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�I���.i�' ��'a1E�I£r`.''`�k4°.9�1.'0t�'�'��iiv` — .�•,w.�l.,.�=,Mt;..��mw�w� . -^ .::i�=- <br /> - . �� , �.' _ <br /> • ' .. �,�s*t-S��I.���t�.. ^ ^ =�;�, <br /> � n� <br /> � . .:.r _ � - - - <br /> =. �...�t�� 92+ 'ioss3s <br /> ."�g'�: _ <br /> -�--r� TOOETFIER WITH�II the improvementa naw or hercAfter erected on Ihc propcny.und ull cu�.emcnts,uppuncnancc5, __ <br /> ---�'��"� and fiaturcs now w hcreaftcr a part of the propeAy. All repincements and udditiuns shall ulxc►be covcred by thia Secu�ity —_.. <br /> - � Inst�umenl. All of 1he forogoing is referred to in thia Sccurlly Insuument ac the"Propeny." <br /> --� '�"i1'� SQRROWER COVENANTS that Bormwcr is lawfully seiscd of Ihc estatc hemby convcyed and has ihc rlghl to grant <br /> ' �'"= and convey the�p�ny end thwt Ihe PropeRy is uncncumbered,eacept far encumbraues of recard. Borrowcr wa�nts�nd <br /> '�• '�� ' r,,,�y�;,�,� will dcfend genersdly Ihe d0e to the Praperty aguinAt all claima�nd demands,rubjccl to any encumbranccs of rcrord. �,- <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants fbr nutiannl u�c and nan•uaifarm caveounts with <br /> ,.;,". '�" limited vari�duns by jurisdictioi�to constitute n uniform security insuument cnvering real propcny. �_ _ <br /> � ,�� UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Borrnwer md Lender covenent and ogree ac follows: <br /> --��—M���` �°� 1. P�yment ot Pr[ncipal aad lateresli�P�y�nl aad Lpte Chargea. Borrowcr sholl promptly pAy when duc the <br /> �.��i�`r,,�..� p�incipal af and intet+est on Ihe debt evidenced by the Nae und eny prepayment and late churptes due undcr the Natc. <br /> ��'���:�'� �• 2, Funds for'Ihxes and Insuranca Subject to applicablc Inw or to u written waiver by Lender,Borrowcr shall puy to <br /> -'�```_`.' ,�•':jiM�1i,4• : <br /> l.ender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Nole is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)year y <br /> .w�;;�.r�'a:s►�; <br /> _ .,,�,, taxes and assessments which may attain pdority over this Secudty Insln�ment as n lien on the Properly:(b)yenr y o <br /> - --"":::--.- payments or ground rents on the Property.if uny: (c) ycarly haxurd ur propeny insurnncc p�miumc: ld) yesuly flood - <br /> =�•�r�.;;���`` insurance premiuma. if any; (e) yearly mongage maurnnce premiums, if any; and (f) any sums payable by Borrower to =— <br /> �• � Lender,in accordance with the provisians oi paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of monaAge insurnnce preroiums. These <br /> - '�ct�,*tsl�,�-'•`•'• items are called"Escrow Items.' Lender may,at any time,colkct und hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum __ <br /> 3.�.t�0��, - .�.�_ � amount a lender for a fedemlly related mongs�ge loan may require for Bortower� escrow account under Ihe federul Real -- <br /> -- ��•=�'F•�'• � E state S ett lement P ro c e dures Ac t o f 1 9 7 4 asti a m e n d e d f ro m t i m e t o t i m e, 12 U.S.C.$2601 er se q.("RESPA"),unless another �"'•;: - <br /> yJr.��a.._,>.. ,,: � �,, e <br /> � � law lhat AppNes to 1he Fl�nda sets a lesser amount. If so,Lamder may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in un umount not to <br /> - }'�� exceed ihe lesser em�unt. [.ender may esdmatc the amount of Punds due on the bASis of curcem dAta and neusonable ='�-�� <br /> __��'�� l� ''�" � � esdmates of eapenditures of future Escrow Items or utherwise in accorJence with upplicnble law. �__ <br /> � � �� - � The Funds shall be held in an instiiution whose deposils are insured by a fedcrul agency,inswmentality.or entity �°�'T <br /> r-5�:��ti%bdk�l�i.1�.•�• �r: <br /> ` �n (including L.ender,if Lender is such an insiilution)or in nny Feder�l Home Loun Bank. Lender shall apply the Fuods to pAy -- <br /> ��:�^�� '.'."� '" the Eserow Items. Lender mny not charge Borruwer for halding und upplying the Funds, onnually analyzing the escrow ���~_-` <br /> � ' account,or verifying ihe Escrow Items. unless Lender p�ys Borrower interest on the Funds und upplicable law pem�iis _:.__ <br />�°�,.��, ° '� _ �� Lender to make such a charge. However,l.endcr may r�equire Borrowcr to pay u one-time charge for an independent reul �,:___= <br /> e:,,� - • • � estate taz reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loun,unless applicuble law provides ahenvise. Unless an —__ <br /> •� agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or �...