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<br /> -�I n+uont ta any puwer uf salo cantalncd in this
<br /> — ����_ applicoble law may Rpecffy for rrinate�ement)befare sale of Iht RopenY pu
<br /> • Security Instrument:or(b)entry of�►judgment enforcing this Secudty Incirumcnl. Tho�condilions we tf�at Borrowcr: (A)
<br /> pwys Lender al! �ums which Ihen would be due under ihis Security Ing�rumcnt and Ihe No�c us if na nccelcration h�d
<br /> �, cecumed;(bl curer anY d�fp���°f anY°�h���°venantx ar ugreemen�s;(c)payr�11 cxpensex incurted in enfcxcinA thia Security
<br /> �•_:,� Inswment,including, hut nnt limited lo, reasanable uttomeys'fees: and(d►tukex r�uch uction nv l.cnder moy re�sonab�y
<br /> �� requi►c to�s�urc tiwt Itw lien oP this 3ecu�ity Inswment.Lcndcr's rfghis in thc Property ond B�nuw•crb oblip��ion to pay th�:
<br /> -- ------� Ruma sccuad b thia Security lnctrumcnt siwll eontMuo unchan�ed. Upan �einctatement by Qurrownr. �ni� Sccurity
<br /> �_�..a
<br /> ,�.------
<br /> — � - - - -- ' Inatrument And� ol�li�wiuna r�:cured hereby shall remain fully effective eg if no acreleralion hod uccurrod. However, �
<br /> -� �i�ht to rcinstatc shall nd�pply in thc w�e af uccelcrWion undcr paragraph IT. �
<br /> ---�i �q� S�e ot N1o�e; Chaq�e of lawn 4e�vker. Thc Natc or u panial {ntcrca! in Ihc Natc ltogether wilh this 5ccurily
<br /> lnslrument}may bc+sv�d onc or more timeg wlthaut pdor notice ta Bortowcr. A snlc may rcsult in a chut�ge i��he cntity
<br /> — —x_;,�; (knawn as Ihe"Loan Servicer")that collecls monthly paYmeMs due under the Nate and�his Security Inauument. There a�so
<br /> v�--°"�y=a may bc one or more change4 af thc l.oan Scrvicer unrelotai to a ra�lc af thc Nac. Ii thcre ir�u chnnge of thc Lo�n Servfcer,
<br /> �"'=`� Bomnwer will be given wdt�en notice of the change in uccardunce with pnragruph 14 ubove and applicablo I�w. The noticc
<br /> a�`�•=L+� will awte the name and nddreas uf the new Laan Servicer nnd the address lo which payment�shi►uld be rtwde. The notice will
<br /> ---:,�.r;; also contain any other iniarmation rcyuired by�pplicable law.
<br /> `'�—� 20, Hwzardous SuMlaaces. Bortawer ahull not cuuse or permit the prcsenre,use.diaposul.storuge,or rclease of any
<br /> � ='�� Hazrudous Subcwnces on ar in the Pr�►pertY• BoRawer shall not do.nor ullow anyone elr;e to da, unything afPecting the
<br /> —_-':Ir.'t t'.�� _.
