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<br /> ----_�_�-�,;:;� applicable law may�pecify for reinstatement)before sule of the Properly purxuont tu any power of sale contained ln this —
<br /> . Security lnspumen�or(b)enuy of a judgment enfarcing thia Security Instrument. Thosc condi�ions Arc that Borrawer: (u)
<br /> __ --==.;_s� paya Lender �II suma which then would be due under this Secudty Instniment and Ihc Note as if no accelcrAtion hud
<br /> occurned;(b)cures any defaull of any ather covenanls or agreements;(c)pays oll expenres incurred in enfarcing this 5ecurfly
<br /> �� Inauument, ineluding,but �ot limited to,reasona6le attorneys'fees; und(d)wkes such uctian as Lender muy rcusanably
<br /> ��` '^� '• ��� require to assure ihat the lien of tbis Security lnstrumcnt,Lender's righls in the Property and Borrawer�obligation to puy the
<br /> - ��~�
<br /> F-- sums secured by this Security Instrument shvll continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Barrowcr, thix Sccurily
<br /> -������ instrument and the obliRalions secured hemby shnll remuin fully effective uw ii no acceleratbn had ocrurted. Hawever.this �_
<br /> " right to�instatc shall flw apply in thc case af acccicrwlion under p�rngrnph 17.
<br /> '� . __ �;: �_.
<br /> , 19. SAIe of NMe;Chan�e ot I.oan Servker. The Note ar u paniul imeresi in�hc Nnte(tugrthcr wl�h Ihix Sccurf�y
<br /> �,�„1•�:•�; ',;: Matn�menq may be gold onc ar more times without prior naticc t�HoROwcr. A xulc muy resull in a chungc in thr enlily _
<br /> -` (kiwwn as the"Loen Servicer")that collec�s monthly puymcntK duc under th�:Not�und thia Sccudty In.�rumcnt, Therr ul,u
<br /> ��''��`� may be one or morc changes af d�c l.oan Scrvlccr unrclaled�o a�ulc�i(thc Nolc. If thetc ix u chungr of�Ix l.iwn Servicrr, ---
<br /> �-��•;'.��a�f:� Barrowcr will be given written notice of thc changc in ucc�ttduncc wi�h parugruph 14 ulxrvr und opplicuhlr luw, Th�n�Hirr
<br /> `. ;.�.., _ .��.,._.
<br /> L°�" �A":'r'•�:`� " will s�ate Ihe name und address of tFx:new Luun Scrvfccr und�hc wkkevs lu which p•rymentti xhuulJ Ix m+ulr. 1'la no�icr wi �
<br /> y�`�::�„�,-�i-'-�, . alxo contain any alhcr infc►rmu�iun rcyuired hy uppNcublc luw.
<br /> �" ��,_•,,.1'� 20. HpzArdoua 3ubctanceH. Norc��wcr tihull nul cuu�c ur�xnnit Ihc prcu�kr,w�,di���hul,�NKUgo,nr rclra,e�t(�ny
<br /> ��+'�._����+'�� � Huzurdouw Subs�ances��n or in the Pm�xny. H��ROwcr+hull n�N �H�,nnr ullow o�ryunc cIM lu d��,onylhlnµullcc�ln�t tl�c �
<br /> ::.��r�.,��c:.�.,.. � � . PmpcAy lhut ix in violuth►n uf uny F.nvirunmrnlul I.nw. Tlic prcreding Iwu+cmcnrr+tihull n��t uM►ly�o�tir pr.���urr,uu,ur ��.
<br /> :!,_�.. � �, aturogo im thc F'mpcny��f timull yuunlilic.r of Huiura►ux Suh.tuiKCx Ihat urc gcikrully rerngnizcd lu tx�upprupriu��lu nurnwl ���.
<br /> ��� '` rerWeMiul uscx und�o muintenuncc uf ihe Pru n —
<br /> ���.,-�----; „�, Pc Y•
<br /> �.�s��t'�'�,t��::. Dormwcr shall pramptly givc I.cnJcc wrlUcn nulicc�►f uny Invcsllgulion,cluim,dcmund, law,uit or olhcr ucllun by uny _
<br /> - � s"�'"��` uvernnxntul or rc uluto n en ar rivate an invalvin the!'n� rl und+m H+i���rd�►u�Subyiuncc ur Envirunmenlal —
<br /> � �,�,�.%g,.,-`.�.�� g B iY 6 �Y P P Y 8 tk Y Y
<br /> �� :_T..._c.���s l.uw of which DoROwcr has urtua� knowledgc. �If 8orrower Icums, or is nolilicd by any guv�mmrmul or regulniury �._.
