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<br /> condemnation ur dher tukin�of wty purt ol�hr 1'roperly.ur fur cunv�yunce in Neu of cundemnaliun,wc ikreby wa►1�{�ed wul
<br /> �Iwll bc puid ta l.endcr.
<br /> In tha event of a lot�l taking uf�ho PrnpcAy, �he proceedx Rhall be applicd to the �um�► ,ecurcd by �hix Security
<br /> Inciniment, whethcr or not Ilecn due,with�ny exccrz�id ta Barmwer. in�hr event of u�wrtial laking of�he Property in
<br /> � which Iha fuir markct valuc of�he Pru�eny immediutcly hefooc�hc�aking is cyunl tc►or grcutcr�hun thr umount af the sums
<br /> -_= securcd by thia Security Instrumcn�imnKJiuicly hei'ixo�he toking,unlcs� Burn�we�uml Lcndcr�►Ihcrwine ugree in wri�ing,
<br /> � �he xum� Fecured by �hix Sccurity InY�rwncnt r�hall he rcduccd by�hc umount uf Ihc pn�ce�lx mul�iplied by Ihc following
<br /> _� frnc�ion: (a)�he taal amount of the xum�r xecured imnkJiutcly bcf�me the�aking,diviJcd by(b)Ihe f'uir murket value of the
<br /> Property immediately befae thc takinR. Any t+ulwN:c choll t+e paid �a liormwer. In thc cvenl ol u pnrtiul luking of ihr
<br /> Property in which the fufr market vuluc uf Ihe Propeny immediutcly befare�hc�aking Ew les.r Ihun thc umaunt af thc xuma
<br /> -= secured immediutely befoee thc �aking, unlcxx B��rr��wcr unJ Lender Mhcrwlxc ogree in wrl�ing ar unlc�x upplicablc law
<br /> otherwise providea,the proceeds xiwll be upplied ta�he KumK secured by�hia Srcurity InxtrumeM whether ar ncx the�cums are
<br /> then due.
<br /> -=�"-��': If the Pioperty is abandoned by Barrower.ur if afcer natice by Lendcr ta BaROwer thut the condemnar offen lo mAke
<br /> = , on uwerd or s�tde a claim Bor dumogcs,Burmwer fuil.r ta respand to Lcnder within 30 day�ofler the d�le�hc notice ix given,
<br /> Lender Is au�horized to collect and upply the pruceedx,a1 it.optiun,oi�her�o rcslorAtion or r�epair af the �rapeny or[o�he
<br />---- -_-� sums r,ecured by this Securi�y Inslrumem,whether ar not Ihen duc.
<br /> ------ - Unless Lender and Barower othenvixe agree in wdting.uny applicution of proceeds to principul shull nw extend or
<br /> � postpane the due da�e of the monthly poymenta refemed to in purographs 1 und 2 or change thc amov�!.of�t:ch paymenls.
<br /> — __ 11. Borrower Not RelenRedi Porbearance By I.ender Nat a WAtver. Extengion af the time for payment ar
<br /> modification of amortizatian oi the Kum�tiecurul by this Securlry Inr.trumcnt grnnted by Lender to uny succes�o�in interest
<br /> —_ --__ of Borrower shull not operate to relea+e the liubility of ihe orlginal Borrower ar Borrowerk successors in imeres�. L.ender
<br /> = -- -=_=� shall na be requircd ta commence pro�eedings ngaingt any tiuccecsc�r in intemst�r refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> :�•,;;;;;�;� othenvise malify um�nizatbn�f the rum�r�ccured by�hix Security Inztrument by reASOn of uny demAnd mnde by Ihe originul
<br /> `�.ir!Fa�;`�,:� Borrower or BoROwe�t succeswrn in intercst. Any tarbearancc by Lender in exercising wiy right or�emedy shall not be a
<br /> __ ` f�" ti� waiver of or preclude tbe exercf.r•c of any r�ght or remedy.
<br />��:_•;"
<br /> ----°��r,-, 1� Succescorc and AsslRns Boundi Joint And Severat I.iabflity;Casi�nera. The covenAnts und ngreements af thix
<br />:'i:�R�.,�;� Security inswment shall bMd und bcnefit tha succewsorx and assigns of Lender and Borrowcr,sub,ject to the provisiona of
<br />;�a�a�;.;,�tBr�:. purugruph l7. Bortower's covenuntx nnd ugreementx xhall be joint und severul. Any Borruwer who co-signx this Securi�y
<br />-�_��j. Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (u)is co-xigning this Security Instrument only to martguge,grunt und convey that
<br /> ���� Borrower's interest in the Property under�he terms of this Securlry Instnimem; (b)is na personully ablignted to puy Ih�sums
<br /> -'—=--=`�?�+�'S. secured by thic Security lnstrument:and(c)agreea that I.cnder and any other Bornnwer muy ugree to extend,modify,forbcsir
<br />='a"�`'�� �- or make nny accommodutions wi�h regard to thc tcrms ot'this Secu�ity Instrumem or the Notc withou� Ihat Borrower's•
<br />��rd.a � consent.
