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,��—R�.�-�.�.—T= T!'I'1J:'�����' ! . _-� —. <br /> �. ,.... ._ . <br /> .� " - .�' - <br /> :� . :.1K. -.. .� -. , �� ..,;. <br />_ . � , _"_- ___ <br /> I . ' __ _ : - -. <br /> �� - -_.�-� 92— 1os'�3 <br /> _- 5. Niwrd or Property Iawrance. Bormwer slwll kap thc improvementa now exi�ting or herr,after erocted on the <br /> -- _-= Pr�►�ny in+urcd a�ainst la��hy fire. Iw��rJs lnrludal within Ihc term "eKtenJed covcragc"w�d any��ther hauvds. inc�ud+�B <br /> -= fl�xKi���r Ocxxling, for whirh l.c�xler reyuires in�urwicc. This in,uroncr r�holl hc maintainai in the amcwntti a�x! for thr periuds <br /> dwt l.enJer rcyuiro�. 1'Ik Insur•rnre rurricr pmviJing the iowrunre �hAll Me ch+��en by&�rn�wer ruhjuct�o Lender'a uppmval <br /> which shull �x►t Ix unrcaw�nLhly wlthFwld. If&�rruwcr failx tu nwinluin r��vcragc dcxrihcd ahnvr. Lcnder nWy, At Lcrnlcr's <br /> — �` M►tion, uMain�nvcrogc to pr�xcct l.crwfer's right�in thc Pmpcny in uccorJ��uc wilh parygraph 7. <br /> �°��a"'� AU inwtanrc pnlicicw und renewal� sh•rll I�e ncccptuble�o I�n�lcr,uul rhall imludr u�iandnrJ mungage clauae. Lendcr <br /> _- - �„� _,�;-�� s►hall have thc�igh��a hold thc polici��and ren.°walK. If l.cnder requires.Barrowcr�hull promptly give to L.endcr all receiptr��I' <br /> � � --- iJ rcmiunu u�ui rukwul�u�dr�.. In thc evcnt of loss.[iarrowcr shnll IIivc pmmpt nolice to Ihe imu►anre��arricr unJ l.eiwler. <br />__-��- _ _, _�.�Y_.a f�+ P ,�, <br /> — l.ender may nwlce p�+naf�ilozx if nat made promplly by Bormwer. <br /> ' �•� Unless�lcr and Bnrrower�Nhcrwisc agrec in writing,insurancc pnxcodx shall be applic�l to rctitoration or rcpnir of thc <br /> = Propeny dnmageci,if the restomiion or repair is��nc�micully feasible and Lender's securily is ncN IesseneJ. If the rcslomtion or <br /> --------•°�y rep�ir ia not economically featiible ar LenJer's wcurity woulJ be lesxned, die iatiurance pracueds shall be applia!to�he surns <br /> ��'°�'-•=�'!t�, -� �ecured by this 5ecutity Instrument, whcther or nw Ihen due. with ony cxcc�s paid �a Borrowcr. If Borrower ubanduns Ihe <br /> --°___ _; ,y° Prnpeny,ar dcx:s not smcwer within 30 Juys u natice fn�m l.ender that the in.+urnnce carrier has�ffered to�etde a cicum, then �_ <br /> ='t Lrnder may collect the in�urunce pruceeds. Lender nwy use the pmceedti to repair ur restnre the Pruperty or to p•ry cums <br /> �'d:�� < r serured b this Securi Instrument,whether or nw Ihen duc.The 30-do nod will be in when the n�uice ia rven. <br /> _x���:.a" Y ►Y YPe � 8 S <br /> ,�;,a,;;�,��;;�� Unless l.ender and Bormwer cxherwise ugme in wri�ing, uny application af procceds ca principal siwll not extend or <br /> �^�1��= pos�pone the due date af Ihe monthly payments referred to in parugraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the anx►unt of the payments. If <br /> - _�.� undcr parrgraph 21 the PropeAy is acquired by Lender, Borrawer's right�o Any inwrance policies und procceds resulting Gom <br /> -�'�'� �� dama e to the �lor to thc ac uisition shall s ta Lender to the eztent of the wms secureai by this Serurity Inctrument <br /> __--- "s��s��'� 8 P�nY P 9 P� � <br /> ._3,::�.-.,_,���- imn�iiAtely prior to�he acquisition. <br /> -- . _,� s 6.Occupw�cy.Preservs�tion.1lfaintenance and Pro1�cNon ot tbe Prope�ty;Bornower's Loan AppUcadons Lcacehold+i. <br /> -���Y'��( � Borrower shall occupy.estublish,und use the Propeny as Bonower's principal re+idence within sixty dAyc aticr the rxrcutiun of <br /> -���� .• ��wrF.d'N� <br /> —_ - ��� this Security lnstrument and slwll continue to occupy the Pmpeny us&�rrower'.r principal residence for ut Icast nnc yesu�After <br /> .,,,�.�. ,.:. <br /> ___—! ��::�;. •:•� the date of occupuncy, unlecs I.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreusonubly withheld, nr unless <br /> - ' eztenuating circumstances exis� which ure beyond Borrowcr's control. Borrower shnll nnt destroy. Jumagc or impair the <br /> ��?