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<br /> �� '. . •� � �'�. ,s�• -_ ' . .
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<br /> � �+�-- 92--10�626
<br /> _.�. .
<br /> . '�h�va79+c.e]at:l?h!�
<br /> --- ="—= — S, Ha�aed or Property Incunnce. &irmwer slwll iceep the improvementF now esisdng c►� I�ereafler e�ecte,di on the
<br /> — __-------- Pru�ny fnsurc�!a�ains�t luw by tirc, h�unrdti includ�l within Il�e Icrm'cx�cixlal cuvrrugc" wxl uny oihcr hui:�rJ�, iiuluding
<br /> ---- -- I1�H�Is ur Ih�cxling, fi►r which l.�ixlc�r��uirrr insuruixe. Thi�.fn�urunrc hhall tk uwin�uin��l in thr umoun�.u�wt ���r thc�xricKi�
<br /> �hut I.ctxlcr reyuirc�. Thr in�urunce rurricr p�nviJinR ihc imuruiu��I�ull hr rhuun hy 1i��ra�wrr.uhjcr�t.�I.r��lrr'���ppr�►vul
<br /> �`. which ahul! �wt Ix uorea�M►nuhly withhcid. U'B�xruwcr fi�ilK tu muintufn c�►verugr drtirilxd uixwc. Ixi�lrr nwy, u1 Ixn�lcr'+�
<br /> ;�� � op�iun.�►btuin covcraµc t�i pn►tcct I.cn�lcr's righ�K in�hc Pro{x:ny in urrunluncc wUh puruKrupb 7. !
<br /> — � �..�,i'"� All insurance pnliciew ond renewal� xhull t�e urccptuhle tn l.cnJcr arxl +hull includc u +tunJurd nwngugc cluucw. lA�xlcr
<br /> �~ � ��r1— hhull huve dx�i�ht to hold�he pilicies�iui renewals. If l.en�lcr require,,&►rrower��hull pr�miptly givc tu lA�ulcr ull rerciptti af
<br /> :� _-' � •� puid pr�miumr u�xl rcnrwul iKni�r.. lu the event uf lu..r,Q��rruw�r xfwll give pruntp�iK�lice tu d�r insuraiKC curricr uiwl l..�i�1cr. �
<br /> .:� l.�:ixler rn�►y muke proof of loas if ru�t madc promptly by Bonuwer. �
<br /> ...- . Unless Lender wiJ Boaawer otherwire agrce in writing, insurnnrc pr�xecds.hall t►c appli��l to rc,�urution or rep:►ir of thc
<br /> =' Property damaged,if the restaratfori or repair is ecanumiwlly fea.gible and l.cnder'�u�uri4Y is n�t Ie�ticnc�l. If the rc�torutian or
<br /> �r� � h- � repair is not ecc►nomicully feasible or L.ender'�security wewld be Iessenal, the in�;urunce proceeds shull be Appli�l to�he sums —
<br /> =`��'�'�'°�`'�� a��cu�ed by this Security Instrun�ent, whether or nut then due, with uny excess p•rid to Borruwer. If&�rrower ubanJuns the ���
<br /> "','""��"'`i3-si "� Pruperty,ur duex not answer within 30 Jays u nutire Gum L.emler thut ll�e io�uran��r carrier lia,uffrrnl w,etdc u rlairo,then �-
<br /> -- �:,r.,�x.��
<br /> �==-�-===;::'' L.cnder may collect the insurance pracceds. I.ender may use the prorceds ta repair or restorc �he Properry ur to puy sums
<br /> %;-,t,,i;�:�r-�.:`rx" � setured by this Security Instniment,whether or nnt then due.The 30-day pericxl will begin when tl�e notice is given.
<br /> �'� ^�'�-- ` Unless I.ender and Burrower atherwise agree in writing, Any applicution of praceeds to principul xhull not extend or
<br /> �►:.a:�'�.; _
<br /> "��:' � �� postpone the due date af the monthly pnymenlx referred �a in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar changc thc umount of the pAymcnts. U Q__
<br /> �"y''=``'�a�'• `��� under rn ra h 21 the Pn rt �s ac uired b l.ender, Borrowcr'g rf ht to an insuruncc licies und rocecdti resultin from
<br /> ,,��.: .�,:'.,..�r . : Pa � P � Y� 9 Y � Y Po P S
<br /> =-1�"���_ damage to lhe Propeny prior to ihc acquisition ahull pass to L.ender to the eatent of�he sums secured by thi�Security Instrument
<br /> �-�`='�-�=���-�:�' immodintcly prior�n thc acquisi�fon. �.
<br /> �.. .
