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•�I�iCfiF3�G7LB� . ._ .. '��.Y�d9�i�Y.erY+`�---. -�-va.�:�--_.. �-.._.. . - ,,T��t�A;c:._'_ <br /> � T�__. _._ .....,-. -- . . ._�I}-. <br /> .��'a��..��Riw�.. . - . �`• .. � ' I <br /> ''n-w:C<�Yb+9'''�d.triJk�+a" •T": <br />�� � ' . r, . ___ � <br /> :�. �� • � <br /> I �. <br />'��:� ' � .. - _ _. -' __—__ . . <br /> ��::� � '� 92_ ,�` ��' <br /> .��-�---�-:�.-�-� <br /> .� - --=.,.� <br /> - - _ , pericxlx Ihat Lender rr.yuimx. The inxuruiu:e carrler providing�he inKUrance�hull be cha�en by Be►rrower�uhJect to Lenderk <br /> opproval which chall ua be unreusonubly wilhheld. If Q�xrawer fuilK�o mulntuin cuvrruge de.�rilxd utwve.Lender nwy.�t <br /> --- L.ender's aption,obluin cove�age to hrotect Lenderk rlghlx in Ibe P�o�xny in a�cordunce wi�h pArugraph 7. <br /> .� _ All inxuronce policieK und renewuls sholi t+r acceptuNle�o L.rnder aikl xhull include u�tundurd muhguge cluuFe. Lender <br /> "-�'- xholl havc Ihe�1ght to hold thc policicv aad nncwuls. If LenJcr reyuire+.Borrawer.rhnH promptly givc w Lendcr all rcceipta <br /> �������� of paid premiums and renewol no�iccr. In Ihc cvent�►f losw,Born►wcr,hAll givc prurnpt nwicc w thc inxurcmce cuRfe��l <br /> l.ender. Lender may mukc pmuf of la�s if nut mudu prrnnptly by Sorn►wer. <br /> �� Unle�c Lcnder and Barruwer olherwise ugrec in writing,inwrunre pmi:ecdx shull be Lpplicd�o rcs�nratian ar repair of <br /> '� the �ny domuged, if the rcxlor+��inn or re�wir iK eronamlcully fcu.ible and Lrndcr+ xccurily is not Ic+�ned. IP thc <br />: � � I restornt on or�epuir iz not economicully Peusiblc or l.cnderK+ccurity would be Icssened, thc inKUran�c pr�xccds ahall be <br /> ���- applicd lo the sums secured by thi� Secu�ity Intitn�ment, whether o�not �hea dur, with uny excexg paid to Burrower. If <br /> �;�''� Borrawer abAndong the Piroperty. ��r dceti not anawer wiihin;(1 duy�u noticc from I..ender�hot �hc Insur.�nce cu�rier huc <br /> - _-_--�,a. offer+ed ta rettle u cloim,then Lender may c�►Ilect the inwuruncc procredx. Lender muy Use Ihc pracerda to repair or restore <br /> ',�����:•- the Propcny or to pay sums�;ecured by thiy Securi�y Instrument,whether or no��hcn Jue. The 3lyduy perfod will begin when <br /> �. . the noticc is given. <br /> A___-_�a-�,�,�-,�--�_;:- Unless Lender and BoROwe�othcrwis�i�grec in wri�ing,uny upplicu�iun uf prcxceds to principul�hull not extend or <br /> - •S postpane the duc date of the munthly puymenls rcFerred ta in pumKrs�phw 1 und?nr chunge thc umount of the paymenls. IF <br /> �"-`___;_,�"��`���-�- under parograph 21 thc F'roperty ic ucquired by Lcnder, Bormwcr: dght to uny inxuruncc:policics and proceeds resulting <br /> v.x��*��� from dumage w thc Pruperty prior t��thc uryuisitian shull puss to Lender ta the extent of the xum�secured by �his Security <br /> -�'��`;�s� ' rt Instrumem irnmcJiutely prior to the ucyui�ition. <br /> _ ""��'���-�' 6. Qecupaacy. Preservptlon. Malntenance aod Protectlon of the Propertyt Horrower'R Loan Appllcatbn; <br /> � -_�_�:.:��,��z; ,.. <br /> � ,,;�,��b,•t l.easeholds. Borrawe�shull a:cupy.extublish,und uxe the Pn►peAy ux Sorrower+principal re�idence wilhin sixty duys ufter <br /> _,.,�-_°T'�° Ihe execwion of ehis Security Instrument nnd shull continue to cxcupy the Property us Borrowerk pdncipal residence for at <br /> � � ° -���� - ;^;``'� Ienst one yea� ufu� the da�e of accup•rncy, unlc�. L.rndrr u�herwi`e agrces in wrfdng, which consent e�hull not be - <br /> �- '�� � •• � unreASOnably withheld,ar unlc+x extenuuting circumstunce�exitit which nre bcyond Bormwer's romml. Borrawer shull not <br /> - ,i �'"' destroy,damuge or impuir�he Propehy,ullow thc Property�o deteriorulc. ur commit waMe on the Piroperty. Borrower shull _ <br />'���' , � be in default if uny forfeiture uction ar�rcxceding,whether civil or criminul, is lxgun thut in Lender:good fuith judgment - <br /> — ,.�,,.�:.c. . <br /> - • • ��- cauld resuU in forieiture af the Propeny or aherwi�e muteriully impuir�he lien creuted by this Sccuri[y Ins�rument or <br /> '�'�' .� Lender's security interest. Borrower muy cure xuch u default und rein��ute,a,provided in parugruph 18,by cuutiing the uction <br /> _ �_n,Y., ,,; .,•�. '; or praceeding to be divmissed wHh U ruling thut,in Lender.gaxl f'uith cietertnination,pmcluJe,forfeiwre of the Borrowerk <br /> -�—�• ._..��,,,j :.,:;; • intere�l in the Piraperty or other mu�eriul impairment of the lien cre•r�ed by this Security In+trumem or Lender's security <br /> � �•a . . . interesi. Borrower zhull ulso be in default if Borniwer, during the luun upplicution process, gAVC mutcriully fultie or <br /> ;r; • �;T�.�;,,� :• inaccumte informu�ion or.tatements to Lender I��r fuiled�o provide Lender with uny muterinl inf'onnution)in connection with <br />_ —_; y�� :.�,.��,.n tM loun evideneed by the Note, including, bw not limi�ed to, ropm+entution� concerning Barcower: accupuncy oi' the <br />- Property u�u pmicipul mxidence. If this Secu�ity In�trument ir cin u Ieusehold,Borrower shull comply with ull the provirions <br />--- .��?�r���°�' of�he leuu. If Borrower ucquitez fee titla to Ihc Pm�xtty.�he Icu�ehold und�he fee tide shutl not me�ge unless Lender agrees <br /> -- ''"r"��'�'`"` to the merger in writing. <br />_��"�"�y'�7'�� °'� ?, Protection of I.ender's Righfa in the Property. If Borrowcr Fuil. to perf'orm the crnenumz unci ugrecmems <br /> �.'� . . contained in this Security Inxtn�mem, or thcrc is u Iegul prorceding that muy ,igni�cantly ufi'ect Lendcr'x rightx in thc <br /> ` �r� � Property(�uch us u proceeding in bankn�ptcy.prob•rtr,for ronikmnutinn o�forteitun or�o enforce laws ar regulutions).Ihen <br />` - � Lender may do and puy for whutevcr is nercxxury to protect �he valuc of�hr Property und Lcndery righ�+ in the Property. <br /> `'" "•" ' Lender:actions ma includc u in�un tium,tirrurrd b u licn which hu+ riorit ovrr�hi+Scrurit Instrument,u urin� - <br /> _ • ,. .., Y P Y 6 Y• Y P Y Y PP� b <br /> " ' in couA, paying reawnable uttomey�'1'ee+und cntering on the Prop�:ny to muke repuin.Although Lender muy luke uction ` <br />;'-w •-v�,�. • undcr this purug�uph 7,l.endcr Jcx:x rwt hovr ai do xo. <br />"'vti� °�� . � Any am�wnts by l.rn�kr undrr this pur•rgruph 7 +hull lxrromc uddi�ionul debt �if Borcower �ecured by this <br /> - - � �• � Security Imtrument. Unlc.s Borruwcr und L�ixlcr ugrcr tu utlxr�enn.of puymrnt.