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� —_ (:R,r..�'�l'�`:�c]"Z1iI�5 —._-•�--_�-. .�-�__ .-. ' ._ • — <br /> ��� wMe�l�'•�.�m'� - a _— <br /> - - .�-:7�� � c.t+wr�_.. <br /> - • . � ��+� ' '_ <br /> - ,!7, � .1� ... r •( ��d.,r, <br /> � 92- i056i4 <br /> �,� , <br /> :_.�.� <br /> - — -_— paymenta may no longer be the c►ptian of Lender, ii mortgAgc insur+�ncc covrr�gc(in thc umiwnt suxi for�hc perlc� <br /> � s rovidai b un insurcr a roved by L.enJer ugufn hecanx�avuilablc an�i i.r ohwinal. HoROwcr hhull pay <br /> ----- -__-_- nder uire) PP � <br /> _ that <br /> l.e Y <br /> P <br /> _ — n9 � � e <br /> . A <br /> . or mc <br /> f <br /> . il th�r� uiren�enl Ii�+Y <br /> — --- �y .�rvc unt <br /> _ ___,,,�, the prcmiums rcqu{rod�o rtwintain axir1�agc imurance in effat,ur tu ptuvide u 1�.r r� . '4 <br /> - - - it�urance enda io accordance with any w�ltten agnxment t+c�wecn&�ITOwcr un�l L.enJcr or upplicublc luw. <br /> —•--�---___�—=-q' 9. Inspection.Lendcr or its ugent muy nwkc reawinahle cntric,upm und in+prrtiom of thc Pmperty. L.ernler dwll�ivo <br /> ��, v ,�, BotTOwer noticc ut Iht time of or prfar to un inspecdon specifying resu;�nablc uiu+c lor thc impcctiun. <br /> ���- !0.CondemnAtion. The pr�cedti of uny nw�ni ur cluim fur dumugc,.Jlrc.t ur amreyuen�iul. hi c�miKYtion with uny <br /> �;�� rn��demnation ar ather wking of uny part of 1he PmpehY•ar Por ronveyunce in lieu ul'cundemncniun, u�r lurehy arslyned und <br /> ahell t+e paid to Lender. � <br /> ": In the event of a totul tuking oi lhe Property,lhc pr�xe►�Js xhull t►e uppiied to thc sum.c tiavred bY��nti ktiurily t��.+lruoknt, <br /> 1=�, whether or not then duc, with any excess p•rid to&�ROwcr. In Ihc event uf'o punial toking��f thc Pn�pchy in which the fair <br /> ���`j` market volue of the Property immediAtely bcfi�rc the tuking is cyuul ta or greatcr�hun �he um�►unt uf Ihc +um� KYU�aI by th1A <br /> -�:,�,.;asc�..,�r�a.:.,,� Security lnstrumenl immedialely bePore thc laking,unless Barn�wer und L.ender atherwiw agrec in wriling.�hc sum.�+aureJ bY <br /> � ,, ����' this Security Inxtmment shall be reduced by the nmaunt of the prace�xls multiplied by the ti►Ilowing fracli�m: lul �he totul <br /> �• .;;, .._...�.,.;,, . <br /> �'•. :��"��";�t• amount of the sums secured inunediutely t+efore Ihe tnking, dividecl by lb)�he fuir murkct value of thc Pn►peny immetifucc y c <br /> ���,,i�,�"'�'�,.�'�';•- 't before tne taking. Any balance shull be paid to Born�wer. In the event of a pur�iul �aking M' the Praperty iii wbich the tair - <br /> ::�;;;;,i;�f,,,�F;i.� market value of the Property immediutely beforc the tuking is less thun the omount of the sums scwured immailutcly bcfi►re �he _ <br /> ����=�•�w•���.•� taking, unlcss Borrower und Lx:nder otherwise agree in writing nr unl�wti upplicublc law othenvise pa�vides.the pn►c�eeds shall <br /> __=..r�-_-��'` <br /> :t..:: <br /> �°-�:�.�_��.�.A.;y. be applied[o the cums secured by lhis Secu�ity Instrument whether ar not the sums are t n ue. <br /> =_�=-�=��5 if the Praperty is abandoncd by Borrower,or if,ufter notice by Lender�0 8urrower thul Ihc rnndemnor��ffcrs to moke un <br /> s��ti�;,'•'•'�"""4 aword or seplc A cluim for dnnwges, eorrower fails to respnnd to l.e�uier witbin 30 duys nfter the dote the n��tice is given, _ <br /> :::l��,s�:�'�;.,;?;;:;;a': <br /> � `—� - �••�<.r.�`;.�ti,°� I.ei�ler is aWhorixed to collect und Apply the pnxeeds,at its option,ei�her to restoration ar repair of Ihe Propeny or to the eums <br /> _..,a T , �,i�.p. <br /> J ��`•-'�� • � • secured by this Security Instrument,whclher or not then due. <br /> �"J` '�" � � �` Unless Lender and Borrower othervvise agree in writing, uny npplicotion of praceeds �a principal shall not extend or � <br /> _-,_=�,'��`"�"'`"'='"•-�� pas�pune the due dAtc of the monthly paymcnts refcrreJ to in puru�rophs I and 2 or change thc umount uf such puymcnt�. _ <br /> 'v �•°�'�•�'"�'�"t� 11.Barrower Not Releused;Forbeamnce By I.ender Not A Wolver.Extension of the time for paymcnt or maditication _ <br /> �'=�� . � �• � of wnortirsition of the sumti secured by this Security Instrumcnt granted 6y l.ender�o uny�succesux in intere+t of&�rmwer shall <br /> "'��' � • • .