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^.a:itY'�a'. <br /> � � � .y ...,�++;- .:�-�;••r ••'*�.. _-- :—;.,,_, �--- <br /> , ..��"� �� � � �<� -� " ., <br /> � , s 1.�.c;.�`_ ... <br /> ,.,–. ._- <br /> �$. . — – -- _– <br /> - �.�_,. <br /> - :.� . 92-�0�4 - <br /> _-��{�` l�y�' • <br /> •��_,, • ."` peri��ds ihut L.endcr reyuircK. 71ic inxurutKU curricr pmviding Ihc�unr�+hull lx chuxn hy Hnrrowcr�ubjec�a�Lenderx <br /> ���':;'_'�"�"�� ��.� t npproval which shull no�f+c unroa�nnubly withheld. If B«rrower fullx tn maintuin cuveruge dcticribed ubuve,Lender may.wt <br /> Lender is�pion,c�Muln cnveruge to pmtect l.cnder}�rfghlR in�he P�ro�eny in accordance wi�h purugroph 7. <br /> �:=+� �'• • •� � ^ All inwuronce palicies und�oewnlx xhull br uccep�oble 1��4ender wKi nhull include a stundard morlRuge clau�e. Len�kr <br /> , , f,� ,�, `�M ahall have Ihe right to hoW thc paliciex und Rncwulx. Ii Lanik�rcyuirev,Bortowcr whull prnmp�ly give t�►L.ender uli rcccipiK <br /> . � �r nf puid premiums and mnewul nouceti. In�he even��f lo�., Rorrawcr.huU Qive promp�nodce to the Msurunce curcirr and <br /> ^''' +' lxndcr. Lauler muy mokc praif of�lars if nut mAdc prompdy b��Burmwcr. <br /> ���t• Unlesx l.ender und 9orrawer nthenvf>x ugrce in writing,inrurunce prarerdx shull be Applicd ta restorotiun�u repuir of <br /> ., ':.^ . . 'n � <br /> -�='�-�-,� the Propeny dumuge�l,if the rc,�uratiun or rcpuir i+ ccunumicully f'ea+iblc und Lcndcr� swcurity ls not lessened. li'�he - -_- <br /> �i!%�::>;r��:..^+it;��°Q rcstorati.n or repuir ix nat economically feavible or LenJer:hccurity wuuld be Ies�ned, the insurunce pmceedx xhall be __ <br /> °�y,,;;. ,,,: �r,.��� applfed ta the sums securcd by thia Secu�ity Instnimcnt,whether or n��t then due,with uny eace�.r paid ta Bonuwer. IP <br /> ." '`'.�.�::� •• Borrower nbandons the PropeAy,or doex not answer wi�hin 30 daya u nMice frorn Lender thut the inxumnce cartier har� � <br /> '~ "���'L�y=�i(f° offered to retde a claim,then Lender muy callect the insurunce pmcecds. Lender mny use the pruceedw to repair or restore e <br /> -`_.:��'_:.:.tinE�'�`�+° the Propeny or to puy sums scecured by Ihig Security In.rtrumcnt,whether or nat then due. The 30-day period will begin when <br /> � ;. the notice is given. <br /> ` ' `' �� '� Unless Lender und Bortower otherwise ugree in writing,uny applicutiun uf pra:e�d, to principal +hnll not extend ar f =_-- <br /> '•• •` °•'� ' �` " postpcme the due dute af the momhly paymentx referred to in parugraphs 1 nnd 2 0�change the umou�t of the pnyments. If <br /> ' ' • under ptuugraph 21 the Propert� ia acquired by Lender, BoROwerk right to any insurpnce policies nnd praceeds resulting <br /> -- :f�,�������;;�n from dumage to the Property pnor�u the ucyuisition shall pass to Lender to the ex[ent of the sums secured by this Security = <br /> - Instrument immedintely prior la the ucquisition. <br />_-- '�:°=.: ��. •�� 6. Occupwney, Preservatfon. Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property; Borrower's Loan ApplicAtloni — <br /> - ���" I.easeholds. Borrower shAll acupy,establish,and use�he Praperty As Borrower�principal re5idence witbin yinty Juya after �__ <br /> �. -»'�-�''?�`��'�`�� b the execution of this Security Instmment und shall continue to accupy ihe Property as Barcowerc principal resldence for nt <br />;_�� ^''° , ° � least one year ufter the dute of occupuncy, unless Lender othenvise agreex in wri�ing, which consent shall not be �°°�- <br /> "�`"� • unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuuting circumstuncex exist which a�e beyond Horrowerk cantrol. Borrower shull oot �'�`- <br /> +`.�� ° ; destroy,damage or impair the Praperty,allow the PrapeAy to deteriorate, or commit wuste an the Propeny. Borrc�wer shall = <br /> . be in default if any forf'eiture actian or praceeding,whether civil ar criminol, is begun that in Lender ti goad faith judgment <br /> - . " could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise mnterially impuir 1he lien crea�ed by this Securi�y Inatrument or <br /> ��.: Lender's security interesl. Borrower muy cure such u defuult and�eintita�e,w provided in paragruph 18,by cuuaing the action �J <br /> - , � � or proceeding to be dismissed with n niling thut,in Lender ti good fnith determina�ion,precludex forfeiturc of the Bormwer's <br /> .. intercst in the Propeny or other materiul impuirment of the lien creu�ed by �hix Security Instrument or Lender's�ecurity �____ <br /> - . interext. Borrawer shall alxo be in detault if Borrower, during the loun applicntion procexs, guve muteriully fulse or _---- <br /> - — ' ' inaccurnre informa�ion ar stAtements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with any material infortnation)in connection with =- <br /> ._,.s _�. <br /> _. �, _ _.. <br /> ,�, � � , tt�e loun evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming Borrower s occupuncy of' the � __ <br /> '.