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�! � <br /> _— l._. _" r. .r. _--__-�—_—.� . �� . , �! " i.�•�_ <br /> -- n l�"n. � __ <br /> � 1 '�� .} '�--. ___ •. . <br /> � � n <br /> j .. <br /> `�• ^ � <br /> � 92-- ..�,��i <br /> � , '+ p�riad� �hRt Lce�der reyuirca. Thc insuraocc currier provlding�ho inFUruncc hhull be cboKn by Ba�v���j �Lenciere <br /> < �pprovai whkh�h�ll not be unreaxambly whhheld. If R�Nrower fall+►to m�+imuin cuveru�e deKribcd nbnvc,Lciul�r <br /> Lender's op�io�,abtAin coverogc tu pro�ect Lcncicr:rl�ht�in thc�o�x.ny in wcnrdunrc with purug�uph 7• <br /> All insuru�ue palicics un�l mnewul�xlwll he Wccepipbic tu I.c�xicr und�holl inclu�k u uanJnr+d morlgoge rlauRC. l.encicr <br /> Khall huvc Ihe right N�hold Ihe pniiciex wtd rcoewolw. If l.etKler reyuircx,Bnrruwer.hull prom�tly gfve�u Lender all mce�ptx <br /> nf paid prcmiums and rencwal naicec. In ihe cvcn�of luss, &►rsuwcr�hall�{ivc prumpt notlrc w�he insurwrce currfcr and <br /> .� L.ender. Lemie�may muke proof of losa if not mwb pmmptly by Anrn�wer. <br /> "" ��--- � Uolcs� Lciulcr und Sarruwcr othcnvfsc ugrec in writing,in�urancr pr�xr�d+�hall he upplicd to re+torulfun ur rrpuir of <br /> -- -- - <br /> �}u propcqy domagal, fi the rc.rtcxotion or repuir is economirally feasihle iu�J Lrndrr: �ccurity i. aot IcxseneJ. if �hc <br /> " �estarution or rcppir is na economicully feu.�iblc ar L.crnk:r�+r�ecurity w�wld ix�Ie.unrJ, Ihc inwrunce pracecds .rhall be <br /> upplicd to the sumx se�:ut+cd by this Sccurily loriniment,whe�hcr ur n�w thrn Ju�. with uny excetiti puid to Borrowc►. If <br /> ___ porrower abandons the Property, or dcea not unawe�wilhin :1i1 day.r u nairc fmm L.cnJer�hAI Ihe insurunre currier ha� <br /> �_ ._� affered �a seule u claim,then Lender muy collect thr in+urunce prn�eedx. Lender muy u�e�he pnx�ds w repair or mstom <br /> ---� �he PropeAy or�o pay gums u�ured by Ihis Security InKtrunkn�,whether ur nat thrn due. 7'hc 3ll-duy prriaf will t+egin when <br /> -------„_� --=-� Ihr�wti�ti i,given. _. <br /> Unlesv Lender und 8orrower Mhcrwi+e ugm� in wriiing,uny upplicnlian af pnxeeds tu principul hhull nal extend or <br /> _ pwtpone thc duc date of�hc manthly puymentx nfcrm�l u�in pamgruphr I and 2 or chungc the umount af the paymenls. If <br /> — under paragraph 21 the Property ia ucyufred by Lrnder, Barmwer� ri�tM �o uny in.urunre �xilicie. and proceeds re�ulting <br /> -- from d�mage to thc Pn►perty prlor to the ocyui+�itb�rtwli pu.�r�u Lendcr to Ihe extent of'ihe sumx.ccumd by�his Security <br /> laat�ument immediutely priur�a the acquiaition. <br /> b. Occupancy� Preserv�tion. MolntenAnce nnd Protecllon of the PropeMyi Borrower•s L�wn Aphlications <br /> __ _ __ _ _, L.easeholds. Bormwer shalf accupy,establiah,nnd use 1he Pro�rty m Borrower4 grincipal re+idence wilhin tiix�y doys ufter <br /> - Ihe execwiun of thiw Securf�y Instrument and xhull continue ta occupy�he Pmpeny as Buieuwrr;principul�sidence for ut � <br /> -- �- -�' leust ane yeur ufter the date of arcupaney, unlec. Lendcr otherwisc ugrecw in wri�ing, whinc �onxent xhull not be <br /> -__—;�,i� unreasonably withheld,or unless exteouating circumntuncc�rxirl whicb ure heyond Banawe�k con�ml. Borrower.hall nat <br /> � ��°°=°r'"� dcstroy.damage ar impuir the Pn�pcny.allow Ihe Pu►Exhy to Je�eri�rute.