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<br /> -- TO(iE7'HER W�'1'H ali the improvemcnta now or hereafler erected on the property,pnd all easement�.appurten�ncxs.and
<br /> fixwre.+ naw ar hercaper n put nP Ihe property. All replocementa ond addilinns shall ulco bc coverad by Ihis Savriry
<br /> Inurumrnt.All of the foregoing ia rcferrod Io in this Security Instrument�the'Pn►pcny."
<br /> BORROWER COV6NANT3�hat Burn�wer is lawfully�eiced of thc estatc hercby conveyal and ha.s the�ght to grant wid
<br /> canvey ths P�apeAy and d�W thc Propony is unencumberod.except for encumbrancea nf rccard. Borrower wrrr�nt�a�d will
<br /> -- defend grne�lly the titla tn the Propeny s�gainst all claims sud demands,subject to Any encumbranccs of record.
<br /> =_- THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniPi�rm wvenunts for natiunul utic awl non-uniform covciwnts wilh limitod
<br /> vtirirtionx by juri�dictbn w constiwtc a unifarm socuriry instrumeat rnvering real propcny•
<br /> - a- UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower iud L.ender covenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> - -- -- L Hr�meat of PrL�cipd apo laten�t: Pir+eP�Ymeat w�d I.ate Cb�es. Borrower shall pramptly pay when due the.
<br /> principal af�d interrst on the debt evidencod by the Nde wid pny prepaymen�and late churges due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Fnod�for Taxes aad lasurnnce.Subject to applicable law or to a written wuiver by Lender. Borcower shuli pay to
<br /> Lender on the duy monthly payments are due under ihe Note,until the Nate is paid in full,a sum l"Funds")for:(a)yeuly taxes -
<br /> — =_��-�' and asses,sments which may atwin priarity over this Secvriry Instrument us a lien on�he Property;(b)yearly leacehold payments
<br /> �_._�_� -�,. �_� ur gmund rents on the property.if any:(c)yearly Iwznrd or property insurance premiums: (d)yearly flood insurunce premiums. `
<br /> --- if any:le)yeuly moe8age iasuror�ce premiums, if any:and l�siny sums payable by Borrower to l.ender,in accordunce with
<br /> �= the pmvision�of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mo►igage insun�nce premiums.These items ure cAiled"Escrow Items."
<br /> �""' Lender may, at any time, cotlect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed ehe maximum amount a lender for a fealerally
<br /> �<� rclated m►irtgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow a�rount un�ler the federal Real Esuue Settlement Procedures Act of _
<br /> 19T4 as cunended from time t�time. 12 U.S.C. Section 26U1 et seq. 1"ItESPA"),unless another law thut opplies to the Funds
<br /> -,-�� sets a le�ser amount. If sa.L.ender tnay.W any time. rnllect and hold Funds in an amount not to eaceed the lesser amaunt.
<br /> _. --�=�-
<br /> 21-- �n�Jer nu+y estimate ihc amcwnt ot Fwtds due on the b�.sis of curnent daw and ra�sonuble estimates af expenditures of turc _
<br /> .'���!'!"`4"` Fserow Items or atf�erwise in acco�dance with applicable law. -. _
<br /> �*��—*�+�`=' The Funds shnll be held in an institution whosc deposits are insunad by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ���.=.�m,.; .
<br /> ,�a�-. lincluding L.ender,if l.ender is such an ins�itutionl or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall Apply�he Funds to pay e _
<br /> ��` Fscmw Items.l.ender may not charSe BoR°�"'er for holding und applying the Funds,annunlly analyzing the escraw xcount.or
<br /> ��•y � verifyi��g the Escrow Items.unless l.ender pays Borrower interest on tha Funds and upplicable I�w permits Lender to make such _
<br /> �r� A chtuge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indepe�dent rcul estate uia reporting service
<br /> ""`" • �3'Es , usod by Lender in connec�ion w�i�h this laan, unl�cs applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> �`j��`_', ._
<br /> --`^��a�-'°�� ' applia+ble law requires interest to be paid,l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings oo the Funds. _
<br /> `���`^�� gorrower and Lender may agree in writing, however,tlwt interect shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender sh�ll give ta Hortnwer,
<br /> ;= ��, without charge, an annuul a��counting of'the Funds, slwwing crediis and debits to�he Fund�und the purpose fo�which exh
<br /> � dclsst io itK�unels sYSS mmle. The�und�are pledged as addition�l security for nll sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> �,�, `'
<br /> ���,:,�;:,.�,; lf the Fund�held by Lender exceed the amounts pennitted to 6e held by applicable law, L.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> ::��1',�:',".''' + far the eacess Funds in accordance with�he requiremems of applicable law. lf the umount of the Funds held by l.ender at any
<br /> . ,�'`'?'�~°,'� . time is not sufficient to pay the�scrow I�ems when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wriling.and, in such case Borrower F,=�
<br /> , .�- �' • �' shall pay to l.ender the umnunt nece�s:�ry to make up the defciency. Bornower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> � r.�.�. .i6 . .
