_ , }tn`•' '� .�. ° :s . ° ' , v . � . . � . .<. .. . . . . . .. � .51 S . F:-
<br /> � . ° -- , -� , , ti,...
<br /> _ � _ � i_�__ _' ..� _- . —..' ...�_..._.. , ,.=��ii'1_2_ �/Y,._+s --_ �Y-_
<br /> �.I.�".=Fr2�.
<br /> -- ___`.—_' ,.
<br /> � .' � , �.t��_.. ._ .-,,...
<br /> 96— �,�+�7 � . �;�.,n��_�_;t ---
<br /> �,� :��:
<br /> . ,����': �..
<br /> 7'OGB�Et tVTPH ml!the im�rove�e�ats aoc�or hs�eafter�ct�d on�te p�ty,and a11 easements�appuzt°.�rianccs.aad : - ,�;�:r,T� -
<br /> f�xtures n�sv or h�a pan of�'�c pr�rty+.AU iep4.semeac�r.�d alditions shall a1sQ�e covered by td�is Secouiry Insuu��na. • :`;}���.r'�"�_
<br /> � All nf tho fongourog is r�w m th's4 Security Instrumens a9 Ne"Propeiey.° ��;<t�,<«:,�--�
<br /> BORRUWER COV�NANTS��a1 Bmxower is tawfudiy se�sed of th�esta�heaeby wnveyrd s�nd ha3 t�e riggts w g�nt aud � •;�.:<�,,:.,��
<br /> • o�vey th� Prap�ty ana that the Pmpetty is �mettsumb�red.e�cept far sncumbiances of ter�rd. Hnnnnwct warmnis�td an11 ,;_.:,:��',`;.. `'
<br /> dQf�gea�tjlly the dtT�tcs the Fra�eaty egainsc all cl�m3 aad dranands.subjact w suy c.ncum�anccs of r�+cord- :,`;;"��.'.��`.
<br /> TfIIS SfiCURTIY INS7RUM�VT oomQic�rs unifa:m wvenants far narional usc and noa�-un�*arm ooverean�s wit�timit�d �.�'c,1.: :�".,.
<br /> � ,.:,_��...�
<br /> variatians lry jari..�on to rnnstite�oe a unifam saYUity ins�t covaiag real propaty. -,.�;._--_ -�
<br /> tJ1mIUNi9�iM COiIENANIS.Bazmr�er and l�der oaveuaut and�gtee es folLmv� . �� _
<br /> 1.P�yentiat af Priaxipa!�d Erat��t:Fe�e�t�p�2�.t asirl l.�te C6arge9. Bonower shall Pmm�1.Y P3Y wtten due th�e , r:��r'�`:_.
<br /> . —_---- --XxY'o-
<br /> y p�cipal of aad intsxcst on the dehi evide�noed by the Nax and�►Y Prr�3yme�t�nd lare d�rges due ur.drx th�Na^.�. ::�,�Y ..`__
<br /> � Z.Funs?$fo7 Taz��d Insu�anoe. Su9�txt to agplicabie 1aw ar tn a writien waivea b Leac'er� BU71'OCmd Sh3l!pay 30 ;`,,,f�,�
<br /> .� .� Y _ .. ; ._;._r�;.•g��.-.
<br /> l,eader an th:dz��mQnttrly payrueuts ace��andea the Note.�n�7 the Note is gaid in full,a svm(°Facds�far.(a)yeariy tax�s ,�::y,....,'�-_=,,�±;.;.�,; -
<br /> •�`� and assessm�ts whisb m�ty atrain�iarity ovc��his Saxuity Instrame.nt as a lim on the Praputy;(b)Y�rly l�useko!�paymrnts �`��'.
<br /> mrmni�m� fj6Q�{fL411g8IICC LIIDS.If ' `��""�%��?•`,"`�.
<br />� ar ground re�on the Prapaty.if any;(c)Y�ctY 6ar�rd a�PmP�Y insuance� (�Y�Y P� �,..�,� ,,c�` ... 1
<br />' � �►Y.(�)Y�9����P�S�Y:����Y�E Paya61�by Bairower to Lenc�'et,in Ecc:ts�dzac�vatL ih°, p' °' �
<br /> "E�caow Iteuas." � �t,°.
