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<br />� � ' 16.Bnrrow�r's Co�y. Bncronrea sliail be veu oaa coaformed capy of�he Note and of tdais Security Insuume�t <...,. :;.. ::. ;(:: .
<br /> g► .�.:,,. , -
<br /> ° 17.7Yans�ar o+P 8ke P,rap ar a BweY€esa9 Inte;¢�t in B�rr�mgxs. If sA oa sny part of the Prap�rty os aay mu�est jn it is ._
<br /> soL1 oz u�aasfaru!(er if a bea i,wteaest i�B��v��s sold or u�s,sfe�ed anA�o:roarer�a nat a oaauralpe��o ��urity � .,��--�..--�`_
<br /> � iender's p�ior wtiuen c�n��Lender may.at ifs o�ti�nn,raclui�;immediute Faymeat u►fuli of all sums secaced by , -, , , _
<br /> ti
<br /> �eat Kowever,t h i s o p t i o n s h a t l n o t b e b x e t c�s e d b y L e�d e a i f e x e r c i s e i s p r ohibited b y fed�rral Law as of t h e date of tbis , .
<br /> ,,
<br /> Security Inst�ument `• << . �'.. "
<br /> +:; If LenQea exertises this option,L�eade�r sh�tl give Bomnwer nutice af sooeleratian.'Ihe notice shall provide a peaiod of not less ��.:� � �.'���
<br /> tha�30 days frnm the date the nutiee is delivered er ma�ed within which Barrowe.r m�ut pay all sums secwed by t}us Securiry ,. ,:f �,<
<br /> (nsuvment If Borro�faiLrta PaY ffi�se sums priur to t�s enpiration af this period,I.endu m�y invoke aay remedies pe�mitted ,` ; _
<br /> by this Seauity jnsuirmeal w1�hUUt�f�th�r A�ti�e.vr d�toEad oir Harrowex. ; _ ,.__:
<br /> S11 Illl = .
<br /> 18.Bareo�v�r'�Ittgbt ta��• ..� BuixoW�r ln�s �in candiflens. Bamower shall have the right to bav�
<br /> enfarc�eat of this Se�ariry���c�►tinued at�e�y time priar to the earlier o�(a) 5 days(or such o�er�nod?s �.. _ �'ti,;,.. .
<br /> applicabte law may�far rein�Fa�2meni)b�fore ssila of die prop�ty pursuant m�sy power of sale cantained an diis Secunty _`.,',-^ � �;-
<br /> '�! tnstntmea�or(b)ent�ll 0 81►���st enforcing diis Secuiily InStn�memL 7tiose conditions are d�aL Borrower.(a) S+s L,ender all �°�� F�-
<br /> CIffCS ffii # r .'°-'tz r:
<br />�"�° sums wbici�t3ten wontd be dae uude this Se�ity TnMrument ar�d t�I�Tote as if no ar.ce�ation had � (b) Y �` r -= _
<br /> defaWt of any otiter ooveeants or ag�eenuents(�)PaYs��inCaured in e�forcing this Sectucity 1nst�mmeat,u►s.lndimg,bat �,.�;,•,:.�:;,;,: .-� --
<br /> q . . i•--�t'•"
<br /> nat limited to,tras�a�able atmrueys'fee�m'td(cn mYss sr.cb acaon as L$nsler mFry re2�onably�quire w ass�e tiuit We iien of diis �-:.;�,
<br /> . m �-,• '�
<br /> <-t SecucicY Ins�ume�, �°�'s �►ts m the Piopeicy antl Hazmwer's obligation to pay the swns sec�aed by thig Secuiity r� --- --
<br /> In.�uument s6a11 oonriaue �mc�mged Upon �re stEre�meat�y BonoNer, d►is S�uity Ins�umeat aad the obli mns secured $.��. �., _
<br /> effective as if no aocele�ation had oa�oured.HoNever.this r�ght to r�insrete shall not�m the case of ;���!_- _--
<br /> - hezeby shatt m.ma�fn11y � � �'�°--
<br /> at
<br />' accedezarion tmdea�ag�a.pb 17. 'a
<br /> 19.Sstle of leiote.Ciutnge of I.Qan.�� 'Ihe Note or a partitil int�est in the Note {tngethrr wid� this Securitp ,� .�� _
<br /> - ��`=:,::.--__.�—_
<br /> lnstmm�e,nt)m�Y 6e sold one or moie�-a�'rshont prior notice to Borrowea.A sale cnay cesult II►a change m the entiry(knawn �:::,`_ __
<br />. ��"I.oan Seavice�tl�c co}leCts moneh�y'PaYmeuts dus under tLe Note aud this Seauity I�wnenL'Ihere also may b$one or ,.,,R;;;�.�.�.°.-.. .
