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<br /> ---_.�� periair thut L.endcr rcyuircx. 'il�inRUrance cwTicr pmviding Qu inFU�unce shnll tw cho.`cn by Bormwer xubject�o Lendcrk -
<br /> i— ° approvpl which chall not be unrca�onably wlthheld. If Bormwer foilw to maintuin coverage de�cribed above,L.ende�muy.at ___
<br /> - Lsnder's opion,abipin coverage�o protect l.enderk�ights in ihe Pn►peAY in uccordunce wl�h pnrugr�ph 7.
<br /> All insurance policies und renewulx ahull bc acceptable to Lender und shpll include a slundard mottgage cluure. Lender
<br /> aholl huve the right to hold the policiex and renewuls. If LenJer requircr.Borrower xhull promplly give to Lender oll rcceipta
<br /> _ ` —_�� af puid prcmiumx und rcnewal notices�, ln the event uf logs, Bortawer xhall give prampt notice to the inaurunce carrier and �.
<br /> � Lcnder. l.ender may moke proof of loga if not madc�promp�ly by Borrower.
<br /> � Unles.�Lcnder and Borrower othcrwlse ugrec in wri�ing,in�uruni�c prcM:ecdw xhnll be appfled to regtaratiun or rcpuir af
<br /> �- the �Ay dumaged. if the rcctoratian ar repair is ecanomically feu�ible und Len�k:r: b+:curily iti nat Iess.�ned. If the
<br /> � �estorat on or repoir ia nat ecanamicully feasible or Lender w�ecurity would bc Ics�ened, thc insurunce praceeds ehall be c
<br /> _ � applied ro�he suma securcd by thia Security lnstniment,whe�her ur not then duc,with any excesx paid�o Borcower. If __
<br /> �"�""'-�'�"-� Borrower abandons the Property.or dacg aot Anwwer within 30 duys a n�tice Gom L.ender ihAt thc insuruncc carrier has �._-
<br /> °�-f-•�r���, offercd to settle a cluim.Ihen Lender may collect the insurnnce praceedv. Lender muy use the proceeds to repuir ar restore
<br /> ,dp�_t: , the Property or to p�y aums secured by�his Security Inxlrumcnt,whether or not�hen due. The 3(�duy period will begin when —
<br /> _.,�.S�_v�:„�yy°., �_-
<br /> :t{:���'W�? . � Ihe notice is given. _ --
<br /> .• � Unless Lendcr uad Borrower athenvisc ugree in writing,nny upplicntion of procredy w principui rhall not cxtend or _
<br /> -::�s.n�sr:�s �i postponc the due dute of the monthly paymenta referred ta in parographs I und 2 or chunge the amount of the puymenls. If -
<br /> .�e��,-;;-�
<br /> �� under psuagruph 21 the Proptrty is ucquired by Lender, Borrower's �ght to uny insurance policie� und proceeds resulting
<br /> Zoj;,t-�'-�'" -�'"-..:- � from dnmuge to the Property prior�o the acqaiai�ion shull puss to I.ender to the extent of the 9ums cecured by this Securiry —
<br /> $��>�7'^'.��a'�`..:.�� Instrument immediutely prfor to the acqu�sition. �,.__.
<br /> �:�.--�--; 6. Occupaocy, PreservAHon. MAiotenance and Protcwtlon ot the Properly: Borrower's Loan ApplicaUoni �
<br /> •��L��� I,easehold�. Horrower shuil occupy,establish.and use the Property us Borrowerg principul residence within siary days after
<br /> --��,���`�.� --
<br /> �•- •..�5 x•� Qre execution of this Sccurity Instrument and shall continue tn occupy ihe Property as BorrawerSs principal reaidance for at �.
<br /> ,;•�.s.�,„riy;���!. _; least ane yenr nfler the dute of nccupancy, unless Lender otherwi�ce sgrees in wri�ng, which wnsent shall not be =__
<br />- ••;:{,,,_,�,,;,��,�.-. . unreasonubly withheld,or unless eatenuuting circumstances exist which are beyond liorrowcr's control. Bortowe�shnll�ot
<br /> ,,.�,- ° destroy,ctuma$e or impuir the Property,allow thP Prope:ny ro deteriorate,or cammit wnstc on the Property. Borrower shall ��
<br /> '"�'' 4� ' ' he in default if any fo�friture uctian or proceeding,whatticr civil or criminal,is begun lhut in LenderF gaod faith judgment �';
<br />-�'�'�'��'.��''�'���-�'• could result in forfeiture of the Piroperty or otherwise muterially impar the lien crented by �his Security Instrument or �
<br /> �� „':,�'£A; Lender's r,ecurity interest. Borruwer may cure auch u defuult and reinstate,a�pravided in pa��agruph 18.by causing the nction _
<br /> . or proceeding ta be dismissed with a ruling thut,in Lender!s good faith determination,precludes forfeiwre af the Bornower 4 _
<br /> -'��µ�� ��� interest in the Praperty or other material impairment uf�he lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's s.:curity
<br />-`° -`����-•," interest. Borra��er shull also be in defuuU if Borrower, during the loun app�icution pracexs, guve muteriully fnlse or �`'
<br /> �. e� .:� �._
<br /> �.: inuccurate information or stntements ta Lender(or fuiled�o provide Lender wfth uny mo[erial information)in connection with
<br />� . the laan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, rcpresentntions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br />—�w,y��;}�,� . ;., Property as a principul residence. If thia Securiry Ins�rument is on u IeaSehold,Borrower shnll comply with all the provisions
<br /> -� - r,`�:� of the lease. if Borrower ucquire.s fce iitie tu dic Properiy,thc Icaschold and the fee titlt shall n!+t mcrge unlexs Ixnder agrees _
<br /> "`�°,��f;f` •� •.. ta the merger in writing. =::
<br /> :?.:,:-•,`:•:" = 7. P�otectlon of l,ender's Rlghts in the Property. If Borrowcr fail� to perform U►e covenants and ngreemen�s �y,
<br /> '`�••`�"'' '' ` conwined in thfs Security Inswment, or there i�: a Iegul procceding �hat may sigmficr+ntly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> •� •'' ' `'• property(such us u praceeding in Iwnkniptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiturc or to enforce luws or regulAtions),then e,._,
<br />— •�. a' •'�•_{� ' l.endcr mny do and pny for whatever is necessary to protect Ihe vulue of�he Property ond Lender's rlghts in ttie Properry. -
<br /> - � �.�•� � ' Lender's actions muy include paying uny sums secured by u lien which hus priority over�his Secur�ry Instrument,uppeuring �if.:�;-
<br /> .,r,��„��i{..,., in court,paying rcnsonable attomeys'fees und entering on the Property to muke repairs.AUhough Lender may take action =_=.
