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. <br /> ,.��.1�� .x���s�1.�6�W,{�r�• �.. �--�=1�sFr• <br /> .•,t•Yi7 ��:T <br /> _-� .. .�1 'J '^ ' '"_.. `'�a�'�...r ..- <br /> �; � �� 92� 1o�s2s <br /> �.._.��_.r� <br /> — TO(3ETFIER WITH�I�the improveme��ts now or hercafar crectod an the pmperty,ond all c�cementr,apputierwnces,and <br /> --------- fizw�es now on c�rr�aflcr u part of �he prciperly. AU replucements anci udditionx r+hall ulw� bc c��vcred by thi� Security <br /> — •� Uwlrument.All oP thc foregaing is rcPerred to in t6ia Security Instrument as� d�c"PropertY•" <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Bormwcr is lawfully seised of thc c-stute hcreby ranvcyod ruKl hw�lhr.righ�ta arant wid <br /> convey thc Property w�d thet tS�e ProPettY ig �nencumberod. ea��ept for e�xumbrunces nY recurJ. BoROwcr wuRants and will <br /> . •nv�: defend gcnerally thc tide ta the Propeny againxt all claims wKl demandi,wblcct to uny encumhrancex nf r�YOrJ. <br /> � _—_� �,:;.� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines unifarm rnvcnc+Mx fi►r�wlianul ux And rum-unifurm cmctwntw with limitod <br /> "'"''� varfotians by ju�isdiction tn canstiwte a unifarm security ins�rument cavedng rcal propeny. <br /> �'°- - --- --- �`'� UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and l.ender r�ivcnant ond agrec a+follaws: r <br /> :� - ,�.r� 1 E -. <br /> 1. Payment ot Princip�l And lnterest; Pre�ymenl s�nd I.ote Chnrges. BaROwcr .rhull pnmiptly pay when due !he <br /> ''~ p�fncipal of und inttrest on thc debt evidencod by the Note and uny pre�uryn�ent and lule churgcs due undcr thc Nate. <br /> --�-�---- •.����' 2. Funde tor Twces And Insurance.Sub}ect to applicuble law or tn a written wuivcr by l.ender, &►rruwer shall pay to <br /> ���'_-� -� Lender on the dAy monthly paymenta are due under the Note, until the NMc:is puid in full:u sum 1'FunJz"1 for:lu)yei►rly tAxes <br /> 1°`��G'�?'� und assessmems which rtuiy nttain priority over this Securfry Instruinent us a licn on the Pmpeny:lb)yeArly leaschuld pAyments <br /> s , <br /> - -�,� ..-y���--— or ground rents an the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or prapeny imurs�nce premiums:ld)yearly fl�Kxl insurance premiums, <br /> --��'_�-*- x •• if any:(e)yearly monguge insurence premiums, if'any; ond l�uny sums puyable by Borcower to l.cnder, in uccordnnce with <br /> ``�` ��� thc provisiom nt'parngrnph 8. in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgoge insurance premiums. Thesc items urc callnl "Escrow Items." <br /> �-�aesacsK:�;e�,_, <br /> �;�;::• l,ender tnay, at uny timc, collect and hold Funds in on umount oot to execed the maximum umuunt n lender for a f c y <br /> �'~������f`:, related mortgage I��un muy require for Borrower's escrow uccount under the federul Real �state Settlement Pmceclurcs Act of <br /> _:s.:.��,:,�?r <br /> �,�: s. 1974 ws umended from time to timc, t2 U.S.C. Section 2601 er sey. ("RESPA"►,unlcss unother law�hut applies to the Fu a <br /> �'��`` ���Y'�'�'"„i� , sets a lesser amount. If so. L.ender muy. nt any �ime, colkct and hald Funds in an amount not�a eaceed the lesser simount. <br /> , _,�-_ - <br /> __ ��"��'°.:�L�r�l;;;,��,.;. . l.endcr muy estimate the amoum of Funds duc un the bucis of currcnt data and reaxanable estimatew of expenditurea oi future ___ <br /> _'�s-` �.H:�;n��`��;�4?:� Escrow Items ar atherwise in accordance with applicable law. _-` <br /> - �«���-w� The Fundw shWl be held in an inslitudon whose deposils ure insurecl by a federul agency, instrumentolity, or entity <br /> � (including Lender,if l.�:nder is such An institution)or in any Federol Hume Loan Bank. LenJer shull apply the Funds to puy the <br /> ��`"��'��� � Escrow Items.Lender ms�y nut churge Bortower far holding and applying the Funds,unnuully unulyzing the e.r•cmw Accaunt,or <br /> :.,.' �-s.:�i;s�',..�.:+;�' � <br /> �, .,,r..�.d,:�u.:s�.. vcrifying the Escrow Items,unlcss Lender puys Borrower intcrest on the Funds and applicuble law pern�its l.ender to mnke such -"- <br />. : ,�.. ' �'�'�'' u chtuge. However, Lendcr may n�quire Aarrower to pay a one•time charge far an independent real estate taa reporting service �,_, <br /> -• �Y:��?�� • u�ed by Lender in cc►nnc�tion with this loun, unlesa npplicuble luw provides uthenvise. Unless un ugreement is mu�1e or _ <br /> �:.. .. ; �;;�- <br /> _ � .� .� .,�. applicable luw rcquires interest to be puid,Le:nder shull not be required to pay Borrowcr uny intcrest nr eumings on the Funds. <br /> , .. ,,,,,,..ti.., Borrower und L.ender may ogrcc in writing, however,that interest shall be puid on the Funds. l.ender tihull give to Borrower, �_�. <br /> ' , .°`��f��, without chorge, un onnual uccounting of the Funds, showing credits und debils to the Funds und the purpose for which each <br /> . .- -R,�.:�.;r,a��-:. _ <br />