt of th�prop�ly.A1 rrpl�e�mmU�nd�ddidorn�haN sbo b�wvw�d by thU S�auity Instrwn�nt. _
<br /> � ' N of Ih�laopdn0 Is►d�rted to In thls 8�cudly In�trum�nt �f the'Ropwty.-
<br /> 'g���}• '� 80RROWER COVENANT8 tFud Botrow�r I�NwIuMY�Nud of th� �Ut�hrnby convey�d md h�s th��iyht to prant�nd (,p
<br /> - ". . . . aonvy th�Prop�Ay�nd 1h�t th�Rop�Ay b un�noumbw�d� uca�pt lor moumbdNCa of ncord. BorrowK w�rr�nb and N
<br /> � wN dNmd ymraNy th�titi�to th�Prop�ty�y�hst d d�mi�nd dwn�ndr� �ubJ�ot to�ny�naumbranoa o1 record.
<br /> .,�t+�c':q��,.,: ;.. � 7HI3 SECURIIY INS7'RUMENT aomDh�a unqorm covm�nts for rwtbn�l u�� �nd non•uMfonn oownmts wqh f
<br /> � • ' ° WNt�d vuUtlon�by JudsdloUon to aonstitul��unHam saurity In�trum�nt coveihp�MI ProP�Y• � -
<br /> . . ,,., ti.
<br /> h UNIFORM COVENANTB. Borrowsr�nd Under eovwiant�nd�pns u totows: �
<br /> .. 1. Paym�nt a!Principal and N�t�nst; Pr�psyn��nt�nd L.�t� C ��.BorrowK shaN P��P►N V�Y w en
<br /> , ,�_ due ths prkiatpd of �nd Int�nd on th�d�bt wid�nc�d by th� Not� �nd anyr pnpaymmt �nd Id� ohuyes du�undv th� �
<br /> `. , - , . Not�. � . -•�r-,�--�--
<br /> • 2. Fund�for Tax�s �nd Insur�nc�.3ubJec►to�ppYabts Nw or to�writhn waiva►by Undw, 9orrowr shaY p�y �
<br /> to Lander an tho d�y monthy p�ym�nts�n due under th� Note, unUl Ihe Note Is paid In fuA,a aum('Funds')for. (�)y�ufy
<br /> , ' hx�s�nd usessm�nb whkh rtwy �tUin pdoiih� ovK thls 3sourity MHrument�s�Ibn on th�Propwty;(b)YMU'ly IMS�hold
<br />-= p�ymmts a qround rant� on th� Proprry, 8�ny; (a)yarly hwrd o►proPaly Imuranc�prNnlums; (cQ Y�uly Aood insurano�
<br />; • pr�nlums,H�ny; (�)yauty mortp�pe insuru�ae premluma,H my;�nd(Q�ny �ums p�yabls 6y Borrower to LendR In �caord�na
<br />- . . . . wlth ih�provialona of puRpraph 6,In Ileu of th�paymad of mort�ys imurane�pr�niums. Thess Itans �n aWad 'E�aaer
<br /> • Items.' Lendx m�y, �t any tlm�, cop�cl qnd hold Funda b an amounl not to euaaad the maximum amourrt+�I�nder br a -�
<br /> (�denMy ralat�d mort9ap� lan m�y nqub ta Borrow�'s eirxow�acount und�► th� f�d�nl Real Ett�te SKd�rnmt Piroc�dura
<br /> , ' Acl of 1974 as ammd�d fi'om tim�to tim�,12 U.3.C.�2601 et eeq. ("RESPA'). untese another law th�t �ppQa to th� Furtds
<br /> ' eeta �IeasK amount. II so, l.�nder m�y,�t�ny tYne,collect end hold Funds In �n unount not to exceed th�las�w amoun�
<br /> �,�•;;•,"�� Lender m�y e�tim�ts the amount of Funds dw on the b�aN oi cumnt dtla�nd rasonabb atimata a1 expendAura of (uWn
<br /> � � . ,:�`:'. E�crow ftems a otheiwhs In aeoord�nce with�ppllable kw. __
<br /> . , �� " ,. '� ,`. Th�Funds s1uN b�h�ld in�n inatitutlon whoa�depoalb�n inaurad by�led�ral�yenay,In�dumwd�Wty, or mHty(InoiudinQ -
<br /> �" Lendr,H Unda Is such+u�Inadtutlon) a In my Faderd Home Lam Bank. Lende►shdl�PPN ihe Fund� to p�y tha Eec►ow —
<br /> • � ' ItMne.Lendw may not oh�rqe Bortower br holdiny�nd�ppylny th�Fund�, annually onotyz�y the eccrow acoouM, or ved(ylnp ____ -
<br /> '�'` ths Escrow It�ns, unNae LBf1dM {Mri BOROWK (IdE(qt an th� Funda and appYcabts law pertnita Lander to m�ke such • ���;:
<br /> '��'� charye. However, Lender m�y requke Borrowa tc pay� one-Ume ch�rye for�n independent re�l at�te tuc nportlnp awv�e �;a��•_�-
<br /> . � ueed by Lenda in cannecdon wqh ihla ban, unleas �pplic�ble law provides otherwlse. Unleaa an �preement la made or - _
<br /> �� . �ppliabta aw roquires Intaroat ta be pald,Lende►ahdl not be requlrod to pay Borrower�ny InUrest or eunlnys on the Funds. —
<br /> " BoRaww and Lendsr may�grea In writlng, howevx, th�t Interest eh�Y be pdd on th� Funds. Londer shdl qiva to 8orrower.
