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<br /> ���'_�.::,�.�� l;��� 92- it15618 ---
<br /> —=V4�:�:•��:t� oP enle,And the snle,Including the paymcnt u�the 7Yustee's feev ActuAlly Incurred,not to exceed 3•� �Xo oi
<br /> - - the principal amouot of Ihe note pt Ihe time ot Ihe declArAtbn uf detault,pnd re�vonoble Atlorneyx'ie�a�permitted
<br /> � �t� by I�wt lbl to dl ww ucurad by thir SKwlly In�trument;aad lcl eny exce�r to tbe penon or pe�som+Ie�N�ly enliticd —
<br /> �� a��
<br /> !' 22. Recanveyance. Upon pnymcnl of ull xums r�ecurcd by thix Sccurity Instrumcnt, �.cnder+hall requeh�7i�ustcc 1�
<br /> ��, �v ' � reconvey the PropeAy anJ xhall xurtender thix Securily In.ruument and ull notex evidcncing debt recured by Ihiti Security
<br /> - Inatrument to 7tuatee. 'Itustce hhull recamey thc Property without wurrAnty und wBhout churgc�o�hc per+c�n or perxons
<br /> �,��� Iegully enliUed lo it. Such person or pen;uns xhull puy nny recordu�ion cos�K.
<br /> �:..� ?3. SunsUtute 7lrustee. Lcndcr,ut its nption,mny frnm time�o iimc�emovc'IYustcc und uppoint u�:ucce�sur tnrhice to
<br /> "; any 7}ustec uppointed hercundcr by un ingtrument rccorded in thc county in which �hix Scr.urity Inhtrumcnl ix rewrdcd. —_
<br /> - Without cunveyance of tha Propehy, the successor tcustee sh411 aucceed �o All �he title,power and dutie�confemed upun
<br /> r�,�-���c`:� 'Itustee herein und by applicublc luw.
<br /> = 24. Request for Notices. Bortower requestx thul copies of'the naticec of deiauU und sale be xcnt to Horrower�addre.r•s
<br /> -�"s�:..�:.;� •.
<br /> ':%:`'�'...h which is the Properly Addrexs. -- �
<br /> wtc.,�?w,irai�'rii�.t�t. .. —_-_-
<br /> �;y�.�.:�;�,�; 1�5. Ridere to lhis Securily Insl�umenf. If one or more riden ure executed by Borrowcr and recurJcd togcther wi�h
<br /> — :H:�,n_,.�_:�.o,„b,v,�.,. ihia Security Instrument,the covenunts und agreements of each surh rfder hhull be incarpnraied into and xhull nmend and 6
<br /> ;--- �� supplcment the covenants nnd ogreemenls of this Security Instniment us if tha�idenK)we�+�p��f thi�Secu�ity Inwtrumem. —
<br /> .-=�.�`'R,��'"'v �Check applicable boz(es)�
<br /> :.s,�.�c."J,;.
<br /> '"•�; L..;�.�`�Y�
<br /> '�.�`,.`�.,.�� :?f��'^`� �Adjustable Rnte Ridcr �Condominium Rider �I-4 Fnmily Rider --
<br /> ;. r:,�•..�. �* ?.
<br /> •�:;?,�'Pt:. .,�y, G,,_
<br /> ;j`'��'•� �araduated Payment Rider �PlAnned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly R►yment Ridcr
<br /> � :���'_' �_.
<br /> — ',,,•.S.r.:�;.;:.1-y �.
<br /> — . � ,,;. : ,,, . �Bulloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider Sccond Home Rider
<br /> :.w?r'�.:M,`•r... �...,
<br />--•'�,'::,,K';'. .�:... ��r�; �othcr(s)lapecifyl ACKNOWLEOGpIENT
<br /> �����' ,
<br /> -?�.y • '�` BY SIC3NING BBLUW,porrowcr acccpts und agrees io thc tenns and covenants contained in this 5ecurity InuNment
<br /> �r��` ` •:�, ��' and in any rider(s)execuled by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ,v�� �Y,
<br /> - _� . _.A►..�+.�..r..4. .
<br /> _ �, WI[IIBSSCe:
<br /> -'�:�:.��' •• ��•� .
<br /> �:�.� �h ,•F :,. (ScAq - --
<br />�-,�.
<br /> �=.8�•�a6i:.��r�t�:1v5�._-_ S I., HRUBY •Nom�wcr
<br /> ,Y , -- _. ,.,,.. ,. -. �,[1�-72-4470 =--
<br />°...., . ,,;'.f:;: • Suciul 5ecurity Number
<br /> ,� G $' � �• /7�llIClJY
<br /> ,�, � • , �1,...,:�.�.; X�. �JL�.� ($CAI) �y;;
<br /> 4 .� , . � RHONDA S. HRUBY �8orrowrr
<br /> ,,:.........a. . �n�_a4_ns 3
<br /> Social Security Numbcr
<br />.:T.��� .-J.•- l.Y I ..
<br /> � � `^ STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County�s:
<br />.:-._:�.,. '.�� .
<br /> � " � �� On this 26TH duy of JUNE, 1992 ,bcfore me,lhe undersigned,a Notury Public
<br /> � ' � � . duly commissioned and qualified for xuid county,penonally came JAPIES L. HRUBY APp RHDNDA S. HRUBY� -
<br /> '' ° HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me known�o be the .�_
<br />�" _- �" '�` " identicnl persons(s)whose nsune(s)ure subscrihed to Ihe forcgoing in��rument and ucknowledged the execution thereof lo
<br /> ," " '� bc IR vohmm uct und Jc:ed. �� �
<br />- • � � Wi hnnd and notarial seal nt GRAND ISLAND, NE RASKA� � ` i id county,the E�-
<br />_ , � • . d sa �' ._ /� r
<br /> - •• My �,�1��/ /��7 C Nowy Public ��.
<br />° �"'����M °�� REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCG -
<br /> . - TOTRU5TBE: n•4�C�kq �
<br /> . �• '. Thc undersigned is Ihe'#�ql r of the note or nntes�erured hy this Dced�>f Ti�ust. Suid notc or notes,together with ull �-
<br /> v._-
<br /> . , other indebtedness securcd by Ihis Deed uf'Itust,huvc txxen paid in full. You are herrby dircc.ted to cunc�l snid note or notes �_
<br /> - � � and Ihis Deed of'Ihist,which arc Jelivc�rd hcreby,und ta recomry,withuu�wurranly,all dir r,tutc now hrlJ by you under
<br /> this Deed of'llust to the person or penons legully enti�led Ux�rcro. ��
<br /> � .. ° • Date: �.._..
<br /> , Form3028 9/90 lpuge n��n m�xrsl
<br /> �- -.-
<br /> . . ' • • • �.
<br /> �
<br /> .. . . .r._ . _ . „ . "'
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> .... ., �
<br /> � ,
<br /> i . . ... ... _ . . . _ _.. .� . -
<br />