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<br /> � �
<br /> � ` � � " " � Inruru►ca premlums,ground rents,and ell other charyes whalsoever levled upon or eRSesaed,placed or m�de e ptJnat fhs Tivat
<br /> �j` "�"� '�'`���*�" Prop�►ty.Trusta luriMr opiwa,upon wrptan►equesf by Beneflciory,to prompdy deu�e�ro Beneflclary a1i raca�pra lor fhe paymw►rW
<br /> �°�'I:;•s . �' auch ahupos. Tiuiro►qkowlsr epreoa ro pay all��xe�,assosamonts and othn char�e3 fevl�d upon a au�ssad,pl�coal a mad� ---
<br /> �,� �pvnat,a measured by,lhls Oaod ol Tivat or the r�cadefron heraal.
<br /> ��� .•.
<br /> _�,�^�,� : 6, qppflcotlon o/Paymenfa.All paymente recolved by Benellclary as ro eny debf,llabll(ry or obl/padon owed to Benelklary by Truuor �,�: _.__
<br /> "r-�-5����:��'r� �:�^�' m�y ba apptled by BmaHcla to tha paymant o/the Indebrodnasa a to sny auch other debt Il�Wllry or aWigatlon,!n eny ord�i a
<br /> �� manner o!appf�allon whlch�neBcNry,!n!fs absdufe dlscredon,deums appropr/ete. Unleas ofherw/so elected by BorwNGary,any
<br /> � such paynwnt ahell be deomed appl�id lir�t to Uw paymenf ol ony debr,qablllry or oblJpatlon oGwi fhan fhe Nofo.
<br /> � 8. Charqes;Llons.Trustor wlll kaop the Tiusf Properry lree lrom all Ilen�end encumbrances whlch!n any wey may,ln the�udgment ol __
<br /> . �.:�;.'� BoneNclary,have prloriry over,or Jmpelr ths secudty d,thla Deod ol Tivat buf Tiustor need nof dlscherpe any such Nen so bny as
<br /> � Trusta shafl opree,!n wntlnp,to p�y fhe ob!lgatlon secured by auch!!en In e menner acceptable fo Benollolary and shall In pood hifh
<br /> � "."� -��� - Contest such llen by app►opnete IeQel procovdinps eHxtivo to provenf tho onlacemont of fhe flen and the loss ol eny Inleroat In or e_---.._,---.--
<br /> :s:� �,;�,���. part o!the Trusf Proporty.
<br /> ��;��"�' 7. Hezard Insu►ance.Tiusta shall keep the bu1ldlnr�s and other lmprovements now exlatln p or herealte►erected on fhe Tiust Propaty
<br /> °••� " lnsurod bylnsurance canlera aaUslectory ro Bene!lclary apalnst loss by Bre,haza►ds Included!n the term"extended cove►age' and
<br />�y+: ;�+ �.� � , such other hazerds,cesuolUes end condngencles as may be iequlred by BeneNc(ary,!n�uch amoun►s end fa auch pertods as may ba
<br /> �.,u..
<br /> r�.:. � �:� requlred by Benellclary. The pollcy of Insurence shall be In form accoptable to Benellclary,p►ovlde that►he same may not be
<br />�:�i cencelled a modlNed wlfhaut!lfteen(15)days pda wdtten nodce fa Bene/Iclary,end ahall have/oss peyable provlslons In levor o/end
<br /> In lorm acceptaWe to Beneliclary.All pramlums on lnsurance pollclos shall be pald fn►he manner provlded under pare9reph 4 heraof __ _.