<br /> - without ehu�e,an�nnw1 accountlny of the Funde, showinp credits and debNs to the Funds�nd the purpoae for whleh wah tl-
<br /> d�bit to ths Funds wa�made. Th�Fundr ar�pledped n �ddidonN escudty Iw�U eums aecund by th�3eouriry InsWm�nt. ="`-�"`
<br /> it th�Funds held by Lander exrwed the�mamta perrt�lled ta be hNd by appYcable I�w, L�nder ah�ll aoeount to Borrower �.::;::,�,.�=-
<br /> ��'�' for the exass Funds h accordmc�with the requkanents of spplloable kw. Il the unount o1 the Funds held by Lender�t �ny i.••Ak'=-°—
<br /> tYns le not sufAci�nt to p�y the E�crow Nems when du�,Londer m�y�o notily 6orrower in wriNny, �nd, tn suah cas�8orrower �'----_
<br /> �=��-�--
<br /> eh�N pay to L�nder the�mount nec�swy to make up tho d�Aalmcy. 8onow�sh�p mak�up th� d�flcl�ney In no more th�n __ _
<br /> ` � twaNe monthty payments, �t Lander'a sab diaaetion. ie-�
<br /> --- Upon P+rym�ni in fuH t,i aN cums wwrad by ih�3sxutity lnettument, L!mdw �ha1 promptly nWnd to Barow�r �ny �s�s:_�'_"_�'. _
<br /> . ' !v Funde hNd by Lender. U, undw paraynph 21, Lender ahall acquke or eell the Property, 4ander,prbr to ths acqulsidon or aale T ',�
<br /> � ol tha P�operty, ahdl apply�ny funds Mld by Lvnd�r�t tha tim�o} �cquliltlon a Nlo aa�uadq apsintt th� sums aacured so�o.--
<br /> , by thla 3ecu�i!y UstnMnen� �� : '�.
<br /> „ . 3. Applicatlon of P�ym�Ms.Unlets applica6te I�w provldes othawise, all paymenls r�aaived by Lende► under . . ._ �,L.:.
<br /> . puayraphs 1 �nd 2 ah�A be appli�d: flnt,to�ny prep�yment chuyes dua unde►the Note; second,to�mounb p�y�bN undK �_. ''�,,,��
<br /> • � pWapraph 2;ihUd,to Interest due;lourth,to princlpd due; and laet,to �ny late charyea due undor the Nota. , --�,�: -
<br /> � 4. Char�s; U�11�. Borrower aludl pay aW taxea, esaasmenta, charyes, flnea�nd Impoaldone �tbibuf�ble to the �.�r�;��,_
<br /> Prop«ty which may �tWn pdority ove►thla S�cudly Inetrumant. �nd leosehold paymonts or yround renta, if�ny. Borrower � � :---.;�,;
<br /> .� �� ehad pay thaas obllpaUone In the manner provided In pu�pmph 2, a fl not pald In ihat mann�r, BaROwer ahall p�y ihMn on �,�'r�,Y;R:;�� "
<br /> ° Ume dkeatiy to ihe person owed p�ymeM. 8arower ehdl pramptly tumleh to Lender�q noUcee of emounta to ba paid under � „_1„., - _
<br /> thla p�rapnph. H Borrower makas th�sa paymentt dk�cUy. Borrower sh�ll promptly tumish to Laid�r raealpts �vidanciny ,.,,_s.. r._
<br /> � th�p�ylnenta. � " - --
<br /> Borrow�ahNl prompty dlacMupe my Qen whlch has pdairy over thle SecurRy Inatrument unteas Borrower. (a) ogreea l ` �,_=.-.
<br /> . In w�linp to the p�yment o11he oblipstlan aecured by the Nen In a mann� accepuble to lender. (b) contata in yood Wqh the { ,. _�_
<br /> � . Nen by, or delmda egtlnst enforcement d the Aen In, leyal proccedinys which in ihe Lender'a opinlon opeate to prevent -__
<br /> � the entorcwnent of the Iien; or(o) eacuroa hom the holder ot tho Nen an apreement s�►Gafactory to Lender eubordhatlnp the � , ,, I' "ar
<br /> Uen to thls 3ecurily Instrument.tl Lender determi�es thot any paR of the Properly la aubject to a Ilen which may attain priority � :
<br /> . I ove►thls 3eaurfty InaWment, Lendar m�y qNe Bonower e notlee IdenlifyNig tha Aen. Bortoww ahaN �adafy iha Nan ar Wca � : . �--s
<br /> 1 ona a more of tha acUons aet forth above wBhln 10 daya ol ihe yNln9 ot notlee, �
<br /> �� � b. Haza�d or Proporty Insuranca. eorrower ahwll keep the Improvementa now e�latlng ot hereaRer e►eclQd on the =A+:�:
<br /> Property inaurod apalnat loas by flre,hwrda Included wlthin the term 'eMended coverage' and any other haiud�. Mctudhg ' �
<br /> � Aoods or AoodMg,la which Lender requl►es baunnce. This Insunnce eh�G be malntalned In the�mounta and for Ihe pxlods ,,;.;Y�._
<br /> Ih�t Lander roqukes. Tha inaurance canler providir►�the Inaunnce ahell be choaen by Bortower aub�ect to Landw'a approval � .�,.
