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<br /> — ---�-=��� 92— 14ssaei
<br /> -- -- conciemnation ur�Nhcr lukin�af uny purl oi Ihe Propcqy,or 1'or cumcyunce in licu f cundemnu�ion,wr hrreby�sKi�{neJ+uul
<br /> — chali bo p•riai la L.cndc�.
<br /> In �he evenl af v �wul �aking uf�he Propeny. �hc procecdv �hall be upplied tu �he �umx securcd by �hia Security
<br /> Inr�trumcnl, whelhcr c►r n�K Ihcn duc, with �ny exceti�puiJ�o Burmwer. In the cvcnt of u purtiul tuking of�he Pn�pcAy in
<br /> {� which�he fuir markei vulur of thc PrupeAy immediotcly lx�fi�rc�hr iuking iti eyunl to ur grcutcr�han �he amaunt oP the�ums
<br /> � � sccurcd by thls S�rurlry In��rumc��Immediu�cly txfore thc tuking,unic�,Ram�wcr unJ l.endrr c�ihenvi.c ugree in wrfting,
<br /> -- �he sum�secured by this Secusity Inslnimenl shull be rcdund by Ihc umount c�l'Ihc pnxccd,mullfplie�l by tbc following
<br /> --�,.•.��
<br /> ����;
<br /> _;_��.�:*,� frueli�n: lu)ihe�MUI amount oP the num�c secureJ immedialcly hefon:�he�uking.Jivi�kd by f bl the f,�ir muricet va ue o � e
<br /> - - I'napcny immcdiately befim �he luking. Any bulunca tihall U�: paiJ to Qorrawcr. In thc c�en� ��f n paniul takfng of ihc
<br /> ' Property in which the i'ui�murket valuc of Ihc Pmperly immrdiu�cly t+cfi�m thc�o�.ing iy le.s ihnn nc� umount uf the.r•umx r
<br /> �� `" r�ccumd imrncdiwely before �he tuking, unlcsx Burruwer und Lcnder �Nhenvisc u�zmr in writin� ur unle.� upplicublc law
<br /> __ _�'_� othcrwise providex,tha pmceeds shull tx upplied tu�he�umY�ecurcd by thi�Secu�iry Mx�rumeni whe�her or nat�he numx•rm -
<br /> -------"`"'• Ihen duc.
<br /> �;� If the Pn�peny is ubandoned by Bnrr��wer,ur iP,af�cr n��iicr by Lender w SoRUwer�hut the conJrmnur offen ta muke
<br /> `'�� an uwurd or senle o cluim for Jumager,Bortxiwer i'aiM to rc��x►nd ki Leixlcr wi�hin 30 duy�uf�er�he dutc�he no�ice in�eiven.
<br /> - Lender ix auihorized to calk�ct unJ�pply the procecJs,a�ii.upti��n.eith�r�o re>•u�rutiun or�epuir of�he Proprrty or t�i the ___
<br /> �� �'"'�`.'°m`'}•- • �ums secured by Ihix Secu�lty Inglrumcnt,whe�her ar not Ihen duc.
<br /> ,�q��,�,„ ' Unletiti Lender und Borrow•er otherwire agrec in writing,Any u�%plicu�ion of pracreJs�o principal shull no�exlend or
<br /> ','�L,���::',�y ' ; postpane Ihe due date of�hc momhly paymem+n:Perrmd i��in paragruph�1 und 2�+r chonge Ihc umoun�ol'.rurh pvymcnlx.
<br /> ,�;:� ���L s� 11. Barrower Not ReleASedi Forbearance By Lender Not p Waiver. Ex�en�ion uf' thc time far puyment ur
<br /> =•����!`t• madificatian of umoAizution of Ihe sumx zecured by this Secuii�y Insuumen�grumed hy Lenckr tu uny xuccc.sor in intere�t __
<br /> - - �.: � of Borrower shnll nat oper�te to rclease the liubiliry uf the originul Borrowcr ar Barrawer� wrcc�son in intetest. Lender �
<br /> -'�-�r� w shall nM I+e requfred to cummence proceedingc oguin�t uny +uccensor in intercst or n:fuu ta extend time for payment or
<br /> --_ �' " " J•��- otl�erwise modify umonirntiun of the tiumti secured b,y thi�:Security Intitrumcnt by reuw�n of any dcmund madc by�hr uriginul �_
<br /> ° . �=�=��� p:-. ° Bomnwer or Borrower i+succe+sur.r in interest. Any forbcuamce hy Lender in exerci�ing smy�ight or remedy shull not be a �_
<br /> - •� woiver of or preclude�he exercise of any right or nrmrdy. -
<br /> "_,�' . � � 12. Successors And Assl�ns Bound;Joint And Several l.iubNity;Co-Figoers. The covenants und ugrcemems uf�hi+
<br /> ;_� . Security Inrtrumene,hall bind und beneCt the succe,ROn und u.�csigm of Lender und Boreower,subject io ihe provisionx of _^
<br /> =:=:�„�w _ . ��. , purngrnph 17. Borrower�covenam� und ugmemen�s tihall he joint und uverul. Any Borrower wha co-�igns this Security ^ _
<br /> -�"�•�' � •�•� Instrument lwt daeti not execute the Nate: (u)ix ca-signing this Security In+�rument only ta mortga�te.gront und convey thu�
<br /> �'�� '' ''' °''�: '"' Borrower� intere+t in the Property under the temis of this Security Instrument: Ibl i�not personully obliguteJ�o puy�he,um� �__
<br /> • ,o�,: :
<br /> - - •,..� •.' i�.~� � isecured by �hiti Security lnstrumem;and lcl ugrees�hat Lendcr und uny o�her Bortowcr muy ugree to extcnd,mcxlify,forbear _
<br /> ' • _a' ' o�make any accommadationr wi�h negard ta the terni�of �his Securiry Inx�rument or�he Note without �hut Borrower's ___
<br /> .Jr,� ' ..; .,;.. • - �. .... consent. __,.