<br /> provisians af paragtaph 8, ia lieu of the paYmec�i of�ertga�e ms�uaace premiums.T4�ese items � caUed •:
<br /> I.endar may.ai any tinne.co0ect aad Eo:�Funds m an amount aot tn exceed the maximum amount a TEader for a fedeiaIIy mJarEd . .': ' `'"•,,.•a;,_•_�'�-
<br /> martgage ts�n may require far Snaower's essaow asoaunt aadei the fedgral Real��are Senl�c Fraced�res Act of 1974 ag _;,;,.,. :`� �;<: .'
<br /> .. ameadod itmn tim�w time,l2 U.S C.Szction Z6{11 et seq- (°RFSPA°�imtess aaoth�r iaw tt�t a�r�ca t�th:Funds sQts a Eessrr :-��
<br /> aonoost�.If�,Lsnder mIIy.at any timr�ooIlect�d hol�F¢nds m an amauni ant to�cse�tG� tess�a�uaL I.asdzr may `��' .. '`:�` _
<br /> ,.,.;,.. -
<br /> �tl�smount of Fa�ds due on the ba�s of c�nt dara aud reasonable e,.�r�s of�dioaes ag fut�e B„aorv I�c oY r.,. �..._
<br /> � oth2twsse in aa�rrdauce with o�pficable taw. "�W?s;�;: ;'� .�
<br /> a auce
<br /> 'IT�e Fands shall be held in an instiinsinn whose deposits are msiued by a fc-deral agea�cy,insuum�at�diiy.or�tity('msluding . •�".
<br /> � I.endea.if Leader is sncL��sti�an)or ia any Fede�al Hame I.aBr B�lr. Lender shall apply th�Fmdc to pay tb�F.�x�aw �;�{y'�,'r`
<br /> � It�s.L�d�r ma y not c h a r ge Bamawa for kolding znd apptying the Fimds.annuaUy snslyung the esaa�v a:cccvru,or v�g . t.:.__ •
<br /> nd �
<br /> the F�am/v Items.m�iess Le,nder gays Boaowea int�t on the Fmds aad applicablc law parimi�s Lettdee to maTce su�h a chasge. r, ?�'=•`
<br /> •'��' Hnw��I.ender may t+equire Baaower tn Fay a ono-time charge far an iadep�dent real es�tmc reg�ctfig sepvice used by ��A%'.r��:
<br /> .en .
<br /> I.�m connection wit6 this Ioan,�m2es�s agglicab2e law vides oiheawise.Unl�ss ati�i is m2ds or ag�abSe 1aw - - .. e,r „'.,'�
<br /> req�.-es iat�cest m he gaid,Len�shaU not�e m��uued m pay Barmwer any mterest or eammgs on the F�msts.Banowea and . ._. „. .�,-.��:"
<br /> m t�;� •
<br /> L--'_
<br /> . I.c�dec may ag�ee�►writmg,4owever,that in�est shall be paid on tEte Famd�Lender shaal give m Bauas►�a.withaul cD�sge.an p��'. .:--
<br /> azmu�4:,�anting of ths Fands.sPt�ing at�irs and debits w tke Foads aird tite piupa�e f.as which eacb debit w th.:F�ra1s was �u,�`�s,; �;��+Y',; ..,-::�:
<br /> mad��17t�:�mnds are pledgQd as a�tciiiianal sec�riry for aIl sams�ed by t�i 3�ity Is�um�eat �,'F"�':= ;>�,;;,;i; ��_
<br /> If�:�vnds b�e1rl.i�P'i.�azder e��aeed the amaamis pamitted to be I�e1d by agglicable 1aw.L,endQr shall�.sxou�t w Baacwea far ; �
<br /> the er.c�s�Fands��"dauce wflt+�the requirements of applic�ble law.If dte�o�mt of the Fands�e1d by I.ea�d.�ai a�y 6m�is �'s'' � __
<br /> i+`:. .`4 �_
<br />�� � no1 s�i'r::�t ro pay si�e E�mw Items n�Ste.n due.Lendea may so notify Borrs��r ia wridng,and.in svGh txsc Boarow�shail gay • P _
<br /> tn L.c� the amount necessary w make up the deficieacy. Borrawer shall matce up the d�Scieacy in no mare G3ar,�c:�edve ; �';�� �,,
<br /> .`.�r.s•,= %.� • �`---
<br /> • �'''�c Pa3►m�ts.at I.�eadxt's sai�disc:r'�.tian. ,.�s."�"�.', y-.
