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<br /> -_ _�`�'-'`� appliceble law muy cpcxify Par rclnsletemenU 6efore sale of the Property puncuont to uny power of sale contuined in �his
<br /> _ 5ecurity losuutnen�;or(b)entry of w judgmrnt enforcing this Secudty Instrument. Thosc conditions nrr that Borrower. (a)
<br /> -- — --- paya Lcnder All sums which then would bc dua under this Security Instmment nnd the Nate a� if no accelcracfan had
<br /> ���,�±►f�;�o:•� accurr+ed;(b)cures eny default oi ony dher covenuntx or ogreemems;(c)pays a0 expen�;es incurred in enforcing this Security
<br /> :�• � �w�v:. . Instrument, including, but not limfled to. rensanuble altomeys'fees; And (d) Inkes xuch actian us L.ender may reusonably
<br /> " ��;•. rcquir+e to assur+c that Ihe Ifen of tMs Security loslrument,Lender�dghta in Ihe Proper4y and BoROwer K abligation to pay thc
<br /> ' sums secured by �his Secu�ity Instrument shall contlnue unchanged. Upon mins�utement by Rom�wer, thla Security
<br /> � ::_:rr;, s._.�... , � `� �-
<br /> � Instrument and U�e abligalions secured hercby ahall remain fully effec�ive as il'nu uccelrruiiun liwi ckcurred. Howeve�,this
<br /> � ,,�.,.
<br /> '�t �i�ht to rcins�ate rhall not appiy in ihe ease of acceleration under parograph 17.
<br /> �' '" 19. SAk o�NMe; ChwaQe ot I.opn Servker. The Nate ar a partivl intcrest in Ihc Natc(togcther with this Sccurily
<br /> ��'1 L�r� , i• ri
<br /> r` � `��� Inswment)ma be sold one or more times wilhout rior notice to Borrower. A �le ma rexu�t in u chan e in Ihe entit ---
<br /> - [:.h.�?�',•� "'.,.. Y p Y B Y
<br /> ;�_�Y,n�w .t.�.:.
<br /> � �_ . (known os the'L,oan Servicer")that collec�s monthly paymenta due u�der the Nae nnd Ihia Securlty Instniment. 'Ihere ulso
<br /> v ' -,.�r,� ° � • may b�ane or more changea of the Luan Servicer unreluted to u sole nf the Note. If thc�rc is u change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> �;> Borcower wlll be given written naice of the change in accardunce with purograph 14 nix►vc und applicuble law. 'fhe aotice —._
<br /> '�='�`;:��;.�� " � will stute the name und address of ihe new Loan Scrviccr nnd�hc siddrcss to which puymcnts should be mude. The notice will —
<br /> -"`",�"u1'��._, olso contain any o�her iniorma�ion required by Applicuble law. —
<br /> . -� - 20. Haxwrdous Substwnces. Bnrtower shull not causc or permit the pre4ence,use,disposal,stornge,or release of any
<br /> ';.� •• -•_�,��::_. Hazardous Substonces on or in thc Property. Borrower shall na do,nor ullow unyone clsc to do,unything uffecting the
<br /> .;w.:r.?:-�"-`��,j�. Pmpeny that is in violution af any Envlronmenwl Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the prcsence.use,or
<br /> •:�'��'°���-- storngc on the Praperty of small quantUies af Haxurdous Substanres that are generolly recognized to be uppropnate to normal �
<br /> —; „*���s�'� residential uses ond to mointenance of�hc Praperty. _--
<br /> _.-. ••r,�:;-�. - - - Borrower shall promp�ly give I.ender wr�tten notice of any invectfgotion,cluim.demund,luwsuit or other action by any �_
<br /> , ° .. governmenlal or rrgulutory agency or private party involving the PropeKy and uny Haznrdous Substance or Envlmnmentul
<br /> .' .. ' Law of which Barower hus actuul knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulotory ���
<br /> � nu�hority,that nny removal or other remedialion of uny Huzardous Sub.r-tance affecting Ihc Prapeny is neccssary.Sorrower —
<br /> •• : a x�. shull promptly take all necesssuy remedlal uctions in uccordonce wi�h Environmental Law. �-
<br /> �--
<br /> � ' ' • As used in this parugraph 20,"Hazordous Subsu►nces"ure those substances defined as toxic or hnzurdous subs�unces by
<br /> ,, :,.. ° A Environmental I.Aw and�he Pollowing sub�lnnces: gusoline,kerosene,other flammuble or toxic petroleum products,toxic �"
<br /> - • pesticides wM herbicides, volatile solvents,material�containing asbestoc or farmuldehyde,ond mdioaaive maleri•rls. As
<br /> , ur,ed in this puragraph 20,"Environmemul l.uw"means federul laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property i� lacated �_
<br /> �� p'-� '� •�. lhatrelutetohealth.safe�yorenvironmentulprotection. Q.
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher cavenant and ngree us fallows: —
<br /> . .. ° 21. Accekradon; Remedies. I.ender sludl give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleralion following Borrower's ��
<br /> ����:�;_ breach of Any rnvenpnt or Ag�eement in this Security Instrument lbut not prlor to Acceleralion under paragraph 17 =_
<br /> -_
<br />