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"_.�����N r. . .. .� �e ... � .� . '[ 1' ..���. " _ .. _ ._—�--.��-'��-^-�_.,._- _. <br /> ' ;: . .1�F���:,y � , . . _ <br /> �YY..... _�.. : :i ti� �r. i1� SY_— <br /> . . ' _ <br /> -'�iJ��- -:"___-__.. _-_:...-_..__.—___:_. _�_��, a �'. {` _� <br /> ..ww��..:7'' � . ..�- -_ <br /> . • � ..s�F . ' �' . '_ �,',�Ss _�. <br /> �1}'�fft��il���y . � � � r • ''. <br /> � � �--._..,....,i.�r.....y,�--..... ,. ..�. - <br /> �; �p��,_� 92- 1osss� <br /> /l V <br /> �����'� _�� <br /> ���'"`'.,�..�'"��`` candemnution or othcr tulcing ot'any pad af Ihe Pmp�:rty,ar far romcyoncc in liru ot'condcmnunun,ure Ikrrby u��iyiwJ wut <br /> ---�:n�:y�.�;�;�:.•• ahall 6e pald ta Lendcr. �_� <br /> In the cvcnt of a tatal toking of�he PrnpeAy. Ihc pmceedx ,hull hc upplicd �o tix�ums +�cund hy �hi„ ticcurf�y <br /> �`�`'� '�:,:.� Inswment,whether or nut then due,with uny excc..puid a� Bonuwer. In Ihc cvcm of'u puNiul tukinµul'�he 1'm�xrty in <br /> '����';#,�� �� `�. which thc foir market vulue ol the Pmperty immcdiatcly brlim�he tuking ix equul�o or grea�cr�hun the um�►um of ihr humw <br /> '�'`"�� � � r,ccured by thix Security In+trument immediaiely bcf'ore Ihc tuking,unletis B�m��wcr und Lrnd�r utherwiu uµne in w�iling, <br /> ��' � .�� �'' �'x;,. � �he sums recurcd by �his Sccurity lns��umen� �hull tk reduccd hy thc um��un�ot'ihc pr�xecd.multiplicd hy dir fnlluwing _._ <br /> ' z ��4t��� �- `. , ��: fractian: (a)�he total umount af Ihe xum�secured imm�diutcly befon thc�akinE,Jividcd by Ib1�hr 1'uir murkrl vulur�►f�he <br /> �;�.:W . <br /> �T . - �.�-. Pn�prny iim�x�liutely tx:fur.: thc lukhig. Any balancc shall tx paiJ to Burrowcr. In Ihc rvcm ul +� paninl �ukinµ of thc �ti_ <br /> �� °Y" •''� '�� Property in which�hc fair markel value of the Prapehy immc:diutcly tx:fom the tuking is Ie,s Ihun ihr umoun�of Ihc rum+ <br /> �'�� �'��'' ' �"� ,:a. + secured immcdiutcly before �he mking, unlcsy Bnm�wcr und l.endc�othcrwisc ugrec in wri�in� ��r unlr., upplicublc lu�v � <br /> _ �'"i:"�� , othenvi�+e provides,the praceeds��hull l+e npplied to the sum�+ecured by thi.Securiry In,trument whcth�r or nu�Ihr�um�ure <br /> �8„-�3�'�;��''. Ihen due. ' <br /> �,�sa� .4;" , If the Prupeny is ubundoned by Borrawer,or if,ufter nuticc by Lender to Borrowcr�hat the c��ndemnur��ffcr+�u muke � <br /> _:::l���ribi►ius <br /> an uwurd or setNe A claim for dumoges,BoROwer fuils to rcspcmd to Lender within:i11 dnyti ul'tcr�hc dntc ihr nu�ic�i.givrn, �°'� <br /> -� �. ,: �'- Lender is uuthorized to collect unJ apply the prucecd+,ot its option,either ta rextarution or repuir of'Ihe Pr+►�xny or�o the `�� <br /> • �.:���".�� •a � sums secured by thix Security Instrumen4 whether or not Ihen due. <br /> "' ' '�"'°�" Unlesti l.endcr u�d Horrower atherwise ugree in writing,uny applicution of pr�xcedti to principal �hull nut extenJ�ir —�- <br /> ''�'"R�`'' :: ;'� tit ne the due date of the monthly payment+ referrcd to in parugruph� I und 2 or chunge the umoum uf such puyments. <br /> �r:�_, .�..