� . ' Property as a principAl residence. If thix Security Instrument iti on a leusehold,Borrower shall comply with ull Ihe provisions ' �•i_ <br /> -`` ' -' of shc leaxe. !f Soaotler acquires fee title to the Property,the le�tsehold end the fee UUe�hall not merge unless Lender aRrees <br /> ' to thc merger in writing. —_— <br /> 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform the covenunts und ugreements �,�.:•. <br /> contained in this Securiry Instrument, or there is u le�ul pmcceding thai ms�y tiigmficanUy uffect Lender's rights in �he �` <br /> � . - � Property(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy,pmhute,for condemnution or forfeiwre or to enforce lows or resulatians),then <br /> ;;�;:;;� . .. <br /> Lender may do und pny for whatever is necessary to protec�ihe vulue of�he Prapeny and Lender's rights in the Property. ��—�• <br /> Lender's actions mny include puying uny xum+secured by u lien which hus priority over this Security Instniment,appew'ing <br /> in court, u in reasonablc u�tome �'fecs und cmcrin an �he Pm cn to muke re ain.AUhau h Lender mu Inke uction �" `c <br /> PY B Y R P' Y P B Y <br /> . 'o ' � under thix purngrnp h 7,Lender dces not huve to do xo. <br /> ' ' . Any umoums disbursed by l.ender undcr thi+ purnFruph 7 shull become addilionul debt of Borrower secured by thiti •'-�'•-� <br /> ^;,:.r ' <br /> Security Inxtrument. Unlexs Borrnwcr u�xi Lendcr ugrec to uthcr tcrtn,of pt�yrnent,these umaunts xhnll hear intercst fram the . . <br /> � dnte of Jisburxement ul thc Note rutc und xhull he puyuMle, with intcre.t, upon notice fmm Lendcr to Borrower requesting <br /> . � puyment. <br /> • � ,ti� S. Mottgage lnsurance. If Lender reyuireJ mortgnge in,urunce us u candition of muking the loan tiecured by this �-�_ <br /> " Security In4trumenl. Borrawcr shull pay tlx premium+ rcyuired to moinwin the t►xmgaRc inxurnnrr in eifect. If, for eny �;�n,__ <br /> , , reuxon, the mortgage insurunrc covcrugr rcyuired by Lender lup�es or ccuxe, to tx in effec�, Borrower shAll pay the �,,�- <br /> � � premiums reyuired to obtain rnvera�r wb�tuntiolly eyuivalent to thc mungugc intiurunce previnuxly in effect, ut a cost .�. : <br /> -_ � � � � �� �" � ,. nubstuntially equivulsnt to Ihe co,l to Borrowcr of thc monga�e in,urance previously in effect,i'rom un ulternute mongage � <br /> �• � insurer approved by Lender. lf substuntially eyuivulenl monguFe in,urance cover•rge i,nut uvuilable,Borrower shull pay to ____ <br /> � � Lender euch monlh A sum cyual to une-tweltlh of the ycurly murtgu�c in.urunce prcmium t�in�paid by Borrower when the �,;,y._:., <br /> . • � ° insurunce ruveruge lupxed or ceuxed to tx in effect. LenJer will accrpt,u.e and retuin the.r payment+us u losti reserve in lieu �;-_� <br />_� of mortguge insurance. Loss rrrerve payments muy no longer lx�rryuirrJ,u� thc uptiun uf Lender, if mortgage insurunce =____ <br /> ° coveragc(in the wnoun�und for the periai�ha� Lcndrr r¢yuires)providrd hy un imurrr uppruved hy Lcnder ugain becomes "°- <br /> • uvuilable und is obtuined. Dortx�wcr shull puy Ihr prcmium�reyuircd to mainluin m�xtgage inxurunce in effect,or to provide u :�`•�- <br />, � �' '' loss rescrve.until the rcyuirrmrnt for mortgugr imurunce end�in ucconiunce wi�h any wriucn i�grce�mnt lxtween Borrower _,,.,., <br /> � and Lender ur applicable law. � <br /> , 9. Inspection. l rnder in•it�agent muy make�u.unuhl�cntrk� u�xin and imExclians��f Ihc Propeny. LcnJer shull . <br /> ° � give Bc►rn�wcr notirr al thr timr of or prior tu un in.�xrti�m,�xrifying rcu.on.�blc cau.c liir�hc in+�xctiun. <br /> 10. Cupdemnatlun. The pnxecd�ul any aw•:�rd ur claim f'ur�lamagr�, dirrrt or run.eyuen�ial. in rutmection wi�h vny <br /> i <br /> ._ SinNlr Fanuly••Funnlc\1WdFnddlc�1wc l'\IFI1N111\tiTRI'\1E\1'..1'nd�mn('m�nant. 4/4p i��i•r nf n p��rs� � <br /> � . <br /> �prai I.vr.Ilamx�w.l�mn.Int � <br />- Tu�hkrl'aI11dI0D5:16A7D7(7FA7I61&7B1•I�JI � <br /> � <br /> , ,� I <br /> � <br /> "� <br /> �, <br /> 1 I <br /> ,'� - --------- -- — --- -— _. --- - - -. . � _ __- . . . . __ . <br />