<br /> , t;;;.,:,.�;;..',.: 6.Occupancy,Preservation.Molntenance and Protection of the Properly;Borrower•R I.onn Application;L.easeholds. �
<br /> - , -. . Bormwe�shal!occupy,estublish,nnd use the Property as Borrawer's principal recidence within sixty duys afler thc execution�f -
<br /> �°" " thig Secu�ty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property us 8orcawer's principal residence for at Iesist one year aftcr �":
<br /> --—� s
<br />_-- � ~."'�`��f`'-� the dute of cecupancy,unless l.ender otherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shull not be unreusonably withhcld, ar unless �t '
<br /> `��� '`'��",�, • extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond &►rrower's cantml. eorrower sholl not destray, dwnage ��r impair the �''"-
<br /> ---:;�c� ;� ;.,r r, °.
<br /> -�.�,: .�.. � Property, ullow thc Praperly to detc�iornte, ar cammit wnstc on thc Propeny. Borrower shall be in defAUlt if uny fort'eiwre
<br /> - � , .
<br /> �-.��, , _. ,:` uction or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lender's gaxt foith judgment ccwld result in forfeiture of the
<br /> _—= Property or otherwise materially impair U�e lien cmuted by thia Security Instrument or l.ender'x security interest. &►rrawer may
<br /> :::��s;, � -, �i�� cure such u default nnd reinstate,as provided in parugraph 18,by causing the action or prcxeeding to be Jinmis.tied with u ruling �
<br /> -�; ,,���:' � that, in Lender's goad fuith detcrmination, precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower'x interest in the Property or other muterial =
<br /> =- -- - �%•� impa�rn�ent oi� the lien creAted by this Security Instrument or I.ender's tiecurity intere�t. Rorrower shall also be in default if
<br />..'N^._��.� —
<br />-.�:;�_ � � • Borrower,during the loan application process,guvc muteriully fulsc ar inaccurutc informatinn ur s�atemcn�s to Lender(or failed --
<br />'='Y',y� ���rM .�C' � ta provide i.endcr with any matcrial informution)in ronnection wi�h the loun evide�x:cd by the Nrne, including,but not limitcd _`-
<br /> Y', ' . • - . � to,representations concerninF Ba�rower'c ixcupancy of the Propeny us a principul residence. If this Security In�trument is on n �
<br /> �=` �• leasehold, Borrowcr shull mmply with ull the provisiom of thc leusc. If &�rruwcr acquirex fee tiNe to the Pmpeny, the ""'� .
<br /> - x-.. _
<br /> _ . , 4_� , leusehold and thc fce tiNe shull no�mcrgc unlcss l.cndcr ugrccs to thc mcrgcr in writing. - -
<br />�.�:.� � , �rh.: 7.ProtecNon of l.ender'�Ri�hts in Ihe Property. 11'&�nowcr fuils to perforni the rovcrwnts und agreemcots con��ined in �
<br /> - , ,•����• this Security Instrument, or Ihere is u Iegul proce��ling[hut may �igniticuntly ,�i'i'cct l.ender', rights in the Propeny (such as a �N-.
<br /> -n`�, °. `. • ��,' pr�x�eeding in bankruptcy, probate, tor condemnution or forfeiture nr to enforcc luwti or regulations►, then Lender may do nnd �
<br />_ .- � . puy for whatever is neccssury ta protcct thc vulue of the Pro�ny und L�ndc�� righls in the Propcny. L.ender's actians muy
<br /> ':�'., include paying any sum� ucurcYi by u lien which ha. prioriry nvrr this Security Inurument, uppeuring in court, paying --
<br /> ": �`__
<br />:�r.: ' '•.�,�;, reau►nable attorneys' fees And entering on thc Propcny t�i makc rcpvirs.Although l.cmlcr mAy take uction under this paragmph
<br /> 7, L.ender dces niu huve to do so.
<br /> �" �- Any umourus disburscd by L.ender unJer thi, parngruph 7 shull herome udditionul Jcht of Bnrrower secured by thia �"�
<br /> ..�.. :....
<br />'.-`.ir?'� . Securiry Inslrument. Unlctis Borrower und l.cndcr agrec to uthcr tcrni�of puymcm, the�c am��un�s tihull br:ar intere�t fram the �4
<br /> °. . date of disbunement a� the Nate rute and xhall bc a uble, with intcrcst, u ►n notice from l.cndcr to Borrower �,``
<br /> P Y P� requesting
<br /> � , .. • payment.
<br /> , ° . S.MortR�Re Insuranee. If Lcnder requir�Kl nx�ngu�c inxurancr.�,a conJiti�m�►f muking the loan�ecured by this Securiry = _
<br /> .0 ; Inwmment, Bonower shall puy thc prcmiums r��yuireJ ui maint•rin the mon�ugr in+uruncc in cl'fcct, If, for ony re:�son, the :�
<br /> � mnrtguge insurance rovcrage reyuired by l.cndcr lupse.ur rcu.es to hr in cl'frrt. Bnrruwrr tihall pay the premiums required to �'
<br /> ��F oMain covemge whstantially cyuivulent to the mon�aKe in,uranrr pr�vinutily in et'1'cct.7l 8 l'lt�l ,uhswntiully equivulent to the
<br />