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<br /> - - 92 �ossas
<br /> ok sPle��d tl�e�,iadudin�t6e pryrmat of tUe'Ilruslee•S tem.�r���y u�cunea.nd to exceed � p 96 of
<br /> the(k�cipilYimaiat at the note At the Nme o�!he declaralbn of de�pult,and reasonnbk alluraeyw reer a9�'mttted
<br /> — by la�v�(b)to W wa�s�eeured by 1Ws Securily laslruaxnt;wd(c)aay exeea to the persoa or persops k�a1�Y RaUlkd
<br /> to i�
<br /> -= 2,�. Recouvey�na. Upon payment of all sums securcd by Ihis Security Inslrument,l.cndcr siwll request Tn�stee w
<br /> reconvey lhe Property and shall sueender thi�Socurily Inslrument und all notes evidencing debt secured by lhis Security
<br /> -a_ ._- -.
<br /> Instrument to 7lvata. 7lustee Rhall reconvey Ihe Pcoperty wiUtout wnm►nty and witlwut chcuQe to the person or pe�ns
<br /> � Ie�Aily emitled w i6 Such perwn or persoae sNall pay uny�eco at nn cntta.
<br /> 23. Subslitqte 7lrwta. Lender.at ils oplion,may from time ro time rcmove 7tustec and oppoint A succe�sor uur;tec to
<br /> any 'Itueta uppolnted hereunder by an instrumeM recorded in the caunty in which thia Security Instrument ia rerorded.
<br /> ,_.� Without canveyunce of the Properiy,the successor tn�s�ee�hal� $uccced to all the tiUe. power und duties wnferted u{wn
<br /> 'ttuttee herein And by applicable Inw.
<br /> -x� 24. Request for Notias. Borrower requestR�hat capies of the notices of defuult�rid awl�:be bem to Borrower�uddress
<br /> - - which ia titc Properly Address.
<br /> -_--
<br /> -�°°`° � 2S. RWers to fl�is Securlty iostrumen� If one or more dder�sue executed by Borrower und recarded tagelher wi
<br /> �_ this Security Insuument,the covenants c�nd agrcements of euch such rider shull be incorporUted imo und ahall amend und
<br /> _ _�� supplement ttie covenanls und agreements of this Securfry Inswmenl as if�he rider(s1 were u purt of Ihis 3ecurity Inurument.
<br /> —__...w..,__o ,� [Check applicable box(esN
<br /> - ° -----�-� �AdjustaMe Rrte Rider �Canduminium Rider �l-d Fa�-nily Ridcr -
<br /> ---�i3� �Gr�lu�led Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider
<br /> ----,.—. ,
<br /> ` �W 8F`� �Bolloon Rider �Rute Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> n_�-���v'� ��� X�Otherls)Ispecify� Acknowledgeaient
<br /> .-��`�_ ���5'''wl
<br /> �,:�, ;�;�;�'`•:' BY SIaNIN(1 BELOW.Borcower accepts and agrees to the tertns und covenanuc conudned in this 3ecuriry Instrumeot
<br /> y:�;��' and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Bomnwer ond recorded wfth it.
<br /> �;=n�r.a��,�. _
<br />�,�", —�__ W�dICS.428: � ��� �
<br /> -- _--�-= J'^-- .�����f'4� ($C8�)
<br /> ����:
<br /> ':'�yk�;;�� Der�KTOlikow i -BaroWer
<br /> +�""""'°s - Saciul Securiry Numbcr �b 02 2208
<br /> ��.;:., . �
<br /> r��..�r:f.i_.,�i• �
<br /> '� �.ief.�;�ti' , � n � J (SeAI�
<br /> '�`" ,�,k����° Theresa A. Kro ikowski ��OROWCf
<br /> '�L'-• �;�� Sacial Security Number 508 02 2102
<br /> M:. ' ti �
<br /> �,,..,� ' STATE OF NBBRASKA, Counry ss: Hall
<br /> w�e�l��-•
<br /> :�L�;lv�e�;�i� On this 26th daY Qf June, 1992 ,bciore me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br />``� '�:., •�••`..';.y dulycommissionedandqualifiedforauidcoumy.personallycame Daryl D. Krolikows�ki end Theresa _
<br /> "�"�'��'��K '• A. Krolikowaki (Husband and Wife) ,to me known to be the -
<br /> ���°�`���' identical persons(s)whose name(s)ure subscribed to�he foregoing instrument w�d acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> r'�-�^r: •�•�� be their valuntary act and deed.
<br /> .,�. •
<br /> . �s.. �;f;syc
<br /> ,�,�,.,.�f;f;;;��:;; Witness my hand nnd notarial seal at � in said county.the
<br /> ;;�tsa.;�k:�,��:, dnte nforesaid. �i'�c, r� �u..� - -
<br /> ;'`,;��. ���� � Naary Publk
<br /> ,•t;�l`y '• CHR18L KASKIE
<br /> �;iri::•.. lAY Cp�1�.Ftp.Du.29,1992 REQU�ST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> _ :-;,. .�r`�,. ,
<br /> ''�._ .- . .
<br /> .�,�; � ' The undersigned is the holdcr of thc notc or note�secured by this Deed of'IFust. Suid note or notes.together with oll
<br /> �;•;;.� ..• • �- other indebtedness secured by this Deed ot 7tust.have been paid in full. You are hrreby dirccted to cancel said note or notes
<br /> ' • and this Decd of 7�utit,which um delivered hereby,and to rcconvey,without wurranty,all�hc estate now held by you under
<br /> , ��;,x"�'" this Deed of 7tust�o the perxon or peraons I�gully entided thereto.
<br /> ':';�:. Date: •
<br /> , ' ' Mam 3B7�t 9I9Y 1/x+Re 0 aj 0 puxeal
<br /> . •• n ' _�.'. . .., - . . . .. .. .__i_.�r.���'i•YL�.tt1.,;•1__a�v_�_..cv+asitrrfa�.L..afss•w .�-
<br /> . '� ... ... . . . .• . . . _ -_ .].• ��
<br /> - �:�7r.�6:� �.r^ � .
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