. .. '- - . ' ' ' '. � ' . ' .. 4.. . . .. i . . , . . . , v v ,
<br /> . � , . �.r .- a -'1' � ' . .. �. .. . ' . , � ' � . . _ • - , � •IS `:'1 . � •F f ' �
<br /> �. • . �` . , , . � � ., . . � .� • {+ 4.
<br /> '� " 4 t �. ' - , '� ' l,. ' .t� t
<br /> _- ' _'__ .___�' - _ _ , :—Y'_-.-��.�.-- -,. '— •^ "c�� : .-- __ __
<br /> �--•-'—_; . �,.. • ' ,y�• - V 'r' .. `. ; .. ,c . � . .. , �� , ' � � •. � ,. . - .. .' <�. . .. �_ •`'``,'. .
<br /> . tt(- ��SL_-..� ...__.. "___.... ._�.__�_�--r._�� ..�._z� F� _ .__.... ...�_�_�.� .._..._-ts �` ` ,� - .
<br /> . � . g6� ��,��'7 �rn:�A`_
<br /> S.Hu�rd or PmpertY Insaranoe. Baaowea shell keep thE imgrovanents no�;existing or keaeafter�i on the Property -- , . ;-
<br /> insiuzd againsY loss by fa�.h�s included within the te� "extemded cover�ge"and any other�Zards,includiag ttoods ai . __ _
<br /> shall�maintaincd'a�qhe amo�nts and for the periflds[bat I.endsr � �„-.• _�
<br /> fload�g,for whish Lead�r�e4uses instarance.'ihis ins�nrav,� h
<br /> requaes.'Ihe insurastce caarier W'ovi d i ng t h e i n s u i s use sha�l h�chosan by Bo�vrer subiect oo Lender's appmval which shaU aot _ ': : - . �`
<br />. b e ��l Y ���. If Borrocvet fa�7s w mzint�n coveiage desai'ts�ed a�uve, Lendea may. at Lr�ndea's oprion, obtain �� ✓`�
<br /> coveaage tn protact Lender's rights in t hs P r o p e a t y in axordan�e with parag�h 9. e clause.I.ender sl;all �•..�'���"'
<br /> AU ins�uance policies and m.uewaLs sl�2ll 6e accepts.�hle to Leude�and shall isctude a standa�d wort�ag .
<br /> have thz righi w ho3d tha policies and reaewaLs.If Lend�r re4ui�.Bo3mwcr shall promP�lY give w I.endea all�ceiFts of paid � � '`. _
<br /> ve p�t r�rt�ce to the ins�uance ca�iea and Lendex.Irudec ,-.�,-.- - '::.::�
<br /> przmiums and rrue�val notices.In the event of loss.Bouo�vec shall gi �..._.,:r_„-'::.��kY,..
<br /> f Of Ioss if a►olmHdeproaiptly by BoimwEr. �;�°�a``:�.'��:,�.'`.`.
<br /> may maYe pma m vrriting,umsvtance Proceed� s1�11 be a�Plieai w restaaation ar repair of the :•��- �d. . ��.� � :.
<br /> .. Unless Lender and Ba�rawea otheawi�agree f�le and Lr�de�'s s�is aat Icssenad.If the restotarifln or .:� <-; .�.�e �
<br /> pro�ty dam,aged,if the resm�ation or acpair is economicallY ���liad w the sums f .�'.-- --,--• . J
<br /> :�°:...=::_•:=.
<br /> �epair is not ecoaamicaIIY feasi'b2e or I.�adds secauicY would be tess�ed.t�c i�s�rance psoceeds �T...:r���j4�
<br /> �by ttis Sec�itY Insuument w�ahea or not thea dae,wii6 anY e.�ca�,s pavd tn Boaow�.If Bariower ah�n=dons d� _
<br /> ":.�s�f�•�:_
<br /> pmperty,ar dQes aot answer vritbin 30 days a nntice fmm Lenda that t�s�ce caaiea has offeaed tn s�ile a claim.�en _v;}�_ '� -
<br /> � L,eudr�may oallea the insuiance pmceeds.l�er°�aY ase the pcasr�ds tn se�'oI reswre the PmDertY ar m L�Y saacs secured _.- � `.
<br /> � whea the nn�ce is givea ` ':';"�� µ
<br /> by this Sectuny Insuumeat,whethQr or not the�a due.'I�e 3t!-day p�a�t. �SeB�• � � �: ;;�_.._ `�."_,.
