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<br /> � ,�_ ., 92_1ossia �---
<br /> ,`�• .,.,,�.,�,,,,,,,,`�� .�". condemnati�m or�Khcr tuking ot'nny pun of Ihc Pmperty.or ti�r au�vcyunrr in licu of cond�mnuti�m,arc lunhy u�ri�encd uiul -m�Y
<br /> '_��.a=��"�:� shall lx puid t�Lcnder.
<br /> ---�,_�;-• In �he evcm af a �aal �aking nf the Rropeny. Ihe roccrd� hhull I+r upplied w �hc ,umv xccumJ hy tbir Scruri�y
<br /> —'�'"`�+�� � '��a Inxtnimen�,whelher or nat thcn due,with ony cxcc.,pui�l0 BOITPWCf. In�hc evcnt��f u paniul lukin�e ui'�hc I'm�xrty in
<br /> ,���:. "
<br /> �•t��.,.,,,,;;,n,,` which Ihe fair markct vulue of Ihe Pmpeny immcdiatcly bctore ihc taking i+equul to or grea��r thun Ihe am�unl ui�thc sum.
<br /> -_'�, ' ., :.:,.. �ecurcd by�hi�Sccurity Instrumcnt immcdiu�cly txii�re�hc�ukin�,unlc.s Bonowcr und l.cndcr od�crwi�r ugrec in wri�ing.
<br /> , `� � thc suma�cc�und by this Scrurity In�trumcnt ,hull tx reducrd by �hc umuunt ut'thc prcwcc�h muUiplicJ hy Ihc fuUnwing
<br /> • - � '' � Pruction: (ul the totul umaunt of thc�ums u:cund immediu�cly txlim Ihc�uking.dividcd by IM)�hc 6iir murkcl vuluc oi'thc
<br /> t..
<br /> � -- :aaa::-F,.•�h-.:�:�.� Pruprrty immcJfat�ly tkforc thc tuking. Any halnnre .hnll hr puid U► H�►rrowcr. In Ihc cvcn�of v partitd luking of�Ix �
<br /> r R„"" �°. ..."." Piruperty m which tnr fuir murke� vuluc of Ihc Piropeny immcdiulcly txii�rc�he tuking i� Ir++thun thr umuunt��f ihr wm. ___
<br /> m,�.}��.,: .,�„,
<br /> �`� '�' �: � sccured imn�diulely t►cfor� the tuking, unler+ Borruwer und Lendcr rnhenvi+c ugrer in wriling or unles. applic:ibl� luw _
<br /> ir..A,t''_,�y����•� otherwi.e providex,the pnx:ceds shull Ix upplicd w thc.ums secured by thi+Sccuriry Inx�rumcm whethcr or not�hc+umw ure
<br /> � then due. —.
<br /> •`•��-��" �•'•' If the Piropeny is ubundoned by Borrower,or ii',ufter nolice by LrnJer�o Burruwer�hui thc condcmnn���ifcn ta makr
<br /> _�,,K.��.• ,- un uward or seple�cluim for dumugcs.Borcuwcr fuilx to rexpond to l.cnder wilhin�11�luy.uftcr�he dulc thr noticc is given. _ -
<br /> " 7 . .� Lcnder is uahuriied to collect and upply thc pr�xeed.,ut i!+op�ion.ei�hcr to mtitorution��r npair uf�hc Pro�xrty or�o the �
<br /> .���..�:k a.°..�:� �:um�securcd by�hix Securily Inwtrument,whether ur noi then duc. _.
