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� •-v�`;=..:'�• �`" ,�?�;�' ` . ti:•:xc�:�;r.;a� <br /> . _ , �, . ___ <br /> �, . ., i . � .�,..... . <br /> ,g �l��ri.1�l-+ar.•-..yi.� --------- - - <br /> :�.�� _ <br /> r ... .. .�`._ --�.�r:_...-- <br /> . . ��(L�p.Y�`o'' " . •., h..: <br /> . "'�IT( <br /> . � ' ..�• ' '_. <br /> � �92 -- ��-�:-_ <br /> �. <br /> --10�6 <br /> . ;, .� <br /> � ','f�.h''""� � !7.Trancfer of the PrupeM y,ar A BeneflclAl Interast In Borrower. If uU ur uny p:►rt of thc Property ur uny interest in it <br /> � '��, ia xnid or transferrcd(ur if o txnetirial imcrc�t io R��nuwcr i�:�old nr�run�fcrrcyl und t3�►m�wcr i� not a nuwral persan)wilhou� <br /> y""��, l.cndcr'n prfur writl�n ��nnticn�.�lcr nwy, a� itn uptiun, rcyuirr imm�diute payo�cnt in I'ull af •rll �umr ticcurcd hy Ibis <br /> �����'d�'� Sccu�fly lnxltvm�:nt. Huwever,lhis uptiim shull tiut hc excrciu;J by L.cndcr if exercltie�x pr��hibit�Yl by fcderul luw uy of the dute __ <br /> uf�hiti Security Imtrument. <br /> . r. °� '#�'{ If l.ender exercis�s this apdon. l.e�xler shall give Bormwer nntirc ul'acccleru�iun. The nutice shull provide u periid uf not _ <br /> • '"'-"��' •�`�' Icsx �han 3Q duys trom�he dutc thc �u�tirc is delivcr�Kl ur nwileJ within which �+rrowcr mwt pay ull sums Kxur� by thiti <br /> .. :..Y lOi,hV...'.. . <br /> •- i_�;���_� ' "} Sa:uriry In�trument. If&�nowcr failx to pay thc+c sum+priar to�he cxpiruliun ot'�hi� �xri��l, l.endcr muy invuke nny rcmedie� <br /> �;;�;,^,!�s;_ .r�' - permined by thia Security Instrumcnt withuut furiher nutice ur demunJ un I��rrawcr. <br /> u,� ' . 18. Borrower'x Riqht to Reln.r•tAle. If &�rrower meet, certuin conJiiiun�. &►r�owcr shall havc the right to have 5- <br /> �.�,w.ti•..--,,�.:�.:... enfi�rcLment of�hiw Securily Inrtrument disamtinu��l at uny iiuic priur to thc�urlicr nf: la1 5 days (ar such ��ther �xrkxi a, -- <br /> '� e •'i'�� upplicuhle luw muy .pecify for reingtaicnkntl tx:fi�rc .ale uf the Property Ewr,uunt to uny p�►wer ��f sule cunwin�xi in thiz r� <br /> � ,. <br /> � ;, S��uri�y Instrumcnt:or Ib►emry uf u judgmcnt cnfi►rcing thiti Sccurity fntittument.Tliux conJltion+au'c thut&mower:(u)pnys � <br /> � • ' Lender ull sums which Ihen wou1J t+e due unJer this S��urlty Im�rument unci�he Nnte u� if nn uccclerutian hud �xcuRal; Ib) __- <br /> � ' ' cure+uny dcfuult of any other a�venont� ��r ugrc�ments; (c) payr uU expenuti irnurred in enfurcing thiti Securiry Inalrument, .a-Y:-- <br /> " inrluding,but not limited to. rea.�onAble utrorncys' feex; an�l (d) �uke,�uch uciiun us l.cnJcr muy reusonubly rcywrc a►ussure =_ <br /> -- ' that thc licn of this Sccurity Inrlrument, l.ender's rights in the Propeny uixi Horrowcr'ti ohligutian to puy the sums secured by �y— <br /> '- ' �hi� Securiry Intitrument shall c�mtinue unchanged. Up�m reiu,tutement by &�ne,wer, thi+ Securiry Instrument und the Q ._._sr- <br /> - -` nbligu�ions secured hereby shall remnin fully effectiv�a�if no ucccleruti��n haJ occurr�l. Howrvar. tbi+right to reinstate shull <br /> -_'� ' � not apply in the cusc uf acccicrution undcr pa�ugruph 17. <br /> =�°� ;� 19. Sale oP Note; Chs�nge of l.osm 5ervicer. The Note or a partiul intcretit in �hc N��tc Itogether wilh �hi� Security ��;�_�_�:-- <br /> -�"�:.... `'''`~'' � Instrumcnt)muy t►c u��d one or morc limc+with�wt prior notice tu B�irrowcr. A sula muy rctiult in u chungc in tlx�entity lknown � _ <br /> .f�.., <br /> -,�,w�� .�•^��---r^�+= us thc"l.oau Srrviccr"1 that a�llccts munthly paymcnts duc undcr�hc Nntc und�his S�:wriry Instrumcnt.Thcrc ultin muy be onc �-:^Y__ _ <br /> -='�� ��, � '� '��'�; or mure chunge�of thc I.oun Servicer unrelul�Kl t��a,alc a(the No�e. If there is u chan�;e of the Loun Serviccr, &�rrnwer will Ix �;� ��K <br /> �' "„ ' - . given w�iuen Mitice uf�he chungc in uccorJunce with par•rgruph 14 utxwe and applicable luw.The nutice will stute the namc ancl t: ::•. <br /> addre+s �if thc ncw l.uan Scrvicer unJ thc uddre�x �o which pvyments xhould be mudc.Tlu nu�ice will al::o ccxttain uny othcr <br /> �_ . c._� <br />
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