�"^�=��• � Property,nllow the Property to deteriora�e, or rommit ws�.ste on the Propeny. Borrowcr shnll be in defuult if'any forfeilure <br /> �'�""�'`'''�'t`'� " actian or procceding,whether civil or criminal, is begun�hat in l.ender's gcxid feith judgment could result in forfeilure of the <br />- -��'���,�.. Property or othenvise materially impair Ihe lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's security inter��st. Burrower may <br /> • � cure such u default and reinstate,as providod in pari►graph 18,by cuusing the action ar procceding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> - '�.. ,.,.�: •.:_. <br /> ���,��,� that, in Lender'ti gaad faith determinution, precludes forf'ei�ure oP the Aorrower's intcrest in the Property or other materiul <br /> --° -.•-`c;,�.-. ' _ " impaim�ent of the iien creacod by c6is Security inurumcnt ur ixinler', ,ccwity iuicic'�i. Sorrower shall also bc its dcl�ult if <br /> - � , Borrower,during the loan applicntion process,gave materially false ar inaccurnte infornuUian or Lemier I�r failed <br />=a� ". ' to provide Lendcr wi�h uny material infornwtion)in conncction with the lo•rn evidenrecl by the N�ne,including, but no�limi�cd <br />-'.�a- � �' to, representa�ions concerning eorrower's occupancy of the Propeny as u principal residence.If�hi.r•Security Insuument iy an a - <br />"'�' �.aa:.,r.•_ leasehold, Barrowcr sha4 comply with all tlie provisinn� �ri' the leatie. If Bormwer ucquire� fee title to the Propeny. the �" <br /> `'���'� � leasehold and ihe fce tidc shull not mer e unlesti l.rndcr u r�e,to ihe mer er in writin• <br />".- �• ...:: ,...�•. R R B b• -�-- <br /> ���: ,. 7. Pirotection oi I.ender's Rlghts in the Prnperty. If&�rcowcr fuilx to perform the covenanls und agrc�mcnts contuined in <br /> i•w� .. ''"� this Security Instrument, or there is u legal proreeJing that may�ignilicanlly affect Lender's rights in the Propeny lsuch us a v _ <br /> .. . _. proceeaiing in bankruptcy,probatc. fo�rondcmnution or forfeiwm ur to enfarce luws ur regulAtions►, then Lender tnay do und <br /> '-� '•r� � a for whatever is necessa io mtect �he vulue of the Pro n and l.ender's ri hts in the Pro n Lc:nder's uctions ma <br /> _--� � ..�,:.;....... p Y rY P Pe Y F pe Y• y =_-- <br /> :��`• �•' _ incluJe paying uny tiumx ,��cur��i by u lien which has prioriry over this Security Imtrum�nt, uppeuring in coun, paying _ <br /> _=,� ,, , ,_ � , • reasonable s�tuxney�'fces and entering oo the Propeny to make repairg. Al�hough Lender muy Inke action under this paragroph _ <br /> _ 4 � 7. l.ender daes not have to do+n. �-- <br /> Any �rnounts disbuned by l.cixlcr under thiti paragraph 7 shall become additional debt uf Ii�rrower u�ured by this _ <br /> ~�.,�� �'r'--�'--=-'• Securit Instniment. Unless &►rcower •rnJ I.endcr u ree to othcr tcrna uf paymcnt, chc.,r •rm�wntti+hall bear interest f'rom the --- <br /> _=� � y s <br /> ;J�.��•.�., date of disburcement at the N��te rnle und sholl be puyablc, with interext, upon nuti�r fmm Ixnder to Borrower requestins �.. <br />� .:� '° , . . PaYment. <br /> s-"'�., .., ; 8. 1lfort��r I�ur�ac�r.lf L.rnder reyuir��i monF�ge in+urance as a cundition of m•rking the loan secured by this Security �::, <br /> � Ins�niment, &►rrower tihall p•ry �hc prcmium� rcyuired to nwintain �hr monEagc in,ur•rncc in effect. lf, for any rcason, the <br /> �_: <br />_-;_.,'��. �� mongage insuruncc.bvcruge reyuircJ hy I.cnJcr lapses ur cea`es to hc in effect,&�rr�►N�cr.h.�ll p,�y the prcmiums reyuired to <br /> _ � . obtain coverage aubstantiully eyuivalcnt tu the mongage in,uranrc pr�viou,ly in effect,at a ro.t ,uhstamially eyuivs�lcnt to the �, <br /> cost to Bornnwcr of the mungage inwrancr previously in rl'f�tit. frum an ulicrnate mungugr in.urtr •rppmved by L.c�xier. If �; <br />- � subsWmiall�• cquivalcnt mortgage in.uranre roverage is not •r��ailahle.Borc�wrr tih•rll p•ry a�Lctxl�r cach month u sum eyual to � <br />- . � . one-tw�lf�h of the yearly m��nga�e in+uranre prrmium I+cing paiJ bc &�rr�►wer a�hen th�inwrarrr cuverage lapk'd or cea�ed to -- <br /> . • � be in effect. l.ender will xcept,uu•rnd retain the.r puymrnt�u� u lu�. m.erve in liru ot' mrngage inxurance. Lu.r. rr.erve iR� <br /> . Fam 3028 8180 ' � <br /> ' Paqe 3 0�f• <br /> .. 1 �. <br /> �. <br /> ... �, � 1 <br /> . � <br /> '+�eti� __.1�_ - <br /> __ _ <br />