<br />����' „ n � a,!f not peld!n such manner,by Tiustor making payment et least/IReen(15)deys pnor to the due dete,dlrectly to the Insu►ance
<br /> i,��: �' canler. Bene/lclary shall have fhe dght to hofd the pollc/es and renewals thereo/and Trustor shall promptly lumish to 9eneflclary all
<br /> r ,� �, renewal nodces and all pald premlum recelpts recelved by lt.In no event shall BeneHclary or Tiustee be held responslbls la lallure to
<br /> �^^` • pay lnsurence premlums or for eny loss or damage adsing out ol a de/ect!n any polky or erising out o/any lallure ol any lnsurence __
<br /> +Y:.- ��___:. � _ a company to pay for arry loss or damage lnsured a�amst a for lallure by Tiusror to e/lect the lnswance iequlred he�eunder.ln fhe evvnf �-' --
<br /> 'E�" o/loss, Trustor shell give prompt notice by mall to the Insurance camer and 8eneficiery.Beneliclery may make prool o!!o�il not _
<br /> _ , � ,made prompNy or!n proper lom►by Trustor.All podcles ollnsurance and any and all relunds of uneamed premlums are hereby - -- � --
<br />� •- - � asslgned ro BeneNclery es edd/tlonal securlfy for the payment ol tho Indebtedness.ln!he even►o/Beneliclary's exerdse of the power °
<br /> t ' o/aefe contalned he►eln,or In the event of lorealosure,all dght,tlUe and lnteresf o/Tiustor In and to any lnsurance policy then!n lorce �--,,,,�;,.;
<br /> N ahell pass ro the purchaser at fhe h+�stee's sale or lorec/osure sale.ln case o!any loss,the insurance prxeeda mey,at the opUon ol ��R.
<br /> �-:�*..
<br /> � Benellclary,be appNed by Beneliclery upon the Inde6tedness,or any part thereol,and/n such order and amount as Beneliclary may ��_i-_v'
<br /> determine;or sald lnsurance proceeds,at the aptlon o/Benellciary,may elther be used!n repfacing or restoring Ihe Tiust Pioperty _._.___
<br /> � � partlally or totally deshoyed to e condidon sadslactory to BeneBclary,•or said lnsurance prxeeds,or any portlon thereoG may be �-=x�•°-
<br /> �' •• released to Tiustor.Unless Beneficlary and Tiustor otherwlse egree in wdtlng,any such appllcallon ol lnsurance proceeds shall nof �'�z�~-
<br />- extend or postpone fhe due date o/the Nate,or an y Installments called/or therein,or change the amount o!such lnstallmenfs.I!the �:�.b°.�.`.
<br /> Tiust Piope►ty!s acqulred by Bene/iclary pursuanf to the exe�cise of Ihe power o/sale or other foiecloswe,all dghf,flNe and/nterest ol � --
<br />' Tiustor ln and to anylnsurance proceeds payable as a result ol damege to the Tiust Properry prlor fo the sale or acqulsitlon shall pass T.�r;�:_
<br /> ��- __-
<br /> � � to BeneBclary and shell be applled Hrst to the costs and expenses,lncluding aflorney/ees,/ncwied In collacdnq such proceeds,flwn —�•�
<br /> ; , � • in the manner and In the order provided hereln. �*�
<br /> � � _,� , , 8. PieservaHon and Malntenance ol Trust Properry.T�usroi wfll keep Ihe bulldings and othe►fmprovements now or he►eaBer erected on �;-;w��,.�,
<br /> - - . �,� _ — iha 7rust Ptoperty in goad repalr and cond111on end wll!nM��mlr nr parmit wasre,will not a/ter the design or shuctural charactor __„��,,-- --
<br /> constltutlng eny bullding now or herea/ter erected on and constJtutlng the Tiust Pioperry wlthout the prlor wrltten consent of ":"''"�� -__
<br /> � . Bene/lclary,w111 not do any ect or thing whlch would unduly impalr or depreclate the value o/fhe Tiust Properry and wl11 nof abendon , . , ��n
<br /> fhe Tiust Property. Tiustor w111 not remove any lixfures consdtuting the Tiusf Property unfess fhe same are lmmedlately replaced wBh
<br /> • 1lke property subject to the qen and secu�lry lnterest of[hls Deed ol Trust and ot at least equel value end udllry.Trusfor wlll comply with -�.-.—.— •
<br /> all present and luture ordlnances,regulatlons and requlrements ol any governmental body whlch are appdcable fo fhe Tiust Properfy +'�;�'°�-_-
<br /> i end to the xcupancy end use thereof.I!thls Daed of Tiust is on a unit!n a condomlMum or a planned unit deve/opment, Tiustor shall �� � •=��.