<br /> Untes�Lender and Borrowea oth�v,ire agree ui wriGng,�Y�?i���°���LO F��._haII noi ext�d or po�,so ; �.^,�„���
<br /> S4 hs i�i.2�r chgn�the amonnt of the�aymr.nts.If under paragraph �ri:..�_
<br /> the due date of the monthlY PaYmeuts refe�ned m in par.sg�rip �and proceeds�S��°�e m the � ' �=: '`
<br /> - - 2 1 t h e is a c q u i�e d bY I.end�T•Barrow�'s ri�ht¢o any uisvrance Po '-�'�-_�"._
<br /> P[operty ecurity Iosa�vment immediatrd}+ :'� :�_�:'
<br /> -`;. � � �{.�_'-` , .
<br /> pmperey pri�ur tn the aalau�tion shaD pass ta Lenda to the extrmt of thc sa�s�c+ued bY this S s Y.
<br /> priar tn the grquisi3ion. Bor�asver's H.u:�n APDficatian,l.easehnids. �_:.`:,°�,,
<br /> 6.Occupane9.Presepvadon,Matn4enstnoa and Prc+�n o�th¢Pmy�'�rtY: `
<br /> �tablish and�se the PraFr�tY as Bassnwer's��seside�ce a►i�6in sixtY d�rys af�er the eaecution of _ �*,�:. .
<br /> r�idence for at Ieast one year afu�r the �� -
<br /> � Bomowea�ait occ�iPY, • as Ba�ov,�ct's principat '
<br /> . this Sec�uiey Iastrunneat and shall wntinue to oa�py ttrc P�rpratY ;`�"--
<br /> • . date of occazpansY, antess I.eadca othe�svise ag�ees �vrritang, wluch caaseat she11 not be anreaso�ably arithhe.t�,or �m1ess - -
<br /> .• :.� .
<br /> ` ?° ex�naring cacumstances exist ahict�are beYon�Ba�wer'&C4II1L'�:L BO�OYfCl St12II IIOL aCStlO�►,damaSe or impair ttce Prapeny, ;
<br /> ' allaw the ProgertY to deteaiolade.or eommit waste on tha Pt�r�ty. Bacsacrer shall Be in defavlt if any farfei�ue ac�n ar � L. .,«,:,'
<br /> • f2it➢n jn�eni cauld resuis in furfeinu�e of the Pca�c�:t��ar • ? �
<br /> � pcaceeding,whpher civ�or aiminal,is 1�egun th�x m��r's goad interest Bomocve,r may cau��a ."�'�:
<br /> othetwise matetiaUY imPa�the tien created by this S.t:za�i;r Instcu�3�L°r�er'S securi�y r�,:;;..;.
<br /> vided in h Y4,i�er c�°siz►g the actiea ffc�t-'•nceedu�g w be d�us�ed w�raf�a nil�8 C3�,in . �:,,:v;;
<br /> default aa�reins►ate.as pro P�P � ,``". .;
<br /> � or oth�r�i��gais�t of t �} ;"
<br /> .S g� fl forfeip��F ttte Borsowet s'vstr�.r�in the PtopeatY h� ;�';����;_:..
<br /> �� faith dete.tminati n,Pr�..� i�•. h
<br /> . the liea created by this SQCUrity Instzum�c or Leader's ser�uity inaetesl-Bacrower shall atso be in defavtc if�:ivea,�arg ihe �,o f +t+,frr-_:
<br /> infoim,atic�oQ stat�ae�ts to Le'ader(ar fa�ed to pr�tii�I.en�drar�ith '� ���,�';;F�
<br /> to�apptirarion proce.ss.Sa�e mataially faLe or inaccaaate icaa -: ; ,.-
<br /> any material mformatian) in canne���► the la� evidca�cec�by tt� Nm�e,u►cluding,but not Wnite��t. =�r�ans _t,..,.�:::_
<br /> ' .v i... �...-.
<br /> OOACCtI1�$BOI[Ow�'S 001Rtp�ItY�f the P[O p?3 i y aS 3.t?[.[T1iCig21 c�7dG�CC.If dus Se�DCiIY I�Stru�is ou&Il�OItl.BOt[OwCi ,�?"ti T.,,; .:r.�.,;�_
<br /> .i
<br /> ..-�e+r;`'"=.-�--
<br /> shari camply with all the Pmvisions of the 2ease.If Bairoweq ar�ur.r�foe�tn the Property,the leas�ehold�crd:t�e fe�tiile shaIl �,•-.
<br /> . . nat mcrge unless Leades agree.s w the mager in writing. 'J �:- ,
<br /> 9.Protection of Lender's Rig9ta in tite Pr�per�Y. If Haaovrer fa.i�3�perform the onveAants and agreements conta�rd in �.,-�---;.
