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_,au:•r_e!ASr � � � ._ ;:�: -�••ue: -� -� . • , � :r� .q�G�r;, •• ' <br /> B.; .. t.t:.�t,,; +Y.� :'f,^.,af� �yts� . . , , R"' r`._d, �" o-c, 1�rf� �!� _ <br /> .'�� �� ��'II :J:��a�. 'l�'�an .�..'t , � 1 - I� ui'�YaT AY.�. <br /> I ��S .l y�� e <br /> ��'.i�!I�/��1a'.'��`--��.�.���.—�'._ <br /> :: Y�� . ' . ;'- � <br /> ' ty, ti�L'�Yd#I�j�l�y'k%iH'�t'• , �'�oz.r _ <br /> a � ..��.. � ., . _. <br /> ' � `•�:K4Si�;' . . .... � . <br /> .�. �s <br /> .-,���..:.���::� .;� 92- <br /> 105'7i6 <br /> --- ��� <br /> ���uir.S;y.�t:-,w.�M,�ai.: <br /> :.�.�r_�.��� <br /> �.,���,,;,� periods thal Lencler reyuirc�. The insurw�cc curr�er providing Ihe In»urutK:c shull Me ch�i�en by HoROwer tiuhJect w Lcnder� _� <br /> — approval which shuN not be unrcur�onubly withhcld. If Borcower faiin�o maimain cuvcruRc dc,crihed uhave,Lendcr muy, at � <br /> —n���� ' LenderR aptian,obtnin caverage to protect l.enderr rights in the Property in uccorduncc wilh par�graph 7. <br /> .��,,��,� V S All inauronce policies and renewuix xhali he w:ceptable to Lc�xler uiul Khull include u�Iundurd mungage clnur;e. Lender <br /> ,�3e�!�a�<�. , xhall have Ihe right to hold ihe�x►licies and rcnewuiw. If Lender n:yuires,B��ROwer�hull prumptly givc ta L.ender all receiptx <br /> �.������r�,�; ' of pnid premiuma uad renewAl naticcs. In thc event uf loss,Barrawer�chall givc prampt notice Io ihe inxurnncc currier und <br /> �? I,endca l.ender muy muke proaf'of lotis if not made prompQy by Bormwer. <br /> �=2�•���'• Unless Lendcr and Barrower othenvihe agree in writing, insurs�e procecds�hull l�upplied ta res�oralion i�r repuir of <br /> — ;+,.. 7 c. <br /> ',; � ��,; the 1'roperty darnoged. if Ihe re4torntion or nepair is ecanomicully fcs�ible and LenderY �ecurity i� nut Ie++eneJ. t c <br /> restoration or repAir ia not econamicully feusible or Lender� security would be Ie�Kened. the insurpnce praceeds shull lx <br /> � ,t ,,_,,,..,,.;,, applied to ihe xuma secuted by this Security Instrumenl, whe�her or nd then due, wi�h uny excess puid to Borrower. If m� <br /> -=•a`�?'i`1��. ,• ' Borrower ubundons �he Propeny. or doeg not a�swer within 3U duys a notice from Lender that�he insurunce currier h�s <br /> s-°""-'�= offered to settle u claim,then Lender may collect the insuruncc proceedw. Lender may osc the proceeds to repair or resto�e __ <br /> ::ki.�•`::..;: � <br /> ...,,,:�., �, , the Property ar to pay sums secured by thia Secur�ty Instrument,whether or nW then due. The 30-day period will begin when � <br /> 'k"�'���'�-'`�''--"-'�-�s � the nodce is given. �_. - <br /> _ -•`-=��� <br /> _ - Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writins,uny applieution ot'proceeds to principal shall nat exten ar <br /> ;?���a=•T � ��,• `�+ poslpone�he due date af the monthly puymems referrcd to in puragraphs I and 2 ar change the nmount of ths payments, If <br /> �:,Il;'S:�,'.;i`:.;.�,•,.�:�,.