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<br /> ��''` ' '�°'�'�yw � applic�blc law moy cpecify far reinswtemcnq before sale oP�hc Property pun�uan�tu any power of salc wntuincd in �hix
<br /> `��''�"'��`�-''�'-;�„� Soeurity lnsuutnent;�r(b1 entry of u judgmcnt enforcing this Secu�ity Inswment. Those conditians w�e thnt Borrower. lu) _
<br /> �_-"���=:-�- pays Lender all sums whfch then would be due under this Security Instrument ond the Note as if na uccelemdon had
<br /> ��s.� accurned;(b)cures any defoult of uny other covenonts or ugreements;(c)pays all eapenties incurred in enfarcing Ihis Security
<br /> *�".;•�'�` "ai"��x Instrument, including, bul not Nmited to,resiscmable upomeys'fees; And (d) takes such su:tion ua L.ender muy reusonably
<br /> � � � ,• o requiie to ussure that Ihe lien oP Ihis Secu�ity Instrument,Lender c rights i�i thc Propeny und Bormwer's•obligation to pay thc
<br /> °;* �;�';.J, aums secured by Ihie Sccu�ity Instrumcnt ahall continue unchanged. Upon relnxtutement by Borrower, thia Sccudty
<br /> � � � Ins�rumem w x i t he a b l iRa t ions secure d here by s h u l l re m a i n f u l l y e f f e c d v e a s i f n o a c c a l e r u t i a n h ad accuRed. However.thia L 1
<br /> ' ��•�A"""`'>.`.�'�' rlght to reinslute shall not upply in the cuse af acccleratian under purugrnph 17. -
<br /> ���,�' ' 19. Sak of Note=Clwnge ot I.own Serv ker. T h e Nae or u part ia l in teres t in the Natc(to gelher with Ihis Sccu�iiy
<br /> -- -- • Instniment)may be sold one or more times without priar natice ta Bortower. A sole may result in u chunge in the entily
<br /> '—�r�'f�,��^;? ' (know�as the"l.oan Servlcer'7 thut collecls monlhly paymente due un der t h e Not�un d t his Sec u r l t y I n s t r u n i�n t. T h e re�I s o
<br /> `:• � � , . ; may be one or more chonges af Ihe Loan Servicer unreluted�o A snle of the Note. If ihere i,a change of the Lopn Servicer.
<br /> �:�.Y�, . Borrower will be given w�itten notice af Ihe change in uccordunce with purugrnph 14 ubovc und upplicablc luw. The notice
<br /> _"--_ '-..i_. '�._.A:n-`.�.� .
<br /> will swte the name nnd uddress of�he new Loan Servicer und the address to which pAyments should be made. The notice will
<br /> �'°:-:`��: .,;, � Also contain uny ather infortnation required by applicuble law.
<br /> 20. Hazardoua 3ubstances. Burrower shall not cuuse�r pertnit Ihe presence,use,disposal,s�orage,or releuse of any
<br /> .��6�• -•i•��'�•`', ,. Hw.ardous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shull not do,nor allow anyonc clse to do, unything Affecting the
<br />— ��"�""'1'" " ` Prapeny thut is in violation of uny Envuonmentul Lnw. The prcceding two sentences shall not npply to the presence,use,or _
<br />- �,±"..r_�,,,... .�.p k. .:
<br />- • '�ir"�;•��. storoge on the Property af smull quantities of Nazurdous Substances that are genemlly recogni•r.ed to be upproprit►te to normal
<br /> -- :. �� ����:�J.� • residential uses und to maintenunce of the Propeny. _
<br />-- �;.. .'.:"�; � BoROwer shull promptly give Lender written notice of uny investigution.cl�im,demand,lawsuit ar ather uction by any �
<br /> - governmental or rcgularory Agcncy or privatc pany involving the Property and nny Haznrdous Subxtance o�Environmcnlnl -_ _
<br /> '-=i � . Lnw of whkh Borrower has uctuni knawledge. !f Borrower learnh, or is notified by uny gavemmental or regulatory �-,__
<br />�� - authoriry,thnt uny removul or other remediution of uny Huzurdous Subxtance uffecting Ihe Praperty ix necessury. Borrower =s`_°—'��
<br /> n shull promptly�uke ull ncces+suy remediul actions in accordnnce with Environmental Law. �_
<br /> ��.� .. ,, `. •yf''�": � As used in this puragmph?0,"HnxArdous Sub�tances"are those substunces defined u�toxic ar haznrdous wbstunce,by _