�' ;' '�,' nat operute to releusc the liability M'the origin�l Burrower or Borrower's successars in interest. Le.nder shall not be required to _ <br /> -��� '" commence praceedingc against uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or iitherwi,e�mxiify umortixatiun <br /> -- — � '� of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of uny demand made by the origin•rl BoROwer or BoROwer's <br /> :,��' n ` ,',;.���,.;'.•: successot� in interest. Any fc�rbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or�emaly shall not be a waiver of or precluJe the - <br /> ��� ��pr Ja� �y�. •_ exerciseof uny right orremedy. _ <br /> _ -- _ 2�, gy�o� �ns! ;lssigQS �uund;dolnt nnd Several Liabllity: Co-slRne�s. Thc covenunt� and ugreements of this <br /> .� . .' . Security Imtn�ment whnll bind und benefit the �ucceyson und u�signs af Lcndcr and BuROwcr, subjcrt to the provisionr of <br /> Y ' ' puragrnph 17. Borrawer's covenants und agreementti shuU lie j�►int unJ xveral. Any Borrower wha co-yignr thi+ S�wurity <br /> F�:=� „ Instrument but d��es not exccute the Notc: (u) i�cu-signing �his Security In,trwnent only tu monguge, grunt und convey Ihnt <br />- ,� Borruwer's interer� in the Proprrt�� under the tcrnn of thi+Security Instrument:Ibl i+ not personully obligated ta puy thc sums . <br />_`�- securcd by thiti Sccurity Intitrument; anJ(rl agrec,�h•rt L.endcr und uny uther Borrower may ugrcc to extcnJ,modify.furbesu ur <br /> ��,: <br /> :, > •• make any accommcxiAtions with regard ti�the term.uf thi+Securiry Ins�rument or thc N�xe wi�hout�hat BoROwer's cument. <br /> � 13.I.oan CharRex.If thc li►an +ccu��l by this Srcurity In�tnrmcnt is.ruhj��t to u luw which.cts muximum loan charges, <br /> ^`��� , anJ tliut luw is finally intrmrct��l,o ihat the intcrrst ur other loan rhargc,collrcled or a�be callected in ronnection wilh the _ <br /> ' � ±+ lu�n cxrced thc pennitted limitti,then: lu)any�urh loan rhurgr tihull Ix reJuced by the atnount nece++a��to reduce the churge � <br /> , � .:;..�..:,- - <br /> ',••;��r'•' to the permiued limit:anJ �BI�ny sum+ :►InuJy cull�tit�d fr�im Bn�ruwer which cxceeded perniittcJ limit�will t►c rcfunJcd to <br />`"��=.' ' Borcower. l.cndcr m;ry ch�w�� ta mukc thiti refunJ hy reducing thc principul ��wcJ miJcr thc Nutc or by muking u Jircct <br /> - ,` ��: °� payment to &�rrowcr. If u refund reducc� principal. �hc r�iuction will be �muteJ �., a puniul prep•ryment without uny <br /> _ . „ � prepuyment churge under ihe Nc►te. - <br /> . 14.Notices.Any nnlirr Io&�rro�cer pru��iJed f��r in�hi.Scrurity Instrumem,hull Ix given by delivering it or by muiling <br />- . it by fint clur-x mail unlr�+applicahle luw reyuire,u,e uf vnother method.Thc nuticr�hall he Jirected to the Pmperty Addresc _ <br /> • � � , � � � `� or any other address Bc�rrmver detiignatr� hy nntice tu Lr�xler. Any �x�tic� to Lender ,hall hc given by fint eluss muil �o <br /> ' � ° Lender's vJdre�+�lal�Yi Ikrcin ur uny othcr aJJrc�ti Lcndcr designatc� h�• nnticr t�� Burcawer. Any nati�c provideJ for in tBis <br /> ' Security In+lrumcnt shall tx:d�timed tu h•rve Ixrn givcn to Bnrr�iwcr��r LunJer when gi�•rn�..pruvid��l in this paragrs�ph. <br /> ` .� l5,Governin� tic�•er�bllitv. Thi, Suurity In,trumcnt +hull i►� E„verncd h�• fcJcral luw anJ thc law ��i'Ihe <br /> , a' juriulictian in which the Pm�xny i,I�xatrJ. In�hr event that un�• pr��vi.inn ur clau,c��f this Sccuriry In+trunxnt or the Note _ <br /> ' , ° ronllicts wi�h upplirablc lu��. �uch r�mtlict.h•rll not affec�other pr�n�i.i��n�„I'�hir Scruriry In.trumrnt��r thr Note which cun I►e <br /> given cffect withow �hc runtlicling provi,ion.Tu thi+cnd thr pruvi�iom of thi.Serurity In.�rumcnt und the Nutc are declarcd <br /> � tn bc�c�•�rablc. ; <br /> � 16. I3orroN�er'x('opy. 8�,rru��cr.hull fx gi�cn unc cuid��rnu�l cupy ul thr Nuir anJ ul'thi.ticruriw In.trumcrn. <br /> >' ° Fam 3028 9�90 ' <br /> o.�.�n.l.�1 1. . <br /> '_. '___" ' ' _ . .. ...�.w..t�� �.. . , . � . . .. <br />, \� <br /> . „ � r � <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> • c <br /> ., �. <br />