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...:�. :. ,..... ..� r .w,m <br /> . _ .. . --__--.�._�_-� _ .� <br /> t;'�I ' .. t i . i' , '��,�..�,, ..a��. ,_.....�. .'.+...........+ <br /> � ` . .. . . . � uu�� I j �.� i _ <br /> ��i �:w.tT ��W� '(� <br /> • .•th-'• . . „ _. <br /> .. -..,�iAM,a,�to F:�+ie�:n .. � ..., - :-,.�,� <br /> a._-- <br /> ,•.• % � -,r� �: <br /> .�. <br /> . , <br /> � �"� _,.�., f6. Covonanta a!Tiusror wlth Respect to Leases.Without the p�la wrlBen consent ol BeneNclary,Tiusta shall not dlreotly a Indfrec8y, �r._. <br /> �''°' w/th ro.spoot to any lesse o/space!n the Truat PropeAy,a any portbn d►erool,whether such lease is now or Iwr4ahar In oxlitanco: �— <br /> `�. .�ca�I��^� �, (s) Acapf a permlt any propaymenf,dlacounf or advance payment ol rent hereunderin excesa ol one month, <br /> "�' d^' ' '�•� '•'•` ' . (b) Cencel or Mrminate fhe aeme,or�ccept any oancN le d o n,t p r m i n e d o n a s u n e n d e r t h e r e o l,a p e r m l t a n y e v e n t t o o c c u r w h l a h w o u l d <br /> r� �ww+'-. oCCw dwrounde►to teiminata a canca tiw swno,othar fhAn terminedon!a nonpayment ol rent, �...� <br /> �"'. `..` . .. � . <br /> ; • �, (o) Amend a mndiy►ha samo ro��to roduca Nu twm rha��N+s►��t+u peyahle tl�ireundo�,a to chanpe any►enewal provlalona <br /> ' .�,,�'' .. th4reln Contalned, <br /> :;�,,,:� .�f • <br /> ,v: .: (d) Walve any de/ault Ihereun�er or breaoh the►eo% <br /> . .�,.:,�a,�� (�) plve eny consent,walve►or epproval thereunder or lake eny�ther ecdon In connecdon therew!►h,oi wilh a feasae thereunder,wh/ch ���� <br /> � � �,a would have the ellect of lmpeMnp d�e velue of 1M l�cor'a lntaiest tharaundor a thv properry sub/ect theroto,a ol lmpaidnp 1he q <br /> - -=.�. _ - --- posldon or interest of BeneAcfary t�erein,or c-" _ - <br /> ,,,:;i•, • (n Sell,asalgn,pledge,mortpeps a othsrwlsa dl�pose ot,or encumber Ita lnterost In eny sa/d lesae a any ienta,lssues,p�oN1�Issulny <br /> orarlslnp thereunder. �" <br /> � � ' �' ` � 17. Welver ol Sfalute ol UmJtadons.7lme!s ol the essenceln all ol Tivator's obllpaHons and dutles hereunder,and to lhe extent permltted �';ti•- <br /> ;j� J° by law, Tiustor welves all present a luture atatutes ol 1lmltallona wlth respect to eny debt,Ylemend a obllgadon aecured hareby and =�" <br />-{= ; ^'��' ''� " "' ony acUon or proceedln�!a/he pu►pose ol enlwclnp thls Deed ol Tast or any rights a iemedles contalned hereln. � ��-�- <br /> � � . ° 18, Asalgnment of Deposits.ln the event consbuction ol lmprovements!s contemplaJed by the/oan eWdenced by the Note sacured �:-�"-=' <br />�'+~:� hereby,as addltlonel secudty therefore,frusror hereby 1►ansfe►s and assigns fo 8enellclary,ell d pht dtle and Jnte►est b any and�II !-�-�:-. � __ <br /> - � • moMes deposlted by a on beha!!of Tivator wiM any clry,county,publlc body a agency,san!►ary dlstdct,udlity company,and <br />_ - any other body a agency,for the lnstalMtlon o►to secure the lnstalladon o/eny uNllry by Trustor,pertaining ro the Tiust Property. -�- <br /> Q�x�-r:-- <br /> , � . . . ,. � ia. Corporadon a Pahrte►shlp Exlstence.ll Tiustor 1s a corporadon,general partne�shlp,or llmlted paAnershlp,!t wlll do a0 thJngs __, <br />` ;,: ., <br />, • , . �� � necessary to preserve ita corporate or parmershlp exlatence,as the case may be,and all dyhts and prlvlle�es undor the/aws ol the �`;��,�Y_ <br /> =- �-----:'� � state of Jts Mcaporadon or organizadon, `` <br /> _..--, � ----- <br /> . ': � ' 20. Forbearence 6y Bene►lclary Not a Walver.My forbearence by 8enellclary!n exerclsing any dqht or remedy hereunde►,or othenvlse E��t:.. <br /> �-,,: • N efladed by appllcable lew,ahall not be a welver ol or preclude Nie exerclse ol eny such dght or remedy. The prxurement ol _^ _ <br /> . � lnsurence or the payment o/taxes a Ihe dlscharge o/!lens or charyes by Bene�lclery shall not be a walve�ol BeneRciary's dphl to x,. <br /> accefe�ete the maludfy o(the Inde6tednesa. ���.�� =�'� <br /> •• .. 