<br /> : .�:,�.,.-.--.,... under this puragruph 7,Lender dces not huvc to do so.
<br /> `'' �''�``"'� My umounts dixbursed by Lender under this parag�uph 7 tihall become udditionul deM of Borrower secured by this
<br /> -9r.,.r.-.�.._,�...,.�> f�---.
<br /> ., :x�cr•• •7'� ' Security Inslrument. Unles�Borcower und Lender agrce to rnher tertns of pnyment.�hctie umounts shall bear imerest from the R-
<br /> ,.�r.�:a�f..��
<br /> � ��= -- -• dute of disbursement at the Note rote und shAll he puyublc,with intcrest, upon nolice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> ...�M'��.nr.-..'':'' .A
<br /> ,:, „ �. . Paymcnt. �__-.
<br /> .��!�:���•. ' 8. Mortgage Insur�nce. IP Lende�reyuired mortgAge insurunce as a condition of muking the luan secured by this .
<br /> Security Instn�ment, eorrower shall pay �he premiums reyuired to maintuin �he murtguge insuronce in eifect. If, for uny �>,,
<br /> � . . � rettwn, the nwrtguge inxurrance covemge reyuircd by Lender lupsrx ar crases to be in effect, Borrower shall puy the �;r-
<br /> �� ..z T^��� ��: premiums reyuired to obtuin coverage subs;tunliully eyuivulent to the monguge insurunce previously in effect, ut a cost
<br /> ._ .A...-�•. _"
<br /> ;,:.. .� . subsiantiully equivolent to the co�t to Borrower of the mortgagc in�surunre previously in et'fect.from un altemnte monguge __
<br /> � • insure�approved by Lender. lf subtituntiully eyuivulent mortgugc in�urance coverpgr is nut Avuiluble,Borrower shall puy ro �
<br /> 'f����`� � ��- Lerder euch month a sum equul ro one-twelfth of Ihe yeurly m��rtguge insuruncc prcmium b�:ing paid by 8orrower when the
<br />— ��: .*
<br /> '"`"� ''�' . insurunce covemge iapced or censed to bc in rffect. Lender will uccept.use unJ retuin thesc paymentti as a Icns rexerve in lieu _i:-'
<br /> - ' ' of mortguge insurance. Loss reservc puymems muy no longer Ix rcyuircd,ut thc optinn eif Lendcr, if mortguge imurnnce _
<br /> �"s ' � ,' � covcrAgc(in the sunount and for�he perial thul Lcnder requircs)providcd by un insurcr upprovcd by l.ender ugain becomes "``,
<br /> °'�u�'���'� uvailuble und is obtuined.B��rrowrr�hull puy�hc prcmiums rryuired to muinwm mortgagc�nwruncc in effect,ar tu provide u
<br /> � ... �' loss rexerve,until the reyuin:ment fur murtguge insurnnrc end.in arcordunce with uny written agreement between Borrower ��-`'
<br /> � �.:.
<br /> , and Lender or applict�ble luw. �•��`
<br />— � 9. Inspection. LcnJcr or i�s ugcnt may makc rrusunubl�cntri�s u�m and inti�x:rtion+of thc Propeny. Lendcr shall
<br /> —., ' . ,� give Bortnwer notic�a�the time of ur prior io un inspectiun��xcil'ying nu.��nahle cau.rr 1'��r tlx inxprction.
<br /> -- ., , 10. Condemnation. Thc pnxcrd,ot'any�ward ur rlaim titt damiigcy,direrl ur conscyucmiul,in cunnection wilh uny
<br /> S�nµlc N;unily••Fpnnlr�fue�Freddk�tuc UNIFIIKM INS'1'Rl'NEM1"I'•-Umlunn('nvcn:un, 9/9D qwx�•{n)n�ruxrs�
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