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<br /> -- --- �=-•'� condcmnation ar whcr taking ol'any pwt ui'thc Pmpcny.ur ior cwtveyuncc in liru uf condcmnwtiun,ure hcrcby ux.i�neJ and
<br /> -.._ rhu116e paid ta Lendar.
<br /> In tha event of u taal toking of the Pmpeny, �hc ccdx s►hull Fx appli��d �o �hc xumg recuRd by �hi� Sccurily
<br /> M°' Instrument,whe�her or not�hen duc,with uny exce�,pui tu BoRC►wer. In the evcm ol'a�wNiul�uking af�he Pn►pcAy in
<br /> �—����'�' a�hich the fuir markct vulue oP the Property immediutcly befam�hc ta{cing is cyuul�o ur grculcr�han�hc anxwnt of�he sum+
<br /> `� recorcd by�hix Secu�ity Intitrumenl immediutely before�hc takinK.unle+ti Horn►wcr unJ l.cixlcr olhrnvik ugrce in w�i�ing,
<br /> �- the sumx xecured by �his Security Instrumen�shall lk r�Juced by �he um�wn�uf ihe pr�xeedti multiplied hy tlx� fbUowing -
<br /> ���� fru�tion: lal the taal amount af the sums secured immedio�cly heforc the iuking,divi�kd by Ib11hc f'uir murket vAlue af�he rA
<br /> u•
<br /> RapeAy immediatcly i�efure d�r wking. Any baluiic� shall be palJ to 8c�rrower. In the evrm�►f n puhinl Iakinp oi the
<br /> � � Propeny in wNich�he fAir murket valuc of the Propeny immediutcly Ixfim the taking i.Icss lhur the umoum of ihc xumx —
<br /> �� r,ecured immcdiatcly before the tuking. unles, Borrawer und Lender�HherwiK ugrcr in writing or unlc.+ upplicuble luw
<br /> '-'"�'"'�L'" otherwi�e provides,the proceedx.r•hull tx:upplied ta tl��umx�rcured by thi�Sccuriry Inr�rument whcthcr ur nat�hr rum�ure
<br /> --•� ' {�� then due.
<br /> ���'��.�''�,} If the Propeny is ubundaned by B�xro�scr.or if,after nocice by Lendcr to BoROwcr�h�i�6c ca�dcmnor offen�a makc
<br /> __- - un uwurd or uple a claim for damoges, Bortawer Fuils lo respond ta Lcnder wiihin 311 duy+uf'ter�hc duir�he nntirc Is given.
<br /> =�__�=�:�:�-" Lender is auth••rized to colleci and apply thc pnx:e�la,ut itti option,cither to m�toru�ion��r rcpair of ihe Pn�peny or�u the __
<br /> ;�,.��` . � sun:v secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not tlxn due.
<br /> ' "�f Unless Lender and Borrower ahenvi�e ngree in wri�ing,any upplica�iun uf pnxecd,to principal shull nat extend w
<br /> ��a��..-..,.
<br /> �`����+"�} postpone the due dute of�he momhly payments referred to in pamgruphs I und'!or chungc thc umuunt of+uch puyments.
<br /> "'�'".,� tl. Borrower Not Released; Forbcarance By I.ender Not a WAiver. Extensian of the �ime Por payment or
<br /> - - `-`°- - - *^ modiUcation of umor[ization of�he sumx secureJ by thix Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to uny+uccessor in�mere�t
<br /> �"� '�r'�'. of Borrower shnll not opernte to releatie the liubiliry of the originul Borrower or Burrowerk tiucce.son m interctit. l.ender �
<br /> �._�_� .:r. .
<br /> - - ���- -•y shall n�t he required to commence praceedings aguimt my successor in in�erest or refuse to extend time for puyment or
<br /> _.,.._,r-=�;;;���j.;��- � °
<br /> othcrvvise m�dify amoni7utian of the sumr secured by thix Security Insttumcnt by rea�on of nny Jemui�l mude by the origm• i
<br /> � �`,;'!�t'.'��"`��° Borrower or Borrower's successors in interegt. Any forM:urance by Lender in exercising+my right or remedy shull not be a
<br /> .��,; .� ,�'� wuive�of or prcclude the exercir:r oi uny right or remedy. Y __
<br /> • 12. Suceessors and AsglRns Bound;Joiol and Severall.iAbility:Co-slgners. The covenants und ugreementx oP this
<br /> �:h��A� Se�:urity Imtrument shall Wnd and benefit the succexwn und astiigos of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provirions of
<br /> �l�if�:
<br /> —� �:,�:.'r �-: purugmph 17,Borrower's covenumx und ugreements shnll tx joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-zigo�this 5ecuriry
<br /> " �����••' •• � Instrument bul doex not execute the No�e: (a►is co-signing this Securfty InztrumeM only to monguge.grant und convey thut _
<br /> -- : ;`',; .