•; Pa'Po <br /> ,-.Y„ ,,::;� lL Borrower N�t Released; For6earance By Lender Not a WAiver. Extentii�►n uf Ihc timr for puyment or _ <br /> �'.�':�;� , '�; madi�cation of umortia.ntian of the sumx secured by thi+Sccuri�y Insirument grumed by Lender�o uny rurresrnr in intcre,i � <br /> - -- af Bormwer�hall not oper.tte tn rele:t>:e the liability af the origin:t! Borro�ver or Barmwer; succe�tic�n in interr.t. L.ender i� <br /> __ _ ��'�^:�Y�:?��;.' ; xh+�ll noc be required to commence proceedin�x oguimt Any succe.sor in intere�t or refutie to extend�ime li+r puymem or _ <br /> _. ":`��� othenvi+e modify nmartizution of the�ums,ecured by this Securi�y Ins�rumem by rra.�on of any demund mudc hy�hr uriginul �% <br /> ,;��' ^ • Borrower or Borrower's successon in interest. Any farbeanince by Lender in cxercixing any right or m.m�dy .rhull nii�br a <br /> � <br /> "' ' wuiver of or preclude�he exe�cise of any righ�or rcmedy. -" <br /> °=s� ,:.;;?;.� .` , l2. Successors and Asslgns Bound:Joi�l a�d Several Liabillty;Ca•signers. Thr covcnunl.uncl ugrc�mrnl,��f thi� ��. <br />__�,��_.: h , „ Security Instrument shnll bind und benefi��he successan und axsign+of Lcnde�And Barrower,subjcc�ti�Ihe prewitiionti af _�^_ <br /> __,^��� ., purvgmph 17. Borrower's covenunts s�nd ugreementti tihuU be joint und xeverul. Any Borruwer whu co-,ign+thi.Securi�y <br /> b��'"o�;,.-., Instniment bul doex not exccute the Nde: (u1 is co-signing�hi,Security Instrumcnt only to monRnge,@runt und cunvey Ihul L:"�' <br /> -`?��� •"' �, <br /> Borrowerk interest in the Property undcr the�crm.of'Ihi.Securiry Instrument; Ibl is not prr.anully obliguted to puy Ihe tium. <br /> ��� ���''���� secured b thiti Securil Inxtrument;unJ(cl u rees thut Lendrr und un olher Borrower mu u n� to rxtrnd,m�xlii' fnrbeur <br /> �,�� Y Y R Y Y R " y' -�- - <br /> _��ar,�;,�,;;.;,;.,�.. or make any accommodAtians wilh regurd to Ihe terms of this Securiry Inzlrument or 1he Note without Ihul Borrowerk __ <br /> � � comenL -'-- <br /> r �� l3. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by thi+ Security Ins�rument ix subject �o u luw which�e�+maximum loun �� <br /> k -�- _•�� `' °�-� rhasges,and thst !uw i�fin�dly intP�+reied.o�hat thc in�ere,t or other loun rhur�ee�rollccted nr to be collcrted in cannection !�" <br /> �°; ��i. ' with thc loan exeeed the penniited limilz.then: (u)uny�urh loun churg�shull he reduced by the umount mcesrury tu reduce -_-: <br /> ,:,n� :+:;�;tl • �. <br /> -_ the churge to�he permiued limil:und(b1 uny+um.idreudy collected from Banower which exrcedrd permilled limil.will he <br />'�_;..' ;....�'� refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chao�c�o mukc this rePund hy reducing the principul uweJ under the Noir or by muking u <br /> ' direct paymcnl t:►Bormwer. If a rrfund redures principul,�he reduction will lx treu�ed u�u puniul prcpuymenl wi�hout uny �._` <br /> „ �� , prepuyment cBurge under the Nole. <br /> ' . ,,,�,,; ° 14. Notkes. Any noticc to Burn�wcr pruvided f'or in this Scruri�y Instrumcnt +hull be given hy dclivrring it or by ;Uy- <br /> • � " mailing