__ __.. _ _ . . : � __
<br /> .�e�.. .. ... _ ' ..'.•1. •Cr-'''' �. T � ;.;_�p,.;
<br /> . ' � y .... F. .,�1Y� ,•Y,•�ii�,!i"' ,
<br /> 'y ' � y�.. .�'2bNfY' �
<br /> �'. =�—i.or�..._ .—
<br /> .. u�. u,.na ro a sad una.►rn.roowN a aars.�d n+a�c►►o�.�r,
<br /> `•�;°�',...�• �w�� (d1 Bsn�Nclery m�y sl�ct M c�uae fM Tnnt Prop�rry a anY P� a,
<br /> —''���+*�� B�rwBclary a TiutfN sh�ll plvo ruch notic�W ddauM uid nodce ol aaN as may be fhen requlrad 6y law.ThereaRer,upon Uw
<br /> _ _�.r_x� �xplrnlo++ol auch qrtw Md Ihr plvinp M such mdc�of�u may ffNn bo►oqWrW by law,Tiuttaa�et tha drrw aid pJ�ca sp�cHl�d
<br /> ,��� by tlN nWk�o!uN,ihaN aN such TNaf Prop�Ry.a�nY P+►t Nwrool sp�clN�d by B�nsNcl�ry,�t publla wcdon to t1w MpMst
<br /> _._.._,.�,,,�-�:•,.,'� blddu Ib►oa�h!n NwlW morNy ol fM UMt�d Sletw ol ArtNrka.Upon ncolpt o/payment ol tha prlce bld,Tivate�if►all�PPN the
<br /> - - ppp�di��fM b11pN,Mp ad�r;p)tp qN coet�nd�xponwa ol ox�rci�lnp ths powe►of seN and o!fhs r�b,lncludlnp but not!1m(t�d
<br /> ,� %b+ah�'a IsN a not mon than t500.00 plus aN-hW ol a►�p�rc��r o/th��rosa�al•prka,md n�son+�hlY�tton►�Y fM+,(A)to
<br /> '�'� tl�Md�br�drnu.+u�d(u�)tlN�xcrst,�l�ny,b dM prnon ap�rsons Ipa11y�ndpod thanto.
<br /> ��� ��� �W apeta and�x�!�!�a lneurr�d by B�nsNcl�ry ln�nfonclnp any dpht unda fhls DMd ol Tivaf,lncludlnp wlthout NmitatMn,�Hstrecf a fiW
<br /> (M��+WP►���W�uma/or Gd�Inwnno�,�fEOrmy l��v►d oouR cah�ah�l1 b�and conrdtuto 1nd�bfMn�sa acund h�nby.
<br /> -m� � � �'�� �7. a�d.a a r►wn..r.wror ap..,thW:
<br /> ,s'� a�:.t.:,.:'..u�r,�r:.. . ..� .._
<br /> _�,�_�-• (�y putka and obll�oUona of Tiustao shofl bo determined solely Dy the eXp►ess p►avislons o/thls Deod ol Tiutt and Trustee shall not be
<br /> ����' Nabl�urc�pl for f1M pwformAnc�of auch dutla and obllpatlona as u��clHcWy aot Mrth h�roln,and no lmpllod cov�nw�t�a
<br /> � "u'-";•:.• Obl1��d0119�Ifall W rmps�d upon Tiustoe,
<br /> �'`��'�`�" ""� �- ��� (d� �yp p�o�lalon ol thJs De�d of Tiust shall i Wro Tiustae to ax nd a Nsk!ta own lunds,a othenWro 1►►cw any NnanclQ�oWlpatlon In
<br /> _��:.a�i•;-:.r�� .: BQ Po
<br /> ,� """'"� qN anc�ot any ol!1�duWa hw�unda,a!n tl�o�xaclsa of�ny of Ita n�hts a powe►�.
