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<br /> -�i"' .t _ :_ " — . a, ' o ', , �—�r t C ' � , �` �` ` .'A_' ' ~ ,. . `. ^ �S—.
<br /> � . .•. . . , . . . i_ - F-L• � . ' \•'
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<br /> 96-��7 : .. .: . --
<br /> '. pay�euLS may no itmger�e mquIIed.ai the apiion of i.snder,if m�ge insurnase coveeage(in the amn�mt and far the periad < . ' _�- ,
<br /> .. .. t}sai l.e�der m�uireg)pmvi�ed by en in�suer appmved 3�y LRnder ag,a�n b�om�availalrle and is obmiced.�onovrea shall pay the ` .
<br /> -.. P'��4�to maintain martgage iasiaance in e8ect.oz to pmvide a lo�s reserve,un�l the iequsaneat for maitgage . � , : . -
<br /> 6tsuhutce ends in rccosdance with any writien a�ree�aent lsetw�Borrower and Lender or appiicable larr. . -_-
<br /> 9.Iaspect�ri. Lender or its agent may maYe reasanable entries ugoa and inspectiflas of the ProF�cty.Lender shall give .: : ---
<br /> . - B�rmrr�rtase�a1 tise t�ne of or priar ts�an inspe�..don s�esifyi�°�son2ble�se for tAe inspe�±on. -------- -. -
<br /> !0.CmadamnatFoa. T�FmcePds of any awaN a�ctsi� f�damages.direct or onasequeatlal.in car�ear�n with any '
<br /> a
<br /> � . cas�ernuation ar oWcf ta�ing of any gart af the Ptogr�ty.ar foz conveyauoe in tieu of aondemna�on,sie heaeby assigaed and '; ..:.- - � �
<br /> st�be paid tfl Y.ender. ;•""-- __--_.=-_
<br /> .,: ��.. _
<br /> I�a tt�e eveni of a tflml ta�ing of the Ptoperty,the g�o�eds shuU be applied to the s�ms seaued by ttus Sec�uiry Instmmeat, .;:t^='`:.`�-=��'_-y��..� .
<br /> " wfii.°�.+�ar not daea du�,witL aay excess paid ro Boaower.Ia tha event of a partinl talring of the Progerty in w6ic4 the faa m�rket `�' ' � - ------ --
<br /> w�ur u�t the Pro �r,�'�':-::""-'�_-.-
<br /> perty imu►ediately 6efon the taking is equal w or greSter thua We amo�mt of the s�ns secared by tfis Secarity -- :�__ .�
<br /> . Ia�tG^u�r�t immedIarely be�'arc the taking, unIe,ss Bonower and Leader athePVii�e agree in writing,the sums s�by this ����--
<br /> Sev.city Instnmient shnll Ue reduced by the amount of the piooeeds mnIriplied by the follnwing frac�on:(a)the taial amouai of �L:"-`.---: =_�.
<br /> n ...mc-a-==-=-
<br /> tt�sums secared immediasely 6efare the raYing,divided by(B) the faa mazket valae af tha Pmpesty�n„*�;arely befarc the �"'�-;'-�:
<br /> � Any 6alance shaII be paid W Bamower.In the event of a artial talon of the -���-.. —
<br /> <� $- P 8 �P�l in w6icL the�rnarket value of the _ "��--
<br /> �'�;; Fn�rty immediatety before the talciag is tess thas [he amount of the sums secar�ed immedi�ely @efoie the taldng, anless � .- � _ �
<br /> � ..�� Bcc.TUrrer and Lender olheJwise a�ree in wriang or uniess applica6le law atiherarise pro+rides,the prnceeds shall be appHed to the �����- �Y
<br /> s�s sec�ued by dus SecvriLy Insumnent whetker or not the sums are then dne. � .?�.::.
<br /> If ihe is abaadoned by Boaower,or i�after no6ce b L,e�der oo Borrowca that tht caademnor offas to make an -�.=-�::�:�� _ �`� ----
<br /> �9 Y � �r-a�_-
<br /> � -- avrac�ur settle a ciaim far d�agca,Basower fa�7s tn mspaad�n Leadci wiihm 30 days after the date the natice is givar.Ler�der �.�°—_
<br /> �a�zed w ool�ect and apply the piocee�ds,at its optian,�er w restmauon or repair of the Prog�j�ar to the�vms�sed :°"�`��=��
<br /> � •�� by tkis Sew�iry InsEnuaien�wLeth�r or aat the�n dne. � ,! ,F..
<br /> u t i.}'� `�1,F.��;-W..
