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<br /> �`�""Y�"�� periods Ihat l.endcr reyuires. Thc inRUrurKC curricr praviding thc insurunce�hull be chuscn hy Bnrcowcr ruhjcct t�l.cnder w
<br /> °` ?� upprovol which shall nd bc unrcuxonubly withheld. If Burrowcr Failx ta muintuin cover+�ge dcscrfbcd ahc�ve,I.endcr may,�� -
<br /> ,� - ---- Lender R aption,obtafn coverage tu pratec�l.ender x rlghta in�he F'raperty in aca+rJunce with purugrnph 7.
<br /> ;� ,!• i All insurance palicies and rcnewala shall be accep�able to Lender and shull include u ytandard mortguge cl �e. Lender
<br /> y��• ; ' Rhall huvc the rigbt ta hold Ihe palicies und renewul�. If LenJcr requirca.Burrawcr shall promptly givc tu Le�ll receiptc
<br /> �"��''�� � ` �� o P pald premiuma And renewul noticew. In the evcn�oi'lass,Hur��►wer whull Qive pn�mpt notice tu the inxu ance currier und
<br /> � Lender. Lender may moke praof af loss if not made promptly by B�►rrower.
<br /> �...tis�;:;w.:�:... _ Unlesx Lender und Burtower otherwise agrre in wnung,imu�uncc procecdz�hull Ix�upplicd tu re+tarution��r repnir af
<br /> ��'�+ ' +��:• . the PropcAy damaged,if the r�gtorution or �+epai�ix economicully i'eusibte and LenJcrb s�rrunly ix uut Ic„�ned. If�hc �-----_-- --•-
<br /> �•.r�,��... ' resto�uti�n or repair is not econamicully feaaible or Lender+xecu�ity would be IewMned, tl�fn+urunce procecds rhall be
<br /> �•`•`�.�.��i ' opplicd to the tiums secured by this Security Instrument, whelher or no1 �hen duc, wiih uny excess puid ta Bom�wer. If
<br /> �`�'�''.'."��``.=4� .; gormwer ubandons the PropeAy,or dae.r not onswcr within 3U days o notice from Lender�hat the insurance curricr has
<br /> l�_'s-i'i_�i_'-_"F•_ r
<br /> �-���.�•F�• offered to rettle n claim,then Lender may collect the in+uronce praceeds. Lender muy use�he proceed��o repnir or restare
<br /> •�;�:.��
<br /> ,ta•�-s.�'.��s;:1,� �he PmpeRy ar to pay sumw secured by thix Security Inatrumcnt,whclher or nrn theo due. The 30-duy periad will begin when
<br /> _ • •;�..;.;,,,,�,;:,; the natice is given. ..,
<br /> ���n„wJ�;:,��.,.�,.. Unle4s Lender und Borrawer atherwi�e ugree in w�iUng,any applic�►tian of praeeds�o principal shull not exrend or
<br /> r-�------ --: .
<br /> ...�!•�,.:,4,,.._.�. „ postponc the due date of thc momhly puyments referred ta in purugrnphs I und 3 or chonge the umount af the puymems. ! s
<br /> — • � ' �"u'' under pAragruph 21 the Prapert�is acquired by Lender. Borrower}right to uny �n�urance policies and proceeds resulting __
<br /> T-•.,o;,..�.:•..;,e�,4' . from dumuge to the P�nperty pr�or to the acquisition aholl pasc to Lender to the extent of the gum� secured by this Security
<br /> ' ' � ••°�+ Inatn,ment immediutely prior ta the acqu�sition.
<br /> : � � :_,�� �;_ � 6. Occupancy. PreservAUon. Mpintenonce And ProtecNon ot the Property: Borrower's Lo�n AppUcAtion;
<br /> ;,~,�,����,f�,, Leaseholda. Borrower Rhull a:cupy.estublish,and use the Property as Borrower;principul residence within sixry days i►Fter
<br /> - — rt - - , -,� the executian of this Secu�iry Instrument und+4hu11 continue to occupy the Property a�BoROwer's principal residence for at
<br /> ' _ '• :• �'e.�.: leust one yeu� ufter the date of occupancy, unlesx Lender otherwixe agreec in writing, which consent shull not be �
<br /> - ' � unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuAting circumstances exist which ure 6eyond Borrower 4 control. Borrower shall not
<br /> -"'�� �f'�j'�'"�-` ��� destroy,damoge ar impuir the Property,allow�he Properly to deterioratc,or commit wuste on�he Propeny. Borrower shall �,o„_
<br /> � � be in dePuult if any forfeiwre action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun thut in Lenderk�uod faith judgment -----
<br /> -t• �• '�����'�"''''•' � could result in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise m�teriully impair �he lien cmated by �his Secunry Instrument or ,M
<br /> e
<br />':',��.,L,,,ti:..,..,;s: Lender's security ioterest. BoROwer muy cure such n default w�d reinstate,us provided in paragrnph 18,by cuusing the uction ���;;.�;
<br /> , , or proceeding to be dismissed with u tuling thul,in Lenderk good fuith detem�ination,precludes forf'eiture of the Borrower's ---
<br /> - - �� interest in the Property or other materi�l impairment of�he lien creuted b�• this Security Instrument or Lenderk security ���-�� '
<br /> ° " e • interest. Bortower xhall also be in defAUlt if Borrower, during the loan appliculion praccss, gave materiully fnlse or
<br /> . � ., inaccurate infonnution or xwtements�o Lender(or fuiled�o provide Lender with uny material infortnu�ion)in connection with
<br /> ... . :
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but nat limited ta. representutions cancerning 8orrower c occupancy of the �_
<br /> u PropeAy as a principal re4idence. If Ihis Securiry Inxtrument is on a leu+ehold,Bormwer tihnll comply with ull Ihe provisions
<br /> • - - - ot the lease. It�Sanower ucquires fee titic to the Property,ti�r iruxhuld wid ihe fee title sha!!not merge aaless Lender agrers --
<br /> , to the merRer in wriling. 'G"'�°`
<br /> � � 7. Protection oP Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuil+ to perform the covenants and agreements
<br />� contuined in this Security Instrument, or Iherc is u legul proceeding that muy significAntly affect Lender� rights in the v_ . —
<br /> ,,.`y;',j� Prapeny(auch as u proceeding in bunkruptcy.probute,for candemnu�ion or forfeiture or to enforee luws or regulutionsl,then
<br /> � . Lender muy da and puy for whn�ever is oecrwsnry to protect ihe vulue of the Propeny and Lender's righ�s in�he Property.
