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��� "`�`.�ro.,.;�:'T� '�� . .. --- � <br /> '� , '�������^�~ .«,"S:'=�:• -, <br /> � ' � `�^� ' ._�a..._._ . <br /> -..�.�,.�::..�.;..�.� 92- 1os71� - <br /> _ �� <br /> ----"�°-"'� condemnalion ur other talcing af uny parl of Ihe Prc�peAy.or For a►nveyunce in li�u uf condemna�ion.ore hereby ussigned and <br /> -- -----`�"''' Rhall be{wid to Lender. -- - <br /> _����� In the event of u total taking of Ihe Property, the proceeda ahall be upplied �a the sums secured by this Security <br /> — _;�---;— Instnimcnt, whether or nut then due. with any excesx paid ta Borrawer. In the event of a pwtiul taking of the Propeny in <br /> � �n .' `A� which the fuir market value of the Property immediutely loefare�he tuking is eyuul to or greater thun the amount of the aums <br /> n <br /> ';�• secured by this Se�:urity Instrument immediately before the tuking.unless Bormwer and Lender o�herwisc agree in wriling, <br /> '� the sums secured by ihis Secu�ity Inalrument r+hail be reduced by �he amount oi ihe proceeds mulliplied by the following <br /> -� . � fraction: (n)the total amount of the sums secured immedintely before [he tuking.Jivlded by(b)the fuir market vulue af the <br /> •�� .�_� Property immediatcly before the tuking. Any baluncc shull be psud to Burrowcr. In �ire event ol'u purtiul tul:ing of the = <br /> �-k:•.s Piroperty in which the fuir mnrket value of�he Piroperty immedintely before the �aking is less than thc umount of thc�uma <br /> �.�.,, -�:�,...-;�,,. Fecured immcdiatcly before the tuking, unless Borrower und Lendcr othcrwise ugree in writing or unless applicable law <br /> - ---•- '�i,;;::: othenvise provides,the praceeds ghall be upplied ta Ihe sums�ecured by tbis Security Instnimont whether or not the sums are <br /> �,rL:""_ • <br /> �:.j;t;�. <br /> �''��h�• .- , r• then due. <br /> >'3��. �.: If the Propeny ix ubandoned by Borcawer,ar if,af'ter notice by Lencler to Barrower that�he condernnor offers Io make <br /> ����,;�,.�;' ��' nn uwurd or�ettle u claim for dumoges.Borrowcr fuils to rcspond to Lender within:�0 day+Af�cr the du�e thc notice is given, � <br /> -�:�•�a•.�;,�,,,;,;;, Lender is uuthorized ta collect und apply the proceeds,ut its option,ei�her ta rewtorutian or rcpuir of ihe Pruperty or to the <br /> �«=�>�-�,� �� f• sums securcd by thig Securiry Instrumem,whether or nat thr.n due. <br /> �,u, <br /> h..;_»._. Unlesx Lender und 8orrowcr otheE'wi�+c agrec in wri�ing,uny upplirutian of prcxceds �o principal,hall not extend or <br /> --.'�'���"���� pastpone Ihe due dute oP tho monthly puymentx rcfi:rrcd�c►in puragnphK I und 2 air chunge ihc umounl of such puymcnt�. <br /> --�'�� �`°= I1. Borrower No! Rele�.cedt F'orbeArance By l.ender Not a Walver. �x�cnyfnn ��f �hc lime fur puymcnt or <br /> - -w�,. , �� i modi6cu�ion of umuni�atinn uf�he+um� �ecured by�his 5eeurfly Inritrumrnt grunted by l.ender t�uny tiuccrti,ur in imerest <br /> '�`�:'�-;�: � ,''_ ��. ��f Bom�wer xhnll n��t operute to rcleux: �he liubiliry oF the originul Honuwrr ar Hurrowerk�:uccessixs in intemxt. Lrnder � <br /> A .