<br /> :f Unless Lender aQd Baaower aiheawise agce,�in wriring,anY apP2ication of gmceeds to prlacipal sI�II�ot extend or yostpane "'�;�-�'�-
<br /> t�•�:�-� :
<br /> � 'f ttA due date of We�dily paymeuts refcned ta in par�hs 1 and 2 ar cL+3nge the amount of sur��taj�eents. ;�.._� . ,�s`� .�,
<br /> 11.Bormwar Not Released;ForbeArance By Lender Not a V�,aiver. Extr�sian of the time for paymeat or modifica�nn
<br /> : a�arnwti7abion of the sums secared by this Sec�iry Iastrumcmt gcanted by Lea��tn any�ar m mtetrst af Boaa��lI �;. ,
<br /> . no2 operate w reles�the tiab5�`''[�of dia ori ' Bomaw�or Bormwer's saccessors u►uitrsest.Ler.�ar shall nut be "` :;� ;�'-,'
<br />. . r'�� J � �� !(�'�4ltl..._
<br /> oocimeace p m c e E d i Q g s a g a i n.��t any saccessor ia p u;e r e s t ar re f u s e t o e x t e a d d me for paymen t or o t h e r u i�e,�o d i f y am o r d 7 a t i un o f � t:,; ` -
<br /> �, --
<br /> ,".;;�� tLe simms ser�ued by this Seauigr Insronim�►t by reasan of eny demand made by the origiaal Basrowc�cse Boaower's suoce�s -- ��
<br /> �• , -
<br />� A ( m ia�r+�t.My forb�anCe by Irender m exercisng enl+ri�ri or remedy shail noi be a waive7 of ar p�[ude the exeacise of any i'�' �'
<br /> -•�'!•�+, rigl���edy.
<br /> " �E' �:S�cce�o�:�d �
<br /> , �: Assigns Bauad.,�oint and&eve�r�!Y�9a��ity,C��+,_e�s. T$� o�raacs � agreemesta af this
<br /> _ _ •�:�s� Sec�ritS+ Ins�ms-�u:�all bfid and beaefit tlae�vcaessots and assigns�f_�er and�'-r,�we�.sub}ecx ro the pmvisians of �,--
<br /> � . �`� Vwpa�'dPh 17. Hax�svcta's covenants and age�mmm sl�all be joint and several. A�} �aacower who co-signs tbis Security ��"
<br /> I�qt�mt but�a�,.-�t e�cecute ahcs Not� (a)is co-s'sgnmg this Secauity Insuumeat cc�Jt��martgage.grant and canvey tltat �
<br /> . HoQrowea's interest u�the Propast��nder the teams of this Sec�ity Instnune��N)ls�e�sonaliy obligazcd to gay tt�a s�ns �� ;
<br />' '��• secured by tMs Security Insuumeat�and(c)r�rrRS that Lender and any orh�Bo�row��y agree to exte�d,modify,forbear or .
<br /> r; r�atce any accommod3tions arith iegard w the us:r�;rs of this Sepuity Instnune�t or the Nose withont tbat Bormwed's caasRUt �r.�
<br /> �° 13.Laan C6arges. 1f the Iaan secured 4;{ �1his Sec�niry Inswment is subject w a Iaw wtdch stts rnaximum Ioan ct�ges. —
<br /> i'• aud that law is finally ittte�preted so tt�ai the mterest or other laan charges wl�ected or tfl be coIIected in connection with the la� - -
<br /> �� c,cQee�the pemdued limits.the,a:(a)any sucfi iaan charge s�D be reduced by the amaa�i�ecessary w rednce the ctmtge w the =_-
<br /> pvr�7aa813�ni��d`(b)any svm9�ilready coIIecxed fi^om Bort+uwer wluch eaceeded perminr�;t�m►its will be refunded m BorroweJ -- -
<br /> - �•, La�der may choose tn maTce this refund by reducmg the principal owed under the Ncr�ar by maki��a d'veix payment m
<br /> ,� ,�• �ozmwer.If a refimd rednces prmcipal,the redaction vn'll be treated as a partial pre�ap�ent witl�cur.�zy grepaymemt charge
<br /> �`y.�, r,adertheNot$. �,..-.;..,..�p - - -
<br /> ' 14.Notkes. Any notice w Borrower provided for in this Seauity Instnunent shall lqe fg::��by dcliv�mg it or by mailing it ��Jr`'r`�� - �Ytl�.
<br /> �y first class maD unlesn applicmble taa requires use of anothea method.The noDce stiall!L�e tifsECted m the Property Address or f',�':. ,�
<br /> �`�'.� any mIIer aRdress Eun'owea designates by noac�w L.endea.Any aotice to Lr•su,�r sEu21�e�iveu�y fust class mail to I.c�dea's � �'��+&��
<br /> '.:it;n �3_.,:
<br /> �.�. a d d r e s�s t a t e d h�eim or any o t her a d d r e s s L e n r i i�:d a 4 igaates by norice fn�ssmwer.Aray nodce pmvided for in this Seeauity -
<br /> .. lrstrament shall be deeffied to have been glven or G.rnowez or Lend�when givea as prac�;,'�l in this p a r a�a ph. __ �--�
<br /> 15.Governin�Low;Sever�hility. 'Ib3s SeGwiry ia��ent sLall be govemat 1��,�1 fedelal 1aa and the 1aw of the .
<br /> ' ,�risdicdon m ahich the Frapeaty is tocated In the ev�•��any provision or sla�e d��is Serurity Instrument or the Note ° -'•°"'.-'""":'�•'�
<br /> . ,:,'��� canflicts witb apgli�able 1aw,such cnnftict shail ant affect other provisions e.F rks Ser�iII;,Instrument ar the Note which c�n be �'.
<br />,:'�:?�:! given ef�'ect withn��t�ie conftictinng proviston.'Cr�ciiis end the provisians af�i���;irs�uma►t and the Notc are declared t�o ". ���,
<br /> ,':`•!: ' be severa6le. � : t�;
<br /> . �i ;T��i;�r,�.
<br /> ��yj.
<br /> ' Form 5028 OJ�O 't•�.;b�r�`�' ,:• � --
<br /> <<;�f.��,k�t�r+,i.�ii,' ' . —
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