<br /> o ;,�.,;_. ' Unless Lender unJ Borrower rnhenvise ugree in w�iling,uny upplicution uf pr�k�tid� �u principul �hall nut ex�end or
<br /> — �,�,s,�Y ,; pogtpane the duc dute of Ihc manthly puymrnls refcrred to in purugraph+: I und«or chungr�hr umaunt of'surh payment.. ___
<br /> -- >':•_ '••�+s, �-.--:r I1. Borrower Not Rekwsedt MorbeArAnce By Lender Not u W�iver. Extension af thc timc for puyment or
<br /> '._c._.ra+i�it.:;�;,:.�,: modification of umortixu�ion of the sums zecureJ by�his Sccurity Ins�rument granted by Lcrxter to uny succe+tiur in in�ere+t
<br /> �Tf�;� +- � °" of Borrower shall not operute tn releaxe the liubiliry of th�originul Borruwer�x Borrowerz,ucce+.on in interex�. Lender
<br />— _ _�;::.:' shull not be reyuired 1a commence prexeedinFx aguin�t uny �ucce�xur in intereKt a�refu�ia ex�rnd time for puyment or �.�r���
<br /> �.�_-�,a � ,� n `'� � othenvi.e madify nmonizatiun of Ihe�ums ucured by thi.Security Im�rumrnt by rention of any demand mude by the urikinnl `
<br /> `��� Bormwer or Borrower's wucce�xon in intem.�. Any fbrlxurance hy Lendcr in exercisin�uny right or remedy+hull nnt be u ��,;
<br /> wuiver of or preclude thr cxcrci+c of uny right or rcmedy. ---'�-''
<br /> ' 12. Successorg and As.cians Buund;Joint end Several L.fabilily;Casisners. Thr rovenunts und ugRememx of thi� ��°F--
<br /> �f'.ra�111�T�-:;
<br /> - �,.«+�e�,Y° '� Security Inwtrument shull bind und M�ne�t the �uccesson und usxigns of Lender und Bom�wer, xubject to the provisions oP ����
<br /> j �� � purugr�ph 17. Borcow�rti covenunts und ugreement.+hull lx joint und scvcrul. Any Borrower who co-signs Ihix Sccurity ____�
<br /> ���•�• � Ins�rument but doe�not execu�e the Note: (u)i+co-signing this Securiry Inzlrument only to mortgugc,grant and convey thut ��
<br />,aw.' Boirowcr's interext in ihc Property under thc�crmti of Ihis Security Imtnimcnl: (h)i+not pcnanully obliguted ta puy ihc tinms �� •
<br /> � • xecured by this Security Intimimrnt:und Icl agrees that Lendrr and any ather Horrower may u�;ree lo ex�enJ,modii�y,forbeur
<br />"y:��� � ° • , , or make uny uccummcHiutionz with regurd to thc terms ot this Security In.wment or Ihe Nute wi�hout Ihut Borrower's
<br /> _<,t • can.ent. **.�'.'��;'
<br /> " ' • 1 i, I,oan ChArses. If�he luun ticcured by this Srcuriry Imtniment i+ subjec� �o u luw whic:h xcts muximum loure t
<br /> ,,.aaa r,,.;�ee.�ia�k_�. . �,.:,��L=.>
<br /> ,-- _ __ __ charge�.�md�ha�luw i.finully irterprcted w thu�Ihe intere�t or othcr loun churgeti��ollrrtrd or to he collected in connection _
<br /> ,,. - . , - with the loun cxreed Ihe perniittcd limilti.dien: (ul any tiuch loun churgc.rhull lx:reduced by ihe omoum necerw�ry�o rcducc
<br /> the chur�e ta the pem�itteJ limit:und(hl uny wms ulreudy rulleclyd from Borrawer which excecded pem�iUed limit.will be s—�.=-_
<br /> �efundcd ta Borrower. Lrndcr muy chcx►,e�o muk�thi.refund hy reduring the principul owed under Ihe Nnte or hy making u �3����
<br />.-� � '" � direcl puymen�to BoROwer. If u refund reduce.principal,the reclucti�m will lx treutrd as a punial prepaymenl without uny
<br /> �'��� � prcpayment charge undcr the Nar.
