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t1F'ir�:t , r ..�„'�����,"� T' � ` .�. ___. . <br /> ' ,*.•. .f� •:� � <br /> � • �� ' ..� <br /> J-=._�.__..,��� . <br />- � ` ' 9 10559G <br /> � 2 <br /> w ma t If for rclnstalentent)befao sele of thc Property pursuant ra uny pc�wer af salc conta�ned in this <br /> — eppliable la Y pc� Y <br /> Securiry lnruumatt;or(b)entry of a judgment entorc:ing this Security Insuument. Those cunditions arc ih�t Borrower. (a) <br /> paya l.ender all sumr which then wnuld be duo under this Socurity Instrument wnd the Note as iF no occelen�tion hAd <br /> accumed;lb)cures�ny defauU of�ny aher covenants or agrcementa;(c)pays�II expensea incurred in enf�rcing this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument, inciuding, but not limi�ed to.rcasooAble attomcys' fees:and(d)wkes such uction os l.ender may rcasonably <br /> ���_"� requirc tn assuro tiwt�he lien of thia Secu�ity Inswment,Lender�s rights in thc Property and Borraweri�obligation ta pay the <br /> .=� <br /> ----- --_-� <br /> eums socured this Secudly Instrument shall cundnue unchonged. Upon reUs�utement by 8orrower, this Securlty <br />_ __�___--_J_:_ -, Inatrument and abligWlons ccxvred hereby shall remain iblly effeccive as ii no ececlemtlan had occuRed. However,thir <br /> riQht lo oeinst�te xtwll nw apply fn thc case of acceleration undcr puagraph 17. � <br /> 19. Sa{e o�Note;Ch�e of l.oAn Servfce� 'llie Note or u partial interesl in Ihc Note(togciher wl�h thia Security <br /> lnstrum�nt)may bc sold nne or mutc Iimes without prfor notice to Borrower. A salc muy result in a change in thc entity <br /> ({uwwn as the"Lwn Servicer')that collects monthiy{sayments due under the Note and thia Security Inswment. Them also <br /> _— ewy be ane or morc changes of the L.oAn Scrvicer unrclated ta a aale of the Nate. If there is A chnnge of the Loan Servicer. <br /> ��;�� will a atc tholowne iw►d pddress of li►e new Loan Servicercnnd�thecaddrcss o whc h pnyments shcwld�be made'aThe oti e�wfll <br /> T� . ''�'� also contxin any other infortnrtion rcquirod by applic�ble luw. - <br /> '� 20. H�rdous Substaaeea. Borrower shall nat cnuse or permit�he presence,use,disposal,storage,or of any <br /> '�=�...� Hazardous SubsWnces on cx in the Propeny. Bomower shall na do.nor ullow anyone else to do,unything affecting the _ <br /> L`� propeny that ie In vlolaQon of any Environmental Luw. The preceding�wo sentences shall not apply to Ihe presence.use,or <br /> ---� starage on the Property of amull quwtdties of Hazardous Subs�ences that are generally recognized to be nppropriate to nonnal <br /> �- rcsidential ures and to maintenoncc of the Property <br /> --"a Borrower ehall promptly give L.cnder wdlten notice of any investigntion,clnim.demand,lawsuit or othcr action by Any <br /> _ �� <br /> ° guvernmeotal or rcgulutory agency or private party involving�he Propeny and any Huzardous Subslunce or Fnvironmente _ <br /> �����..i ' I.�w of which Botrower has Actual knowledge. If Borrower lesuns, or is notified by any governmentel or regulatory � <br />- `_.��-��-- -r� authorlry,�hat�ny remuval or other mmediation of any Hazerdous Substance affecting�he Prc�eny is necessary,Borrower — <br /> —�"`-°'���'-�� ahall prompUy�alce all necessury rcmediAl actions in nccardunce with Environmentol Law. <br /> ����� � As used in thia pamgrnph 20,"Hnzardous Substunces"are those subslancea defined us toxic or huzardous substunces by <br /> -�--�-�_'-_"�����'�" Environmental l.s►w and the fallowing substances: gaxoline,kerosene,ather flammable or roxic petroleum praducl.c,toxic _ <br /> ���� Tk '' pesticides und hefiicides,volutile solventti, muteriuls containing asbestox or formaldehyde,wid radiouctive materials. As _ <br /> `�`�`"`� used in this paragruph 20,"Environment�l Low"means federul laws and laws of tho jurisdiction where the Properry ix located — <br /> ��°'- � thpt relnte to health,sufety or emironmentul protcaion. <br /> �;��u,�. ' NON-UNIFORM COV ENANTS. Borrower and l.ender funher covenant and agrce ns follaws: _ <br /> � '�.. 