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<br /> TOClETHFR WITH ell 1he impmvemenls no�v on c�reafter erccted an the property,and all c�semcnt++,uppunenunccs,
<br /> � ��I u�d fixturct now or hereaftcr a part oi the prupeny. All replacemenls ond addi�ionK shull alcu bo covcrcd by�his Securiry
<br /> Instrument. All of thc furcgoing is refemed to in this Sccurily Instrument av�he"Propeny."
<br /> — I BORROWER COVENANTS�hot Bortuwcr ix lowfally�eiscd of�hc es�utc hcreby convcycd and hus�hc dght to gram
<br /> -------• � and convey�he Property and�hut the Propeny is unencuml+ercd,except for encumbrances uf recorJ. B�rrawer warrAn�s und _
<br /> �� will defend generally tho Utle�o the Property aguinst all clnims and demondc,aubJect to uny encumbrAncex of record. __
<br /> "�.,,�,"'�� THIS SECURI7'Y lNSTRUMENT combinea uoiform covenanls for natiunol utic and nan-uniform covenunts w11h —
<br /> --��-,--,--- --
<br /> - -- � limited vutiouons by jurisdiction to cunatiw�e a unifurm secnrity inrtrument cuvcring rcul proporly.
<br /> --�--�-��� — -
<br /> _a UNI�ORM COVENANTS. Bamower and l.ender ccvcnant nnd agree as follows: __
<br /> _�-��� 1. Payaxnt at Principri aad Intereet;PrepsymeM and Late ChArges. Barrowcr shull promptly pny whcn duc thc
<br /> —I princip�1 of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note a�d nny prcpayment ond lute churgea due under the Note.
<br /> '-! 2. F ti a d s t o r 7 l m c e s n n d Ias ur nnce. Sub Joct to a p pliceble luw ar to a w�tten wuiver by Lender.Bortawer shall pay lo _
<br /> ,���
<br /> �•+��-•-_�i L.ender on 1he dey monlhly paymems are due under the Note,until Ihc Note is puid in full,u sum l"Funds")for:(a) yea�ly __-
<br /> -------- � taues and assessments which may�ttain priority uver�his Secur�ty Instniment a.g a lien on�he Properly;(b)yearly leaschold _
<br /> , pstyments or ground mnts on �he Property. if' nny; (c) yearly huzerd or property insurnnee premiums; (d) ye�rly 8cwd
<br /> �_.�,, .=�.: I insurance premiums. if any; (e) yearly maAgoge insurance premiuma, if uny; und (� any sums payable by Borrower lo a
<br /> �_____._��,_,.,�:tr T � Lender,in accoMance with the provisions af pumgrnph 8,in lieu of the puyment of mongage insurar�ce premiums. These �.__
<br /> "'"-'��'�� - �� , items are called"F.scraw Items.' Lender may.su ony time,collect nnd holJ Funds in an Amount not to excced the maximum - -
<br /> "`."""s'�`�`�` ' amount a Iender for a federally relAted mongage loan may require for Borrower�s escrow account under Ihe federol Real �
<br /> -�Y�``�=��•,`�: Estate Settlement Procedures Act af 1974 as amended from time to timc, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another �_.-
<br /> ° �"-� law that appliea to Ihe Punds sets a lesscr wnount. If so,Lender moy,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount nat to
<br /> --- "'"'"�`°`'����'' � excccd the Ie.rser amount. Lender may esdmate !he amount of FLnds due on ihe t►asis of cument cuua and neasonabla =-
<br /> __ _ ;s_`� I estimates of eapenditures of future Escrow Items or olhenvise in accordance with upplicable Iaw. °-'-
<br /> �------��_�_�' The Funds shell be heid in an institution whose deposi[s are insured by a federai agency, instrumentalily.or entiry �._.
<br /> . ��i�... � _.u'
<br /> ..•.; .' �ti' (including l.ender.if Lender is such an inatitutian)or in nny Federal Home Lonn Bunk. Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay
<br /> _ u` the Escrow Items. L.ender may nat charge Borrower for holding and applying the Flmds, annuully analyzing the escrow �-;L:
<br /> x�{��'��';�SA4 account, or vediying the Escmw Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the �nds and applicable law permits =_
<br /> ' �' Lender to mnke such a cherge. However, Lender mny require Bortowcr ta pay a one-time charge for an independem real ---
<br /> o a�;l,,,:,;,;;:k:. , estate tex reporting service used by Lender in connectfon with this loan,unless applicuble luw provides otherwise. Unless an _ --
<br /> -_�;�•,+�+Kr;�,•� agreement is made or applicable luw requires interest ro hc paid,Lander shull not be required to pay Borrower any interest or _..
