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�° --�-._ s��v2���--- -�,y;.:;:�-=---" --- """'._.._,._ .:,.,. '-_. _ -- <br /> -.:� - �'Nwi.Ml . ..Yy.—_ <br /> .�[`.�--^�- ---' .ti,rt!'�-r�-�.�.��*y.. . J��.u�.:�--- <br /> �.•� � - ' � ' .. <br /> � ��b <br /> .��, I . ....q/`��-_ ' <br /> �� � 92�oss�s <br /> , � <br /> _�i.,.c�,y�+..,�,. �ti�: <br /> �--�a� pAymenta may nc�longer be required,at the aption af I.cndcr, if mc�rtgagc insurunce coverage(in thc am�un!und for�hc period <br /> -- _--- __ that L.ender rcquires)pravided by an inaurer uppravod by L.crnkr�gain becometi uvailablc und ic��btefnal.&�rrower tihull pay <br /> = the premiums requircd�o maintain rtwtttguge insurunce in effect,or w pmvide u losx rescrve,un�il�hc myuiremcnt li►r muh�aye <br /> � inwirance ends in accordance wUh uny w�itten ag�eement between 8nrrower wKl Leiuler u�applicable law. � - <br /> �n;� 9.Incpectlon. Lendcr or f!s ugent muy muke rca�umable en�ries upnn and inwpcctiuns of lhc Prapeny. lAmler ahall give <br /> .�� .r Borruwer notice at the time of ar prior tu un inspectian speciPying reasunAble rouse fi�r�hr in��xxti�m. <br /> =..�• 10. Condemn�tlon. The prcxcc�iti nP uny uwa�d or cluim for Jumugc,, dir�wt or ranscyucn�iul, in conncc�ion wilh uny ��-• <br /> ���� �,� condemnation or other t�king of any purt of the Property. or for amveyancc in lieu of rondemnation,ure hereby ussi�nc� unJ <br /> ; - ;;"' clwll bc paid to Lendcr. _ <br /> '� � f�;� In the event af u wtal taking of the Property.�he pmceedF xhall he applial�u the xum�+ccunKl by thi��curity Intitrument, !-.l_ <br /> � '�`� whether��r not�hen due, with uny exce.rx puid to Barruwer. In thc eve:n uf u partiul tuking ��f thc Pn�peny in which the fair <br /> ��;,,.� . ., �� <br /> �-�,��� market value of�hc Propeny immaliutely before 1he tuking iw cquul to ur grcutc�thun the umuunt of�hc sums ucurod by this <br /> ,.��+ �'� '� ' Security Instrument immediutely befo�e the tuking,unless Bormwer and l.ender otherwise ugree in wriiing,lhe�ums secured by �` <br /> "ti'�.i:i7A;�.Sk�:u,. . -- <br /> �„�,��,;..y��� thix Securiry Instrument shull be rcduced by the amount af the pr�xeed+ multipli�ni by Ihe fi�lluwing frnction: (a1 the totul �_ <br /> - - „+ umaunt of the sums securctii immediutely.hefure the taking, divided by (b) the fair murket vulue of ihc Pmpeny imme�liutely ��.. <br /> �.•K�.i�:.�l",:,p�- �-_ <br /> �s���, x.,.�. beforc the tuking. Any balnnce shnll be paid to Born�wer. In ttie event of a paniul tuking of the Propcny in which thc fuir � <br /> ��•-�=�'�i��; market vAlue of the Propeny immediately befare the taking is less thun thc�mount af�hc+ums secured immeJiutely bcfare�he s,-: <br /> .i��..�_,,�;;_�._.w taking. unless Barrower wd Lender otherwisc agrec in writing or unless opplicublc luw o�herwise provides, the proceeds sh+dl �._„ <br /> :- ,�a::—"--:�`.::�-� be applied to the sums secured hy this Security Instrun�ent whether or not the sums urc theo duc. �i.���_ <br /> ��'''��':,�� '� If the Property is abund�ned by Barrawer,or if,ofter notice by l.ender to Hc►rrawer that the cutxk:mix�r�iffers to muke an °° <br /> '�;,�� . <br /> '"��`�`��`"���:� awnrd ar settle u claim for dwnageti, Borrower fails to respond t��I.ender within 30 days uPter Ihe ds�te me notice is given. �.;. <br /> � -�-- � u s �' �Y . <br /> ��'����L��=<:'-���.� l.ender is autharized to coll�i wal upply the procccds,at its option,either to restora�ion or repair af the Properly or to the sums __ <br /> - ��-+�x� secured by this Secu�ity lnstrument,whether or nat then due. �- <br /> `.n ' � Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, uny applica�ion of prcxeedx to principul shull not extend or -. <br /> �, , � ,,: �`= <br /> - - �� •�-� � pnstpone the due date of the nionthly payments referrcd to in purugraphs I und 2 nr chunge Ihe amnunt of wch paymcnts. �;. <br /> _--��OR'vt�4`.l.1C:w.4'�4 . <br /> � KS,.,.., ,-, . . 11.Borrower Nat Released;Forbearance By l.ender Not A WAiver.Extension of the time for payment or nxxlification �__ <br />���° " of umortir.�tion of the suma secured by this Securiry Inswment RrunteJ by I.ender to any succes�ur in interest of&irrower shall _�_ <br /> ._+�� ••�►'��`�`�•x+.�.