<br /> mare ch�ges of the Ladn�vraer unccl�ed m a sats af the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Seavicer,ScsmNez vnU ise V ,• .
<br /> �e sa �--.
<br /> given wriuen nouce of ths cGange in aa�ordance�vith�aph 14 abnve andapplicab2e law.'the notwe wU staie ths name and � ,; . ..�
<br /> address of tha aew Laan Sezvi�er�d ta��tdre.ss w whicb payments shoutd ba m�e.'Ih�noac�w�71 also contam aay othe� �� Y__
<br />- - info�on by applicabla ta�w. .: �`'«� °�:'& �'.
<br /> 1A. ous Substaaoes. �arc��� shaU nat czuse or pennit t he preseace, �e. d i"P n s a l. s t a rn 8�. o r t e l e a s e o f a n y . �P�_;...i` L.j
<br /> ._..�4�,,,°-
<br /> Hamrdous Substaaces on or in the Frop�cty.Bmmwea shall not do.uor allow anyons etse w do.anytLing affecting the Propaiy ..�. ,�. �_ _-
<br /> t�at is in violation of an�r Envuonmeatal Iaw.'itie p�cedinS ca+o sentences shall not apply tn the P�oo�'nat�'mal�e,�tialnuses °-�'"�"�'" ��-�
<br /> t ai
<br /> grope�ty of small qoanUt�af Haz�dous Substances that are genaaUy recognized to be appmptiate �
<br /> . ..
<br /> and to maintevance of the Ptoperty. . - ' •�.' �
<br /> � Bmmwer s;�promPBY Bive Ixad�r written notice of aay inv�gatinn,clsun, deman�d,lawsult or othQr aaton bp auy `� ' '' LS
<br /> dr
<br /> governmeniai ar:egutatorJ a8en�5►ar Pri'�P�Y�vohr�g tPie Fm�tyr and any Ha7ardons Substance or P�vinanmcntal Law _ � ��°.°
<br /> uvaamemtal or regtiln;ory anthoritY,tbat an ,:.,: ';;
<br /> o f w E u c b B o t ro w e a h a s a��l m o w l e d g e.I f H�r o c v�c E e a m s.o r�s no'�ced b Y�Y S - ;�,. �'.-
<br /> raraoval or ather�of�y Ha�rdous Sub�aaaoe affecting ths FrapertY�s necess�ry,Ba�ro�ve�s h a U.trtor.up t l 7 l�� _, � ,
<br /> . : neoe.ssa�►remedial actians�sccoidance with Envuonmental Iaw. r�;�,:. �:
<br /> ,�'�'; As u�ed�. 3i�is p�a�h 20. "Hazardous Substances" ffie thOSe&absfeAOes defined es WxtC Or h�d�76 s¢b�1Ces by , � p j`�
<br /> ' Fnv'vanmenm; &.aw and t he fa llo�ving s�a s t a n c e s: g a s olin e� keror.,eae, olha flammable cs t�ac petrote� pmducts, w�c , r <
<br /> .: s or forma1deta de.a�dt c�ioacdve maresials.As used m ' ���
<br />'r;��. pesticides and herbicide.s,v�,atille solv�.Lvatetials conmvning asbestn Y is located that relate � �'�'���. _'
<br /> ,a �� ' ��
<br /> � h Z0,°�nvi�cna►tal Iaw°means federal laws and laws o f th$j�an wheae the Ro p e a t y ,. .,!= .. ``,< �,,
<br /> � tnhaal�etyaYeavua�menffi1Proteetion. ,5. .5t�z:_�
<br />. :'.:`�`:' `''.