<br /> edorm all o/TiusMr s obB atlons under fhe declerafans or covenants creatlng or goveming the condominlum or the planned unit �-,,;,QF�:',rij{'_�
<br /> P g
<br /> development,fhe bylaws end regulallons o/the condominlum o�planned unit developmenf,and the consNtuent documen's. f ;"L.° ••-: �..
<br /> �, Inspectlon.Beneliclary or Its agenfs mey,at all reasonable Umes,enter upon the Tiust Prope►ty lor Iha purpose ol lnspecdon. � �1
<br /> Benefieiary shall have no dury to meke such lnspecUon and shall not be Ilable to Trustor or to any person In possess(on 1/!t makes or , '`''
<br /> .�.�:�-�:;;_-�"
<br /> ° � !a!!s to make any such lnspectlon. �°:°�°:'
<br /> • 10. Protecdon ol Securlty.I/Trustor/a9s to perlorm any o!the covenanfs and ag►eemenls contalned!n fhls Deed o/Trust,or!I any act(on ""� �.
<br /> or proceeding Is commencAd which does or may adversely aHecf Ihe Trusf P►operty or fhe Interest o/Trusfo►or Benebclary rhereln oi _,;_:;�;._{_ -W
<br /> the dtle o!Tiustor fhereto,then Benellcfary,at rts option,mey pe►lo�m such convenants and agreements,make such appea►ances, •���,r, ,
<br /> • '` delend egalnst end lnvesUgafe such ecUon or proceeding snd take such other achon as Benepclary deems necessery to protect its � �• '•l-
<br /> , lnteresf lncludJng,but not Iimited to,dlsbu►sement olreasonable attorney lees and entry upon fhe Trust Properry to make repal�s.My ���
<br /> � amounts dfabursed by Beneliciary pursuant to this paregreph 10,with Interest fhereon,shall constltute Indebtedness ol Trusto► ;.::..
<br /> �y � secu►ed by thls Deed o/Trusf. Unless Tiustor and Beneflclary egroe to ofher terms ol paymenf,such amounts shall be payable upon ,
<br /> „ � notice from Beneliclary to Tiustor►equest(ng paymenf thereol,and shall bear interest/rom the dafe ol d(sbursement at the delault rate, -'-�
<br /> • !/eny,set/ath in the Note,or atherwlse at►ho hlghest rate permrtted by law.Nothing contained in thls paragreph shall reqwre ,� �
<br /> � . BeneliGary to Incur any expense or take any ection hereunder. Trusfor Irrevocab/y authorizes and empowers Benelfciery to enter upon _.;,,,Y�`..,.—
<br /> , the Trust Property as Trustor's egent end,!n Trustor's name or ofhe►wlse to perlorm any and all covenants and ag►eements to be ---'�_`���
<br /> {;� �• pe�formed by Trustor as he�ein provlded.BenelicPary shall,at its oplJon,be subrogated to eny encumb�ance,Ilen,clelm or demand � -- �,�_.
<br /> . and to all rights and secun6es for the payment fhereof paid or dlscharged by Benelic(ary under the provlsrons hereo/and any such •.'°—
<br /> subrogatlon nghts sha//be eddlllonal and cumulative security lor fhis Deed o!Trust.