21. Remedles CumulaUve.Ali remedles proWded In thls Deed ol Tiust a►e dlsdnct end cumulative to any other Nght or iemedy under thls �'-=�r=---- _ <br />� r ^ . Deed ol Tiust or eHorded by lew or equNy,and may be exerclsed concunendy,lndependently or successlve/y. • _•�� . ;:- <br /> '' � . 22. Successora end Asslgns Bound;Jolnt and Several Uablllty;Capdons.�he covenaMs and agreementa hereln confalned shall bind,and =';�.�;.�- <br /> . , �� the dghts hereunder shell lnwe to,the respecdve successors and asslgns ol Benellclery,Trustee,and Trusfor.All wvenants and - :__ <br />_ ' :, •� ag►eernenta ol Trusta shall be/olnt end several. The captlons and headings o/the parayraphs ol lhls Dead ol Trust are!or Q•;.-�` <br /> „ convenlence only and are nof ro be used to lnterpret or de/Ine 1he provlslons hereot. <br /> ?3. Notice.Except for any nodce requlred unde�appllcable law to be glven!n another manner.(aJ any noNce to Tiustor provlded/orin thls �' �� <br />• • Deed ot Trusf shall be glven by mailing such noNce by ceAlNed mall,retum recelpt requested addressed to Tiustor at!ta melling ��f��� ="` <br /> i � address set forth above or et such olh9r address es Tiustor may deslgnate by nodce to Bene!lclary as provlded herein,end(b)any � .t��?�; <br /> " nodce to Benellclery or Trustee shall be given by ceRlNed mall,retum recelpt requested,to BeneBclary's and Tiustee's malling �-�.- <br /> - - , addrass siated harsln ar ta such ather address es BeneticJe�y�r Tiustee may desl_qnate by notice ro Tiustor as pravided hereln.My �3�;;= <br /> , <br />. nodce provlded lor!n thls Deed ol Tiust shall be deemed ro have been qlven to Tiusta,BeneNclary or Tivatea when glven in fAe �,.,T�:x �� <br /> ,, manner desigoated hereln. *• <br /> _��'� •- <br /> ° 24. Ooveming Law;Seve►ablllry.Thls Deed ot Trusf shal!be governed by the/ews o/the State ol Nebieske.In the event any proWslon or ,. ,.",..0.>, ;_.__:_ <br /> clause of th/s Deed of Tiusf conlllcts wlth appllcable law,such conldct shall not aHect other piovlslons o/thls Oeed o/Tiusf whlch can , "?` . <br /> be glven eHect wlthout►he canfllctlng provislons and to ihls end the p�oWslons o►thls Oeed oi Trust ere declared to be seve►able. <br /> . 28. Events of De/autt.Each ol the bllowing occunences shall consNtute an event of deleult hereunder,(herelnalter called en"Event -r'.;1- <br /> � ol De�ault"): �:f <br /> ". (a) Trustor shell lall to pey when due any princlpa/,Inte�est,or pdnclpal and inteiest on the lndebtednesa, , '-' ���-' <br /> .: .. (b) My warranty ol tltle made by Trustor hereln shell be unhue, -" _ <br /> (c) Trusto►shall lell to obsarve or peAo�m any of the covenents,ag�eements,or conditions!n thls Oeed ol Tiust, <br /> � (d) My representatlon or wananfy made by Trustor on any Ilnanclal statements or reports submltted to BeneNclary by or on behall ol • <br /> Tiusto►shall prove false or matedally misleading, - .- <br /> ' (e) Trustor shall lall to perform or observe eny of the covenents,conditlons or agreemenfs contalned In,or binding upnn Tiusfor under . _�,�.q��_"._ <br /> any bullding loan agreement security agreement,loan agreement,linancing statement,or any other apreement,lnshument w ,_.rt,.;_ �. <br /> document executed by Trustor In connectlon wi►h the loan evldenced by the Note, • ''.�` <br /> � (l) A hustee,�eCelve�o�Ilqufdato►o/the T►ust Properry or o/T►usto►shalf be appolnted,or eny ol�he creditors o!Tiustor shall flle a , <br /> petldon in bankruptcy agalnst Trustor,or lo►the reorganlzaHon o!Tiustor pursuant ta the Federal Bankruptcy Code,or any slmller �� <br /> lew,whether lederal or state,and!I such ader or peN�ion shall not be discharged or dlsmissed wlihin fhlrry(30)days e/ter fhe dele ,;.,,,._'�,� • <br /> on whlch such order or peti6on wes/iled, - `.:�� �-•- <br /> � ' ,` • (p) Tiusto►shall Nle a peNtlon pursuant to fhe Federal Bankruptcy Code or any siml/ar/aw,►ederal o�state,or ll T►ustoi shall be `;:-(�'�``-.,;��- <br /> -..'n�:y,.','��- <br /> ' adfudged a bankrupt,or be declared