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<br /> � •��'�'*�'*-""'� opplieable law may specify for reinamtement) before xule of the Pmpeny pursuant to any power of Fale contuined in thia
<br /> - -__ -_--__ Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thia Security Instrument. Those condilions are thal Barrower. (n) _
<br /> p�ys Lender all sums which then would be due under this Sccurity Instniment and the Note as if no ucceleration hwd
<br /> occurred;(b)curcx any default of any other covenanta ar u�teementa;(c)pays all expenses incurn.�f in enforcing this Security
<br /> =�;,��,.;, lastrumem,includin�, but not limited to, reasonoble attorncyx'feea;and(d)takes Ruch uction ax Lender muy rcaconably
<br /> j. ���. . ::µ...
<br /> v � .�.. rcquinc to assure that the lien of thfs Security Inatrument,Lcndcrk righis in the Propeny und BoROwer's abligution to pay thc
<br /> -����5.� auma socwed by lhis Security Insuument ahull continue unchAnged. Upon reinstutement by Boe�ower, tMls Securlty �
<br /> �"�''�"' lasuvment und the obli ations secured hereb gha0 remain full effeciive as if no accelerntion had occurred. However.thix
<br /> ���"�.:,;r�u`r"�•�-;: B Y• Y
<br /> - ri�ht ta rCinstat�xhall�iW upply in tl�e cuse of accelera►ion under p•rrogruph 17. c-
<br /> °'� . !9. S�k ot Note=Clun�e of l.oaa 3ervlcer. The Note or a partial intereat In the Note(together wilh this Secu�ity
<br /> _,��,;��d..,� Instrument)may bc Fald one or more Umes without pdor notice ta&►rrowcr. A sale muy result in u chnngc in the entity
<br /> - (known ex�he"Loan Service�')that collects monthly payments due under�hc Note und ihis Security Instrument. There ulso _
<br /> �� may be one or more chunges of the Loan Servicer unreluted to a sule of Ihe Note. If th�re is a chnnge of the Loan Servicer. _
<br /> ir�aTf�,-�►•��; � 8ortawer wfll be given wdlten notica of the change in accardance wi�h parAgmph 14 Above und upplicuble law. The notice
<br /> � .: + will�tate the name and address of the new Loan Servicer und the oddmsc ro which payments should be made. The notice will -
<br /> �_J�.il �.E•
<br /> -=�'�-� also contain any othcr in forniation requi re d by upp licu b k luw.
<br /> "`° 20. Hozardous 3ubstances. Hom►wer shall nat cAUSe or�crmit thc presence,usc,disposal,storage.or rcicase of any
<br /> s7;i1�. -„---T,v —
<br /> °�-',�:f'�.l'��►!<,.:;; NozuMous Substances on or in ihe Properly. Bortower shall not do, �or ullow anyane clse to do, anything affecung Ihe _
<br /> �' f'ropeny Ihat is in violation af uny Environmenwl Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not upply to ihe presence,use,or -
<br /> ��;�,ci��t .�
<br /> '°;•:�;,:-�'. � �� �storpge on the I'ropeRy of smull quantities of Haxurdous Substunces that are generally rccognized to be appropriate to nonnal _
<br /> `°�""'"'"N'��'� � residential u4es tmd to mnintenance of the�'roperty. -
<br /> '"""�"�°='�'k'�"" Borrower shall rom tl ive Lxnder written notice of an investi ution,claim,demand,lawauit or other uclion by any
<br /> ,.,:,�_::.;.�;,...,�:� ' P P Y B Y �
<br /> ____.� 1..,� governme�uul or regulutory agency or privute paRy involving the Piroperty and uny Hazardous Substance ar Emironmental
<br /> � •'�'�ri"'��r.��i'� I.aw of which Batrower hns actual knowledge. If Barrower leams. or ix notified by uny governme��al or regulatury W
<br /> --' +,� authority.that any remaval or other remediation of any Huzardous Subswnce affecting the Propeny is necesxary, Borrower
<br /> �,..,:,.�r,�.�.: ,:,��E�
<br /> _�. •�� �+hs+ll promptly tuke all nece�sary rernediol uctions in uccordance with Envlro�mentnl Luw.