<br /> 1 f. Condemnation.The proceeds o/any awerd or claim foi demeges.d�rect or consequenfial,in connection with any condemnation a � • :,
<br /> � other taking of fhe Trusf P►ope►ty,or any part thereof,or for conveyence�n lieu o►or in anliclpation of condemnation,are he�eby � ,
<br /> ass(gned to and shall be pald to BenRficiary. Trustor will f�1e and p►osecute,!n good laith and wlth due diligence,ifs cla/m!or any such �
<br /> ewa►d or payment,end wlll cause the same to be collecfed and pald to Beneliciary,and,should rt la�l to do so, Trusfor inevoceb/y �
<br /> authorizes end empowers Beneliciary,In the name ol Tiustor or orhenvise,to/ile,prosecute,settle or compromise any such cleim and j
<br /> - to col/ecf,►ecelpf lor and refa(n the proceeds.If the Trusf Property�s abandoned by Trustor,or,el►er notice by Beneliclary to Trusror �
<br /> � that the condemnor oHers Io make an awa►d or setUe a cla�m lor damages, Trustor feds fo respond to Beneliciary within thnry(30)deys
<br /> ailer the date such nodce is mad�d.Benefrciary�s aurhonzed fo collect and appfy 1he proceeds in the manner�ndlcated herem.The ;
<br /> proceeds ol any award o►cleim may,aRer deductmg e!1 reasoneb�e cos�s and expenses,including attorney lees,whiCh may have
<br /> - , been lncuned by Beneficiary in the Collechon fhereot at the sofe discretion ol Beneliaary,be released fo Trustor,applied to
<br /> restoraUon of Tiust Property.or applled to fhe paymen[of the Indebtedness.Unless Beneliciary and Trustor othenv�se egree�n wnting.
<br /> � , any such appliCalion o�proceeds to Indebtedness sha!/not extend or postpone the due dete of the Note or fhe payment of any
<br /> (nsfal/ments called for thereunder.
<br /> 12. Trustor Not Release�. Exlension o!the hme lo►payment or mod�f�cahon ot any amortizahan ol fhe Indebtedness granted by Benehc�ary
<br /> _ . rn r�nv successor in lnterest o/T�ustor shall nof operate to rolease,m any manner,the liabtlity of T�ustor and Truslor's suCCesso►s m
<br /> Interest.Benel�crary shall not be required fo commence proceedmgs agalnsf such successor o►reluse to extend hme lor paymenf or
<br /> o�herwise modly amortfzadon o/�he Indebtedness by reason o/any demand made by Trusb►and Trustor's successors
<br /> in�nteresf.
<br /> ' 13. Financlel lnformahon.Upon request ol Benebaary. Trusfor wdl provrde to Bene%aery.wUh:n nmery f90)days of�ha close ol each hscnl
<br /> year of Trustor,the consol�deted balance sheet and stetemenf o/earnmgs o/Trustor and any and alf guarentors of the Indebtedness
<br /> secured horeby,il any,and will prowde end del►ver fo Benehc�ary such other financia!mformahon and�n such manner as Benefic�a�y
<br /> may reasonab►y request from time to hme.
<br /> 14. Ffnanclal Covenanfs.ln Addi6on to any othe�lmancial covenants of Trustor made m any other ag�eement,inshument or documenf.
<br /> � Trustor shal/comp/y with and shall Ceuse any and all guaranfo�s of the Indebtedness secured hereby!o comply w�th.or be�n
<br /> comp/ianca wdh,the lollowmg fmancral covenanfs�(This perag►eph shalJ not apply d covenanfs and reqwroments ere nof sef
<br /> � lorth hereln.)
<br /> 15. Schedufe ol Leases.Withln ten(f0)days aRer demand.Trusfor shall lurnish to Benel�c�ery a sChedule,ce►hhed to by Trusto�,setnng
<br /> /orfh ell leases of fhe T�ust Property.o►any porhon thereo/, mcludmg in each case,fhe name of the fenants o►occupants.a descnp t�on
<br /> ol lhe speCe ocCUpied by suCh fenenf or occupanf,fhe rental payable lor such space.and such uth�•mformat�on and documrnts w�►h
<br /> respeCf to such laases and ten�nc�es as Benehcr<�ry may reasonab/y requesf
<br />