<br /> - -- ;��,.,i.;e.,.,,ti eamings an the Funds. Borrower and l.endcr mny agree in writing,however,that intcrest shall be psdd on the Funds. Lender
<br /> a'�'����'= ''�� shall give to Borrower.withaut charge,an annual uccounting of the Funds,shawing credits and deblts ro the Funds and the ,�;
<br /> — .�' a-�'• . � � purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mude. 7'he Fl�nds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by _«
<br /> �. _���•---_' this Securily Insdument. -=-
<br /> ;,9. ;.� ��q. � if the Funds i�old by Lender ex��ecd ihc �muw�t� ���uitt�i iu bz held by applicabk taw, L.cndcr shalt accaunt so =---
<br /> °-- ; � - Bomower for U�e excess Funds in accnrdnnce with Ihe requirements of applicable law. If Ihe amount of the Funds held by __
<br />_;��� ��/ Lander at any tfine is not aufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may sa notify Bortower in writing, nnd, in _
<br /> -- ' •?�,"1°�'. • such case Borrower shell pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> ;t.s��. �;'�: . ..,. �,_
<br /> � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puymenth,at L.ender's sole discretian.
<br />''-'�� .. � Upon pnyment in full of ull sums secured by�his Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower suiy -
<br /> =�� �,���;;,: s FLnds held by Lender. If,undcr parngruph 21, L.ender shull acquire or scll Ihe Property,Lender,prior to 1he Acquisition or v
<br /> �`°'� �- sale of the Property, shall upply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of arquisition or 9nlc us a credit uguinst the sums �
<br /> __ ,r,,.y„t,� V
<br /> ;::r�; .:.r.,�i._i`'• '. _ I secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> E�:t.-.
<br />•�'��� � .d-:.• . 3. Applieat(on of Poyments. Unless upplicuble law provides othenvise, ull pnyments received by l.ender under
<br />.�'?�'� �. paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�,to uny prepayment chargcs due under�he Note;second,to amounts p�yuble undar __�
<br />_""i�' � � paragraph 2;third,to lnterest due;founh,to principal due;und Ia�t,to nny lare chu�ges due under the Note. _ _
<br /> .,... • -
<br /> :t:�' ' 4. Charges; Liens, Borrower shull puy oll tAxes, ussc.sments, charges, �nes and impositions uttribulable to thc _-_
<br />_"�� a-. Property whicb mny attain priority over this Security Instrument,And Icnschold payments or ground rents,if uny. Borrower
<br />_W;�� �.��.:w- . , shall pay these obligntions in Ihe manncr provided in purograph 2,or if not puid in that munner,Borrower xhall pay them on �`�-
<br /> ;�, time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shull promptly furnish to Lender ull natices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> �_�� ••�-•-- �� '' this parngraph. If Borrower mnkes these puymems directly,Burrower shull promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing ��,__
<br /> ��r�• ._ the payments. -
<br /> ��•� � '�� � Borrower shnll prompUy dischnrge uny lien which has priority over thix 5ecurity Ins�rument unless Borrower:(u)nIIrees -- _
<br /> = in writing to the puyment of the obligution secured by the lien in u munner acceptuble to Lender,(b)contes�s in gaxi faith the `-'�
<br /> _;�-����•:�'�:, � i lien by,or defends ogainst enforcement of the licn in,lcgal prceeedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the __
<br />- _ I enforcement of the lien;or(c)secure�from the holder ot the licn un ngreemenl satisfnctory to Lenckr subordinating the lien
<br />-�L—�� � ,�:.. �� ; to this Securiry Instrument. If Lcnder de�ertnines that uny p•rh of the Propeny is suhjec�to u lien which muy a�tuin priorily
<br /> � . � • over this Securiry Ins[rument.Lender muy give Borrower u no�ice identifying the lien, Bortower shull sutisfy the lien ar tnke �-^-v
<br /> � �
<br /> .. one or more of the uctions set forth abovc within 10 duys of Ihe giving of natice. ru:;
<br />, J~`� � S. Hazard or Property Insurance. 8orrower shull keep thc improvements now exixting or hereufter erected on thc
<br /> • ' Pmpeny insured aguinsi loss by fire,hax;�rds included wilhin the term"extencled covcru�c"und uny ather huzu�dti,including �
<br /> , � floods or flooding,for which Lender rcyuircx insurance. Thi� insurnnce shull be muinmined in �he nmounts und for the
<br /> '�� � Form JYM 9/90 f/�+ge 2 nJ'Apuqttl
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