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<br /> --_''�� pc�iady Ihvt Lcndcr reyuim�. 71ie inxuruix:e cu�ricr pruviding thc inxurwirc Fhull hc choKn by B��rmwcr eubjrc�to Lender4+
<br /> _-_= . opprov�!wMnc�hall not bc unrcus�►nahly wiihhcld. IP 8amwcr fuilq to muintuin rovcroge de�cribed aMwc.Lcnder may,at
<br /> — Le�kr�oplicx�,aMuin covrmgc�o pn�lccl Lendcrk righ�x in the Pro�rny in rkrnrdancc wilh�wraQraph 7.
<br /> "' All insurance{x�liciev und rcnewulx xhull Ix;�cccptablc�a Lcnder an�l xhull inclwk u nlundard mortgage clau�e. LenJer
<br /> �•..�t. , �hall havc�ht�ight tu hulJ tho puUcic�onJ mnewul.r. If Lciukr reyuinti,Born�wcr whall promptly givc�a l.cnder ull reccipta
<br /> .��' - ,., . nf puiJ prcmiums und rcnewul naNces. In�hc evcn���t'lorv,B�xu�wr�rhull Qive pnnnpt nuticc tu�hc in�urwice currkr ond
<br /> l.cndcr. Len�lcr owy makc pnqf af la�x if n�N mudc promptly by Bum�wer.
<br /> :,,���„ . Unlc+.r•I.cnikr and Bormwcr�Nhctwiu agnt in w�ling.in,urunrc�►r�xecds r�hull ho upplicd�o n�t�Ka�ian or repAir aP
<br /> �. .__ the Pmperty durnagcd. il'ihc rctitara�ion ar rcpnir ix n;�nn�uncully f�u.iblc m�J I.�nJcr�. .cca•i�y i. ixH I�ti,�:ncd. !f thc -
<br /> rcstam�ion or nep�ir is not cro�►��micully fcasible ar l.enderi,rcccu�ity w�wld bc Icr�;ened,�hc insu�e pnxcedx�hall be
<br /> `�r�_��� opplied M Ihe sum.r ,�:ured by �hla Serurity Instnimcnt,whe�her or nM �hrn dur, with wiy exceys p•rid to Borrawcr. U
<br /> ���L�:��;" Bortower rbandons tlx� Prc�xrly,ar�k�es nut unswer wilhin ill duy� u ncNice fnnn L.e�der�hat Ihe insuu►nce curcier ha�
<br /> :x_ � y�r;��� • offercd la rctlle u doim,�hen Lender muy collecllhe inrurAnce paxeedr. Lender muy�i�e�he pm�-eedc to reQnir ar rcRtore
<br /> '��°-�:.�..r". ., Ihe Property or m puy Yums�ecured by this Sccuriry Inx�rument,whelhrr ur no�then due. The 3l1-duy periad will be�in when
<br /> '"�`°--�-==`-T"'�• � �he notice is givcn.
<br /> � � '� Unitss Lender und Borrower otherwine ogme in w�iting,uny upplicuiion of pmceeds ta priocipal shull nut ex�end ur
<br /> ��;�',�� poslpone the due dule of thr monthly paymenlx�rierred to in ps►rographs 1 und 2 ar chunge the umcwnt af the puymems. If
<br /> �K° under parugr�ph 21 the Prc�peny is ocyuired by Lender, Bormwer�righ� �a uny insurance pc�licie+und praceeds resuUing
<br /> ��-'-+•1»^,�14 fmm dumuge to the Propeny priar ta Ihe ucquisition shall p•rz�to Letuler to Ihe eztent ot'Ihc xums secured by this Security
<br /> :���'�`��T Incuument immeJiutcly prior tu�he ac uisition.
<br /> ..��,�:•-,.� 1< <
<br /> �_=3.�,,�,�,.-;�.-� - 6. Occupaacy, Preservatlan, ainten�nce and Proteclbn ut the PropeMy: Borrower's l.oan Applict�tion;
<br /> ���_t}!�;,: � I,easehold�. Borrower shall occupy.establish,and use the Piropeny u.w Barrowc:r r principal rcyidence wi�hin sixty days aper
<br /> -- ��'�'"-�`-?''�'_�!-- the execulion of thi.Secu�iry InYtn�ment nod ahall conti�ue ta occupy the Propeny as Burrower�principal resic!ence for at _
<br /> —. "`��'"�""'� �� least one year afler the dute of occupuncy, unless L.ender otherwi+e ugrces in writing, whirh �onsem shull not be =
<br /> - -':`'k.,M;�F�,Y; �� uorea.4anably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances eaisl which ure beyond Bormwer�contml. Bortower sh�ll not
<br /> _,_„��` ' : destroy,dnmuge or impuir the Pm�ehy,allow the Propeny lo deteriorate,or commit wuste on�he Propeny. Borrower shall
<br /> -' — . • " be in default iP any forf'eiture nction ar praceeciing,whether civil or criminul,is begun that in Lender�good fuith judgment --
<br /> •� -7 � �`" ' could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materiAlly impuir the lien cren�ed by this Security Instrument or
<br /> - - - ::�, :� y a�-: Lender�security interest Bormwer may cum such a defnult und reinstute,os provided in purugruph 18,by causing the uclion
<br /> - • or proceeding to 6e dismissed with n ruling Ihat.in Lender's gaod faith determination.precludes fort'eilure of the Borrower w
<br /> —.��� �" tic�,��'�r=y interest in �he Property ar other muteriAl impaimmnt of thr lien creuted by this Securiry Inswment or Lendere security
<br /> �-=� . . i�rerest. Borrower shUll ulso be in defnuU if Bormwer. during �he laun upplicution process, guve materially fi�lse ar
<br />