it by fint clu�ex muil unle+s upplicuhle law rryuircs u+r�if unrnhcr mrthod.The nairc.hul)t�dirccled lo the Propeny - <br />_ • Addn:ss or uny olher uddress Borruwer designatrs hy nolice to LenJer. Any notirc to Lcixlcr shall Ix given by fint clu+� <br /> ' ' ,'r'^�+i� muil to Lendcr's uddreti,,tatcd hcrcin ar imy othrr acklrr.ti LenJcr dcsiFnutrti hy noticc lo B�xn+wcr. Any nrnirc pruvided for , <br /> - • � � . �° ° in thi. Sccuriiy In.trumrnt shull fx dccmed to huvc hern givrn w Hi�rmwer or Lrixlcr when �iv4n us providcd in this <br />'Y` � �' purugruph. _ <br />`•'' '. 15. GmerninR Law; Se�•erubillty. Thi+ Srcw•iry Imttumenl +hull ix govcrned hy tidert�l luw unJ th� luw of the =- <br /> � � jurisdiction in which Ihe Pmpeny is kxuteJ. In Ihr evrnt that any pr��vi.i�m ar rluuxr of thi,3crurity Imtrumrnt or 1he Note �` <br /> conflicts with upplicublr luw.,urh ron0icl�hull n��t uftcrt athrr provisiony of�hi�Srrurity In�tniment or Ihr N�ric which cun �-�' <br /> G'�:. <br />� ' : bc given et'fcct withou� thr cun0ir�ing nr�wi.ion. To thi.end thr provisions of ihis Scruri�y In.tnm�rnt anJ the Note are <br />�:t � ., ."� declered to tx�scverable. �_ <br />.'� :� ' '' 16. Borrower's Cupv f3urrowcr+hull h�Eivrn unr ruM'ormcd ropy�H'Ihc N�m und of thi+Scruriry Intitrumenl. �_- <br /> .�:�• �'•"'' 17. 7lrantiFer oP the Prnpertv ur w Beneficful lnteresl in IMr�ower. IT all or uny pan of Ihc Pn►pcny or uny intcrest in ■�:-;� <br /> e�;_. �_ <br /> , it is xold��r�run.feRrd lor il'u Ixnrtiri:d intrre,t io Bonower i+ u,ld �,r trun.fcrred und B��rn�wrr i�nut a natu�ul�xnoni - <br /> � , . . wilhout LenJer's prior wriucn cun.�nl.Lcixkr may.a� il+��ption. rryuirc immrdialc paym�nt in t'ull of ull sum..ecumd hy ��"- <br />•�s, this Sccuriry Imtrument. How•cvcr.lhi,c�lion+h•rll no�Ik rxrrci.rd hy LrnJcr il'axrrciu i.pruhihiteJ by frdcrul luw ux�if ��_ <br /> �� <br /> _�' ;„ „ �he dale of this Security In.trumrm. <br /> . -� , If Lender exerci�r�Ihis�iption.l.rn�kr choll�ive Barruwer noticr ol'arrrkra�iun. Thr noticr�hnll pr�►vidr a�xriud of <br />- , �, not le��thun 30 days from thc Jute thr ni�tirc i�drlivered ur m:iilcd��ithin���hirh Burrowrr mu�t puy:�,,crurcJ hy thi� • <br /> ,. ., „ Security Imtrumcnt. If Burrowcr I'uih �u pay Ihc,e +mn. priur tu Ihr cxpir;�iiun ul'ihi,periud. Lendrr may invokr uny �- <br /> r-, <br /> � ' rcmcdic+prnnilted hy Ihi+Scrurilp In+trument µ•ilhuut I'urlhrr n�Nirr ur J�m:md un kiurru��cr. "' <br /> 18. Rorroa•cr's lti�ht to Relnstule. It� Hurn,�urr mcrl+�rnain r�,nditiun.. R��rtu��rr �h:dl h;n•r Ihe ri�ht tu havc <br />' ` eni'onenxm of thi+Securi�p In.�n�mrm di.c„nlinurd ut any� timr pri„r tu�hr carlirr��f: �:u 5 da�.lur wrh uthrr�xri�x)ii, <br />_ �' <br /> timEk I�.imd� ��F'unnk�Iuc1Freddk\luc l�IF11N�f 1\S'1'NI'S1F:�'I'• 1'ud�mn t'm.n,�m. 4/qs yx�tir a n►n����r�i t{ ., <br /> i <br /> 9.. .. • � <br /> f <br /> i - . . F <br />� -.._r..-.,.�_ . . � .i•. - . . .S ` . .. - -� <br /> .l i ' <br /> , , <br /> 1 ' • . <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> �� ' � ._._ . ._ . . . <br />