lnsolvent,or shall make an assignment lor fhe benelit o/credlto►s,or shall admlt In wridng its _.... �,,. <br /> Inablllry to pey its debfs as fhey become due, o►shall consent to the appofnlmenf ol a receivei of all or any part of fhe Tiust Property, _ <br /> � (h) Flnal Jodgment lor the paymenf o!money sha//be rendered egalnst Trustor and Trustor shaU not dlscharge fhe same,or cause it to <br /> be dlscharged,wiN►in thlity(30)days efter fhe entry thereof,or shell not eppesl theielrom or/iom the order,dec�ee or pracess upon � <br /> whlch or pursuent to whlch sald�udgmenr was gianted,based,or entered,and seCUre e sfay of execuUon pending such appeal, <br /> (I) Trustor shall seil or convey the Trust Property,o►any paR thereol,or any mterest therein, or shall be dlvested of!ts tltle,or eny Interest <br /> the►eln,in eny manner or way,whether volun�arlly or involunfenly,wlthouc the wntten consenf o�Beneficiary being Ilrst had and � <br /> . obtalned,or � <br /> (j) If Trustor Is a corporation or partnership and more than Idty percent 150°0)o!fhe shares or benelicial interesfs m such co►poration or . <br /> • paAnershlp,es the cese mey be,shall be transJerred o►conveyed.whether volunfanl y o��nvotunterily,w�thout Ihe writtan consent o! <br /> Benelic(ery being lust had and obtained. ; <br /> 28. Acceleretion o/Debt;foreclosure.Upon the occunence ol any Event ol Default.or any hme fherea/ter,9eneAc�ary may,at Rs option, <br /> declare all the Indebtedness secured here6y immediafely due and payable and the same shall bear inferesf at the delault rafe,il any, <br /> set/orth�n the Note,or othenv�se at the h�ghest rate perm�tted by law,end,rnespechve o/whether Beneliaary exe►cises said ophon,it <br /> mey,at its optfon and in ds sole discrehon,wdhout any further nobco or demand ro or uport Trustor,do one or more o/fhe lollowmg: <br /> (a) Br�nAliciary may enter upon,take possession o!,manage and ope►ate the Trusf Properfy or any part Ihereo%make repairs and <br /> alterHtions and do any acls which Benef�aary deems proper to protect fhe secunry tqereol,and e►ther wifh or wifhouf teking <br /> _ _ its own name,sue fo�or ofherw�se col/ect and rvicerve renfs,�ssues end profrts,mcludmg fhose past due and unpard, <br /> end ap�rly the same,less costs and expenses ol operetion end co►lection,�nc�uaing reasonabie arromey rees and nenei�c�ary�s <br /> costs,upon the Indebfedness secured hereby and m such order as Benel�c�ary may determmo.Upon reques�ol 6eneliclary. Trusfor <br /> shall assemble and shel!make ava�lable to 9enef�c�ary any o/the Trust Property wh�ch has been removed. The entenng upon and <br /> teking possession o/the Trust Property.thv collechon ol any rents,�ssues and p►olits.and Ihe applicatron thereol as alo►esa�d,shall <br /> not cure or walve any delault theretofore or�herealter occumng,or allecf any nohce ol deleult or nohce of sale hereunder or <br /> (nvalidate any act done pu►s�anf to any such nobce.Notwrthstundmg Beneliciary�s cont�nuance in possess�on or rer,erpt snd <br /> applicahon ot rents, issues or prohts.Benehciary shal!be entdled to exercroe Qvery rrght prov�ded�or m�h�s Oeed of Trusf or by law <br /> upOn or efler fhe oCCU►rence ol an Evenf ol Delaulf.�ncluding the nghf ro exe�use the powe�ol salN Any ol the achons�efe►rod fv m <br /> - � fhis paragraph may be teken by 9enel�aary at such t�me as Benefic�ary may dererm�ne wrthout reya►d to the adequacy of any <br /> �� �, secunty!o►the Indebtedness secured he►oby. <br /> (b) Benelicrery shall,without►egard to fhe adequacy ol any secunry fo►the fndebledness seCU►ed hereby,be ent�tled M the <br /> � appanhnenf of a receiver by any cou►t hav�ng�unsd�cGOn,w�thouf take posssss�on of,pro�ect,and manage the Trusf <br /> Property and operate the same and collect�he ronts.�ssues end prolds►he►elrom. <br /> (c) BeneGc�ary may bnng any achon m an y ceurt o�compete.�nt�urrsd�chon ro/oreclose�th�s Deed of T.usf or enforce an y ol the � <br /> covenants hereol � <br />