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'r�i ., � .. , F.`� �a'I. .�ik; t, .y..Y �,p� �,�.,,�w h"it;a f��.{ �. _ _. . <br /> #r 4�t� `"�;. ''G 4 '����'i I r'I41C'"e"'"`a�.wi�+s.�rpiiwll�rf��w.�-�---'r?+�. -- <br /> "• _ti i::iiiY �,�,�. <br /> - g,,�_'y,,�,�_�— — ,n�,,.�.,-.. --_ �• ,— <br /> �BF'�17'^y . . �.� .�......_.._ , .x, i±._.-_ —.. <br /> h <br /> - , .. "�ir�is'.��f'�"�`-� •. �.SPaw, �—.._. <br /> • f a L'.. _ . • „_ <br /> .i. <br /> . . ,.cL �tNa1::..� <br /> . ; <br /> _.,y+,,... <br /> :-�►��:3.�:��� 92-�L��v 7 <br /> ;�t� . <br /> �1- .�„�;�,. �;:;a; condenmu�ian or��thcr�uking of uny pun oi'Ihr P�u�wny,nr tiir canvcyuncr in licu ul'r�►ndumnution,urc hercby avsigncd uad <br /> �"",�;,�:s=r.�. ahull Ix puid�u Lendcr. <br /> �-'��^�e�-• _� In �hc evcnl of u loml �uking of ihc Property, ihc pmrecdz +hull ix upplicJ �u thc .um� �ecurcd by �hih Sccurlty <br /> _�: ;z'���» inxtrument,whether ur not then duc, with uny cxcc+r,puid ti�Bnrruwcc In thc event nf u puAiul laking of the F'niperly in <br /> • ��. ,,y,�, ' ,<° ��7 which the tiiir murkct v�lue af Ihc Pin�pcny immcdiutcly Ixii�R Ihe tuking i,cyuul�n��r grcu�cr thun thc umuuni of the sumx <br /> �> ••��`++• , 'J� .,,r,. ••_ r:ccured by Ihis Seruriry In.trum�nt immcdiu�cly Ixfo�e�hc�uking, unlc�s Hc�rrc.wcr unJ Lendcr uthcrwitic agrec in wrilfng, <br /> . '': ^ �;, � thc�umx nccurcd liy�his Sccurity In�:�rumcnt �hull fx reduccd hy thc amuuni ai'thr pnxceJs muUiplicd by�hc following <br /> 14`^ ` � x� friu:tian: (u1 ihc tutul umount of the r:umx�ccured immeJialcly Ix:liin�he tuking,Jividcd hy(h)thc fuu maiicet value af the <br /> r.�� , <br /> _ .:.,�,.._w..` .:W.,.... Pmperty immediutc:ly txforc �he tuking. Any buluncc +�hull Ix puiJ tu Borrowrr. In the event ui�u purtiul tuking of�he <br /> ' ff�•� " Prapecty in which the fnir murket vulue of ihe Nropeny immrdiu�rly fxli�rr ihe �uliug i, le++thau �hc unwunt af the sums �-___--- <br /> .•5 ? '�:��'�i�:.'�'. "� secured immedia�ely l+efare �ha tuking, unless Borruwcr und Lcnder othcrwi.c ugrcr in wri�ing ��r unlexs upplicablc luw _ <br /> �`�''���:• •�'''� atherwise provides,lhe proccedz shull Ix upplicd tn�he.umti.ecured hy thix Seruri�y Inxtrumen�whethcr or nnt the xumK uie - <br /> " •" .. then due. <br /> ' ' 'f If the Property is ubandaned by Borrowcr,ar iG uftcr noticc ny Lcndcr to Burrowcr t�iut thc rondemnor offer�to muk� <br /> � , a'v �" �;'� an awurd or scule u claim for dumugex,BoROwcr fuils t�respimd to Lendcr within 3(1 duy�ufter the duie Ihc notice is given, <br /> - Lcnder is uu�hotized to collect und upply thc prc�cecds,ut it+opd�m,cither ta restarution or mpuir oi'�he Property or�o the <br /> � `�� � xuma secured by ihix Securiry Instrument.whether or not then duc. °--�— <br /> � ,;.�;,;�h.'- .�;:'���• Unlesti Lcrtder und Banower otherwise ugrec in writing, uny upplicntian .