�r. <br /> - ,,:,�a,� ,',;,::tii;,,:"',:;,':' under purngraph 21 �he PropenY is acqufred by Lender, HaROwer;right to any insurance policies und proceeds result ng _ <br /> �'�°row• ° . from damage to the Property prior to the acquigition shnll ptu�s to L.endcr to Ihe extent of the sums secured by�hia Security <br /> f 4"";t,`=,�;' � ; lnstrument immediatcly prior ro the acquisition. <br /> •�+-'�. �k-�� �• 4 6. Occupancy. Preservation� Mainlenance and Protectian af the Propertyt Rnrrower•s Loan ApplfcAtioai <br /> ' �'•`"�'l�'�"' ��` I.easeholda Bormwer shull occupy,e��ublish,und use�he Property a�Ba►rower K princfpal residem:e within xixty days ufter <br /> ._, � , _� .,� <br /> ��' •-• - �he eaeculiuu of Ihir:Secudty loctrument und xhull cantinue tu�xcupy Ihe Pm�:ny u-�Borrowerec principul residenre or al « <br /> •� �� d .. � Ieas� ane ycur after the dute uf ixcupuncy, unler� l.ender �then�•iK u�trcc� in wri�ing, which rc►nxent �hull nut ix: <br /> �� '"�" ��: �''''� unrcuu�nably wiihhclJ,ur unlexx exlenuaiing circum��uncew exir:l which un ixy�►n�l Hom►wer;r��ntr��l. Born�wcr rhull not <br />_-�: ' '^ � dc.rtri�y,dumugc ur impuir ihc I'�u�xhy,ullow�hc t'�apeAy lo dutcri�xutc���r cumroit wn,tc on�hr Pr���ny. HuROwcr,hcdl � <br /> ^`• b • Nc in dci'uull if any furicnurc ac�inu��r pr�xccdiug,whc�hcr rivil ur crimiuul.ix hcµua Uiut in Lc�ulcr'+�t�Nxl i'ui�h juJgmeni <br /> .:::�� � <br /> � ' could nru11 hi ti�rlciwr.uY�IK 1'rorcny ur uthcrwi.r nunrriidly In►puir thc licn cn+ncd hy ihi�c Sccu�ily nstrununt o� <br /> �'°�� 'a••-.` -r Lenikr�µcurity in�cre,�. liaru►wer u�uy cure tiuch n�Ir(uult imd rein,tu� pruvidrd In puruµ�uph I K,by rutnin�t Ihe ucli�H� �_ <br />.���•. " �� ur pnKCCding tu Ix df,mi+Kd wi�h u ruling LrnJerk gaKl(�ulh dctcrniinuNun.prcrludc�li�rlcilurc ot'Ihc Burr�►wcr� <br /> ':��Y . . ° , inlcrcs� in �hc !'ruperty or a�her mutcrful impuirnicnt uf tlx lirn rreiecd hy�hiti tircuriry In:�trumcnl��r l.cnder: +rcurity -- <br /> , 'f- ° intcrc.r6 H��R��wcr ,hull ul+n tx in Jci'uull il' Nonuwcr, during 4ic I�►un npplic�ui�H� pr�x�s., guvc mutrriully ful+e or -- <br /> �".� s�='�'�' inuccura�c inli�rmutiun or hiutcmrnl��o I.cndcr I�r I'uilcd lo pr�►viJc l.cndcr wiih uny matcriul Mfi►rmntiun)in cannection wi�h �'"� <br /> .'=� . Ihc luun evicknced hy �he Nae. including, but nut limi�ed �o. re�rr,entutinnx concerning a��rrower+ occupuncy af the <br /> ;���� :- Propcny us u prinripal rc,fdence. If thi,Scrurity M�trumcnt is un u ku�chold,Bormwcr�hull comply with all the provisions <br /> ��-����� = —� of the leutie. If Bom►wer ucyuircz fec ti�ie[o�he i'mpcny,tiir 1cun�Luk1 da3 ihe F¢c titic sha!!not merge unlesx Lendtr agrees � <br /> - �• ' '" to the mergcr in writing. <br /> . 7. Protection of I.ender's Rigats in the Properly. If BoROwer fails m perf'orm the covenunts und ugreements -- <br />,'-���;� ; " contuined in �his Security Instrument,or there is a legul procecdinR �hut muy tiigmficnntly uffect L.ender: rightti in the �': <br /> � � Property(�uch ax a proceeding in bnnkruptcy.probutc,fur condemnalion ur forteiture or�o eniorce luws or regulutions►,then <br /> ' Lender may do anJ pay far whutever ir neces�ury lo protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Pruperty. <br /> � � Lendert actions may include p•rying uny+ums secured by u licn which hnti priority over this Security Inslrumant,uppenn�g _,.