21. Accekration;Remedks. I.ender shall glve nodce to Borrower prior to Acceleration Polbwing Borrawer's = <br /> !�""'"r"�' breACh of Any covenant or ngreement in this 3ecurity InslrumeM Ibut not prior to acceleration aader paragruph 17 <br /> =_-__ unles.c Applkable law provides otherwisel. The notice shall specify: (a)the defpult;lb1 lhe action required to cure ihe <br /> 3arw.�r . • defaWt;1c)a dwte,not iess ih�n 30 dwyn tnn�i iiie d�ie ihe�otice i�Rls'en to whkh!!�e default mact be <br /> y'��""`'=°' r cu�ed;And(d)th�t foilure to cure the deP�ult on or before the dAte specified in the notice muy result in acceleratlon of <br /> �""""��"' '� the sums secured by thLv Security Instrument And sale of the PropeMy. The notice shofl fuMher iniorm Borrower of — <br /> �s:.. - <br /> .i '{�{ ��"'•".r4 the right to relnstate Af�er accekratton And Ihe ri�hl to brinR a court Action lo assert the non•existence of a deiault or _ <br /> - .-..=t-- any olher detense oP Borrower to acceleration And sale. IP t6e dePault L4 not cured on or beiore the date speci8ed in <br /> .��;�``�:..� . the nottce,I.ender pt its opdan may require immediate paymenl in full of All sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument _ <br /> '.��i�:tr. � �'�•��.. without furlher demand and may invoke ihe power of sale and any olher remedicw permilled by �pplicable law _ <br /> , •;:.,,j:,,., <br /> .;,�,�.�,„...:. � ,�' I.ender shall be enlitled to cullect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pum�raph 21. <br /> r;: �_ ,�•-� including.but not limiled to.resissonAble atlorneys'Pees and costs of title evidence. _. <br /> If the power oP sale is invoked.'I�ustee shall record u notice of default in each county in which any part of the _ <br /> y���;,���,�. Property is I�cAted end shatl muN copies uf such naUce in the munner pre.ccribed by appHcable law lo Borrower and to = <br /> .+��� ��-.^-r•;;�� !he other persons prescribed by applicabte law Aner the time requfred by applicabte law.7Yustee shall give public � <br /> _:,;:;:,.f,,_;� ;, nottce ot sale lo Ihe persons and in Ihe manne�prescribed by app8cable laev. Trustee,without demwnd on Burrower. - <br /> •�r��•z• .� . shall sell the Property ot public puclion to the highest bidder at the time and place und uader the terms designated in <br /> " ��-•• ••. �a:.Y:; Ihe notice oP swle In one or more parcels and in any order 7Yustee determines. 'llrustee may postpone sale ot all or any -_ <br /> -�.�•�-�,� parcel of the Property by public announcement�t the time and pluce of�ny previuusly:scheduled sale. Lender or i�v - <br /> ;� desigaee mny purchase Ihe P�opePly at ar�y sale. <br /> •,•f,�t;,ti,.;�,;-. Upon receipt of ppyment of the price bid,'I�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the _ <br /> :,:.� ,�,-�,..,I, Property. The recitals in the 7YuRtee's deed shall be primn fucie evidence of the truth oP t6e statements made Iherein. _ <br /> 'I�urdee ehall apply the praceeds of Ihe sule in the Pdlowin�order: lal to all costs and expensesti oP exercising the puw•er <br /> -.1:'#�;t�]IIi��.,;�;. <br /> .�a��c.•�.as a��,. ' <br /> . <br /> ..r::. . <br /> , �%/'y,a,r,a:. . <br /> � • <br /> � . • , <br /> ��lr " <br /> . .. Murm 302tt 9/40 ��w�,qr t��/A p���r�l <br /> � . <br /> qi ,. , <br />� � ,,��; � ' L ' <br /> �I '7,;•_,L <br />_�' • 1 -T—..- •-- T- .�,o•.x-r.�.sw..w,w.n•.••�•�r'wt�'-MIi�1'�FlYI�V��Ntl�.WT�'.'�' <br /> �'�� O - _. .y,�,,.. .. � r .r�l��.� •�Q. - . <br /> �� �i ' _. _..._' _ . . . .. ... . __ ' . . — .. . — .._. _ ' <br /> u'aS.:}.'.6L:..t1M._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ <br /> ., l ' . . 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