�i'pr�kcedx ta principul +hull nat extend or <br /> - � •��• postponc the Jue dAte ot'the monthly paymen�s refcRed t<�in parugruph, I un�l?or chunge the umuunt oi such puyments. <br /> -, n ' l l. Borrower NM Released= Forbearunce By Lender Not u Woiver. Extcnsiun of thr iimc For payment or <br /> �,�._,`'�,�;_y��;.: modificution of amonizulion of thr:.umx secured by Ihis Security Inslrument grumed by L.ender�o uny guccessur in interesl � <br /> ._ - _- of Rorrowcr shall not operatc to rcicase the li•rbility nf the originu!Borrnwcr�►r Rnrrnwcr:succevtinr. in in�orP�t. I.cndcr _ _ <br /> � ahall not bc rcyuired to commence pnx:eediogx ugi�inst uny xuccexsor in irnerest or rcii�sc tn cxtend time fur pnyment nr <br /> :.__�N�— . - •� _^ : u�herwise mudify amorti�ution of the xumx securcd hy�his Security In.trumem by reuson oiuny dem:�nd made by the originc►1 <br />__��� ,:. � • : Horrower or Borrower s succcss�r+in interes�. Any forbeurunce hy Lender in excrcizing nny right o�remedy xhall nut be u <br /> ,....M,• . . waiver af or preclude thc exercisc of any right ur rcmedy. �'�' � <br /> ����� • •• _ 12. SuccessorA and Assigns Bound:.Inint and Several I.iability:Co-siRners. Thc c�+venunts und n�rccmemx of 1hi+ <br /> • : r <br />"-��ti� `. ,.`,`t.�_.,?;,,, Seeuriry Instrument shull BMd und benefi�the�uccc.sors and aszign�of Lendcr und Borrower, +uhjecl to the pruvision�ot' .��.._V <br /> _.,° , paragruph 17. Borrower's covenumQ ond ugreements shull he joint und sevcral. Any Borrawer wha co-signx �his Security ��;... <br /> �'� t "' Inslrument but does nat cxccutc Ihc Note: (ul ix co-signing thi�Security InstNmem only to niungugr,grunt i�nd convey thut �. �•-.� <br /> .'._.T' �R�._YJYf'•_ <br /> ' Borrawer�intrrext in thc Propeny undcr 1he Icrtn�of this Security Instrumcnr, (b)iti mN persc►nully obligAted to puy the sumti :- <br /> �: 4� ' secured by ihia Security Instrumcnt:and(cl ugrec.thut L.rndcr und uny other Borrowrr muy ug�cc to rxtend.modify,for6eur !�"�`'� _. <br /> ' o� muke uny accomm�xluticros wilh rcgurd lo Ihe termr of thiz Secu�ily ln+trurnent or the NWe wUhuut Ihut Rorrower; ___- <br /> ' d.`'- . consent. - <br /> �f . � . 13, Loan Charges. If Ihe loun xecureJ hy �hi, Serurity In+trument i. .ubject w u luw which .ets muximum loan i`'"'°-�-' <br /> ,..,.: . -�:. <br /> :V. . • v4y[��I _'_". <br /> ..� . <br /> ,., ' •�; .. , charges,und thut luw is tinully m�erpre�ed so�hut the interext or othcr loun churge,collrcteJ ur to he coNec�ed in connec�ion _�--. <br /> .; ..,_ ,,,, � <br /> °= witi��iic iuuu ra�ez:i th�permittcd Gmits,ihcn: ta)any�.uch loan chargr sh:ell he teduced hy thr am�Hmt nrce.W�ry to reducc <br /> . • � the churge to tl�pc:rmitted limit:und Ib)uny sums ulmiidy collrcted from Bom�wcr whirh exceeded permiaed limits will be �--_ <br /> � refunded to Bom�wer. Lender may rh�se lo muke this refund by reducing thc rrincipul owed unJcr the Note ur Ny making u _ _ <br /> , direct puyment ta Rorrower. If u rei'und reduces principul,�he reduc�ion will i+c tr�uled us u puhiul prcpuyment without uny �°;.