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<br /> 92
<br /> _ Upop t�eoelpt of poymeqt at the pr{ce bid, T�vctee �Iwll ddiver to the purclw�er Trustee'x deed conveyity� the _
<br /> Property. The recitwta In Ihe Tnwtee'� decd �Iwll be p�imo focie evidence ot the trulh at tho htptem�ntx mude therein.
<br /> Tn�ctee shall Apply the proceeda of the cale in the follawlnQ order:(a)to o!I co�tx And expen.ra►of exerclrinR the{wwer of
<br /> w�k�and the zwle�IncludJ�tl�e poymmt of the Tnietee'p tees actually incumed�not to exceed 2.0 `�+
<br /> ot Ihe princl{wl amount of the note at the iime o�the d�rlorotbn o�de�ault. and reacotu�ble qitorneys'teeK�w permitted
<br /> by yw=(b)to dl w�ur�ecured by Ihlr Socurlty Inrlrument;oad lc1 aay e�ce�r to t6e prr�on o�personq IeQwlly entNlai to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. [tecoaveyanoe. Upon paymcnt of all sums icacured by this 5ecu�ity Instrument, I.ender shull requext Truetee t�
<br /> ____.______, rernnvey Ihe Propeny and shell surrcnder Ihis S�+curity lnstrument and all n�tev evidencing deht secured hy this Security ..
<br /> Instrument to Truata.Trustce shall reconvey the Pruperty wilhout waminty and without chaf�e to thc�person or persons le�ally
<br /> rntidod to it.Such person or persons ahall p�y any rxardotion costs.
<br /> 23. Substltute Trubtee. I.endor. at ita option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> any Truxta appolnted henunder by un instrument recorded in the caunty in which this Securlty 1ns�rumeN is recordod. Without
<br /> conveyance of the Praperty, the successor trus�ee ahall cuccood to all the tiUe,power�nd duties conferced upnn Trustee heroin
<br /> and by apPlicablc law.
<br /> ____z___�__,___ 24. Requea�tor Notlot�. Bornawer requexts ttwt copiec of the noticea of default and sale he sent to Bormwer's address
<br /> which is the Propeny Addass.
<br /> -- 2S. Rideis ta thls Security Lt�tcument. If one or rtwre r�ders are executad by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Secudry Instrument,the covenants und agrcements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shalt amend w�d supplement
<br /> the rnvenants and agrcementa of this Security Inatrument as if the rfder(�)we�a part of thir Security Instrument.
<br /> -�� [Check applicable boa(es)1
<br /> Adjuslable Rate Rider Coadomin�um Rider 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> _ � Graduatod Payment Rlder Planned Unit Developmant Rider Biweekly Payment Rider _
<br /> -•° Balloon Rider Rate lmprovement Rider Second Home Rider
<br /> v--- -- _;:�`�
<br /> V.A.Rider O[I1C1'(8�IBI1CCifY)
<br /> :.Y�j
<br /> -- -;'� -
<br /> - BY 3IONIN(i BELOW. Horrower accepts and ugrees to the terms and covenants conuuned in thia Security Instrument and
<br />-�=.—��;i"� in any rldeKs)executed by Borrower end recorded with it.
<br /> a----=,,:.�,..,, � Witna�ses: ,�j.� y
<br />��w�ev,..,,;�-- •"7� �"' ���� (3ea1)
<br /> - ,�ti;,:tr �: ._�, hielvin i.. hiiner -eoROwe.
<br /> �,�,x�>'P'�`':.
<br /> __;�s;'�.��.
<br /> - ..
<br /> �i '' �✓�Dis�cJ'�l���{k�.� (Seal) -
<br /> ,� Beuleh B. Mfner 'B0"D1�'
<br /> �a
<br /> �'
<br /> '�`� � '' — (Seal) ISea�) _
<br /> ,i,.l:�t� �` -- �, .
<br />. �`;,,�� ��_� •Borrower .Bortower
<br /> ��`i• —
<br /> �..,.-..
<br /> '?i�t�;:�... STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hell Count ss: --
<br /> . ._.-J`I.l,.,'�°�� Y
<br /> �---�--.-_-�__ The foregoing inst�umcnt was ucknowledged before me this day of June, 1992 . , -
<br /> �>��;.:,� • $�hq�lvin L. Miner and Beulah B. Miner. each in is a her own right� end es spouse of,each �
<br /> � �,ty• Y4 +• 9OVitness my hand and notarial seul ut Grend Island� Ne raska in • ntv.the ate aforesaid.
<br /> '.;� �.;, .. ,.3.
<br /> �{ �
<br /> � �:,�� My Commission Expires: �/�Q 3
<br /> :a-y{�.�. � , nr g--
<br /> �:,�;t'�
<br /> w."����-`�`` ,. �A�t�TAAr,SbM d MIM�11
<br /> ;;�'-:�•- JOY M.BE�I►7LEY
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<br /> ''•� MpC�w.E�R S�Dt 1�1843 �
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<br /> ..,;�:�..' �,.,
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