<br /> ��1��k'°�v P°�Jbnm
<br /> _ �° ` (c) Tlustw may consWt wlth counsM o/!ta own choosMp and t/N�dvJs�o/wah aounsel ehell be tull and complero authoriz�don o+d
<br /> `'�'''••w'^���W� prot�ctlon!n tM nsp�cf ol�iny�cGon t�k�n a cuHand by It h�nundorin pood falth and rellance theroon,end
<br /> •. .ri ,,?...-.�..
<br /> �i ``'. , . , ..•. � (d) Tiwtss sha11 nof b�II�We lor any ecdon takon by/t!n good lalth and roaronably ballrvad by 1t ro be audwrized or wifhln Itr �. _
<br /> .,._'�.•..4: ..'•.'` . '
<br /> . ,; . ,:-�.��;:• � dlacnNon a dahta a powNa conlwnd upon!t by d�ls Dwd ol Tiusf.
<br /> .;�,=,.,������� ' f28. S�curily Ayre�menf and Fixtwe FIIUp.fhls Doed o!Tiust ahall cor+sdtute a secudry eDreement end Ilxwre BNna unde►tho provlabns o/ _—
<br /> '" .�. � the N�bnska Unlfam Commerolal CaN w!M reapect ro tlase Bxturos described!n the preamWes hereol at consUfuUnp�paR of the
<br /> �,;�.:.• � � : —
<br /> _�.� -: -�1• �/ Trust Propwty,toped�r with W otha prop�►1y of Tiusta.eldwr aJmuu a dlaalmpar ro tlw aam�.now a haadRa loc�tod�t a on dw —
<br />- � .� °., � "'" � Tiust Propa►ty. � -
<br /> ,,.,�_�,'__•'Y:.: _ 2�. F u t u ro A d v e n c e s.U p o n►a q u a s t o f T r u s t a.B s r r�fl c l a ry,a t B e n rflcl a ry's o pdon.Prlor to�ull reco+►veyance ol the Truat Properly bY
<br /> Tnrstes to Trosta,rnay make luturo advu►cas tn Tiustor.Such fufure advu+ces,w�th Interest tlareon,a h a l l b e sacu n d by d►!a D e e d o l
<br /> _�•��i . ' Trurt At no dme ahall dw pdnclpal anaunt oi fha Ind�btodnsss secwed by tNs Deed ol Tiust,rat includlny sums edr�nced to protoct i ,,„
<br /> �=+•.��=�� ' dw sacudry,exceed dw fotal�um ot S A d wnc e s o l d l s b w s e m�n t s mada b y BenaNci a ry to pr+otocf dw cecwlry, �
<br /> ; :�,; . under the terms hersol,whlk discrotlonary.ahell not ba deamad ro be opdonel advances. -
<br />.;.,� . " 30, fteconveyence.Upon payment ol all lndebtedness secured by th/s Oeed ol Tiust,BeneNclery shall request Tiustae to r�econvoy fhe
<br />�< < . Tiust PiopeRy and shall surrender dNs Dead a/Trust end�!I notes evldencing fndebtedness ser,ured 6y lhls Oaed ol Tiust to Tiusteo. ���
<br /> � Tiustee sball reca+vey d+e Trust Property wlthouf wanenry and wld�out oherye to 1ho pe►son or persona Japally entldad lhnaro.Suah
<br />'-���. �SMr;:-���°i�'`';: pwson a paraona shall pay all cavts ot recadadon,l!any. �"
<br /> �����. ��� • 3 1. S u b s tl t u t a T r u s t e e.BeneNcl m y,at Ue o pdan.ma y/rom tlme ro dme remove Tiustee and eppolnt a Successa Tiustee ro eny Trostee � �
<br /> 's�•�� `° a ��nted hereunder by an lnsbument recaded!n Ma countyln whlch thle Deed o l Tius t la rec a d e d•W 1 M a r t c o n v e Y a n c a o/t h e T n�a t
<br /> =�-�-,�f "Ju ..�•U_~n P/QpeAy,fha Successa Tnutee sAall aucceod to all tlde,power and dutlos conlerred upon Trusfee herefi and by appllcaWa law.