�":: <br /> .. prepuyment chargc undcr Ihe Notc. �"� <br /> 14. Notices. Aoy notice t�i Borrowcr p�ovided li�r in thiti Suuriry IntiU•umcnt�h.dl Ik givcn by dclivering it or My _----- <br /> �• ' mailing it Ny tint clusx muil unlr,.upplieublc luw rcyuirrs uu of uno�her mrth�xl.The noticc shall be Jirected to the Propeny =""' <br /> � • , Address or uny othrr udJre�s Born�wcr Jr.ignutc�ny notirr tu l.endcr. Any nuticr to Lcndcr shull Ix given by tirst clux, �„v,��., <br /> . moil ta Lernkri uJdrc,s+luted hrrrin�u uny othcr addres+Lrnder dc+ignutr.hy notice tu Rorrower. Any nolice pmvideJ for =__ <br /> in Ihix Srrurit;• In.lrumcnt +hull tm dermed �o hirvc Ixcn Eivcn �o Borr�iwer �x Lrndrr when given ox pruvfded in tliiw ��,,,,o��_ <br /> parugruph. _--�-� � - <br /> I5. (ioverninR I.Aw: tieverubillty. Thi. Security Imlrumenl tihull Ix �ovcrneJ by fcJcral law and Ihc law of thr 6;,,,,_,;;;�_ <br /> . • jurisJic�ion in which Ihe Prcipeny i,kkuteJ. In Ilx cvent thut uny provi�ion�,r cluutir�►f�hi+Srcurity Mstrumrm or Ihe Notr °"�'1�;f-= <br /> , conflict,wi�h upplicablc luw,wch conllirt�hull not afl'rct uthcr provi.ium��f this Sccurity In.trumrni ar Ihc N�nc which cun t_ x��` <br /> Crc::`�,�. <br /> . Ix;given et'fcct without the contlicting pri>vi�i�m. 'li�thi.end�hr provitiiam ut'�his Serurit}� Intitrumeni:md the Note uR ��_,�_. <br /> -- '"� declured to lx:,evcrublc. ��"_�=- <br /> . 16. 8orrower's Copy. Di�rrnwcr�hull Ix givrn nne cunti,muJ rapy i�l'Ihr Nul�:md uf�hi,Seruri�y In�trumcnt. y_.,'�Y�;:�. <br /> ' �� 17. 'I�o�sfer oP the Property or u Heneiirial Intcrest in Borruw•cr. If al I ur uny pun uf thc Pro�ny ur ioiy imcrc.�in " � <br /> _�`-�- <br /> " il is solJ ur trunsfrmmd I��r if ii Fxncfkial intcre�t in liurri�wrr i, wld ur Irm��fcrred anJ B�irruwcr i,n�t u nuwrul�xnonl �,�:•;.,�_ <br /> ' . wilhout Lcndcr�prior wriucn ron.cnl.l.rndrr m;ry.ut it,uplian. reyuirc immediulr puynunl in t'ull of ull tiums�ccuntJ by . . ,, <br /> this Srruri�y In,�rumcnt. Fiowrvrr,thi�opiiun.h:dl not lx rxrrci�rd by LrnJcr if rxcrri��i�prohibitcd by fcdrrul luw s�+uf ��;;_-_'::' <br /> thc Ja1r�ii Ihi�Sccurit y In�lrumrm. J '''•" <br /> If Lend�r rxcrcisrti�hi.optiun. l.endcr�h:�ll givr Fiorniwrr ninicc al'urrcl�rati�►n. 'I'hc nulicc�hall providr u�xrind ot' • - <br /> " nut Ics�thun 311 duy.t'r��m thc dn�c�hc noticc i.dclivcrcd ar m:�ilcd within�vhich Rorrawrr mu.�puy all,umti+ecured by thiti <br /> • " Srcuril histrumeni. If Bum►wer liiil. lo �y Ilk.r wmr �riar ta ihe ���iratiun ut'Ihi, ri��l. L�ncler ma invoke im <br /> y P� I I Ix Y Y ._ .t <br /> , renxdies�xm�iltcJ hy thi.Scrurily In��rum�nt�vilhuul 1'unhrr nutire ur drmand�m 13uiYU�ver. , <br /> � ' I8. Borrower'ti Ri�ht 1�� Reintitute. 11' 13un•owrr mcr�,rrn:�in rundi�i�,n,, Rorrow�r .hull liuvc ihe right ��i hi►vr <br /> ° cnti�rrement uf thi�Sccuriry hi.trumcnt di,r�,Minucd:u :un �iwc �,riur tu Utc rarli�r��t: �:i�5 �lay�Irn• ,urh uthcr�nri�xl uti <br /> ' timElr 1•.nud� •Fnnnlc�1adFrcddie�luc l'\U�I1N�1 IVS'1'RI 11F:\'1'-•�ml��nn�'a�cn:im. 4�YU qaicr���1���a�r�•v <br /> • . - <br /> . ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . . �� _ � . <br /> � <br /> f <br /> . .iy' ' <br /> � <br />