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<br /> TO(3ETHER WITH all thc improvemeMs now ar hereaCter erocted an the pmpcny, and all ca.rcmeM�,appurtc�ncea,and
<br /> fixtures now or hercafter a part oi the prapeny. All rcplacementa wxl a�WiUans sD�ll i+lso bc cove�d by thi� Socurity
<br /> Irotrument. All�f 1ho Parcgaing ia rcPerred to in thir Sau�ity Inurumem�the"Prupcny.'
<br /> BORROW�'R COVENANT3 thut 8ormwor fs lawiully�cir�ed aP the cstatc hereby cunvcy��l wKl ha.�the right W grant and
<br /> convey the Pn►perty und that the Property�a unencumben�cf. excepl for encumbronres��f r�YOrd. Borruwer wuraMa and wlll
<br /> -- defend generally the tide to the Property ugainst all claimc urrd demands,.uhJc�:t to uny encumbran�c.of record.
<br /> � �_ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comhines uniform covc�wnta for nationul usc und nan-uniform covetwnW with linutal
<br /> �«��_!�'���+b.� varlati�n4 by ju�isdiction to conslitute a unifarm security instrume�t crnc�ing real prnperty,
<br /> �i —
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAN'i'S.BoROwer und Lender cavenunt und Agrce as folluws: `
<br /> �y� �� 1, Payment ot PrincipW And Inter+eslt Prcpsyment And Lnte Clwirg�..w. Bom►wer tihull promptly pay when duc the,
<br /> ,���,_,,,, pd�mipal of and lnterest on the debt evidenced by�he Nate und any prepayment And IAte charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> — �—.-__-.;,;� 2. �ndr�or Taxes�►nd lnsurance. Subject to upplicable law o� to u written wuiver by l.cncier. Rorrower ehall pay to
<br /> ��_�: '`_� i.ender oo the dAy monthiy paymenls Are due under the Note,umil the Nole is p�id in full;u xum 1"Funds")for.(a)yearly twccs __
<br /> .��i:��.
<br /> .-_—__ _ _ :� and a�sessments which may uttain pria�ity aver this Security Ins�rument us A lien on the Property:(b)yem'ly leasehold p�yments `
<br /> or ground nems on the Propeny,if any:(r)yearly hYwrd ar property insurunce premiums;(d)yeurly flcwd insurnnce prcmiums,
<br /> N�=-�'�`�;�•�� if any; (e1 yearly mongage insurance premiums. if uny; und(�any sums payable by Bonowe�to l.ender. in uccords�nce with
<br /> _;:,,��i�.� the provisions af paraqruph 8. in lieu of the payment of mangage insurance premiums.Tix:se itemc ure culled "Escrow Item.s."
<br /> �:��A:j�.� L.ende�may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in on umount not to eacecd the maximum umount a lender for u federally
<br /> ��_° �elated mongage loan may rcquire for Bonower's escmw acawnt under the federal ReAI Es�ute Setdeme�t Procalures Act of
<br /> �'`� 1974 as umended from time to tfine, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er sey. 1"RESPA"),unl�s anaher IAw that�pplics to the Funds
<br /> -��=�=� sets u lesser umount. If so. Lender may, et any time,collect and h�ld Funds in an umount not �o exceed the lesser umount. _ --
<br /> � ''''��'� � I.ender may estima�e thr amuun�af Funds due on the basis of cument data und reugonable estima�es of expenditures of fuwre
<br /> :..,� 9�4��... .
<br /> �"' �`'^���-� . Escrow Items or otherwis�in uccordance with applicable law.
<br /> . .., .•.�.-..::.:aa. .�
<br />- ,;.:•.�•:y The Funcis shnll be held in su� instiwtion whose deposits urc insured by u fede.�ul ugency, imtrumentulity, or entity —
<br /> ,':•w.:�.��� (including l.ender,if Lender is such un institulion)or in any Federal Hame LoAn Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay�he
<br /> �� �` ° �� Escrow Items. l.ender may not churge Borrower for holding and applying the FunJs,unnually�nnlyzing the escrow account,or _,n
<br /> "' '' verifying the Escraw Items,unless l.ender pays Borraiwer interest on�he Funds uiul applicable luw permits l.ender tu make such �r'
<br /> � �.x.,�+�':�Lr,�;: „
<br /> � �u"���� � - � a chorge. However, I.ender muy myuire Borrower to pay u one•time charge for an independeM reul estute tax reporti�g service �
<br /> ' '- =' e � used by I.ender in connection with this losu�, unless applicable luw provides otherwise. Unless nn agreement is made or ��f�
<br /> s:.�:.•H ,,,•,:.:.::
<br /> ���;t„�,-^�� �• applicuble luw requires intcrest�o be puid, I..ender shall not bc reyuired to pay Borrower any Mtcrest or eurnings on ttie Funds. �
<br /> • i, • •�:-•• Horrower und L.ender may agree in writing, however,that interest shall be paid on�he Funds. [.ender shall give�o Borrower, �.