<br /> - , �•� Environmenlal Law and the following substnnecs: gasoline,kerosene,ather flummable ar toxic petraleum produclx,toxic
<br /> • pesticides�nd herbicide�,valatile xolvents, mnteriuls concaining as6estos or formuldehyde, und mdiouctive materiuls. As �,�,��:�__
<br /> � . ' , used in thia pa�agruph 20,"Environmcn�ul l.aw"mcuns federnl laws und laws of�hc jurisdiction whcre the Prop�:ny is lo�a�ed �{;.—
<br />- � that relute to heulth.sufcry ar environmcmul protection. �''�r�"=_`
<br /> � ° NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower;�nJ L.ender fLrther covenunt und ugree ux fnllows: ` „ �"
<br /> �,r:�'�_
<br />-. - � 21. Accelerutlon; Remedies. Lender chall Rive noNce M Borrower prior to acceleralion Polluwing Borrower's �;;,�__
<br /> '�?�� breach oi any rnven�nt or agreement in thls Security Inclrument Ibut not prior to acceleralion under paragruph 17 �e,01�
<br />':`�,., c.,�,;;;,,�;,��s,� unless applkable law provides otherwisel. The nntice sqnll specify: lal!he defuulh Ibl the action required lo cure the ��-_
<br /> - —-- : ---_- -
<br /> __�-°--
<br /> � det'ault;lc1 a da�e.not ies.g thpn 30 doys from ihe daie ii�nutice in�iien to Sorsou•cr.by�es�lslch!ht de!'eu!!mn�� ---
<br /> � cured;and ldl that Pailure to cure the default on or bei'ore the date speciiied in thr notice may result in acceleraUon of ---
<br /> •t" " "� the sums secured by this Security Instrunienl and sale oP the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrawer of -----
<br />' ' the right to reinslete af�er acceleration and the riRht to bring a court action to assert the non•exislence of a default or -�-•--
<br /> ,, any other defense of Borrower lo acceleralion And sale. IP the dePault Is not cured on or before the date specified in ��.;:'
<br /> " Ihe notice.Lender at ils option may require immediute payment in fbll of all sums secured by Ihis Security lnslrument
<br /> , without iurther demand and may invoke the power of sale and Any other remedies permitted by appltcable I�w. • `
<br /> �.' Lender sholl be entilled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuinR the remediec prnvided in this para�raph 21. �_��+,_,..
<br /> • including.bul not Ilmited to.reasonable ulrorneys'fees und cos�s of title evidence.
<br /> IP the power oi'sale is invuked.'ll�uslee shall record a noUce af defuult io eunc�ounty in wMich any part of the s�
<br /> Property is IacAted and shall muil copies uf such nulice in the manner prrscribed by upplicable law to Borrower and to �.°�_
<br /> � the other persons prescribed by�pplicable law A�ter Ihe time required by applicable law.7Yustee shall�ive public ��-=-�°
<br /> � noNce of x�le lo the persons and in Ihe���unner prescribed by applicable luw. 7Yu.rtec.wlthnut dems�nd un Borrower. ��_:'�_„:�;`
<br /> � � �� �. shall sell the Property at public aucti�m to Ihe hiRhevt bldder at the time And place and under Ihe terms desl aoted in
<br /> R l�==M-:;-
<br /> .. the notice oi'sale in one or more parcels and in uny urder'I�uslre determines. 7Yustee may postpone s�le of all or uny �
<br /> � parcel oi'the Property by public annouacement�t Ihe time and place uP any previuusly scheduled s�le. Lender or its Fi'�:.�'``
<br /> designee may purcbase Ihe Pruperty at any salc. •"";'^�-
<br /> U n recel t of a ment oP the rire bid,'IHustee shull delirer to the purrha+er'15�uslee's deed conveyin�the � '`.:.'.`;
<br /> - �,., . . • " P� P p Y p
<br /> � Property. The recilals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be primu Pacie evidrnce oi'the truth oi the st�tements made therein.
<br /> ' . 1 „ 'Itu�tee shwll�pply the proceeds uP the sale in the fullow•MU urder: Iul W ull custs and rxpenses of exercising the power �__,
<br /> ., ��
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