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-.�i[�_��...��_Tra���i.. _ . I�� ii�5' . . • , , - <br /> I <br /> 7fT, a�a 1' s:� n <br /> �'i �...� �ty��5'�i��, 4 !J- . <br /> . .. •�J st z--. --•�.�il�.44'".�� <br /> . ..�R"'�,.. f'��-0:;1''„ <br /> �� <br /> ,.. _ <br /> a � +w - _--- - _`_ __ __ <br /> —� �� � s2 �a� �,� <br /> ��ia..... -;.,..-;� : , i ..r <br /> !��'ir j <br /> ---�� applicuble Isw may speclfy for rcinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuAnt to any power of aalo containcd in this <br /> -____ ��__�.�' Securiry Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thla Security Inatrument. Thoce conditions are that Borcower. (a) <br /> p�ys Lender all sums whkh then would be due under this Securlty Instrument and d�e Note as if no acceleration hud <br /> �— �� occurred;(b)curea uny default of any ather covena�us or agrcements;(c)pays all expenaes incurced in e�iorcing thfs Security <br /> #�• Instnimcnt,including,but not limitcd to, reasonable anorncys'fees;and(d) takes such action as Lender muy reusonabiy <br /> --� • ,� "� `� require to asaure thut the lien of this Secudty lnstrument,Lenders rlghts in the Property and Borrowar is obligation ro pay the <br /> :�•��-- - <br /> sums secw+ed by this Securlly Inswment ahAll continue unchanged. Upon reinstatament by Borrower, thia Security <br /> A���_�� I�attume�t and the obligations secured hereby shall remnin fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Howover,this <br /> ' ---- -- _-- dIIht to rtinstate shnll not�pply in the cnse of accelerrition under paragraph 17. <br /> '-'� r,�i� 19. 3We ot Notes Clwn�e ot Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (tagetha with this Securlty <br /> r�• Instrument)mAy be sold one or more times without prior natice to Borrower. A sule may result in a change in the entity <br /> �,. �.r��,. - (known ag the'Lo�n 5ervicer")thnt collecta monthly pnyments due under the Note ond this Securfty Insuument. There also <br /> .TT+r�'�"',��`�'��� may be one or more changes af the Laan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. lf there is a chande oi the Loan Servicer, <br /> +•;;F"`�:: ':�5, Borrower will be given wdaen nodce of the change in uccordance with paragraph 14 ubove and applicnble law. 1'he notice <br /> ' �! R'���;� <br /> �e J '; -� � : will swte the name and Addregs of the new Loan Servicer and the addr�ws to which payments should he rnade. Thc notice will <br /> :�.��:N�,`_�. ; also conwin uny othcr information required by applicable law. <br /> ��,�U::�$. 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower ehall not cuuse or permit the presence,use,(II9OtlAAI,storage, or release of any <br /> �;;, <,;f=,�:;:,� Hazardous Substances on or :n 1he Property. BoROwer shall nat do,nar nllow unyonc�Isc to do,anything affecting the <br /> :;,_:,,��,.::.,T,,;_;�_•:' ; Propeny that is In violation of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to ihe presence.ure,or <br /> � , z ,: storage on the Property af small quantities of Hazardaus Substances thet ure generally recognized to be appropriate ro normal <br /> ���°''••� ^�"-" residentiul uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> ;��• . . <br /> ' ,. � . Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigalion,claim,demand,lawsuil orother action by any <br /> �' '.:;.ti�.'•.��'z�� • govemmental or regulatary agency or pdvale party invalving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or�nvironmental <br /> — :�,,`y`�_���� Law oY which Borrower has actual knowledge. ii' Borrower leurns, or is noUfied by any govemmental or rcgulatory <br /> — •; • authodty,thAt any removal or ather remediution af uny Hsu.+udous Subslance uffecting the Property is necessary,partawer <br /> _'.