��. ^ =-- <br /> not operute to release the liubility of the originul Borrower or Borcower'+succes�c►rti in interest. L.ender shall nnt be requircd to <br /> r:i;�� ° ' commence pr�xeedings againsl uny succ�uir in interest or refuse to extend timc for paynxnt or�nhenvi+e modify amortixa[ion � <br /> - — , ' ''dat-, of Ihe sums secured by this Sccuriry Insaument by rcu.wn of uny demand miule by thc ori�inul Born�wcr or Borrowcr's � <br />�'�:s� �'�'^` �'° "' ' successors in interest. Any forbearnnre by Lencier in exercising uny right or remedy sh�ll nol be a waiver of or preclude the — <br /> ��°�'� ��'T��'"�� , exercise af nny right or remedy. — <br /> .-- �z�d �.;,�-.- -- <br /> - ,.�,.;. ll. Su�ti�raw�'s aad AsslQns Bcsund: dolst! ant! S�vera! I,lel►llity; ('o-cigners. The covetwrns und �+greements of�his � <br /> _ °� Security 1nr,trument shnll binJ und t►enefit the suceexgors und ucsigns oi' l.encier und &�R��wer, subject �o the provisions of `_� <br /> ec= <br /> � purugraph 17. &�rrower's covenunts nnd agreements shall Ix: joim unJ ,everul. Any &irrower who co-signs thi� Security L,, <br /> "•' � Instrument but di�e� not eaew�e the Note: (u) is co-signing this Security In�trunient only to mc�nguge, grant und convey �hut F <br />.'f;:, � . Borrower's interest in thc Pmperty unJer thc terms uf this S�curi�y Inxtrument: Ib► i�nut perumally anliguted to pay the tiumx E _. <br /> t <br />:!.�;�, secured by this Security Instrumcnt:und(c)ugrees thut Lendrr un d uny ot hcr Biirrowcr muy ag rce to c x t c n d, m o d i f y,f i i r 6 e u r o r ��, <br />:,�,: meke vny uccommodutions wi�h reguni tu thc terms of thiti Sccuri�y In.trumen�ar�hr Notc with��ut�hat Borrowcr's consent. _ <br /> 13.I.oun Chara�.If�hc lo•rn secu�ed by this Sccuriry In+�rument i�suhject to u Ivw which su+ muximum loan churgcs. __._. <br /> . ° . ° and thut luw is iinully interpretcd,a that thr intcrc.t��r athcr laun rhur@c+c��llertcd nr to he cullected in conneclion with the r1_- <br /> � lonn ezceed the permitted limits, tlxn: (u)any tiurh luun chargr shull br rrduccJ by Ihr amount nereti�ury���reduce the charge M <br /> 'f.:���; .. to thc permitted limir,anJ (hl any+um,ulread} collc�icJ frum Borrowcr which cxr�wJeJ permiucd limits will h�rcfundcd to �.� <br /> •_:;:t...> <br /> _r ; � • &►rcowcr. L.cnder muy chix�se tu mukc thi� refunJ by r�during the principul owed undrr �hr Nuie ��r hy muking a Jirc�ct F:� <br />-��'�'•�' P' P�Y c� <br /> , -�� puyment to Borrawrr. If � refund reduccs prinripul. Ihc redurlion will hr vwa�l u� u .►rtiul r ment withaut uny ��, <br /> :'r.,,�•., . <br /> ;_;.;,; prepAyment churge under ihe Notr. � <br />'•. �^..'' „ 14.Noticcs. Any nnticc�o&�rrowcr provideJ ti�r in�hi+Sccurity Imtrumrnt ,hall Ik givcn hy Jclivcring it ur by inailing - <br /> ,.;i. _ , ,, it by first rlasx muil unlcs. applicable law reyuire.u�c uf anu�hcr nuth�xl. Thr nutice�hall hc dir�rt�d to the Pmperty AJdresti <br /> � � or uny other sNldresx &�rc��wcr Jc.ignutc� by n�Nicc to Lcndcr• AnY �x►ticr tu L�ixlrr .hall bc given by first class mail to <br /> " Ixnder's uJdres� statcd hcrcin ur uny othcr uJJr�.� LcnJer Jc.i�nu�c. hy ixr�irc ta &�rr��wcr. Any n��tice pmviJed fi�r in this � _ <br /> .WS • e � ' <br /> , . .. Secu�ity lnswmcnt whull bc dccmcd tu havc bcrn giv�n tu Hurn►u•rr ur LcnJrr whrn�:ivrn a,proviJcd in thi,p�rugraph. -. <br /> � Scverabilit Thi+ Sccuril Imtrumcnt .hull Ix govcrned by I'rJcrul I•rw �nd thc luw uf thc ��". <br /> • I3.Covcrning Y• Y �:_'°� <br /> '� �.. jurisdictic►n in whirh the Pruperty i+ I�xut�til. D�thc rvenl tB:d uny pr�»�i�ion�,r rlaux ul thi,Security Instrumcnt��r the Nute <br />_ ... ' eontlicts with t►pplic:�blc luw.wnc���nllict.hull not allcr���tlkr pruvi.i�,nti af thi,Sccurity Inti�rumrm�x ihr Nutc which can lx: <br /> given cffrct withuut thc cnnQirting pravi�ion. To thi.cnd thc pn��•i.i��m at thi.5crurity Imtnimcnt and�hc Nute ure Jcwlured � - <br /> ' . to t�e,evcr�hlc. <br /> � : 16.Nom►wer's CopY•&�rruwrr+hall hc gi�•�n unr cunliirm��l���py ul�h�Nutc unJ of thi+Sccurity Imtrumcnt. <br /> Fo�m 3028 9180 <br /> . Poq�•A�.t b <br /> { �� <br /> � .� <br /> .. + . <br /> . �1 <br /> .. � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � _ <br />