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<br /> �3�Yda.a;us�:�r��=
<br /> �Rlti��'.�N'I' AF �NTB I�ER '
<br /> ^�fi a;��.:"`r"`9is�e.�14.'•'�. __.._.r.--
<br /> ;J �.''�� ��;, :':; ' THIS ]18oI�1iMSl1T Ot R�NTB RID�R 1• �ad� a�pd �:�outod �bi•
<br /> .����-.• ��... ,, � d�y o: , i9 , and i� inaorporat�d into snd �hall
<br /> ' • ' � �a�med to amon an aupp�i�ont tho lWrtqag� or poad o! Trust,
<br /> , °, d • horoinaltor r�torrad to ve th� �Soaurity IAOtrunon�", ot the oama �i�,--�-'-
<br /> ° • .� �� ^�'� dnto qivan by th� undoroignad, hor�inattor r�i�rrad to ao th�
<br /> � - � " ----�- �Sorrawor", to socure Borrower'e indebtednaoe, horoinafter , ____�.�_ __
<br /> ..; •� ,- ..• re�arrod to ae tho N�lotie", to HOlrl� FEDEML 811�VIN08 11lID LOI�I
<br /> �`;�m �� �. �. ASSOCi]1TION OF aRJ1ND IBLAND, horal.na�tor roferrod to ae the
<br /> �.�L� , � ' Ni.andor�, a! tho oame dato and aovorinq tho prop�rty doocribod in
<br />�j' --,;: ��� - - tb� 8�ourity inatrwaoat and loaa�od atit •
<br />�`��� r• 114 Suez St. Cairo. NE 68824 _
<br />��; . ' y, (proporty drees)
<br />�'r;; . .......
<br /> ,, .
<br /> ;.-� ^ WITl1ESB8TH t
<br />�.,�,. . --
<br />�:.�� " o" WH�REI►8, Horrower and Lender have agreQd that any rants st►d �
<br /> i�.��� . ° ''��� �� profits a�tributisble to the prcperty ehould aonetituto additiional � -• ',�
<br /> . ., �" ooaurity to the Londor for the paytaeat of the Note; -r„ -� -
<br /> .�c,«�•:-
<br /> Y: '•, .�
<br /> � NOW, TiiER�FORE, it is agrood tihat th� Soaority Inatswaont �_
<br />: ehali bo aaNndod b�roby end daom�d to iaolud� tho lollowing pro- -=v_�-�-
<br /> vioion�e —
<br /> .. ��.
<br /> � ' ' � 1. ]►a4�nn+±+ont o! Rants and Londer Rontai Cnlleetion�iahte. ,�, -, _
<br /> eorrow�r horaby aboolutoly and unconditionally ao�iqne all rents, _ _____
<br /> isauos and pro�its of the property to Heneficiery. Lendar ehell ',��:�
<br /> �� ha�vo tho right, power and authority during tihe aontinuenae of the ., ., ''-
<br />'. �� seaurity instrumeat to aollect the rents, iseues and profite of
<br /> ' � ..
<br /> ,___ • t�Q prQ��y ��� Q� ��y pQ�eonai property loceted thereon with or �
<br /> ��• without teking possession of the property affscted hereby. -- ---
<br /> � Lender, however, hereby consents to Borrower•s collection and ��=.�__-_
<br /> • � '• retention of such rente, isaues and prof its as they accruo and ��i���' ��`
<br /> ;:.... , ..�.
<br /> . become payeble, so long ae Barrower ie not, at such time, in a� �
<br /> � � defeult with respact to payment of any indebtednese secured __ _ �;.�-=
<br /> � hereby, or in tho performance of any eqraomort horoundor. ,�;,��-.�`_
<br /> �' Z, l►nn�intmen#�of Reae�ver. If any oveat of default in _ n ; ''_ �
<br /> � . roepeck to tho Soourity Inetirwnont ahall havo vacurrad and be ��:r;�:
<br /> • continuing, I,ender, ae a matter o! right and without aotice to �
<br /> Horrower or anyone claiming under Borrower, and without ragard to � �' ��
<br /> ..,.::,: ' the valuo of the trust estate nr the interest of thQ Borrower �
<br /> therein, ehall have the right to epply to any court having juris- � -�y
<br /> " dfctfon to appoint a receiver of the property. ��'.;:
<br /> ��,' . . _
<br /> ;:•.;,�
<br /> In cese of default in the payiaent �+�
<br /> 3. Riaht t Posses��p. ��
<br /> , � of the eaid prinaipel Note or interest, or nry part thereof, ae ' � ` . �:::<:.
<br /> it shall mature, or in the case of failure to kaep or perform any k .;; `"`=�`
<br /> - of thQ covenents or egrsemonta coatafned in the 3ecurity Iaetru-
<br /> ' ment, t�en the Lender, ite euccessore or aseigne, shall be and ie
<br /> hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate posseseion of , � ,.;,• '
<br /> the seid premisea therein described and to collect the rents � � . ,
<br /> .. . therefrom, and to epply tho proceeds thereof to tho payment of j
<br /> tho Noto. �
<br /> . . 4. a,po��^�*�on nf Reate iesues and Profite. 1111 ronto �
<br /> . . collectiwd by Londer or the receiver eha�ll be appliod firet to �
<br /> • � payment of tho coete of mnnagement cf the property and collection
<br />� , of rente, includinq, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premi-
<br /> . ume on receiver's bonde and reaeonable attorney's fees, and then
<br /> � to the aums secured by the 3ecurity instrument. Lender and the
<br /> receiver st:all be liable to account only for those rents a�ctually
<br /> recoived.
<br /> • �� 5. �^nstr�!ction of Provis±ons. Each ot tho provieioas con-
<br /> , tained in this Aesignment of Rents Rider and the Security inetru-
<br /> � ment ehall, unlese otherwise spectfically required, bo construed
<br /> in accordance with Nebraeka law, and in the event any provieion
<br /> herein or therein contained ehall be determiaed by a court of
<br /> � competent juriedictiion to be unenforcea�ble, the same shall be
<br /> coestrued ae though such unenforceable provieion woro not a part
<br /> - hereof or thareof.
<br /> 1
<br /> . ,
<br /> �
<br /> . - ��, —� _ --— -
<br />