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_ . ., g:> ,•�n..;'. 'r`� •�a'�a•r.,. . . ' ..--- <br /> . •'� `:��..F ' ' �'�`=--- <br /> � „ , • _ <br /> , . ✓J.- <br /> .�� � • • _".. _ " _ .1 ._ ' _ <br /> _�' �. __._ —_" <br /> � . I .� <br /> ' _ ` �� 92— iossl4 <br /> �_s�,.- - - - <br /> S. N�ard or Prope�ly lowetitice. Borrawer shall keep thc impravements now eai�ting an c�rcaf'ter cractod an Ihc <br /> Prc►pchy iosurod uQufns�l losa by firc. huwrJ� included wi�hln thc�crtn "cztctul�i rovcragc"cmd any�Hher hawrds. includin� <br /> flucids ur flooding. for which l.cnder rcyuires insurunrc.Tl�i�in+u�un��Khull lx�nwinluinod in the unxwnts wui i'or the pe�iod� <br /> IhtU I.ander royulreF. The in�ur+mrc curricr pruviding thr in+ur:nkc �hnll Ix rlH�.cn hy Ri�rr��wcr xuhi�ti� �a I.�nJer'+approval <br /> which chull nW lx unre�cnwbly wi�hhcld. IP li��rrowcr fail.�..nwii�win covcruge deKribcJ above, l.cnder muy. At l.ender's <br /> �':� option,��blwin covc�gc to prutccl l�ndcr's rightti in the Propcny in ucrurduncc with puragmph 7. <br /> All in.w�wxe policles and renewals shull be aceep�uhle tu l.cnder und +hull include u standurd mongage clvuse. Lender <br /> — =- — ^� shull havc tfx ri�{ht to IxdJ�hc pnlicira u��d renewuls.If l.cndcr Ryuires,Borr�►wcr tihull prompdy give to Leiuicr all roceipts of <br /> _ _�__���� <br /> � � paid premiums wKf renewul ixNices.In the event uf loss,He�ROwer stwll give pmmpt notice to the insurancc curier and i.ender. <br /> � �� Leodcr may makc proaf of locs if nw nuwie promp�ly by Borrower. <br /> Unlesa Lender wid 8orrower Wherwitie agae in wrlting,insurance pracceds shull be uppli�xl to rcstoralian or repair of the <br /> v — Propetty damagod, if the restaratian ar repuir is economically feasible und l.ender's u�udly i�not lesseneci.It�he restoratian or <br /> �-u,� re�►ai�is nw ernnc�mic�lly fca�ible or Lender's�curity would be lessened,the iasurance prac��edx s6ull be applied to the sums <br /> -� socured by this Security Instn�ment, whether or n��t Ihen duc, with any excess paid to 8orrower. li'Borrower nbandons the _ <br /> --�'=� Pr��peny.ur d�x.�not answer wilhin 30 days a natice from I.ender that the insurance carrier has offered tu settle a claim.then <br /> [.endcr muy rnlloct Ihe insurnncc proceeds. I.ender nwy use the pmcceds ta repair ar restore thc Pmpeny or to pay sums <br /> -------- --- secured by lhis Security Inslrument,whether ur ncx then due.The 30-dny period will begin when the natice is given. <br /> _�_._„,�,��r� Unlesa l.endcr and Hortower whcrwise agree in writing. any upplicution uf pra:eeds ta principal shWl not extend or <br /> ----------- .._, pc�stpone Ihe due date of the monthly paymenta refeRed to in pur+�graphs I nnJ 2 ��r chonge the umount oP the payments. If <br /> -- under puragroph 21 the PropeAy is acquired by Lender,Borrower's rfght w uny insurance policies und proceeds resulting from <br /> --'�''�'� damAge to�he Pmpeny priar to the acyuisition shall pass tu Lender to the eatent of Ihe sums seoured by this Socurity Inst�ument <br /> � ;�-F. <br />.-,;�,��•���,,� immediately prior to�he acquisition. <br /> _ , ,w,;, 6.Oocupwncy.Precen�Atton�Malntenwnce wnd Protectlan ot tbe Property;Borrower's Lonn Applia�tloni l.easeholds. <br /> ' ,�; � -�� •��� ' "�; • Borrower shull occupy,estnblish,amf u.r•e the Prapehy u.r Hc►rmwer's principal residence within sixty dnys afler the execudon of <br /> "'"' this Security Instrument And shall wntinue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principul residence fix At leust one year atter <br /> -ti:.�. � ��qR�. <br /> ~"+'°.`� � the du�e of nccups�ncy, unless l..ender otherwix ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be unm.u.tionably withheld,or unless <br /> ' "''tii,�t:a�.l. • extenuating circumstuncec ezist which are beyond Borrower's rnntml. Bonawer �hall not destroy, dcunage or impair the <br /> ' � "'`rt� P�apeny. allow the Piropeny to deteriorata,ar cammil wuste un the Propeny. Borrowcr shull M: in default if any forf'eiture <br /> � .