�N commii wu.��e on thc Propeny. Borrowe�zhall <br /> `"""�"�"'.: �'� be in default if any forfeiture nction or praceeJing.whelher civil or c�iminnl,is begun thut in Lender's g«d fuith judgment <br /> � could resWt in forFciture of the Pro�eny or olhenvix mutrriully impair the lien cn:uted by thix Securl�y Instrument or <br /> Lenderh�ecu�ity interes�. Bo�rower muy cure such u defuult und mins�utc,ux provided in pnrugruph 1 cou,ing�he uction <br /> �'S�o_ �. ��� or proceeding ta bc dismistied wilh u ruling that,in Lcnderk goal fnilh Je�erminutiun,precludeti forfciture af the Borrawcrw <br /> �, .�.��.t;�. <br /> i4�,;:1•,��-:-� interest in the Property or oiher muteriul impainnem of the lien creuteJ hy i6i� Securny Inxlrumem or Lender's kcu ty <br /> = intem�:t. Bomnwer shull ulw be in default if Borrower, during the luun up}►lic+ui�m process, guve mu�eriully fnlse or <br /> _ � :�� inuccurate informution or.tatemerns to Lender(or fuiled to pmvide l.cnder with uny muterful informutionl in cannec�ion wi�h <br /> the losm evidenced by the Note, including. but na limited�o, repmsenlulions runceming Bormwer: cecupuncy nf �hc <br /> pnyx�y ue a principnl residence. If this Security Inr�rument is on u levsehold,Bom►wer xhull cumply wi�h uU the provisionr <br /> s� — of the leosc. If Borrower acyuires fec tille ta the Propedy,lhe kaschotd unJ Ihe fee titic tihall not mergc unless Lencier ugrces <br /> _ �,p..;,; ..,., to the rnerger in writing. <br /> --_ _"� 7. Protectlon of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If soROwrr fail��n perl'iimi Ihe rovenumti ut�d uFreemems <br /> �� canwined in this Securiry Imwment, or�here i, u Iegul paxceding thn� muy +ignilicuntly uffect Lender� rights in the <br /> ;:;;rti ;` •,; • .�, property(such ar u pmceeding in bankruptcy.probute,for condrmna�ion�►r Port'eilurc ur to enfurce luw�s or regulatioml,then <br /> . � .:u�� i.ender may dn und pay for whutevcr ix necetirury to protcrt�hr vidue oi'ihr Propeny and l.endcr;riph�x in thr Pruprhy. <br /> � +�'`�'`"�� ���• '� Lender!�actiona muy include paying uny sum�xecund hy�lien whi��h hur pri�►riry ovrr�his Security Ins�rument,uppeuring <br /> = '�""1°"�1°"'` in court,paying reuwnuble uttorneys'fees und cntcring on the Pm�rty �o mvkc repain.Although Lender muy�uke uctinn _ <br />�';�`" . '';'�''''•' `���,�'� under�his puragruph 7,Lender docs nat have to do so. <br /> -� ' ��•' Any umounls di�buned by LenJcr under thi�parugraph 7 ,hull Ixcumr uJdilional dclx uf B��ROwer+ecureJ by tbi� <br /> '"'9' �` 't .,•`d�`�;�; Security Ins�rumcnt. Unlrsz Bormwcr unJ Lendcr a�rce to u�hcr tcnm of puymrnt.