<br /> ' this Seauiry Insu�meat,or there is a IeB�P�°�8��y �8���3'affect Lra�d�'s rights n�the PrageatY(sura?�as a � y .
<br /> pioceeding in baatauPu.7►,Pmbars.far eondannauon or farfeiuue or to a�s�x laws o:�ulations),then Le�may►dn and DaY
<br /> .I..ende�^rsca�.�ns „°.. . ;���
<br /> • for whatever is nec�ary w Pmt�t the vaiue of r�P�operty au�Leaide►'s righis in the P'mpe�ty r �N��� - � . .. -
<br /> P�g�Y � sec�ued by a lien aaf�is.h t� priority ovar tbns�ccsb'aY Insuument,aFP�B in w�.�'�S ��-�,.T_=�r• —
<br /> auomeys' fees and e,ntermS on the��y tn make repaas.AIt1�uB�i Ler�dea may taYe aar���s�der t6is pacag�aph 7.L�ender _ _- -- _ ..,
<br /> does not dave ro do so. h 7 skall�e�ssA addivanal debt of Boirower se�red by thia Security —�_--._-:_��—;_-_
<br /> ��' Any ammmts disbutsrd by Lender und�this p'�graP ..`�':�.'.-.
<br /> I n s t m menL U n l e s s B o r r o w e r a n d L e n d a a g�e e to other teims of payn�lf,these amounts shall bear�from the date of ._.r:���;Y.. -,.,,::
<br /> disbarsement at the IVote zate and shall be paya�le,with uitetest,Wm�ncGn:e fmm Lendra ro Borrowar requesm�g Fayme�L . .'_::�.:��
<br /> S.NC.,^rdgage Insurance. If Leadea required mortgage i��,�,nrE aa a�canditbn of maldng the loan secared by tiils Security ._ :X�*�,..,... ..
<br /> ?i"{��.-= .
<br /> InsWment, Borrowea s4�a11 paY �he premiums �4<�ed to mai�eman tLa:mortgage insivance in effect.If, for any zeason,the •;li�;: .
<br /> �h _
<br /> moltgage insuian�e c�,ea�ge requimd by E.endr.�1��s or ceases�0 2Je in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiams required to �_.ry^;:y: ,:
<br /> o b t a m c o v�x a g e s u bs t a udall y e q u ivair�t to�e cvut�.ge insura�ee p�ricusly in effect,at a cost substmrdally equivaie�t w the ' .
<br /> ,•�' fx fra� an sltemate mortg;�� insumr appsov e d by l.e n d t�. I f ��i
<br />-:+:r�'. cost to Boirawer o f t he m o r t p p ge i��ce p r e v iouSly im eHect. •.
<br />�':"�''�� substar►tialty Wuivalent mongage irc..�vs;tuce cavera8e is not avaiti�P�,�o�rower stuill pay w I:r�der eacb month a sum equal to _
<br /> ;�.�;;:,'..
<br />,��'�,'::� on�twelfth of the yrarl;s mortgage insurence premium being paia b/Harmw�when ihe�oe cov�age lapsed or ceased to �=._:
<br /> _ _ . , .-
<br /> � be in effest. Lender nri]1 zccepL use and retain thcse payc�ents a9 a luss r�e in lieu of mart�e tnsuzance.Loss reseave .:t,�•r� �, ;.
<br /> • �"�:*�'�'s�_. .
<br /> � Fo�m 8028 �100 � `;.,•
<br /> , INtfab: . *y�~��� '
<br />. �-eR4�a��az,s,.o, vc�raatra -- — ' ;
<br /> 7' r�• _� . j� - ,y:, _
<br /> .� . . . . ..
<br /> -,r.---��--'--^— . . .. ... . .. . .� ,.. • . . . - ' ... . ..
<br /> . , _ , . . . .
<br /> ' �, � ., . . � . .
<br /> . . . � .• , ' . . • _ . �. . • . . _.
<br /> . . ' . . - . - � .. , . . � _ � � p. - - � , . . ' .
<br /> . . � . - . . .. '. . , t - ' . ' � .
<br /> _—_..."r._.. ' ...»'__�...._...... _.' _ _�........ _ . — - .... .-.--,._.,_.--. , . .. .. . . � � _ .
<br /> . :f+`. tr' , '. . ' ' ' . i - '� .-----•—"+ ,��„Y: v , .
<br /> .� � .__ - . . ... . Ct .. i , _ • ..y�. . � . . . • . � . �i:^.. .. . � . . ._ - ..
<br />