�hc+c umoun�z shull lxar imem+�frnm the <br />:,��_ � • dntc of disbunement ai ihe Nute rutr unJ xhall he puyuhlc, wilh intercxt, upon rn�ticr t'rom Lcnder lo Bortxiwcr reyuc.ting <br />.���, .� . .. puyment. <br /> -- 8. Mortgage lnwranre. If Lcnder requircJ murlgugc inwr:mcc us u r�mJilion oY muking thc loun secured by this <br />:`,'°y� • Security Inwtrument, Borrowrr shull pay thr premiums rnquired k� main�uin the mongugr intiurunre in eftect. If, far uny <br />= `'�� '���� reuxon, the mongugr insuruncc ruvcrugc rcyuircJ hy Lender lap.c�or rrusrs to in in cffecl, Borrowcr shull pay the <br /> - �:�`�•'' premlumx requimd to oMtuin rovcru�!c tiubs�umiully eNuivulent to dx mongu�c imurunre in effect, ut a ru.t <br /> `rt�% ' ' ' subrtunliully eyuivulent to�he cuxt to Borrowcr af thc man�ugc in,uranc�prcviously in ct'icct, frum un ultrmalc mon�uge <br />��'';��c�, •` .. imurer upproved by Lendcr. If sub.tuntially cyuiv�drm mong•r�c insuranre ruvcru�r i.not uvailable,Borcowrr ahall puy tn <br />;- '• .. Lender euch month u sum ryuul to anr-twrltih i�i'�hr yearly montiugc in.urunrr premium Ixing puiJ by Borrowcr wlxn thc <br /> �y_:'k .. , <br />__;e.,:; . <br /> insurance covcrnpc lupud��r cru�eJ to tn in�ffert. Lcndrr�vill acrepi.u,r imJ rct:�in�hru poymrm.nti u I��..rrxrvr in lieu <br />_-.,;..•. uf mart�tuge insur•rncr. Lii., rc,rrvc puymcnts muy nu lon�cr Ix rcyuirrJ.ut ihr uptiun uf Lrndrr, if moriguge in�urancc <br />=_�:�:��i °�, �•�.-.- ., caveruge lin the amount und tiir the perind th•rt Lrndrr rrquirc.)pr�►vi�kd by u�i in.urer apprav�d by Lender aguin tx�com�+ <br />:-�:�..,� • .: avuilablc und i,obtained.Borcuwcr�hull puy thc prcmium.rrquiRd tn ms�imain murlgaNc inwrvnrc in rfl'rcl.�►r N�praviJr u <br /> . .,...4i,� . <br /> :1 '.: �a`"�' loss resrrve. umil thr reyuin►nent li�r m�m�ei��c insurunrr rnd�in accorJ:u�re wiih nny writ�rn ugrcemrnt tktween Bnrmwer - <br /> .� � , anJ Lcnder or upplicublc luw. <br /> . 9. Intipeetiun. Lendcr ur it�u�rnt muy makc reasimi�hlc cmric.up�ai and ins�xclii�m uf thr Pr�i�xrty. Lrndrr shall <br /> � give Borcow�r noticc a�thr tim.��I ur pri�,r w un in,�xrtiun.�xrifying rea.uni�hlr ruu,�ti�r thr in,�xrlion, - <br /> 10. Condemnotion. Thc prixcaJ�ol':my:���•:rrd��r rlaim lirr damagr,.dircc�„r rannrctNm wiih uny <br /> . . Sfn�lc Frioih--M'unnk�1w/Flrcddk�fur I'\IF11R�11NtiTRC\1F.1'1' •l'minm�Cu�rnunt. Y;411 qr,rer?nle��,�xr.i <br /> .. ��rcal IWrr Puqm>.I�rie.Inr � <br /> ' 1'���nM71:qN�I�IIIOtiMNMI!1'I L 1 YRl(N1147�1•11.1� <br /> . . , • � �� �r ' <br /> , <br /> ti � <br />� `- r�-- .. � :._"—" _ . � . '. ..�.�..a:- . . .. � - . .. .. <br /> •i. <br /> �. � <br /> � � �- � --- -- - - - <br />