-"`�`-i;-.�-= sliull uai Ik ���yufr�d a� cnmmcnrc pnxrediogy uguin+t ��ny +uccr.u�r in interc� or rciu.c io extrnd iime fur puymem ur �� <br /> _,������--rv�=� ulhcrwix uuxlil'y umortiiu�lun��f�hc tiumy Kcured hy�hi+Srcurity In+trumrm hy muson of uny JemunJ mudc by�hc�tt�ginul �.; <br /> - • •-�'�� Rorn�wer ur Hunuwcr;wrcc�.or�in in�crezt. Any litt{xurunce hy L�nder in exercining uny right or remeJy xhull noi br u �_;_ <br />._ ;��y�•.��;; wuivcr uf��r precludr Ihc excrci,r�►1'uny right or rcmcdy. <br /> � °` • � � 12, tiuccewwirx und Ar;xl�nK B�wnd;J��Int aad tieverul I.f4bllltyt C���I�nerH. The c�wenunt�und ugreemen�ti of thi� <br /> :�� _�.�:��_�• , ticcurity Inylnimen� rhull bind und ixncti�ihc �ucccstian und urtii�n+ nt'Lender und HoROwcr,�ubject�o ihc provi+ian+of <br /> — ,:�„�,.,,:,.., , pun�g�u�l� 17. Hunuwcr ti covcnuntr und ugrcementz xhull hc joinl unJ ticverul. Any Borcowcr who co-tii�ns thiti Securi�y �::�,_ <br /> _=�. .• .� , , Instrumcnt hu�d�x.not cxccu�c tlx�Nac: lul•signing thi+5ccurity In,tn�mem unly io mongugc.grunt und cunvey thut v_- <br />__,��` " � .�., ;:••� BoRUwcr�inlerc.t in�he F�openy under�hc�erms of thi+Securiry Inxtrumenr, (b)is not personully ubliguted to puy the sum+ —� <br /> _ ,,,,,,, ..", r;erumd hy�hiti Security Instrument;and(cl ugreeti ihut Lrnder und uny other Bc�nower muy agree to exlend,modify,forbeor <br /> � •i�. •.•� ' or muke any uccommodutiann with regurd to the termx aP thix Security Inxtrument ar the Nae wi�haut thut Borrower's � <br /> --,�r �. <br /> — consent. — _ <br /> '';��v�;,�'.; 13. I.uAn Chprges. If the loan secured by ihis Securi�y In+trument is subject to a luw which sets muximum loan �_ <br /> ���r :.�'� chargeti,und thut luw i�hnally interpre[ed so iha�/hc i�ite�r.t ur atlter laan char�;Ce ca!lected or to be c!�IIPCtPd in cnnnection ____ <br />- __ " with�he loun exceed the pem�i��ed limits,�hen: lu)uny�uch loan churge shall lx:reduced by the nmount necessury to reduce <br /> Y--�, ' the churge ta 1he pertnitted limit:und(b)uny�ums alreudy roUected from B�xmwer which cxceeded permitled limits will 6e <br /> �::��;" rcfunded to Borrowec l.ender mny choose io make this�efund by reducin�the principal owed under the Note or by making u <br /> dircc� pryment ro Borrower. If'a refund reduceti principul,�hc Rduction will lx:trcuted ux a purtiul prepuyment without uny _ <br />=i::.� . . . • — <br />_��;�� � prep�yment churge underthe Note. �_ <br />-.;;,;��; ' , ... „ �`��;1° l4. Notices. Any nuticc to Borrowcr prmi�kd fur in [hix Security Instrument ,hull be givcn by delivcring it or by �_ <br />_�s•, muiling it by fin�clus�muil unles+upplicublc luw nyuires usc oi'unothcr mcthocl.T�.