<br /> _� ,,;y.�s,,;.aw.:�.:ti�a��-� Borrower's irnerext in the Pmpc�rty under the�erms of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not per�onAlly obliguted to puy the sums __�
<br /> —= ° ' ' r,ecurcd by tMs Securiry Instn�menr,und(c)ugreex th�+i Lender and any other Borrower mAy agree to extend,malify,forbear �,
<br /> -��•.t��l�T'e',�'�,�?���-�.. or moke uny accommodotianx with regard to �he temns ut this Security Inrtrurnent o� Ihe Note without thut Borrower's -
<br /> -- �•. ' consent. --
<br /> '`� � • 13. A.oan Char�es. If the loan ,ecured by this Security Ins�rument is subject �o u law which tietx maximum loun
<br /> - �''j"' �'"�''�� char e� aoc!that la�t•is f:n�!!y interpreted so�ho�tlw intere.�or other loun churues callected or to be collected in c�nnection -__
<br /> .'�k,�y....�- .-,.�- g .,
<br /> - ,,�,,.•.;.. , ' , with�he loan excced the permiued limi�s,then: (al uny tiuch laan cfiarge xhall be reduced by Ihe amount necessary�o reduce �L
<br />!� • . �he churge to�he permi�red limit:und lb)uny sumx nl�eudy collerted from Borrower which cxceeded permiued limi�s will be _
<br />-'-�� •• refunded to Bonuwer. Lender muy choase to muke�his refunJ by reduring the principul owed under the Note or by mvking u �_
<br /> -,"'�S. �'-' r..��F., direct puyment w Botrowe�. If u refund rcducec principul,thc reduc�ion will be treuted us a purtiul prepuyment without any _
<br />_:-`ti�+�° ' '� " prepayment charge under the Notc. _
<br />�+�-'?�� l4. Notkes. Any notice�o B�ower pruvided fur in�hiy Securi�y Inti�rumem �hull be:given by delivering it or by -�
<br />���., muiling it by firtit clus.r•mail unless upplicuhlc luw rLquircs use uP another method.The notice xhull bc�directed to the Propeny �_
<br /> `„-"",�,y���• � • Address ar uny other uddresti Borrower designutes by natirr w Lrnder. Any notice�o Lender shall be given My fint clu„ �_
<br /> '" °`� � ���' muil to 4ender;uddrcsx stateJ hrrcin or uny uther�dJrr��Lrnder de+ignuteti hy nMicr to Bnrrower. Any noticc provided fur __
<br /> �`° , � a.�•�`.�� in lhis Security Imtrument shull hc dremrJ to huvr Ik�n Fiven �o Bom�wer ar L.ender when given ux provided in thi+ __
<br /> :`r.�� ^ ,, �• parugrnph. -_ .
<br />-�",_ � IS. Governfn� I.Aw; Severubility. Thi. Srrurity h��tnimcnt .holl bc g��vrmcJ by federal luw und �hc luw of the -
<br /> _ , . .h b'� jurisdictian in which the Pmpeny i�I�xuted. In Ihe event�hui uny pmvi+ion ur rluuk uf�hi+Security Instrumcnt or the Note
<br />-��. _. conflicts a•ith upplicublr luw,.unc��x�tlirt.hull no�:i(fert othrr pr��visiun���t'�hi.Securiry In.trumcnt or the Nole which csm �
<br /> ' ,,,,,w..�„•_. �' tx: given effec� wilhout Ihe conflic�in�: pnx•ision. Tii thi. cnd the pn�vixion,of'thix Srcurity In.trumem und�he Note ure =-i
<br />',�{,:�; ° ^ declarcd to be scverahlc. °"'
<br /> _ Ib. Borrower c Copy. B��rruwrr+hall lx�i.rn�mr ronl'unnrJ c��py��i�hr hutc und ut'thi+Suurity Insaument. `"�
<br /> °` " �.`'"•`�' -, 17, 'Iransfc�oi the P�operly or a Benelicis�!Intere.r•t In Korrow•er. If all ur uny part ot'�hc Property or uny interctit in ��'�
<br /> •` � it is�old or ir,►nsfcrnd lor it'u tknePieial imrnst in Bom��ccr i..oIJ ur tran�frrtrd und Born�wrr is not u nulurul per.unl
<br /> � , •�• • .. without Lender:prior wnuen r�►n.�nt.Lender mvy.at it+uptiim.rcyuiic immrdialr pa}•ment in full oi•rll sum+,�cured by --
<br /> °- . �hi+Srcuriry In,�rument. However,thi�option+hull no� I+r rxerci.ed by Lcnder if cxerci+c is prohibilcd by federul luw u.of
<br /> ' � ., Ihe dutc oi thi+Security ln.rtrument. �,
<br /> � If Lender�xcni+c�thi.optiun,l.rndrr.hull gi��c Bom�wcr notirr of arrrlrrution. The nolicr,huU providc u period of �:.
<br /> ' n�it le..than 30�y�fmm thr Jate ihr nntice i+dclivrrrd ur mail�J�vi�hin which Burro��rr mu,t pay all�um,secured by thi+
<br /> � � , 5ccurity In.trumcn�. If Bnrn�wrr fuil.to pay Ihr+r �um, priur to Ihr c�pirutiun uf thi��riai, Lrndrr muy inviikc uny -
<br /> " rcmedie�prrmitteJ by thi�Srcurit�•In,trununt��uhi�ut t'unhrr nntirc or denumd un Rurc�nrer. �"
<br /> 18. Borrower's RiRht tu Relnxtate. It' Bornx�rr nxe�, crnuin runJiti�m.. Burm��rr.hall havc Ih� righl lo huvc
<br /> ' , � . enturcement of this�rurit�� In,tnmun�di.rantinucd ul �m limr priur lu th�rarlicr ut�: lal 5 da),lur wrh ulher period n� �
<br /> .• ti�otlr F.und� �•Fynnle�f�r'FYiddlc\luc l\IFIIR\1 1�51 Rl NF:\f •l imnnn�'o�.•urm. 4,Y0 yw��r�u)n�a�aru �_
<br /> �.
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