<br /> 13. I.oan Cba��.w. If the loun necurcd by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which xets muximum loan
<br />��:�' I<<! 1 ns churgeg,and Ihul law is inaiiy inlerpreird rk►ii�ai ii�c iuicic,i ui utllei'ioan charges co11CCtCd 8i i0 BC CBIICCZC�iR CBiiiitCl�Di3 -
<br /> � '�-�,�,``''� with the loun exceed the permiued limits.lhen: lu1 uny such loun charge shall be reduced by the Amount necessary to redure _
<br /> "�`�''�'•""�'� the churge to the permiued limit;and lb)uny tiumti ulreudy callected Trom Barrower which exceeded permiued limits will be
<br /> � � �� - refunded to Borrower. Lender mu �hcx�xe to mukc this refund b reducin the nnci ul owed under the Notc or b makin A
<br />'��; ;.l;,;-:� ' Y ' Y B P � P Y g
<br /> direct p�ymen[�o Borrower. IP u rcfund reducex priocipal,the redu�tion will be ueAted us a purtiul prepuyment without any
<br /> �"�.� �.y�� .^.; prepayment churge under tBe Note.
<br /> µt ,����v 14. Notices. Any ndice 10 Borruwer provided for in tbis Security Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> :�,.,,��. mailing ft by Gnt claxs mui)unless npplicublc luw reyuires use of anolher method.The notice shull be directed to the Property
<br /> ����,: Address or nny other uddress Borrower dr.ignutc�by na�ice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by first cluss
<br /> �,�. muil to Lender's uddre.s sts,�cd herein or uny othcr uddrcss Lrnder dc�ibnu[e.by nolice�o Bormwer. Any notice provided for
<br /> ••.•,. � •,,.�.4. in lhis Security Instrumcnt ,hull Ix decmed to huvc heen given to Borrower or Lender whcn given uv pravided in �his
<br /> �.�;�*��• parugrnph.
<br /> , , ]S. Governia� Law;Se��erabllily. This Srcurity Inti�rument ,hall bc govemed by federnl luw and thc luw of'Ihe
<br /> �����..
<br /> •���•�-.��N..: ;.F jurihdiction in which the Propeny is Incuted. lo Ihc evcn�thut uny provision or clause of this Sccuriry Instrument or Ihe Nate
<br /> ,,�.,,,;, .r�'�, conlliets with upplicuble luw,such contlict.rhull not uifect othcr provisions of thix 5ecuriry Ins�rurnent or the Note which enn
<br /> X�, ,c e be given tffect without the contlicling provlsion. To this end the pr�►vision.of this Serurity Instrument und the Note urr
<br /> �. � •*�p{' '
<br /> :�� --�.-�•,-o declared to be severable.
<br /> __�;,�,;��_�,_;,�5_ 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowrr,hull he givrn one confomied rnpy of the No�c and oP this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> °�w:�� 17. 7lransfer of the Property or a Benefirlal Qnterest In Borrower. If all ur uny pun of Ihe Pmperty or any interetit in
<br /> �_;�,.:.:;::�.... it is sold or U:insfemed(or iP a bcncfiriul inlcn�+t in Bormwer i�sold or trrnsferrcd und Borrowcr is not u nuwrul penon)
<br /> � r;. •� -�`' without Lenderc prior wriuen consrnt.Lrndrr muy,at iis npiion,rcyuirc immediutr payment in Pull of all sumz secured by
<br /> `�'�`-^"'�'� this Security Instrument. However,thix uptiun shull not lx excrcised hy Lender if exercl�e{s prohibited by federul luw a.of
<br /> ;•_c�.' ..����•= the dateof this Security Instrument.
<br /> - •',: •a'� --" � � If Lender exercises this optinn,Lender,hall give Borrower nnticc iN'uccelrrution. The nodce xhull provide a period of
<br /> � �1''� ��j4� not less thun 30 dn�from thc dute the nolicr i�Jelivrmd or muiled wilhin which Durrower musl puy ull+ums�rcured by Ihis
<br /> �:.�_.,'��,,,4:,.�,;,;< Y•
<br /> ,�;;w,«�;,: . Security Instrument. If Borrower fuil. to puy Ihe�c.um. pri�►r tu the cxpiration of Ihi+�xriod. Lendrr muy invoke nny
<br /> � `a remedie�pertniltcJby thix Security Imtrument wiihow funher na�ice orJcmunJ�m Hurrower.
<br /> ;a • • 1& $urrower's Ri�hl to Reinslate. 11� Burruwcr mc�t. ccnuin ctmditiun., Borrawcr �hull huvr Ihc righl to huvc
<br /> , enforcement of Ihis Securiry Ins�nim�•nt dix��n�inurJ at any timc pri��r���the corlicr of: lal S day�(or.urh nther period us
<br /> " . .. Singlc Frmily..Fannle 1faNFYeddk�1�c L�ti1FON1f 11�tiTRl'NkM17'-•Unil��mi Cuvenanl. 9�90 f/a�tr J n)n p�grsi
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