-__. <br /> ••�� in coun,payin�rearonuble uttorneys'fees und entering on the Propeny to makr repuin.AUhough Lender may tnke uction <br /> under this parobraph 7,Lender docs not huve to do s��. <br /> �- . • Any+�mounls Jisbursed by Lcnder under thiti puragraph 7 shull become udditional debt of Borrawer secured by this �`. <br /> • Security In4trurnent. Unles�Borrnwer and LcnJer ugree to other terni�of puyment,these umounts shull l�nr interest from the ;y�:__ <br /> ' date of disbursement:u Ihc Note rate und shull be puyable,with interest, upon no�ice from Lender to Borrower requesting _ <br /> _ -• • payment. _ � <br /> ; r " � " S. Mortgage Insurance. If LenJer rcquired mortgagc insuruncc us u condition of muking the loun secured by�his �y <br />.. • • .r Security Instrument. Borrower tihull puy thc premiums rcyuired w maimain thc mungugc insurunce in effcrt. If, for tany — <br /> reuson, the monguge insur�nce caveruge requim J by Le�x ler la puti o r ce u�e s t o b e i n e i't e c t, B o r r ow e r shall pu y the �'- <br />� � . premiums reyuired to oMuin cuvera�c ,ubs�untiully cyuivulrnt to thc mongugc insuruncc previou�ly in effect, ut a cost <br /> . •. �� � " . • xubstuntially cyuivulent lo tNe cust lo Borrower of the morlgu�c in.uranre previou�ly in r f fec�,fram an a l t e rn u te mort gu ge �;�A <br /> insurer upproved by L�nder. If subst:u�tiully cquivalent monguge insurunrr cnvemge iz not uvailuble.Borrowcr shnll pay to <br /> -• •� • • Lcnder ench mun�h u tium cyuul to onc-twclith of thc yeurly monFuge imurunce premium heing p•rid by Borrower when the �: <br /> insurunce coverage IupseJ orceu�ed to he in effect. LenJer will uccrpt.u,c:�nJ ret��in these payments ax u loss m+erve in lieu <br /> -• uf monguge insuruncc. 4o�s rexcrvc puyment�muy nu lon�er lx nyuircd.�� the apticm of Lendcr,if monguge insurancc <br /> V':� ' , ce�veruge lin the amaunt und for the period that Lender reyuires)pruv�ded by un inwrer upprovcd by Lender ugain becomes �� <br /> uvuiluble unJ is obtuined.Borrowrr.hull pay the premiu�m rcyuind to maintum mungagr in�urunce in eftect,or to provide c� r <br />,,.,':� ,,} los,rexervc,urni!the requirement for mortguge inxurnnce ends in urcurdunce with any wriuen u�rcrment between Borrower � �� <br /> , and L.�nder�x applirablc luw. � <br /> • 9. Inspection. Lcnder ur i1s u�ent muy mukr rcawnable crnrics upun anJ in+�xclionti ul'Ihc Pn�perty. Lcnder,hal l <br /> L give Bortower notice ul lhe time uf or prior li�un im�xc�iun�rxcifying nu+uniiMc cauu t��r thr im�xc�ion. <br /> IU. Condemnation. Thc pnxecJ.��I';iny au�ard ur claim fur Jantag��.Jircct ur run,cyurntial,in connrr�ion wi�h uny <br /> .• tiinµk fmnih�..Naoole�fuNFYcddk�tuc C\IF(1R11 Iti5'I'Rl'1fEN'1'..l hutami('u���w�n 9�911 i/n�¢r?��J��IH�v���i <br /> ° �aral I.�te�Nu+lm�Fmie.Inr � • <br /> . . � Taunkf/aIl 1-0OD6;ID93991]VA%H11FJA411:11 � <br />. t .. I <br /> . � <br /> �� .. :.A ' .. . . <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> .. � � <br /> • "_.""�.__. __ —. . ._ _ _ . <br />