�noticc shull be Jirec�ed to the Property <br /> =•�� ; • � � Address or uny other uddresti Borrowcr dcsignntrs My noticc to l.endcr. Any notice�o Lcndcr shWll be givcn by fint cluss <br /> a� mail to Lcndcr's uddre,x s�uted hcrein or imy o�hrr uddrc.s LenJcr de.ignut�s by noticc to Bortower. Any notice provided for �;�;' <br />'`'`-;� in this Security Inslrument xholl be dcemed Io I1�VC Ixen given tu Borrower ar Lender when given us provided in this <br /> -,.-�`,.�t . . ', .�}. <br /> -:=� •. urn ru h <br />�-,-r� �� �, .,;. P g!3 GoverninA Law; 5everabillty. Thi. Securi�y Ins�rumem +hull bc govcrned by federul luw und the luw ot the —•••:_ <br /> -e��a ._.:n•�.-,. jurisdiclion in which the Property is I�xuted. In the rvenllhut uny prrnision or cluu�e of thix Security In+trument or tlie Note <br /> - ������•+�*� � conflicts with upplicuble luw,xuch c�x►Flict.hull nni ufl'crt othcr pmvisions uf thix Security Instrumem or the Note which enn <br /> , I �•,-: <br /> ,��� � i be given effect wi�hout the contlicting provi.rion. 'tii thix�nJ the provi,iun. oF this Securiry Intitrument and the Note ure <br /> _.,:. ::>:;;�= - ' declared to be ticvrruble. -- <br /> 'a`� � " '` 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower,hall Ix�iven onr ronliirnuJ copy af thr Notc and nf thi.Security Instn�ment. _ <br />:.�_���` ' ' � <br />• 'i4_,: • ' 17. 71�onsFer of the Property or a I3ene6ciul Interert in Borrower. If all or any part of thc Propeny or any interest in <br />:,'";`� ; .:�;,... • it is xold or�runtif'crrcd (or if u henefiriul interc+l in Borr��wrr i�tio�d ur tran.ferrrd and Borrower i.not u nutural penanl <br /> ��_`����,,. ,�•.• � wi�lxiu�Lrnder�prior wriurn consrm, LcnJcr muy.ut i�.optiun,rc��uirc inimcdiutc puyment in full oP ull.umx+ecureJ by <br />-���� . r<< . thi,Securiry In�+�rumcnl. Howrver,�hix option�hull not hc rxercixd by LenJcr ii'rxercisc ix prohibited by federul luw n.r•of <br /> Ihc dntc ut'this Sccurity Instrument. <br />'�h';''-. If l.rnder excrcises this aption.Lender,hull givc Iiorruwrr nuiire oY accrleration. Thr no�irr�hull prnviJc u�x:riocl of <br />=u�.,.,. <br /> - • � � . I not Iexs lhun:�0 duyx from the datr Ihc nolicc i+drliv�rnd or muilud within which Hurrowcr mu�t puy ul)sums tiecurcd by t �s — <br /> Sewriry Ins�rumrnl. (f Borruwrr fuil� to p:ry Uxu ,um� priur iu Uic rxpiratiun of �hi+ �rind, Lrndcr muy invoke nny <br /> j remedies permiurd by thi.Srrurit�•In,trumcm withou�funhrr noticr ur demanJ�m H��rcowrr. '�`* <br /> lR. Burrowcr•c RiRht to Reinslutc. It' Hi�rrowrr mcct. rcnain runditiom. eurrawcr .hull hav� thr ri�ht to huve � <br /> • . ... • � enfarcemem uf�hi�Securiry Instnimem di.c�►nlinucd al any lintc priur li�Ihe carlirr ol': 1;�1 S day.lor wch othcr�x:ricxi us <br /> `'� ` tiinplrFumil�•�h'unnlc�fuMFn�ddle\lurf\IFt1R�11N�'I'Hl'NEM1'f••Umt��mit'oranam, 9/90 ip��.e�•�,�f��l��x�•.�i <br /> ,` . <br /> � . � •` � � " - <br /> .i , �-; <br /> .,., " , _'; ' ' .. ". .y . . . , • .. . .�:.5��3-:�'.hd'�.f�.`..>.'tN`=' . '•.•l�.r. ...s:�rn.`..��p. ..-; �..r <br /> .�. <br /> � . i <br /> � <br /> , ' <br /> , i <br /> . � <br /> �+ � ._.___ . � . ---- -- �----�_ <br />