<br /> - ��.... ,. . .._, twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's u�1e discretinn. _
<br /> ; '�'�"�' , " Upon payment in fuU of all sum.r secured by this Securi�y Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund w Borrower any _
<br /> • j� Funds held by L.ender.li,under purngraph 21. Lender chall acquire nr tiell the Property. Lender,priar to the acquisition or sale _
<br /> � #'. '�r=�' of the 1'mpeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender a1 the time of acquisilion or ss�le a�u credit against the sums secured by _
<br /> .�..• ,u'; e w. –
<br /> �ti . �� �' this Security Instnimcnt.
<br /> �''r"'�"•. .`,� 3.AppfleAtion ot P�yments.Unleti�applicahle law pmvide�othenvi,e.�11 paymentti received by Lender under parugraphs _
<br /> ''-+''"'°�"%�`r� 1 m1d 2 shall be applied: first. ta uny prepayment ch�rge�due under the Note; second,to w�wunts payuble under paragraph 2: _
<br /> ''�„_ .
<br /> '-m''r;� _ thir+d,to intercst due:fewrth,to principal due:and lu..t,to any late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> _��, �. ,, 4.Clw�ges: Uens. &�rmwcr shull pny all taaes,u.ses�ment..chsuges,fines and impnsitiom uttribuutble to the Property
<br /> . ' which muy nuain priority o��er thiti Security In�trument, :u�d Iwsehold paymentc ur grow►d rent., if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> �� these obliga�ions in�he m•rn�er providcd in p•rragraph 2,ur if not paid in that manner,Born�wrr�h•rll pay them on time directly
<br /> � � � to the perscm ow�ed p'ryment. &�rrower�hall pmmpUy furniyh to I.ender ull notirc�of amcwnt.r ta be puid urxler this p:uagraph.
<br /> .� ���� � If Aormwer muke�the`c payment+ditti�tly.Bnrrowc�ah:ill promp0y furni+h to L.enJrr reccipt�evidcming the payments. v
<br /> '°�``°�`�`'`' ' Borrou�er shall pmmptly di.rhurge any licn which ha.priority o�•er thi.Securi�y fi�trununt unles+Borrower.(u1 agrees in
<br /> ;a:•ti�+;�•4�.A,. _.
<br /> ,...,,,
<br /> �- ,+ , writing to the paymem of thc obligation secured by the lien in•r m•rnner acceptaMe tu IanJcr,�bl conte+ta in goai fuith e �en _
<br /> " ���`�'�.� ; by, or Jefemf� againsl enkircement uf thr lien in. IcFal pr�xc��ling� whirh in thc l.rnJrr'. ��piniun uperate to pmvent the
<br /> �+'�',; . � enfiircement of thc lien:or lrl+erum� from thc hotder��f ihe lien an uga�c nxnt.:ni.tact.�ry tu I.ender,uM►nlinating the lien w _
<br /> „��•., ., ,� this Security In.irunknt. If l.e�xirr detem�inr�th•rt am �an uf the Pri�Exrly i. •uhjcri t��a lirn which ma)• attnin prioriry u�•er
<br /> ° this Security In.trument, l.cixter may gi�r &+rruw•cr a n�Nire iJentif�ing thc licn. &�rruv�cr�h•rll wli+ty thr lien ur take one or =_
<br /> •° � . .. more of the actiom yet forth above within 10 d��+uf�hc giviog i�f nntice. F
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