<br /> Lenderw nctions muy include paying ony sum+securcd by a lien which hus prioriry over this Security lnstniment,uppeuring '°II"""'-
<br /> G[;z�»e-,�a._-..
<br /> � in court,paying reaconnble uuomeys'fces und entcring on�he Pmperty to mukc repairs.Al�hough Lendcr may take action __ _
<br /> } ' uncier�his purugrnph 7,Lender doex not huvr ta do.o. -+���3�
<br /> . Any amounts disbur.ed by Lender under thi,purogruph 7 shall Necome addi�ianul debt of Borrower secured by this ,;,i 4_�r�`
<br /> . ° Security Instrument. Unlez.Bonowcr und Lender agme tu uther temn of payment,these umounts zhnll bear interect from the """"Y'""'
<br /> 0 ower ueslin �.'�-u",�".
<br /> . b � dAte of dishursement ai the Note ru�c anJ xhull he puyable, with intere,t,u�n notice Prom Lender l0 8 rr iry B
<br /> ,�,—�•vs;1�
<br /> ' payment. -`
<br /> n. � - 8. MoHgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurunce ;�.u condition of muking ihe laan secured b�•this .��-���,_
<br /> _s � `�ya:=`�,..
<br /> Security Imtrumenl, Borrowcr�hull pay Ihe premium� reyuircd to muintuin the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any -° 1"':'=
<br /> ��_'':*1PS11:.---
<br /> reason, �he murtguge insunmce coveruge reyuired by Lender lapxe. or c�u��. to be in effect, Borrower sholl pay the —s;�,
<br /> ,,, : premiums reyuired to obwin c�wrruge suh�tantially equivulent �o Ihe mortgagc insurance previously in effect, AI A COS[ -*�{�:�,4:.
<br /> .::•�,;..:�'•� substuntiully equivulent�o the cost to Bormwcr cif 1he mortguge in,urunre previoutily in effect,from un altemute mortguge ` •.:
<br /> , •'�"'� � ' insurer approved by l.ender. If wbstantially eyuivulenl monguge imurance covernge ix not available,Barrower shull pay to —�
<br /> '` � � Lcnder each month U sum cyuul to onc-tw•elt'th of Ihe yrarly mortgugr in�urunce premium lxing paid by Borrower when�he s-- --�M..-
<br /> � . , insurunce coverage IUpxd or re•rud to Ix in�ffert. Lrndcr will urrrpt.u,r;uiJ rclain thr.c payme�ils a.a lotis reserve in lieu �=���_��--'°
<br /> :;;�• • of mortgagc insuran�e. Loxs reserve puyment,muy no IonEer ix nyuin:d,ut Ihe��pticxi nf Lender,if monguge insurunce ao�,w-_,
<br /> � � � � coveruge(in the amount suid far Ihe period thal Lender Ryuirc.l pruvided by an in�urcr uppro��ed by Lender aguin becomes
<br /> ° • • uvuiluble und is oMained.Borrowcr shull puy Ihe prtmiumx rcyuimd tu mainluin nwnga�;e inwrunrc m effecl,ur io provide u
<br /> � � lo,x re.erve,until the myuirement f'or munguge in,urunce end�in uccorduncr wi�h;�ny wriucn agreemrm lxtween Bomower k
<br /> ,.°. unJ Lender or•rpplirtihle It�w. F�� '�. .
<br /> 9. I n s p e c H u n. L e n d e r o r i t y a g r n t m u J•m.�k c m:i+onuMc enlrir�u�.n anJ in.�x�tiun,of�hr Pro p cny. Lender tihull 4
<br /> L give Bormwcr notirc at the timc nf or prior to an in+�xc�iun��xrif�•in�rca�onahlc rau.c far Ih�in.�xrtia,n. �
<br /> le. l:ondemndliun. The prckeeJ.��f:my:�N•:ird i�r rl.�im ti�r d:mta��..dircr�or<<,mryucnlial.in connre�iun with imy � '
<br /> i
<br /> „ Sinµlc F.imd�•-F'uank�fuc�Fredd(c\1ac l'\IF�AR�1 1\�7'Rl�IE�1..l'minrn�l'mcn:m�. Y�'r0 ilae�•?��f��/�+��•�� � .
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