<br />. ... ,.
<br /> �r�1'�eid.k�4ri:ii::.--~-
<br /> �--- with!k�t chRrge, nn nnnuul accnunting nf the Funds. showing crcdits and debits tn the Funds und the purpose for which each
<br /> � debit to the Fundg was mude.The Funds are pledged uti udditinn�l security for ull sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> " ., .'�•'� If the Fund4 held by Lender exceccl the amounts permitted to be held by upplicuble luw.Lender shull accaunt to Banower —
<br /> ` ':,,• _
<br /> • - for the excesg Fundti in uccordunce with the requirenunts of applicablc luw. If the umoum uf the Funds held by Lender at any =_
<br /> „ • , time is not sufficient to pay the E,crow Itcros when due. i.ender muy uw notify Borrower in writing,und,in such cace Borrower __—
<br /> • , shull pay to I.ender �he umoun[nccessnry ro mukc up�he deficiency. &mawer�hall muke up the deficiency in no more thwt
<br /> �' ' ' ```�� twelve monthly paymentti,at L.ender's u�lc diKretion. �'
<br /> � ��''„� • Upon payment in fuU of ull .ums secumd by this Seruriry Imtrumem, l.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower nny
<br /> ° � Funds he1J by I.endcr. If, undcr naragn►ph?I, Lcnder.hul)acyuirc i�r�rll thc Property, Lcnder,pri��r t�i thc ucyuisitiun or wle _-
<br /> •- � of the Propeny, shall apply liny Funds held by Lender ot the timc nf urquisition or cale us a credi�against the sums secured by
<br /> � ''' • this Sccuriry In.r•trumcnt. -:,
<br /> ` '� 3.Appllcation of P�tyments.Unles,appliruble luw proviJe����henviu,all pa��ments received by I.endcr unJcr parugraphs �
<br /> �,��•.•-= 1 und 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepuyment churge�due under the Nate: .cc�mJ,ta umoums puyvble under paragraph 2; �,.,�'
<br /> •• � � � third,to interest due;fnurth,to principul due:and lu,�,to any late churgrs Jue under�hr Note. Ri-.
<br /> ' ., � 4.Ctwrges;l.iens. Borrowcr shull pay�II taxes,usrrstin�ents, chargc., fnes und in�x��itions nttributable to the Property �"
<br /> - . • which muy uttain prioriry ovcr this S�tiurity Insaumcnt, :►nd Icatichold paymcnt.ur gr�wixf rcnt+, if uny. &xrower shull pay =__
<br /> " °. y ., thesc obligutions in the manner pmvided in parugruph 2, ur il'nut paiJ in�hut munncr.Bum�wcr tihull p•ry them on timc direcUy "'�,°'
<br /> --- , • - to thc perum owai paymt:nt. Bc�rrowcr shull prumpNy 1'urni,h k► LcnJcr all n��tices ol'm���urns�n ik paiJ undcr thix parugruph. _
<br /> ° lf Hnrr��wer muke+these puyments dircrdy, Borruwcr tihull pnmipdy furnizh tu I.enJrr rcrci}�ts eviJenring the puyments. �
<br /> T, , • • Bortnwer shall promptly Jisrh•rrgc uny lien which ha.prioriry uvrr thi.S�tiuri�y In.tn�rnent unletis Borrower: lu)ugree+in
<br /> �• � writing to the payment of the ol+ligution xrur�rl Ay the licn in a�nanner;Kreptahle�u Lrnder:Ihl contrti�,in g�xxl fuith the lien ��� •
<br /> ' ,�._. ..,,,,, by. ��r defenJ� ugain�t enforcentent ��i thc lien in. Iegul pr�xc�:�ing, which in ihe Luixlrr'. upiniun o�xrutc t�� prevcnt thr -�
<br /> .. , a � ' • enforrentent of thc licn:or(r),crurc.frum�he Imld�r��f thr licn an agrcrment tiati.l'artun• tn l.rndrr.ulxmlinating the lien to �''
<br /> ,.� this Scruri�y Insuumrm. If lAndcr drtcrmine.tiial any pan ��f thc Praperly i, .uhjc�t 1.,a licn whirh may attain priorit�•uvcr
<br /> � � h � this Scrurity Imtrumcnt. Lcndcr may givr Burnn�er a n��tir�id�tuilyin�Ihc lirn. 13urro��er ,hall �:�ti,l��thr lirn�ir�ukc onc ar
<br /> ;� morc of thc nction+sct fanh ubove within Il)Jay.ul thc givin�ul�nuticr.
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