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<br /> paymenta may no langcr be rcquirod,at�he option of Lcnder, if moNguge insurwice coveragc(in 1he wnount and for the perfod
<br /> ttwt l.endcr rtqui�+es)provided by An insurer approved by I.ender again hecomea evail�bl�and is ubtained. Borrower siwll pwy
<br /> tho premiums roquired to mafntain mortgoge insurance in effcct,or to providc a losx reserve,until the requiremcnt for mon�tl
<br /> insurw�ce ends in acrnrdanco with any wdtten agreement lxtween Borrower end Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9. It�rpeetbo. L,ender or its agent may muko reaconable ent�ies upon wid inspertionx of the Pruperty.[.ender chall Qivo
<br /> -- Borrower notiee at thc time oi or prior to on inspection specify in�reASOnable caure for the inspection.
<br /> --- 10. Conde�nnatba• The proceeda of any Award or claim for damage�:. diroct ar consequential, in connectian with uny _
<br /> �--- condemnatiun or aher wkin�of any part of the Propcny.or for comeywue in lieu af condemnotion, are hercby asriQned and
<br /> ---_ -- _ siwll b�paid tu L�:rwler. �_
<br /> In the event of a tdal taking of the Property,the procaeds shull be upplied to the sums securod by this Seeurity Instrument.
<br /> whether or nw then duP, with any escess puid to Born►wer. [n the event af a partial tnking of�he Pmperty in which the fair
<br /> — market vulue of the Propercy immediately before the teking is eyual ta or greater than the amcwnl of the sums secured by tt►fs
<br /> -`� Security Instrument ittunediately before Ihe wking.unless Barrower and ixnder otherwirx•agree in wrlting,tlte sum.g secared by
<br /> ��.:.ar y
<br /> == this Socurity Insuumcnt sholl 6e reduced by the amcwnt of the praceeds multiplied by the Pollowing fraction: (a) t e to
<br /> -�'__— -- ,� amount of ti�sums secured immodiately 6efore the taking,divided by (b) thc fuir morl•et vulue of the Property immodisuely �
<br /> _.,� before the telcing. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. !n�he event of a panial taking of ihe Property in which thc fair
<br /> �ra� market v�lue of the Property immediately before the w{cing is less than the amount of the sums secured immedi�tely before the
<br /> — teking.unless Borrower and l.ender othetwise agree in writing or unless upplicnblc law otherwise pravides.lhe proceeds sholl
<br /> - —_-,'� be appliod w the sums secured by this Security Instrument wtiether or not the sun�s are[hen due.
<br /> ff the PmpoRy is abandonod by Borrower.or if.after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make t►n
<br /> '=- s�ward or settle a claim For damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days after tha du�e the notice is given,
<br /> ....__.._._�� "- [,ender is author�zed to collect smd apply ihe proceeds.at ius optiun.�iti�er to restoretion or rcpair of the Property or w the sums -
<br /> M-�-�--��`, securcd by this Security insaument,whether or not then due.
<br /> -'=-s,rr_�c,:;;�6��°.-
<br /> „�:.,;�,�,.�, ,,, Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application uf proceods to principnl shall not extend or
<br /> _;��r:E'° paslpone the due date of the monthly payments referre�d to in parugraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> -T :� ,.x��..
<br /> 9 ,�K.�:�.,.. 11.Borrower Not Reles�sMl;Forbe�rance By[.ender Not A Waiver. Extension of the time fbr payment or modificat on
<br /> "" "`�"'`""�" - of amortization of the sums secured by t�is Security lnstrument granted by Lender to any succec4ar in interest of BoROwer shall
<br /> ` ��'=•"� not operate to rclease the liability of the original Borrower or Bonower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required to
<br /> �������� cammence proc�eedings uguinst any succ�sor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madify amortiuUion
<br /> '�'"""u141i��_'" of the sums secured by ihis Securiry Insttument by reason of uny demand made by the original &�rcower or Borrower's
<br /> �'������ succecsors in interest. Aoy fo�teurance by L,ender in exercising uny rigM or remedy ahall not be n waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ��' `� = exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ---_^__��.�:Y"-- _ 12. Succe.ssor� And Assi�ns Bound:3oini �nd Se�ersi Lisbllliy: Co-aigaers. The coienants anc! agreement� .►f thia -
<br /> � �,,,�;, ;,a . � Security Instrume�t sh�ll bind und benefit the successc►rs und ussigns af Ixnder and Bonower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> �•� °�` . •�` paragrnph 17, BoROwer's covenants nnd Agreements shull be joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> `1�•'��'•�`�"' Instrument but does not execute the Nate: la► is cu-signing this Security lnstrument only w mortgoge,grunt s�nd cunvey that _
<br /> . � ` 7,-.