<br />- . 14. Notictx. Any nutirr tc+ Bixrower pmvidcd for in thiti Srcuriry Inxtrumem tihull t+e given by deliverin� it or by —____—_
<br /> ' " .. muiling it by liryt clus�muil unlr,s upplicuble Is�w reyuirr.usc of unolhcr methud.The notice xh�+ll he directed to the Pro�x:ny
<br /> " - AdJm,ti or uny o�her uddre.s Borrowrr de,ignulr.hy noticr io Lender. Any no�ice to Lender shAll tx given by first cla.r•s � �— "'
<br /> . � mail to Lendcr;uddre����atcd hrrcin ur ony otlxr uJdre„Lrndcr Jctiignalc.by nuticc tu Bi�rra�ver. Any noticc pn►vidrd for �� . �
<br /> ' in thi. Security In,lrumem ,h�dl Ix de�med to huvc Ixen givcn ��� Borrower or Lcndcr wh�n given u+ provided in this �'='p"'
<br /> • . parugraph. ;'" :�•:f(.
<br /> • "' � 13. Governin� l.nw; tieverubility. Thi.r Serurity In•�rumrm �hull hr guvcmcJ ny fedrrul luw und thc law of thc .
<br /> ., , juri�diction in which thc Proprrty is lixiucd, In Ihc event that nny pr�►vi+ion or rlau.r oi ihiti Srcurity Instrument or�he Note •
<br /> - contlir�s wi�h upplict�Mr luw.,uch contlict,hull nut ul'1'rrt uthcr provi.i�►ns u(thi+Srcurity Inslrumrnt or�he N�nc which cun
<br /> � Ix�eiven ei'iccl without �hr ci�nllirting provi.iun. Ti►thi.rnd the provi,i�mr ot'Ihis Securi�y In.trumrnt und�hr Note are
<br /> „ � declt�r�d to lx uv�raMr. � �
<br /> 16. Borrower's Cnp�. R�xn�wa r�hall Ix givrn unr roNi�mird r��py ol thr No�r unJ oi thi.Scrurity In,wment. ' ,•:'�'
<br /> � '� , 17. 'I�aosPer oP thc Property or a Bencfictal lnterest in Borrnwer. If ull ar uny pan of thc F'ruFxny��r uny intcrest in :
<br /> it i�sold or�ranstcrrrJ!or if u henetirial inlrrc,t in Burru��•rr i. ,uld or tr:m.l'rncd und B�Hrowrr i�no� n natur�l penonl ., .
<br /> • '� without Lend�r:priur wriurn cnn+ent.Lrndrr ns►y.nt it.option.rryuirt immedialr paymrm in full��f ull sums ucur�d hy
<br /> . , this Securi�y In,wnum. Huwrvrr.thi�nplion�hull no1 Fx:rxcrci�rd by Lr�xtcr il'�xcrci,r i,prohibitrd by Icdcrul luw as of —
<br /> . Ihc dulc of Ihi�Srcurity In,trum�nt. �� '��
<br /> . � If LcnJrr rxcnix.lhi,uption.Lrndrr,holl�ivc RuRU�eer nolirc uf urcclrralion. Th�natic�+hall providc a�xriuct ot'
<br /> . not Ic���han i0 Jay.l'n�m�hr dutc ihr nuiirc i.drlivrrcd or mailcd��•ilhin��hich Bin7uwer mu.t pay:d l.�nn.,crum d by t hi,
<br /> �;., ' Srcurity Imlrument. It�Bortower 1'uih tu pay th�,r wm. prior tu the��pirati�m „f�hi. �ri�xl. l.rndrr muy invoke uny . .
<br /> rcmeJir,�miit�rJ hy Ihi.ticrurity In,trunum u ithuu�furlhrr notirc�,r Jemund��n BoiTO��•rr.
<br /> , •• 18. Borrow•cr s Ri�hf to Rcinslule. 11' Rorrourr mcei. ren:un ci�nJnium. liurco�ticr .h��ll h:n•r th� right lo hu�•c
<br /> enforrement uf�hi.Sr�urity In.�rumem di,r��nnnurd:it am time pri��r I��thr r:u�li�r ul: �a�5 J:i��.lur wrh uthrr�xri�xl us �
<br /> timglcl•amd� -Fannlc\Iui��Mnddic�lucl\IFIIR�l1\�IHI�IF.\1 •1mi�nmt'�arn.m�. 4,W1 ya�irJ��/np��c�•i L '
<br /> Ty
<br /> , r .
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