�hc�e umoum,�hull txur inlcrr.t 1'rom�hc <br /> -- ,i' +_ <br /> ' ��J"�'''�°•"'�"; date of disbunement ut�he Nate rutr und shull Ix payAhle, whh io��rc�l,upnn ncnice from Lender to Borrawer reyuetiting <br /> � a� � <br /> ,,=.t;,•,.,:. Pnyment. <br /> . '���"�'�"` � B. MoHgaRe Insurunee. If Lender reyuircd monguge in+uronce a.u r�mdi�ion of muhing�he loan.ecu�d by �his <br />- `'u'��'�''��"' Securiry Inslrument, Bnrrower tihull puy Ihe premium. reyuircd lu muintuin �he mongi�gc in.urunce in elTect. If,i'or any _ <br /> ° _ ���� reuson, ihe mortguge in.u�unce covrroge rcyuired by Lenekr lap.r, or reu.c� to ix in cl'tect, Bormwer ,haN puy Ihe <br /> " � premiums reyuircd to ��Muin co�•eragc .ub.�unti►dly equivident �o the monF:igc in.uruncc previuurly in ct'frrt. u� a cart <br /> '-��'�'".. <br /> • ,, j subuunlially equivalent to�he ro.l k� Bom�wcr ol'the mongu�c in.urunre prcviou�ly in elfrct. from an uUernute murl�ugr <br /> ='t"`�' ° ''° � � insurcr approvcd by Lrndcr. II'wbstunliully cyuivalcnl monga�e in,urancc ruvcrugc i�nnt uv�ilaM�.Borrowcr tihull pay to <br /> � . ':��.�._., ,,�;1;•i <br /> . . .� =��,s-. �•',,� Lender cuch monlh n sum cWuul to onr-twrlf�h nf'thr yrurly monguFr insurnnrc prcntium lxing paiJ by Bnrrowc�when�hc <br /> �. insurnnce c�werage lupxcd�ir cru,ed to he in rticc�. Lrnder will uccrpt.u�e und r.tain�he.c paymenl.uti u lo.�re�erve in lieu <br /> � ���••-••• � of mortgagc insurunrc. Loss rcxcrvc p•rymcnt.muy n��longcr I� rcyuirrJ, u�ihr uplion ul'Lendcr, ii'mortgugc in.urr�ncc <br /> ',:,;�,�_. <br /> ' �,;�w,�.�!-.,,.;, covcruge lin the amount und for Ihe�xrial tha�LrnJrr nyuirrtil proviJed hy un in�urcr upprnvcJ hy Lrndcr t�guin Ixconx+ <br /> . ..�.i:��•� ;,s-;�' uvailnblc imd ix ubluincJ.Borrowrr shull puy thc prcmium.rcyuircJ t��muiinc�in monga�c in,uruncc in rtfec�.or�o pnwidc:� <br /> � , loss reservc,unlil the myuirement I'or mon�ugr insurunce rndx in iiccorJuncr wilh imy wriarn agi�emem he�wecn Burrciwer <br /> .. :� �' ,� '.n;;�. und Lrnder or�ipplicuhlc luw, <br /> . '.. '''��'� 9. Inspertlon. Lcnder ur il�agcnl may mnkr na.on,ihlr cntrie.u�wm and im�xrliun.uf the Pro�xny. Lcnder.hall <br /> ., '�;i�,%� give Bomiwrr notirc a��hc tinm af or pri��r lu un in,�xctiun,�cifying nuwnuhlc r:�u.x Irn•Ihc in,�x•c�iun. <br /> •:..;�,'.: : 10. Condemn�lion. Thc pr�erd.ol'any uwurJ ur rluim tbr dimrigr..�lir�rt��r run, rnnncrtion wiih uny <br /> . • n '., tiln}Ic l�:m�ily-•Funnic�1uc�hYcddlc�toc 1�11F'11R�I Ititi1'NI'NP:�'P•-1'nitunn Cu�cnnm� 4,4p �p,�e,•7,�/�y.�tr�i <br /> � , . -'��'•. �n�w LY��Uu•m�v I�nnw lix � <br /> . , l .`,�::r tu�MArr�'�YI IaMUS(pA3!I:f�1 FA\�de t7 41 f�1 <br /> � � 1.t`: <br /> ; .. ' _ - �..��......�w...�•...,-��-..-�--_- - — ' .., <br /> � .f. �r`���pllJ♦ 1�:C�� :.'V�.�'� t- ... ��T. ... • , � •�4�.�6�i���l"1�� - . . �, <br /> , , �,'�'!" , ) .L . U .. . . • 1 . �. �1 . i . ., <br /> .'__ ._.. _ �l-n"�?SNi�Si4�:11_—_ __ ___... �... . .� - <br /> .. ._ ._...__ ._"_ _�r_ —_ __.—_ _ ___ _. —__"____.—' _ " " . ... "' _"'. . . ....._. . . . ." '_.._.._ .. ...."'__"__ __.... <br /> .�t <br /> V � .. � <br />. .. . u. j�. .. . . ' .. ., <br /> I <br /> • `� � _ y _ <br /> , . � • , _ - _ <br />