<br /> %4�—S ,�,� 3�. Ml�cellsneous Rlghta o/BeneBclery.BeneNclary may at eny dme and/rom dme m tlme,wlthout nodce,consent fo the r►�akfnp ol eny
<br /> :�_: c�_.,;.�,;,�';�� p1At o!1he Trust Properry a fhe creedon o/any easement thereon or arry covenents iesMatlnp use or xcupency thereol a agroe ro
<br /> - -- .. a l f er a a m e n d t i w tf�rr�s�f t M e O&e d o f T r r�s t M y p a r.x n e l p ro p e r l y romNnl r r Q��p�n rhe Tiust Prope►ry alter itw Tiu�t Properfy hes
<br />�.� � � • been posseased or occupled by 8eneflclary,!►s agent or any purchaser following Trustee's sole,foreclosu%a und�r ary d�d ln qau
<br />- � • o!Tiusteo's sale a loreclosure,shell be concluslvely presumed b heve been abandoned by Trusta.
<br /> 39. Nodce M Tivator.Tiustor he►eby►equests[haf a Copy ol any radce of default and nodco o/sale moda or oxoCUtYd by Tiustee pur8uent --
<br /> ' .„_,,;;�i...t�,�'a 1' to qre provlslons hereot be senf M Trustor at ifs meiling address set forth herelnabove.
<br />_ : • � 1N WITNESS WHEREOF,thla Deed ol Tivaf has boen duty ex rh d ar Nrs a - en.
<br /> a'= ,� �-
<br /> .. ' . , '" 8V . Hac 8,t �•
<br /> _ � (��t�.;�, A r 1L
<br /> . . , •• STATEOFNEBRASKA ) Debra A. Hackbart `�"`
<br /> )as.
<br /> • � COUNTY OF 1 �•
<br /> � b,,,,'.,... ,_
<br /> av.:-.
<br /> _ . J On tld,v—day o/ ,19—,belore me,e notary publlc In and/or said counry,personalty ceme � �'''`°
<br /> ° d:.r.:a ,and �
<br /> i. ,. ' . o� ,known to me to be the IdenNcal persons who
<br /> � � „ . slpned the toregofig Deed o/Tiust end ecknowledped the executlon fhereo/to bo thelr voluntary aci and deed,and fhe voluntary ect and ��`
<br /> • f; .�.:.. daed ol aeld corpo►adon.
<br /> � WlTNESS my hend and nota►!al seal on thls the day and year last ebove written. � _
<br /> � _-.^ • (SEAI�) ��
<br /> ., � � � . nnnrya,orc `�;::
<br /> . 'C
<br /> .. { �
<br /> . ,c M�,camwypn��pow ..
<br /> Y. '
<br /> , STA�E OF NEBRASKA )
<br /> ' • )SS. '
<br /> . ,
<br /> • COUNTY OF �L 1
<br /> '• On MI��day ol %�L�L , 19��!before me,a notery public in and/or seld counry,personal/y cameDavid A. Hackbart '
<br /> y��J tla,hrn A Anrirhartr Huwhnnd nnd joji_f�._ ,known tome tobe the(denticel persons who 1
<br /> '8lpned the loregoing Oeed ol Trust and acknowfedged the execut(on fhereo/to be the�r voluntary ect end deed. 4
<br /> � ' " WITNESS my hand end noterial seal on this the day and year lasf above wntten. �
<br /> � I
<br />---°-�= ., (SEAU �l��. T.: ��'�i '�i c ��.i�•J
<br /> A �a�
<br /> � • {��pNTpArKAY LUEDERS ��n� '/ ,
<br /> ..��.�rAy tomm E�D Nev 2/.1993 7�l','Y'i�� ,�,t� � ,�% ����-�''
<br /> .. .. .� Mr co+�m�ssron a�p•s�
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