• ` action or proccoding, whether civil or criminul, is begun thw in L.ender's gad fuilh judgment could result in forPeiture of'the <br /> �� °��� Pro n or otherwise mate�iull im ai�the lien cres�t�d b thia Securit In�tniment or I.encler'�secu�t interest.Bormwer ma <br /> • ;�.ic�.M.;�f � • Pe Y Y P Y Y Y m Y <br /> �:'.ttil'�.s cure such A default and reinx�ate,ati pmvided in par�graph 18,by ruusing Ihe uction or pnuceding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> _— _ _ thnt, in Lender's good f'aith determit�lion, precludes forfeiwre ol the Borrower's interest in the Propcny or other muterial <br /> �.;� ;,.'�'�`"�""".,-? impairment of the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borruwer sh�ll Also be in default if <br /> � •.., ' � Borrower,during the loan applirMion pracess.guve mu�erially fLlse or inuccurute informution or stutements�o l.ender(or failed <br /> ���,�.,�, ,�;�'3'`�:. ' to provide l.ender with uny muterial inPomwtion)in c�nnection with the loun evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited <br /> • . ,:::';�.lA'•, , � • : to, representations cancerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny u.s a principal r�sidencc.If�his Security Instrument is on u <br /> '' • leasehold, Bornawer shull comply with nU the provixions of the leu�e. If Borrower acquires fee title to the PropeRy, the <br /> , .r r��:,:..��;;' . .,: <br /> •. ::�.:;� ' •• Ieasehold and the fee tide shull not merge unlexs Lender agrces to the mcrgcr in writing. <br /> ��• �����•`4''���' 7.Protecllon of l.ender's RiRhl.v in the Properly,lf&ircawer fails t�i perform the covenaMs and agrcen�ents contait�ed in <br />- � "'��°`'� ,� �his Security Ins�rument, or Ihere is a Icgul procceding that muy+isnificuntly nffect Lendcr's rights in the Pmperty Isuch as a <br /> ' , � .,}` proceeding in bunkn�ptcy, probate, fiir condemnation��r forfeiture ur to enfiirce IAws or regulsxions), �hen l.ender nwy do und <br /> � � pay for whatever is n�essury to pmtect the vulue��f�he Praperty uixi Lender's rightti in the Property, LenJer's;�ctions muy <br /> . •� ����•� � � inelude paying any sums secured by u lien which hus priuriry over this Security In�trum�nt, uppearing in couh, paying <br /> � • ' �� ' rca.wnable nttomeys' fces and ernering un�he Propc:ny to nwlce repai�s. Although Lender nwy take action under this paragraph <br /> : . �w��•.?� -.��, 7,l.ender dces nnt huve to do so. <br /> � ,;'!"'%`��; ' ��'' Any umounts disbur.sed by Lcnder under this parugrnph 7 xhull hecome nJdi�ion�l deM of &►rrower secured by Ihis <br /> `'`'"•"-'�" ' Security Instrument. Unless Born�wrr and Lendcr agrcc to othcr tenm of p•ryn�:nt, these anx�unn shull kxar interest from the <br /> •�.�''�`�''-'�:' �� dnte of disbursement at the Note rate und shull be puyuble. with in�ercst, upon nolirc i'rom l.endcr ia Borrower reyuesting <br /> � (F��`'�� ...� payment. <br /> . .,. � S. MortgAge Insurance.If LenJer rcyuir��1 nwrtgagr imurancr u,u rundition uf making the I��un securcJ by thi.Security <br /> • Instrument, Borrowcr shull pay thr premiums rcquircd a�maintuin thr mongugr in,uranre in cl'fcct. If, for uny rcasnn, the <br /> ' • .; z ,,,: '' �*.�'�°".�~• morlgage insurunce cover�gc requireJ by I.enJer lapw.or ceaxes�a tm in effect. &�rrawrr ,hall pay�he premiumti requireJ to <br /> � . ,, - obtuin�antially e��uivulent tu�he mangage insurunce previou+ly in rffrct,at a cust yuhstumiully equivulent tii the <br /> '; �� . cost to Borrower of the monguge insur,�nce previau�ly in effect, frnm an allernulr mongu�e intiurer appmved by l.ender. If <br /> �.. �x . , substunti�lly equivulent mort�uFe inwranre mveragr iti n���u��uil•rNlc,Bormwcr�hall pay tn Lender wrh monlh a sum cyual to <br /> , � • _ one-twelfth of the yr•rrly mortgagc inwrance prcmium tking paid hy Borrnwcr u•hcn thr inwrancc ro�•er�gc lapscd or ceased to <br /> `�'; '' be in efli'ect. l.ender will ac��ept, uvc unJ retUin�he,c a lo�. rexervc in lieu of nx�rtgaFe insurancc, Lo�s reserve <br /> � '. � Form 3028 8180 <br /> - P�ye 3 0l 8 �. <br /> . ' <br /> �• . . <br /> ' _. , _—__-. _. .. . . .... , ' � . .::cl'-i"`"�,-�.. .'�_:...+... ............ F''S.*�:— .s.- :__-, <br /> � <br /> . ...�.. <br /> - -. .....:_. _ _'._..L'___" _' _ __- .._..._.--.-______-.___' _""_' ' .. . . .... ' ' _'"'_' _ <br /> .. U <br /> y • , . <br /> , . ,} � , � . <br /> . ,�. <br />