<br /> ( j:
<br /> '�-;�' +� �- 13. Loan Charges. If�hc loun sec:urcd by thix Securiry lmtrument is subjec� ta u luw which ,e�s muximum loan __
<br /> -=`- =��`"�"��''-° charge:,and ihai 1au is fina!!y Inic�retsY!�.o lhai tf�e lnlerrst ar�Ilu�r I�u�n churges collected or to he collec�ed in connecti�n =
<br /> .. , • . ., wi�h the loran execed the permiaed limits,then: lu)uny aurh laun churge shull be reduced by the amount necessury to reduce
<br /> r•' ' Ihe churge to the permitted limit;unJ(b�uny sum.ulrx�udy rollec�ed from B�irrower whirh exceeded permiued limi��will t�e �
<br />- • �.: �. � refLnded tc�Barrower. Lender muy ch�w�e to mukc thi�refund by reducing�he prinripul owed undcr the Note or by muking u
<br /> � ; � . � direct payment�o Borrower. If a refund reducex principal,tlx�duction will t+r IRUted us u paniul prepayment without un� -�-_
<br /> . • a� prepnyment charge under thc Notc.
<br /> ...:. ' 14. Notices, Any notice to Borrower proviJ�d tiir in thi�Sccurity Inxtrumcm �hull bc given by delivcring it or hy
<br /> ,.,._.:.. muiling U by f nt cluss muil unksx applicublc luw rcyuirrti u,c��t'uni�tlxr methcxl.7'he natirc zhull br directed to the Property
<br /> � Address or uny other uddrer�Borrowcr dexignute�by noticu io Lender, Any m�lice 10 Lendcr shull Ix given by �nt clu�x
<br /> x � ' muil to L.endcr's uddre+x,wted hercin or uny othcr uddre,�Lrndcr drsignutr+by notice lo Borrowcc Any m�ticc provided far
<br /> �.,.
<br /> � � � . in thiz Security Instrumcnt +hull Ix: JccmcJ to huvr Ixen Fivcn to B��rmwcr or Lenckr when given uti pruvideJ in �his n
<br /> ��A rA •ovcrned b ticdrral law und the luw of�hc
<br /> " '" r �� P B1S(;overnfng I.aw: Severabillty. 7'his Sccurity In+lnmien� tihall Ix �. Y -
<br /> •�•• ' � juntidictbn m which thc Propeny ix kxuteJ. In Ihe rvcnt thut nny pmvi.ion ur cluusc of�hi,Seru�ity Imirument or the Notc
<br /> . conflict+wilh upplicublc luw,such runQict�hnll nut utTect o�her pn►vi.ion�of thi.r Srcuri�y Inxmunem or the Note which can
<br /> , �:r�� be given effe�t without thc contlic�ing provi.ion. To thi, and thc provisinn. at'd�iti Security In,trument and Ihe Nole ure
<br /> : '.. declnred to be xeverable. --
<br /> „ .},4j;,:,.. ; Ib. B�rower's Copy. Burrower+hull Ix givrn onr runti�rnuJ r�ry�y of thc Notc und nf thi,5ecurity h�+�rumen�. _
<br /> .� . 17. 7Yanster uf!he Properly or u Beneticial Interest In Borrower. II'ull ur any p:m of thc Pm�xny or uny interc+t in
<br /> � " it is tiold or trunxfcrred(�►r il'u tkncticiul interest in Borrower i..oW�►r aamfrrrrJ und Barrower is not u nu�urul penonl _
<br /> ' . without L�nder's pri��r writtem m�xrnt.Lrnder muy. :u il.��ption,rei�uirr immrJiatr puyment in full of.dl xumx secured by -r-
<br /> '` , . � � . .�,., . this Securi ty In,wment. However.tlii.ciplion shull nrn Ix rxercised by Lrndrr if rxcrciae iz pr��hihilyd by federal Inw us of
<br /> - the dute of�hiz Securiry In+trumcnt.
<br />