<br /> _�,;�u;�•:^� �� '� au�hodty,thut uny removul ar wFier�e+nedlutbn at any M�zurd�w,Subxlancc uffcrting Ihc Nropcny ir neces,�ury.Barmwcr = ,
<br /> �� �� '�� •�'���� , shall prompdy tuke all nccessnry remediul aclionw in uccordance with Environmcntul Luw. '�";.
<br /> �_`� �„` ' ` As used in this paragraph 20,"HnznrdauK Subslunceti'ure�hoxc subs�nnces defined us toxic or hwurduuti+ubstunre,by ��
<br /> ,+i►w.YY4-:. ,/��,."- -
<br /> � �. Envfronmentul Law und Ihe fallowing tiub�tunceti: ga�aline, kero�ene, other flummuble or Ioxic petroleum product+. toxic
<br /> 4��� ''��"'"' '� "' pesticides and herbicides, volutile solvents, muteriuls contuining usbestas ur fonnaldehyde, und rudioactive materiuls. A,
<br /> r„�• e ':". -.S�• .'X"�` used in thia puragrnph 20,"Environment�l Luw"mcan�fedeml laws und lawx of�he juritidiclion where the Property is locuted �'°
<br /> '`''"��•�a�'� - "• '`',';`:. that relnte to henith,saFery or environmernul protcc�ion.
<br /> ��:.-ri . � - „ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer und I.ender funher covenunl und ugrcc us followr: �...
<br /> -_ •°•��•�'��•a Zl. Acceleratlon; Remedk�. Lender shall give natice to Borrower prior lo accelerAtlon following Borrower's
<br />=�';; '''`�`�"` "" breacq oi any covenwnt or ag�eement in this Security Instrumeat Ibut not p�lor to accele�ution u�der paraqrpph 17
<br /> '-_:+'. '�:�,h,';,_,�'.`.:_��.:yx. �_ unless Applicable Iaw provldes atherwiscl. The notice shall specii'y: IA1 the default;lb1 the action requlred to cure the =_
<br /> �•r•"---� - � - dePault;(c)a date.not less than 3ti deys from the daie ihr uuiice is given ia itossouer,by a•h�cb!hc deiau!! mns!tre _
<br /> . ' � cured;and Id)that failure to cure the default on or before the date speciiied in the nutice may result in acceleration of �
<br /> - � � ^ the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale oP the Prope�ty. The notice shall further inPorm Borrower uP �._
<br /> '' • the right to reinstate afYer acceleration and Ihe right to bring a court aclbn to Assert the non-existence oP a dei'ault ar
<br /> ' � any dher defense aP Borrower ro accelerutlon nnd sale. If Ihe dePault is not cured on or beiore Ihe date specitied in �^'-
<br /> � ��""`, �' the notice,Lender at its optbn may require immediate paymenl in i'ull of ull sums secured by tbis Security Instrument
<br /> � • wlthout further demund and may invoke the power oP sale and uay Mher remedies permitted by applicable Iww•. ��
<br /> • Lender shall be enlitled to collect all expenses incurred fn pur9aing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21.
<br /> • including,bul not Iimiled to,reasonable attorneys'fees und costs of title evidence. �
<br /> .. ,�• If the power of sule is Invoked,'I�ustee shAll record e notice of dePuult in each county in which any part of the -_-
<br /> u
<br /> ' � Property is located and shall moil copies uf xuch nutice in/he manner prew:ribed by upplicable law lo Borrower and to ��
<br /> ' � . the other persons prescribed by applicable law. APter Ihe tlme required by�ppUcable law,7lrustee sh�ll give public
<br /> notice of sale ta the persons and in the munner prescribed by appllcable law. Tru!�tee,wilhaut demand on Borrower. �°,
<br /> , �•- . ;�'
<br /> � ��,�.• � , shall sell the Properly at public�uction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in `.
<br /> . the notice of sale in one ur more ps�rcelc und in uny order 7Yustee determines. 7lruslee may pnslpone sale oP all or any -
<br /> � : i parcel oP the Property by peblic announcement�t the time und plwce of uny previau�ly scheduled sale. Lender or its �u�
<br /> ' ` . ., .. deslgaee may purchase Ihe Praperly al any sule. �-`
<br />: Upon recelpt oP payment of the price bid,7�ustee shull delfver to the purchuser 7�uctee's deed cum•eying the a
<br /> " Prope�ty. The recitpls In the'll�uslce's deed shull be prlma fucie evfdence oP Ihe truth uP the stalements made therein.
<br /> . C2 9hAII Y 1 the rocc�edx oi'the sale in the Pulluwins order: (a1 to all cu�ts and expen�of exercising the power � -
<br /> 71ruat Pp Y P g--
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