<br /> ����F.�,���� propeny ihat ia in violAtion af any Enviranmentol L.uw. The preceding two senlence4 xhpll not apply to Ihe presence,use.or
<br /> -=PM�a:�;-...� storage on�he Propeny af small quan�i�ies of Hazurdous Substunces�hat cue generully recognized to be uppmpriate to normul
<br /> residentfal uses and io maintenunce af the Property
<br /> � -�:�_����� sorrower ahell promptly give Lender w�lten naice of any invesdgntion,claim,demund,luwsuit or other ac�ion by uny
<br /> - ''-':���,:3� g rY 8 Y P P P 8 P� Y Y
<br /> _--�•w,,-�s:o.;,,,,,,,�� '• �uvemmen�al or re ulato u enc or ri�ate art invalvin the Pm n und:in H+uanluu.SuMtance ar Emironmenenl --
<br /> _ -- °'�-�.�r._� Lnw of which Borrower hos uctual knowledge. If Burn►wer Ieums, o� is aotified by any govemmental or regulatory � _
<br /> ,�_„�;�`��`� authority,lhat any removal or ather remediution of Any Hazurdoux Subxt�►nce nffecling the PiropeAy is necessary.Borrower __
<br /> `��—��; ` shall promptly wk�all necessary remedial uctions in accordunce with 8nvironmentul Law. �^•_
<br /> �"'' �!c�•'• Aa used in this psuagruph 20,"HAZUrdous Subswnces"ure those xubstancea deflned as taaic ar hozurdous substancec by �'
<br /> - � Environmental Law and the following subs�ances: gu.soline,kero�ene.other tlammuble ar tazic petroleum productti,toxic �'
<br /> - +'�Si;��fl��;.:��j;,s��'' . pesticides end herbkides, volatile solvents,muteriuls containing asbes�ox or formuldehyde, nnd radioactive muteriuls. As
<br /> :, ��
<br /> :L.:'�" ;�;'„`thh±��°,'.�•r:�„. used in this parogroph 20.„Environmentnl L.aw"mcans federul luws und Inws ai�he jurisdiction where the Pmperty is locutecl
<br /> ,-, , '�;���_ •. � thwt telnte to henith,snfety or environmentul prcuection. _
<br /> ' 4'" '�'� "'` �� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender fuhher covennnt and Agree c�followc:
<br /> � 16�'�:�• 21. AcceleraUon;Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Burrower prior to accelerntion tollowing Borrower's
<br /> :; u
<br /> `� � � breach of any covenant or agreement in ihie Securily Inslrument lbut nat prior to Acceleratbn under paragrAph 17 _
<br /> _�:_•:� �k�''�i..-.� —
<br /> _ _ T �����p����sy�QY�otherwlsel. The noUce shAll specify: (a)the de�aull;�b)lhe action requi�ed to cure the _
<br /> '� � default;(cl a dAte,not less thon 30 dpys f'rom the date the notke is given lo Borrowe�.by whkb the defauit must be
<br /> � •;;';�;,;t. .- • cured;and(d)that failure to cure the deiAUlt on or before the date specitled in Ihe notice may re�ult in Acceleradon uf =_
<br /> " the sums secured by this Secu�ity Inslrument and sate oP the Property. The notice shall fuHher inform Borrower of __
<br /> " � the right to reinstate after accelerallon And the right to bring a court action lo asserl the non•existence of a deiault o� --
<br /> �. `:..,; . � any other dePense of Borrower to accelerption and sale. IP the dePault is not cured an or before the dale specified in _
<br /> • • the notice,[.ender pt ils option mAy require immediate payment in tull of all sums secured by this Securily lostrumenl �
<br /> °`���. ' ° without turther demand And mAy invnke the power ot s�le and uny other remedies permilted by �+ppUcnble IAw _
<br /> � `"`'`�� � � Lender si�all be entitled to collect oll expenses incurred In pursuinR tde remedies provided in Ihis pprAQraph Zl, _
<br /> j �,��� including.but not limiled to.reason�ble attorncys'Pees�nd cos�g of litle evidence. `_-
<br /> IP the power oi sale is invoked�'lirustee shall record a notice uf dei'nult in eACh caunty in which any part of the `
<br /> ' ' ��' � property is IocAted And shall mail copies oP such notice in the manner prescribed by applicabk law to Borrower and to =__
<br /> ' _. - the other persons prescribed by applicable IAw Aiter Ihe time required by�pplicable law.'IYustee sholl give puMic
<br /> ' �Y.
<br /> nottce of sole to the persuns and in Ihe manner prescribed by applkable law Tiru4tee.wilhout dem�nd on Barrower. F�
<br /> ���'.,��:._ shall sell the Property at public auction lo the highesl bidder at the fime and place ond under the termq designated in
<br /> ' "':�;;,�,,,;;;:. a the notice oi sale in one or more parcels and fn any nrder'11�uslee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale ot all or s�ny r;:
<br /> „ �.,�:,:,, .:;•,, porcel ot Ihe Prope�ty by public announcement at the time and place of'�ny prevbusly scheduled sssile. L.ender or its r=
<br /> ., , designee may purchpse the Property at uny sule. __
<br /> .'����� � Upon receipt of payment of the pr ice b i d.7lrustee shull deliver to the purchuser'I�ustee'.�deed cunveying ihe
<br /> . ��... .F F
<br /> . ��,,,;;�;,,t..,, , • property. The recitals in the'IYustee's deed 4ha11 be prima Fucie evidence of the t�uth uf the sWtements made therein. �
<br /> {��°�� - 'll�ustee sbWN apply the pruceedy ui'lhe sale in the tullu�ving order. lul to ull costs and expenses oi'exercising Ihe puwer E
<br /> � _.a.,.. . --�-
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