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<br /> of s�le,aad t6e sale�IncludlaQ tbe payment of the 7lrustee's tee�wctuafly Incurred.nW lo eaceed F i ve g(,�
<br /> the principa1 omount ot the nMe wt Ihe Nme of Ihe decluatbn of det�ult,�nd rea:on�bls�Itorn�yp•��►+��p���Illwl
<br /> by hw;(b)to�Y eums�cured by thb 8�carilY I�d�umeati�►ad(c1 pny esas�to tbt p�rroa or penuar N�IIy
<br /> �o�
<br /> 22, ltecoaveyance. Upon payment of all suma secured by this Secudry Inxtrument,L.cnder KhpU rcyueRt Tlv�tec�o
<br /> -- recomey the Property and shall sunender this Secudry lnstrument and all notes evidencing deM �ecurcd hy �hiw Secud�y
<br /> Insaument to 7lustee. 7lvetea shall reconvay the Praperty wfthout wertut�ty nnd without chnr�c tn the(xnwn ur penwnn
<br /> le�ally endtled to it. Such perton or persona shall pAy any recordatlon cosis.
<br /> - _' Z3. SubsUtute 7Yuatea Lender,at hs apdan,mny from time 1a time remove'Ih�siee And nppolnt u xuccesw�r uu�tw�o
<br /> any '[tuatoe appointed her�under by an inatrument recorded in the county in which �his Swer�and du�iier eonfemed'upan
<br /> Without conveyunce of the Property.�he successor trurtee chali succeed to aQ �he tida. po
<br /> 7tustee herein and by appItcabla law.
<br /> 24. Reqaest�or Noticea Borcower rcquests that coples of�he noticce of defAUlt wld eole be Rent�a Bortowcr x uWroqx
<br /> which ia the Roperty Addresa.
<br /> _ ZS. Itidere to this Security Inslrumen� If one or mare ridern are executed by Borrowcr and recorded tagcthcr wfth
<br /> ' upp ement tha cov nants and greements of th�Secun�ty nsuumentlas fethehtidert�liwere�a rpart of thir Securl y In+tnimcnt�.
<br /> [Cheek epplicable bax(es)J
<br /> n Ac�uetablc Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> - .--• •
<br /> , �aradunted Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devclapment Rider �Biweekly Puyment Rider �
<br /> .;� �Ballaon Rider �Ratc lmprovement Rider �Secar.d Home Ridcr
<br /> �
<br /> --.._.__,;,,. �OtheKS)[spec�iY1 _
<br />---- _�-��;-�.-�� BY SIC3NIN0 BELOW,Borrower accepts and ngrees to the terms ond covenants contained in this Security Inatrument
<br /> ---`---� end In any rider(s)executed by Eiorrower w�d recorded with it.
<br />_—_==���` �'�,'�
<br /> ��_` sses: � �YI/R//�
<br /> -���..�� ?.. �
<br /> - :7 �il� l• (Scal)
<br /> -Born�wcr
<br /> ���::,�,.^� 090-46-98I0
<br />-���' Sociaf udty Number �
<br /> ; ��•Lc2� � �7�[�� �_(Scal)
<br /> --�..�.��r N— .Burtuwcr
<br /> �:��*:*�' A32-25-9276
<br /> .'����,,,M,., Social Security Number
<br /> �-�:�.==�
<br /> STATE OF NBBRASKA, HALL County ss:
<br />'��`�" 26t h June� 1992 ,before me,the undersigned,u Naary Public
<br /> .��. On this day of
<br /> ,�""'�'��' dul commisaioned andqualffied for said eounty,personally cume JOHN L MO�SCHEN ANO OENISE L MOESCHEN _
<br /> -��..�-,,,
<br /> =��=s,�� i1US AND AND WIFE ,to me known�o be the
<br /> '� -- - identical persons(s)whose nume(s)are subscribed to the faregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> �'��`�`'���'"" ^. � t he i r volumury nct und dced. -
<br /> �R���'"'F'!''=` � Witness my hnnd and notarial xeal ai GR I SLAND in said county,the
<br /> ' � . '^v.; date aforesaid. .
<br /> ���±�...` Q---
<br /> Y � �A� ��1 A1pIiSMP Noury Publk
<br /> .:.::::.:.,,:....,�..: : RO It A L R E
<br /> �,�_..• , . . UL 3O• AmOrRTAL REED
<br /> F���'� ���`� MlyComlu.E�p.J�ly 30,1981 REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> =.�c;-n.^
<br /> '';�r-r�q :
<br />':�';�"-��;. ,. � The undersigned is the holder of the notc or notcs secured by this Dced of'Ihist. Suid note or nores,together with all
<br /> .��,�,••�..r+. .p ather indebtedness secured by this Deed of'Itutit,huvc been puid in full. You arc hcrcby directed to cunc:el suid note or notes
<br /> �"'"" " �•�i� ond�hix Qeed of 7tust,which are delivered hereby,und to recumcy,without warranry,ull lhc eswte now held by you under
<br /> " '• � e • Ihia Decd of 7Fust to the penon or persons Icgally cntitled thcrcto.
<br /> r.� . .
<br /> �;3:.`•'�r , , pa�e:
<br /> :. - • Form 3D28 9/90 I/wR�n ol n IwR�al -
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