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<br /> ��` 92— ios7z3
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<br /> -- 17.T�nder ot the�operty a'a Bencticipl lntettict In Hurrower.If ull��r any P�nwcr i�n�`t s�i nutuiul�yrsnn)wlthaut
<br /> - -- ��� ia r�old or�ransPcrred(ar iP a I�enefici�l inlerext in Born�wcr ix r�ld�r�runsfcrred u�xl& Pe
<br /> — l.e�xlcr's pria� w�itcen consent, l.endc� may. ut ftK opd�►n, rcquirc imnkdiutc puymcnt in full uf ull huma �ured by Ihia
<br /> — Socurity instrument. Howcvc�.thir option slwl l nW be cxerciuxl by Lendcr il'exenirc is pr�►hibital hy fedcral lew iu+aP Ihe dato
<br /> - of this Securfry lac�mment.
<br /> —_ _� If Lcnder exercise4 this optian,I.c�xlcr shall givc&�rmwer noticc��f ucccicr�ti�m.'fl�c ix�Nce hhuU n►vide A period cif ncN
<br /> _��� letis than 3Q duys from the date �he notice I+� delivcreJ or muilal wi�hin which &�nnwer mu+� puy ulPaumc r,ccu�e�l by thir
<br /> .�,._,:;�.� Secu�ity lnsaument. If Borrower fails to puy thetie wmw pri�►r tu thc expirutinn ut'�hix�xri�xl, LcnJcr nwy imoke uny rcmodir�
<br /> permitted by this Security Insl�ument wi�hout tanher n��tice or dcmund on W�rn�wer.
<br /> ="—'�'�...+.a����%-� 18. Borrower's RIRht to Rcinstate. U &�rniwer meet� �tinuin coixlition�. &►ra►wcr +hull huvc thc rlgh� io have =-
<br /> ' �"'�`-"c�'�" _' cnfarcement af Ihic Seru�ity Instrument dismntinu��l,�t uuy tiuw prior ta thc carlicr of: lul S dayw (��r sarh �►thcr perind ag
<br /> �.��::-r� epplicoble law muy apecify for reinstatcment) t+efi►re sulc nl thc Pmpeny purtivan� tu uny Ex►wer uf aAle cantaina! in this
<br /> ����- ,.,. Secu�ity Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enfi�rcing this Secu�ity Instrumcnt.Tlx�tie conJitiunh urc that &�R��wer.(u)puys
<br /> - --�:�•3a Lender�II sums which then w�wld be due under this Security Instrument unJ tha Nac us if n��arreleru�ion h•rd accumed: (b)
<br /> -�""""`-'"9"�"�:>., • cures uny defuult af any olher�rovenuntr or ugreemems; (c1 pays ull expenses incurr�l,in enfurcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> ��;,,Y"�""'+'''=�' including, but�x►t limited la, rea�onuble Atlorne�s' fee+: urd Idl tukeq�►uch uctiun us L.ender nmy reuson•rbly require to uasure
<br /> ���'w''� �hut the licn af this Security Instniment, Lencicr s rightti in�he Prapeny unJ �uR��wcr's ubligutian to pay thc sums nocured by
<br /> _::•��. ,� this Security Instrument sh�ll cuntinuc unchun��xl. Up�m reinctatcmcnt hy Hurrowcr, thiY Scrurity Intitrumcnt wxi thc
<br /> =r._�=��_�a,-� ' obligatiaas secumd hereby ahall remuin fuUy effective us if na ucceleratiim hud�ncurreJ. However, this rif3ht to reinslute shull
<br /> r�'�.�� not apply in the cnse of ncceler�►tic►n under par�graph 17.
<br /> - S};,��'�w.,;:, 19. Sale of NMe; Ciwn�e ut I.a�n Servi��cr. The Nutc��r a puhful intcrext io thc Note Uagcthcr with this Scru�ity
<br /> -^!g��3�" rr'
<br /> = .�y� ' Instrument)mny be so�d ane or more times withaut prior nntice to Borniwer. A sule may resuU in a chunge in the entity( nuwn
<br /> �_�,�:,.,�,� as the"Loan Servicer')that collects monthly puyments due undcr thc Nate und�hiti S��uriry Insirument.There ulw nwy be one
<br /> =-`��u'►��.p�; or more chnnges of the l.c�un Servicer unreluted to a sale of'the Nnte.If'there is u chunge of thc l.��un Scrviccr,Burniwer will be
<br /> ��"'-�°''`��'r- given written natice uf the chunge in acco�dunce with parugaph 14 s�txwe und applicuble Ipw.The notice will stute the nume und
<br /> - �,,,..��._:��. .�
<br /> i_ -��.�-�-^���"�^ , uddress oP the new l.oan Servicer und the uddress to which puyments shouid b� muJe. Thc notice will ulw contuin�+ny en er �_
<br /> �_� ; ,,��.v� ` iniornwdon required by applicn6le law.
<br /> ,�� . .. ., . 20. Hazardous Substances. Borruwer shall not cause or permit the presence. u,e. di,pocul. storugc. or rel.:n.re uf any -
<br /> _�a�u-���,t��„ ,. Hnzw'dous Subsianccs on or in die Propeny. &irrower gh�ll not do, nor allow unyonc elk tu du. uny�hing affcctin� the �,�,:
<br /> __�;:,;�:..�,;;�;;�,�,,�..; . Propeny that is in violution of w�y Emimutnentul Luw. The preceding two sentenccs shall nut upply to thc prexcnrc, usc, ar
<br /> - �-��ak���+► � stornge an the Property of smull yuuntities of H�rdnus Substunces thut ure gencrAlly r��ognized to be uppropriutc�a M�rnwl �T
<br /> ""�.'�`�°";�"".�� residentiul useti end ta muintenance of the Pmperty.