<br /> .ti
<br /> UP�D�Y��t in fall of aIl suans seaaed by this Securiry Insuume�t,L.c�der shall prompuy refun�i m Ba:roR�r,��;�uQds �"�;.;���,,, ,.
<br /> held by Lender.If.aQdear p� 21,Laidsr shall acquse or sell the > ; �...
<br /> h Fra{�rsy.I.ender,Prioz w t6...��:�..�o�a or�of the ;�fsct!"��.-
<br /> � PcopariY,sl�aU apply aay Fnnd4 heW by Lender at the time of acquisitiaa nr:��e as a cared'u agai�t t�e sums se�t�by Ihis �t �T
<br /> f * �
<br /> Sec�ity InStrmneIIl. ' F ��` t��a: _ .
<br /> 3.App4itnttQn of Fayment� U�.�ess applicabie law provides otheawsse,aIl paymen�received by Lendu und�r�phs ��' 1��,_;'r?�fi�.. .. �.�•.
<br />. ' 1 and 2 s8�a11 be applied:fas�to�y Pre�gaYment charges dne�mded the Na6:.second,to am�nunts payable under paea�aph 2: ^� ,�'°.� ,��•,. •.� ';--; .
<br /> • third,to�taes4 du�Fomth,w priacipal du�and 1ast,ta any late charges du�urr3er the Note. r`��_�'��-.—
<br /> 4.Ch�ges,Lt�s. Barrower shall pay ail taaes,assessmeats.str�°`.�.�iaes and'uayosltions atuc'bn�I;to thx Property _ _ _ ��_ _ __-....
<br /> �� � wtncL may aitain priority over thi��xiuity Insuument,and Ieasr,�at�pr�r�or gmund rerts.if su►y.Borrarrea sha:,1 pc��th�e i .�°�. , --
<br /> : ! o bli�a t l o n s in the manner p mvideci:i.�a D a r a g r a ph 2.or if nnt paui�iu��aanes,Borrov,er sh�ll pay th��on time dQardyy c�the � ';..�..-1::�� "-'`
<br /> peison owed paymeat Borrower st�all p�mptly fumish tn T c�nf�a a:i m�r.es of amounts to be paid un�er this par�apL.1f �!'�'�
<br /> ' � �� Boim�v�r makes these paymc�t�d'uectly.Bor�s�c�shall pmmpt�y fiunisis i�n l:,�d�re�eipts ev�dencs�g ttie�aymaits. - �:��"�;
<br /> •�.r..� �r;y.: .
<br /> . ���i Brnmwer shall pmmptty discharge�y[i�s n�+.9ich has prioriry over d's!e^ecurity Instrum�t uN� J�'a�owea:(a)a8rees in ; '�:,.�y
<br /> ��fti� ._.,.��:�:,�, .ffi
<br /> ` , writing w the p2yment of the abl�ation se�aaed by ihe lieit In a mann��aa�,rable to I.e:��a:(b)con+�m goad�s�in�te licn �}.;'��;�r'•,. . .<`t',-�,;.:
<br /> . by. or dofen�ls against enforceac�of �:e tie,n ia. legal precEeding�ar�.6:h in We I.�:c,'�ar's opimon aperate m�ne�%:.t the + �� ��
<br /> ' eafoic�a�t of the lie�;ar(c)secures from the 6oid�of the lien an a��u�nt satisfncoory to Lenci�x subordinapng r�:ue�y to .r�:' • .
<br /> � � fhi4 Sauriry Iastpumea�t If I,ende,r deteamiaes tbat any part of tPie Propert}r i�tsubject w a lien whith may avair►priarity or�r this �;.�`',.;,f�.°.' �'��,�� _
<br /> ' Security Instrum�t,I.eader may�ve Bonawer s nouce ideaitifying tHe Urn:Borrowea shall sadsfy the lien os take on�or ma�r, ��s� ==����- :'
<br /> of th°,acdans set farth above withu�l0 daya of the giving of rtati�. P�`•�°��'�'-��- -'`'°
<br /> i �-
<br /> . : Foree Si6Z�^•I90 �� ��.
<br /> -�� ��B�(�'/�(02121.01 Ftgo 2 018 INtlab:...,... . _ 1•�•�r:.-.= --
<br /> J..t -��T�'1�i
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