<br />- -==�"•�� =',a •� As useci in this purugraph 20,"Hazardous SubalAnces"are�hose substance�defined ns toxic ar haxardous substnnces by _-
<br /> __- � '"��'� Environmenwl Law and tlx�folluwing substances: gasoline,kerosene, otherflammuble or loxic petraleum praducts,toxic =.
<br /> �—_ ' '� � pesticides and herbicides, volAtik solvents,muterinls containing asbestos or formaldehyde, und rndioactive mu�erials. As =_
<br /> --!;",.,�•,"•�,�M=�..•:.-.r „ used in this pnrrugruph 20,"Environmenwl Law"meuns federul laws wid Uw5 of the Jurisdiction where the Propony is lacuted --
<br /> �' . . s..�w,,,� that relute ta health,sufcry or enviroomcnts�l protection. :,
<br /> -___�' � ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.cndcr funher covennm and ugrce us follows:
<br /> __ �_> ,Z.;��:'�.n 21. Acceleratbn=Remed(es. Lender shall give natice to Borrower prior to AccelerANon Pollowing Borrower's _
<br />-��—- breach of any covenAnt or agreemenl in this Securlly Instrument(brt not prlor to acceleration under parag�aph 17
<br /> ' � ''� '� ��� unless ppplicable la�ti�provides otherwlsel. The notice shall speciPy: IA)the deiAUlti Ib►the actbn required to cure the -
<br /> _ �`L�".-=��=� '� �efaslt;ir)s dsle.ao!!s�lhan 34 days isom!he dele!he nn�fee I,�given to Borrower.bv whkh the dePeult m�st be =•
<br /> _ ' ' ' cured;qnd(d)thal fANure to wre the default on or before the date specified io the nodce may result in acceleration of -
<br /> __�i � •� Ihe sums secured by Ihis Security I�slrumenl�nd sale oP the AropeHy. The notice sha0 Purther inform Borrower uP _.
<br /> ='_�. °. . „ the right to reinstate a�ter acceleration and the right to bring�court acdon to assert the non•ezistence of p dePault or
<br /> any other defense of Borrower to uccelergtion and sale. If the default is not cured on or before Ihe dAte specified in _
<br /> ��,�' ` the odlce,Lender at i�g option may require immediote peyment in full of oll sums secured by th(s Security inslrument -
<br /> ::_�::� . • �' • without further dcmand and may iavuke the powcr ut'sale and any other remedies permilted by applicable IAw.
<br />--��,_� � � I.ender slwll be entilled to coqect s�ll expences incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provlded in Ihis paragraph 21. _
<br /> ,:�. � " '° ''�"'` ' including,but not limlted to.reasowuble attorneys'fee�and cos�c a�tllle evidence.
<br /> � If the power of sale Is invoked,'IFuslee shall record a notice atdeiaull in each cnunty in which any part of the
<br />-_��,-��; �•' "' � Properly is lacated and shall mail copkw of such notfce in the manner prescribed by applicabte law to Borrower and to °'
<br />_Tsx:� ' , Ihe otber persons prescribed by applicuble I�w. After the time required by nppNcable luw.7Yustee shall give public _
<br /> notice of sule to the persons and in 1he munner prescribed by applicobte luw. 7Yustee.without demand on Borrower. �
<br />-_'-.� � • • shAll sell the Property al public auction to the highest bldder nt the Ilme and pluce and under the lerms desigoated in
<br /> � " ` � the nWice of sale in one or more prrcels and in uny order'll�uctee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br /> ' ��` ,����` �` � parcel of Ihe Property by public announcement at Ihe lime and pluce nf any prevlously scheduled r�ale. Lender or its
<br /> _�. �,,..� ..
<br /> --'�7 desi@nee may purchase the Properl�•al s�ny sale.
<br /> �-r:��` �'�= �. ��' Upoa receipt of payment of Ihe price bid.7Yutitee sholl deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed cunveying the F
<br /> __° ,r.',�;.•,�• �,�',fi Property. The recitnls in Ihe 7Yuslee'.s deed sholl be prfmu fucie evldence of Ihe truth of the statements made therein. F
<br /> Y�'`,� ' ` • t 'IYustee shall Apply the proceeds of the sale in the i'allowinR order: (al to All cos�s and expenses of exercising the power .._
<br /> .a;,.":�.,, '.. • , -
<br /> .�_ , .�. '..
<br />-- `, • - -. �
<br /> Form J028 9/9D i�w,��•�aJ n p�.e�•.�
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