__ <br /> - . � . eamings on�he Funds. Barmwer and l.ender mny ogree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Fimds. Lender �,,,_a,_. <br /> ` - � shall give to Borrower,without churge,an annuul accaunting of the Funds,shawing credits pnd debitx to the Funds smd the �-y: <br /> ;�� o:��+'��:•:�,;: ; .. purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional seturiry for all sums secured by �'fi`�''- <br /> ¢ this Security Instrument. . <br /> - . irwY J '::�.--_�_ E,; �.___ <br /> K,;- = ,; - if ihe t�nds l�Id by i.�nder exceed !he amonnts {xrmir�Pd to he held by applieuble law. Lender slwll account ta <br />- Borrower for Ihe excess Fl�nds in accordance with the requirements of applicuble luw. If thc amount of thc Funds held by ,.�:,,;- <br /> ". Lender at any time is not sufficiem to pay the Escrow Items when due,i.ender mny so notify Borrower in writing,and,in r�,:; <br /> .' � � such case Barower shall pay to Lender the nmaunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the • <br /> ' ' deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly paymenls.nt Lender�s sole discretion. ��,_,�,�.; <br /> , Upon payment in full of all sums�curcd by this Security las�rument.Lender shall promptly refund ro Borrower any E;�:�, <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragrAph 21. Lender shall acquire or sell the Propeny,Lender.prior to the ncquisilion ar r`°""'�' <br /> '� ���:';;� <br /> " ����� • sale of the Property, shull npply any Funds held by Lender at the[ime of ucquisition ar snle As u credit ugainst the sums <br /> �.ti� <br /> � �^ � • secured by �his Security Instrument. �-•-- <br /> • 3. Applicatlon ot Payments. Unless upplicable luw provides Mherwise, ull puymentg received by Lender under �Lr,;,,, <br /> �. " ` paragraphs I and 2 shnll be applied: fint,to uny prepayment chsuges due under the Note; amounts payuble under �,;,�,,�,, <br /> -• ' � parag�ph 2;lhird,ro intercsl due;founh,to principul due;and lar•t,to tiny lule charges due under the Note. Q.�_ <br /> ` � ". 4. Charges; Llens. Borrowcr shall puy ull toxes,assessmentc, chnr�es, fines and impositions anri6utuble to the °''�'" <br /> ' .. � Piroperry which may attuin priority over thi�Security Instrument,und leasehold payment.or ground rents.if uny. Borrower L;� <br /> - . ' � shall puy these obligations in the munner provided in paragrrph 2,or if nnt puid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on ;�_: <br /> ___ . time directly to the person owed payment liurrower shall prompUy fumish ro Lcnder all notices of umounts to be paid under �„;._i. <br /> `. ' •• this pamgr�ph. If Borrower makes thesc:paymenlx direrdy. Borrower shull promptly fumish to L.ender receipts evidencing ��� r; <br />`�y*'-. .. the payments, �..� <br />-- , • , "� 8omower shall prompUy disclwrge uny lien which hus prioriq•mer this S��curity In.trument unless Burtower:(A)A$PCCS �'�� �. <br /> �. in writing to Ihe payment of Ihe abligation ucurrJ hy the lier�in a manner Accrptable w Lender,lb)runtests in good fAith the -�_:_.-�.- <br /> ,, ` • lien by,or defends ugainst enforcemem of ttie lirn in.Iegal pr�eeJingx which in thr Lender�upinion operale w prcvent the • - <br /> • t• " ° • enforcement of the lien;�x tc)secures from�he holder of thr lien an agmemen�sntisfartory to Lender subordin�ting the lien <br />::� '^ � ; ;.t to this Securiry Inswment. If Lender determines thu�any p•rn of�hr Property is subject to u lien which muy attuin priorit. "' y: <br /> .. over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower u notice identil'ying the lien. BoROwer shall w�i,fy thr lien or ta{:e -�•:�_... <br /> , :.,, • ,;:i;:, one or mor+e of the uctians set fonh at+ovc wilhin 10 days uf the g�ving of noticr. <br />' � • J 5. H�rd or Property I�surance. Bortower shall heep the improvemems nuw exi,ting un c�rcaiicr rn�cted on the <br /> Propeny insured uguinst loss by fire,haz;ud,includrd within the tem�"rxtrnded cuvrr�ge"anJ any uther i�azards,including <br /> floods or flaoding, for which Lender r�yuirc. in�ur�ncr. 7'his in,urancr +hall tx maintaineJ in the amuunts and for the <br /> a ,. FormJ0711 9-'90 iN��'-'��I�N�tr�i ••.. <br /> V � <br /> ' '�___.._.�.---'- . . . • • . . • ' <br /> . e <br /> � � <br /> �� - — �- <br /> _ - <br />