<br /> -- — • �'•� Borrower sliull promptly give I.ender written nntice uf uny investigution, cluim,demand, luw,uit or�Nhc�uction by any =—
<br /> �`� %�,��,��'. governmentul ur regulutory ugency or p�ivaie pany imolving the Pruperty and any Huxurdous Sub,tuncc or Environn�ental LAw �;�,;-
<br /> '°'11°��''"'"��� of which Borrawcr has acwAl knowledge. If Borrowcr leurns,or iti notified by uny gavernmcmnl ur regulutory uutharity. that ��v:s
<br /> :� �'•��•';},. ^.7• .
<br /> -'�,���; any removal or other remedintion aP uny Hw�rdous Su6stunce atTecting the Property ix necessary. &�rrowcr+hull promptly�uke --_
<br /> A ,,; ;... all necessary remediul actians in acwrdunre with Envirunmentul Law.
<br /> _ ��*--+��'.�-�_��� Ac u�t in this paragruph 20, "Hazardaus Substances" are those substunces defi�x:J ac taxic ar hiu.urdous subtiwnce� by �zG..�
<br /> --.-,�,,-�r.;�,.'
<br /> :.:�� •. T• �''� ' Environmentul law und �he following subtitAnces: �uxuUne, kcrosene, other iiumawbir ur iori: �xtroltum prc�clu��t:. tuxic �.
<br /> -•-y�:� '� ,,. . . pesticides und herbicide+,volutile solvents,muterials runtuining asbex�o�or forn�alJehyde,unJ rudiauctive material+. A�u�ai in rN,
<br /> --��,.:: ''; , ��
<br /> -___= thiti purugrnph 2Q, "Em•irunnxntul Law" mcuns feJcral luws and luws of the jurixiiction where the Fropcny is I�xated that �``
<br /> �"'�: � � �'' ` relate to health,sufety or environmental pratertiun. -
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and I.cnder funhcr covcnunt and ngrec ati follows: ---
<br />-°�� ' � ��`��+4'"�:::+: 21, AcceleraHon:Remedies.I.ender shall�i�•i notice to Borrmver prior tu accelerAtion Pullowin�Borro�ver's breac6 -�
<br /> :�_:{��,,.,� •,� '�`r of any covenant ur nRreement in this Securily Instrument (but not prior tu acceleration under paragraph 17 unless R
<br /> - ����ya��:K:?� upplicsble Iww pmvld�otherwise). The notice shull tipcciiy: Ia)the dePuult:(b) the action required to cure the defAUlt; �+
<br />`"' ���' • (r)a date.nut les.c Ihan 30 duys Prom the date the nuticc is given tu Borrawer. by�vhich the default must be cured; and �
<br />,���,}��
<br /> � (d) thut failure W cure the dei'ault un or befbre the dale specified in Ihe nntice may re.r•ult in acceleratian of the sums K _
<br /> �'�p " ;;�i';. secured by this Security Iastrument and sale of the Property. The �x�tice shall further inPurm Borrower oP the right lo .�`.__
<br />•;-�� �� � ,�����:' ' relnstate a�ter accclerution und thc ri ht to brin u court action to assert the non-exlstence of a default ur any other :
<br /> � R R ::•;�
<br /> L a � �' defensc of Borruwcr ta accelcrutlun und:,alc. If thc default ir: not cured on or bcfore thc date sp�xificd in the notice,
<br /> �_.:r�. ..t->:¢t°�*"..� �.:.-,
<br /> :��•d ,��•� °": • � I.cnder. at ItR option. may reyuire immediatc payment in Pull nP all sums scrur�d by thlx 5ecurity Instrument without �,.�
<br />_�.,�,^s� � ° , fbrther demand And mey invokr thr power of tiule and any othcr remcdi�w permitted b�• appUcuble law. I.ender shall be a�
<br /> .�u
<br /> �' � • entitled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pureiuinR the remedie+ provided in tliis paragraph 21.Including.but not Ilmtted �
<br /> -.�� ., • •` ��` to,reasnnable attorncys'P�s an�coslr�of title evidcncc. �^
<br /> _-�=� I'�'�{'' � li thep wer oP.r•ule Is invoked, Trustcti shull record n nutice of dci'ault tn each count in which any part of the
<br /> ,.�.�.,• o �'y;::
<br /> , properly Is Ic�ted and shull mail copi�w of'such nutice in the mam�cr pr��xrltx�d by� upplica te law• to Borruwer and to
<br /> =-=;`� the otfier persnn.c prescr�bed bv upplicui►M lu«•.Af'ler Ihe lime reyuir�d By upplicable law�.Trustce shs�ll Rive public notice �r.:
<br />_- ,=<�� of sule to tNc perwns und in thc munner prcurilxd b�•upplicublc laa•.Trustrc. ��itlwut demund on Borrow•er.shall scll �'=
<br /> �'• � the Property at public auction to thc hi�h�wt bidder at the time und place and under the tertnti deslRnuted in the notice of �,_
<br /> �- � "�"'�� salc in one or morc punels und in any nrder Trustcc detcrmin�w. Tru�t��a ma�• p�stpone sale of�II or am• parcel uP the
<br /> ,°�•�4. , .
<br /> ' property by puhlic annuuncement ut the time und pluce ot'un� pre�•iou�l� uh��duled sule. Lender or its d��i�nee ma�• �..
<br /> :.M"! �{
<br /> - . purchese the Pruperty at any sulr. �r
<br />=;..
<br /> ;�. . .
<br /> ' • form 3028 8190 ,
<br /> , � .. .
<br /> - 1 - Payr e of 6 1..
<br /> . '
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