<br /> �� which shdl nol be unre�aon�by wflhhetd. II Borrower fNls to mdnUln cowrage deacribed�bovo, Landw m�y. �t Undar'� � ,
<br /> opUon, obtaln covKaye to protect Lender'e �ighta In the Property In �ccordance wflh paagraph 7. �
<br /> . All ineutance poWciea and renewala ah�p be acceplable to Lender md aholl Include a atandard moAyage cNuse. Lender ,
<br /> ahatl hova the right to hold the poNefe��nd renewals. If Lender requkes, Bonowar ahall promptly give to lender all reeelpts ol
<br /> paid promluma snd renewd noUces. In the event o1 loss. BoROwer eh�N yNe prompt notico to Ihe Insunnce carti�r and
<br /> Lande►. Lender rtwy mdce proof ol loss N not made p�ampUy by Bortower.
<br /> Untesa Lender �nd Bor►ower otheiwise �pree In wdling, Insurance proceeds ahell be applled to reeto►aUon w ropelr ol
<br /> � � • tAe property dprtwged, H the restaretion or repak Is economicaly teasfble and Lender'a security la not leasened. If the
<br /> � � restoration or repak la not economlcatly feaaible or Lender's security would be lesaened, the Insurance proceeda slwll be .
<br /> appNed to the aums secured by lhls Security Inslrument, whether or not then due, wflh �ny excesa psid to Bortowar. II
<br /> qoROwe► abandona the Property. or does not anawer within 30 days a noUce hom Lende► that the Inaurance ur►ler haa
<br /> � oflered to aettle a clalm, then Lender may coBect the Insurence proceeds. Lender mey use tho proceeds to repoir or
<br /> reston the PropeAy or to p�y sums tecured by this 3ecuriry InaWment,whether or not the� dua. The 30•day parlod wW
<br /> bayln when the notice is ylven.
<br /> Unlesa Lander and Borrowx othawise agree in wriling. any appNcation ol proceeda to prinelpal aFuM nol exlend or
<br /> poatpone lha due d�te al the monthy payments referred to In pa�grepha 1 end 2 or chsnye Ihe unount of Ihe
<br /> ; paymenta. II under paregnph 21 the Propeity Is ecquired by Lende�. Borrower's Nght to eny insurnace policles and praceeds
<br />. – � ��...w�..�1.�n�w...� ..l�1..e��Ma hv Ihl� Q�n�rilu
<br /> .:. '.-.--, -. : – . ..�,'_ '.'u _"_ '
<br /> resuNng 1rom wrrwge to me rroP�Y P^or iv in• r�yu�a��� ���.� �..., ....�....�. ... ..._ _.,._... _. ...- --...__, ...- ---- •.
<br /> InsWment fmmedlately priar to the acquisltion.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Prasorvation. Maintonanco a�d Protaction of tha P�oporty; Bonowar's Loan
<br /> AppliCation; Loas�holds. Borcower shaU oeapy. estsbtish. and uae the P►opMy es Borrowerh principN residence
<br /> � wfthin aDcty d�ys�fter the exewlbn of ihls Securily I�slrument and ahaA c�nqnue to occupy tha PropeAy as Borrower's pd�Gpal
<br /> rcsidence lor�t leaet ona year�Rer the date ot occup�ncy. unless Lender otherwise ayrees in writiny. which tonaent ahell not
<br /> bo unre�sonably withheld,a unlesa extenuaUng ckcumstences exist whlch ue beyond Borrower's control. Borcowa sheil not
<br /> deaUoy, dsm�ge or Impak the Properry. aAow ihe F'roperty to deteriorate, or commit wante on the Propeity Borrower shall be
<br /> i In def�ult N any forteilure actfon or Praceeding, whether clvll or crimind. Is begun Ihat M Lendei s good laith �udgmenl could
<br /> � resuR in foAaituro ol Ihe Property a otherwise matetialty impolr the Ilen created by this Securily Instrumen! or Lenders secunty
<br /> kltMesL �•� �' �� �1 I
<br /> Fi718�M0I�ON�) P�qr d c15 fa�_ ._s.��_L�
<br /> �
<br /> �,� 9:b3 tM
<br /> • � �__� .. . --- ----
<br />