�� . • ; shull prompdy take all neceasary remedial uc�ions in Accordance with�nviranmental l.uw. <br /> ���, ,_ , „ ,., As used in thls purAgruph 20."HAxazdous Substunces"are those substances defined us taxic ar huzardous xubstoncer by <br /> - . .:,, Y ° EavironmeMal Law and the following subs�unces: gusoline,kerosene, other flummable or toxic petroleum products,toxic <br /> -�� ., � � � pesticides and herbicides. volutile solvents, muteriuls contoining asbestox or formuldehyck, und radiouctive m�terials. As <br /> �;�;�;r .. � used in this parogrnpb 20,"Environtnentul Luw"meuns federul luws und laws oP the Jurisdiction where the Property is located <br /> "'�'��` ` ° � �'. , Ihat relute ta henith,safery or environmentul protection. <br /> - — �y �•' '•'� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendcr further covennnl und ugree ux folbwc: <br /> _`�'` '+�' " 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shell give notice to Borrower prior to acceterc�llon PoNowing Borrawer's <br /> , '...�., �, breach of any covenant or agreement In IhIR Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleratlan uwler paragroph 17 <br /> -�-;� • unless applicable law provides otherwisc). The nofice shall speclPy: (a)the dePaultt(b1 the acNon required lo cure Ihe <br /> �=��-_.�c:,�:��::r',.z!:z�.a�,..�� � deiaultt (c1 a date.not less than 311 dpys from Ihe date the natice Is glven lo Borrower. by whlch Ihe defaul!must be <br />-- ':'' � cured;and ld)that fAilure to cure the default on or bePore the date speci8ed in the noNce may resu11 in ucceleradon oP <br /> ;;.�� �_. ' ,. the sum.s secured by thfg Security Inslrument and sale of the Property. The notice shaU Purther in�orm Borrower oP <br /> •� Ihe rtght lo reinstate efter accelerAtion and the rl�ht to bring a cnurt Action to assert the non-existence of u default ar <br /> ' • „ any other dePense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured an or before the date specified in <br /> „".;{. - . the notice,Lender at its aption may req��ire Immediate puyment in full of all sums secured by this Securfty lnstrumen! <br /> ' „.: . without i'urther demand and may invoke the puwer oP sole And any other remedie!z permitted by upplicuble laa�. <br /> ,,,::, '' ' � Lender shall be entilled lu collect ull expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in Iqis par�gruph 21. <br />, •" • �� includin�,but not Ifmited to.reasunuble attorneys'i'eex and costs ot tille evidence. <br />•;; :� •• � If the power of vele is invuked.'IYustee shull record u notice of dePaulf in each couaty in wbfch any pqrt of th. <br /> - . • �-r� � Property Is lacated und sbull mail copies oP such nutice in the munner prescribed by applkuble luw to Borruwer and to <br /> ` the other persons prescribed by appltc�ble luw. After the lime requlred by upplicuble I�w.7�ustce xhell �ive publlc <br /> • notice oP salr to the persons und in the manaer prexcribed by app�fcuble low 7lrustee,without demund un Borrower. <br /> ��-•. ,, shull sell the Property at public auctton tu Ihe ht�hetil bidder ut the time and pluce und under Ihe lerrns deslgnated in <br /> - � the noNce of'sale in one nr more purcelr and in anv order 7Yutitee determfnes. 7lruslee mav postpone�ale oPaU or anv <br /> . parcel of the Property by publir unnouncemenl rt Ihe time and plure of rny previcwxlv scheduled snle. Lender or its <br /> _- ' designee may purchuse the Property at uny 9ale. <br /> - •• � Upun receipt oP payment of the price bid,'IYuslee xhull deNver to the purchuser 7Fustee's deed conveyin� lhe <br /> - � Property. The reciluls in the 7Yustee's deed shull be prlmu fucie evidenre oP the Iruth uf Ihe ctnlements made therein. � <br /> _ , ,r�T�, 'llrustee slwll apply the proceeds oP the sale in the fullowin�o�der: lal to ull cost.r and rxpen�es uf exercising the power <br /> 4 l <br /> Form J02tt vnHl qa�,cr S„/n��,�eru <br /> . . w <br /> . . . � <br /> • � , � • .,,� � "`+�,♦ <br /> , �; <br />_ i � 1 ���-.^�_._..._.... . ' _ . .. � . . . . . y�. . ' <br /> . „ <br /> � + <br /> I � <br />- � _'_____ . . . . <br />