<br /> NON-Uiv'�RM CQVENANIS.Boirower and Leader fmther cov,�s.v►t and agaee as foIIows:
<br />' . Zl.Acxe'I�t.�TEan;�ieme�s.l�ender s�ail give notice to Burnu��r�a�prior to uoarlepation foAmvins Boprower's breacb af =----
<br /> .Q � �
<br /> . any �vena�a �r agreement in this Seearit9 Insb'umeat (Ee� �r.�'E prior to acceieratEon and�r p�r�Pb 17 anlcs� =r a�
<br /> applicabte Eaw pravldes c�tberwEse).1I'6e notiee sbaQ specif9s(�)�detan[t;(b)t6e act#�n rea�ni��!N u�ttte desaoit;(c) . � ;-� �•:..,.
<br /> � a date►not tess tban 3�days flrom the dsite t6e notioe is g�ven tx 8orrawer•by wbicl�t�e defaalt�cuen�car�fl,and(� „����.�,_�;'
<br /> 6 �.
<br /> that(�7ure tp c�e tDe defaali on ar betore the drtte sPecVie��z si�e aotice may resuli en a�selera�nx�tfie s�s seaued � �:f�,:._-..,:
<br /> by th��ec�rtt9 I¢ctr�mnmt and eale oY the Properiy.The nodi�si�D farther infor� T3aaza�r ot Uhe ri;ht to seinstate < .;
<br /> ', : after aaYle�ratbn a�l the rl�At W briarg a oomt actbn to a�sert the non�tence o��d1�l.'�ntt or�n,y other deter.se o! k���,s � .''��
<br /> fter ,�:�<��i `.
<br /> � Horrmwer to aooeiex�4fnn and saie.U the default�not cored on or befare t'bQ date s�citied in the notice.i.ender,at its _ r,., �af�Y�; ,,_�
<br /> : optbn,�aaq reqaire imme�te paym�t in tall o�aD sums secared b tl�rs S�a�i49 Inisorum=nt withaut farther demand .•u�•,--,..
<br /> y �����-�..
<br /> and mny fnvote the pawer ot sak and eny otber reme�es Permitted bY aDPlia+bte law.Lender sb.a0 be entitled to wIIed �?T������_;
<br /> • �p expeta�ra,�5uc�mefl�pnrsuing the reme�ss provtded in Ws paragrapfi tl,inclad'ms,bnt not limited tu.re�sono6le _._ ' _: .'_:.
<br /> n .� ,,.Yf..-- :. :
<br /> attorme�`Q��s and cc�sts of title evldence. ,.r;...• ,".'_.-.
<br /> If the�o�zer aP�'�3�inw2�ed•Trusiee sh��cord a notiee ot rd�i'�si�•in eac6 connty in w6ic�any part of t�e _ - -•-. ,,.��-:�,:Y.
<br /> . �;. ;.-.,-,.,
<br /> propeirt�is[acated aud�D mat�o�pies of sach�z in tl�e manner p�iis�rD by appl�bk l�w to Borro�vet aad to the - '-_ ... ..,-
<br /> s a .... ,,
<br /> otber peraons presce�es�4�y applic�b�e fgw Ahter vbe ttme reqoired Dy app�icabk 1�w,Tras4ee sba0 give pnbHc nodce of .._� .,. .,�
<br /> . saie to the persons aad in We mums�r�rescn'bed by applirabtelaw.TftlS[CCs WI1�DIlt dt�I}'I}.'�1t10D BO�OWEi�sbaD se0 the ur��i�����
<br /> � . Property at pabllc aucdan to We�t bLtdcr at the time aad plaoe and�der the lcrm.9��lr�ignate�in the notke nf s�ale ..�'%'�'"�-
<br /> - .�,.,;��.,r���
<br /> ��...
<br /> , .• Li�y;�.��.
<br /> . Form 5028 9/80 :�-=�_—•��.�-°_-
<br /> : �-BR(NE�102t21.Ot Pap�6o�o Inhltb: _--.--- , � :x..v.i'
<br /> 1'��f -!i::'.
<br /> x -v
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