<br /> ' e�.;_...,,
<br /> Bomower's interest in the Property under the temis of this Sc:curity In,trumenr lb> is not personally obliga�ed to pay Ihe sums
<br /> - ��'�, .,.�: securcd by this Security Ins�niment;and(c)agrees that I.enJer and�u►y other Borrowcr may ugree to extend,modify,fa�r or
<br /> ,�r��t,, make any accommcdations witN regard to the terms of this 5ecurity Instrumem ar the Note without that Borrawe�s consent.
<br /> -,"� ..-3..:._ � �� 13. I�wn Clwrges. If the losu�secured by this Securiry lnstrument is subject to u law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> •�����- and thnt law is finally interpretod w thut the interest or uther luan churges colkwtexi or t��be collected in connection with the
<br /> :� �
<br /> laan eaceed the permitted limi�s, then: la)any �uch Inan rhargr,hall t�e reduced by the umount ncreswry to r�•duce the charge
<br /> , _.8..�y•t�;.
<br /> - r:-... to the permitted limit:utul lbl uny�umti ulready rallect��l frcim Fi�irrower which ex�eedeJ permitted limits will he refunded to �-
<br /> �.��"'` Borrower. Lender may nc�xise to makc thi� refund by reducing the prinripal owcJ unJcr the Notc or by m•rking u direct
<br /> '`tr� -
<br /> .,�.-r.;-.�''- -d. pvyment to Borrower. If a refund reduces priucipal, the a�iuction will be trcuteJ us u partiul prepayment wilhaut any __
<br /> :,��ds.',�r,7�' P��Y���t rha�ge under the Nate. r'
<br /> :;,y;,�;�• y, l4.Natkes.Any noticc w Sorrou•rr providtri for in this Securiry In.trumcnt,hall tk Fivcn by Jrlivering it or by mailing
<br /> �.��•' it by first clasx mail unle�s upplicuble Inw rcyuires use uf•rnuthrr methcxl. The notic:+hull tn directe�i to ehe Pn�perty Address
<br /> �•�.='��_�,,,�,.�„ or any other uddrc+s &.rrower detiignate� by notire t�� l.ender. Any notice to Lrad�r �hall bu given by tint class mail to
<br /> ,_�,"- �, ' • Lender's uddress stuted hcrcin��r any olh�r addre.+ l.cndrr dcsi�tnate+ by noiice to &�rrower. Any n��tire prc�vided for in this
<br /> -Y•. �.�`��, . Securiry Instrumem sh�ll be J��emc�l�u havc tn�cn givrn ta&�rrow•r�or I.endcr whcn givrn a.r provided in this parngroph.
<br /> �'�p;r�i.r: IS.GoverninR law: 5ever�bility. Thi, Security In�trumcnt .hall M: govrrmwl by fi�l�ral law wui �he Ivw of thc
<br /> � jurisciiction in�vhich the Pmpeny i, I�xated. In thc c��rn� �hat •rn�• pruvi,i��n ur rlauu uf�hi.Securiry In�uument ar the Note _
<br /> � `�Y� �� '�� ConfllCls Wlfh uppllct►bIC 1;1W�. +uch con0i�t shrll not ut'f�wt uther pmvisiuns��f Ihia S��urity Imtrument itt the Nute which ran be p
<br /> Fivrn effctit wi[hcwt the conllicting pmvision. To thi.cixl�h�pmvi.ium of thi.S��urity Instrument unJ the Note are declartd b
<br /> , .. . ro be kverablc.
<br /> . l6.Borrower's Copy.Burniwer,hull b�gi�cn unc�unli�nncd«�P)'ut�thr Nutr an�uf�hi,Sccurity 1n,in�ment. _
<br /> .1-:;,,.. .�_. .. r•o�aoze 9reo E
<br /> � - ..� P.rm�ol 8 --
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